WEPNKSMW JANUARY I IDAS DAILY, WEEKLY SEMI-WEEKLY BY TIIK East Oregonun Publishing Comy.m , T V I.N ilm lingUO . n U l.Ali.Y lPrt,,v lata t 0MV MM "i . ti ewrooby alx Meals W" krfcifirnfrnivh, l intfi r . Trial nutw'.ripil ii icV icinc . ' - OU-eUUeU MK-.nnti"N , ,i.: .Kpvun. yrar l. .... Ill Month. Mi, auinb i wiKi.Y i'- mi no ropy one Nil ix in. in nation l M topi l DKillUiK .o-. r f.J .H lm li.orlw.i" '" Wreal) I- i inOi.tli J.Jjn si'iiK-b.ur Ii-m. i" da I- i"'' " '" . fan MM M, irli-l T1 IMIij IfKiHlll ' .rtiirv Ii . i U i W " l . ! ' "I''1 Pr , MM .. i" IB rrflbrer In. in-. Ha I- l'"tl Ii yrt ninaiu - err thin- ln rt, In I tail) an. I weeMjT MM MMifMf mni'Oi . Ifi Ml la 0-1 in V. . . , -r liioiuli .. ImlilNlMM,!! r.M... iu in.iijwr o' " Uvi-r Hirer IllOSi -,m Tim Im - i" ( ni - Wrvaly.pt-r n i Ii if nionih No..t in t.nar. .. e.t .nl- mem in Hum u kly ra ly ! H "rt IBrlloti. per in. h (I 'V eav" BM - ii lii nuik-ra. Ma) cmta pur lia. lecli inapiuuu. AVOID ILL FEELING. WE NEED GOOD ROADS. The assertion rondo In tlio title of tills article ha tieeti Iterated and re Iterated to thi' BIOBta il tin- Mate H mint Ml Iterated and reiterated ainilti iiu! aunlii. until (.tenon iMM Rood .hi, Is Money ran be spent In HO man i, i to Inline nnlPk. i returns to ores .111 i. Hlili-nts or tn i.equenlh more to cnmluc aeneintlonn. tlian In Bttlldrgf 41 mm I , permanent hlnliwavs AtfttftUoil mtmt gO on ami tin- MfflfiPtn must emit) 00 tin- agitation.- Tin- QMWltotl BHMt Be" tlNeitssed. Amires printed. opinions hi experto nubUnhed, ami ever, phone ' UN matter not before :u public, nntn tun foreg of the pei p - -tent I nient COW pall offli'lHls to ill' tin worii mcaary, tn Uh mmA (U'sii . il It Mhi.iilil l BWMOMMr) t" av Km- tin- Mpadteneji ot attpandltn in antl iums Of DM9 "lon IM ilty Itn -tn ami country roailn. All clti mil it IntarMtatl, ami Um l onunu pjttfjfl will In1 tin- hotter when tin rotdfl an- put Into CO&dKtPS. BlptM nJtv ahOttU thin work he tfOM helmi IMS, WkM OiagOi will have Mill) iiltVfl who are to he pnMPNttVt el1 IMM Oregon mn "Oil prepuri' tn iboD them MttOT hlntnvay- "Ihmi thai 1 nine in look over the tae It would he unriHUKMiablP to expot that mcb an hattSM situation an that H bttWOW the 1 xux-ll. mayor ami rtll'l III IMlllee he .levolil nt feellllK Tha wnuM bt tn reekon without the rdlnarv knew h dite of human nature that thi 1 ommonent miml iMiKxeaneji Tet. It is pertinent Just now to roun el mini. -.at inn h all parties tn the Huifeiaj PoBdlatoB l aoinit tn ke Inlmvil b) the lueMott, nnlea- It that all koOB OOOl ami atlek eluae-1 tj tn CMUi OtMHSM ami OOUUtat ebar'i tt IhrtMlgb the nir In Hhh place ami every oof Is le-ailiiK all Mirts nt ra orti bjk! BlIafjMtoMi Kepfut mi- on bttug Inlureil am' M acrea opened that uutcht tn heal Political aoualaaratloM Mo iniitlno tnte the , as- am: in lin t, there are MB) lap turpi nt Um luvontiflutlan that an- not touducltn tn the right Villllt- Th. Baal Oregon Inn ronnoali tht llnmiatn ti o: ha. I iiilint; iu o tar a (hat ian be ai UWniHobail, " Mia Marooi nt tootle to all whn ura OHBOVMd It will he well tn poU tin- in miml i' ailKht hut tuOtJeo anJ alnjotatOt BOBOOt Inquiry pre Tail then wll! pemianent harm BO done to .ill whn are, BalSOtf up In the oflnii The plain truth Is .that the matter ar the marshal hi BV001 Btlhlo Of utan fariefl-t. of verdlcta BoeOOMag tn the jxunt if vlw 01 tin hMkfO Coinlu alouH .teriHcatory tn all miKht BO nahi-: I'emlletoii ha in th. (aat iwuiromiseil with unlawful practn aa H has 0000 pii ami above Main! Boarj erUaoo knew that it a PeiiiK ilon' I'uIiIh sentiment ara- Ml Murh- ienth advaneeil to sua la ir iiffl. lain ami minis in gum; all tin way towanls the .ero4fOgtlg of tin tanjhlinK and other fonua of il from whhh the city has taken ines that amounted tn lieenaes not ithstndinR the fowu ordlnum-ex oai the atote atatutes prohibited tin 11. I' has not heei. tin- intention at an time to prevent them from ex-utlru- imh t.. kiit them within BOOBgl 1'iirtherniore. theae fai t.--; have Ufi-n patent tn the atate . ourts. to Judge, to atrl at!orn U alieiiff. tn jua tire of the peaee. tn cooatohle, in faet Ki oTeryoni- iu the county who has ays and agjg and IMattgfJ appara tut. 0M county atate offlcials. clt Jieuv ehuich members tluwe not in the hun hes all everyone. ..veu the youutreMt child, knew that the law was iated that It was kIuk to In Tiolati .. that it wax Kolng to he winki i. at. t'he fai-ta relating tn .loiin Heath gag go matter what they may be aa arouKbi out b the invtmtlKatliiK conunittit are not different from tboitf that miKht have been stated truthfully during pant years. He has dune a chlefa of police in Pendleton have done for twenty years, with the noeptiona. If there he wrong, of Ihore he mai BggJM that wrong, that tualfoaa aace rents uion all who have had to eo with government, city, atate or rauuty It alao reals upon the pri vate, cltuen who haa allowed the L a tin.. . of the courts to rust while hi failed In invoke it to stop the things of which he now com plain. Here are some ol the phases ol the rase and the argue for modera tion by ali who have the iaposal of thia aifair I'euilleton will be better .I moderation and justice prevail FUTURE WORLD POLITICS. it is a nutter 01 plain Inference, one that goes without saying, he cause everybody nays It. that tin Po 1 ill. ...an Is main to he the center n! great dTU UM til Interest iu tin ,1. tairs Known as world politics Steam ami tleotrlcltjf hnve made the At Inntii o.ean narrow the movement ,c s. 1. MO and the alliances of COM OIOTN have made great Kuronean war impossible or mercilessly de structive tn all concerned, which Hmonnts tn the same thing The Atlantic an has aettled .low 11 to In a well Hilced MMBUMf g hannel a sort of BgUUtlr Fleet .tree an. I St-and. with I omburd and Wall Itn cts as lUgllll 10 Tin- the iter of adventure, of utriking sun s i.s. 01 huiiilluintinv i.illures of 'he kntghl errantry and trade bunting it u;.ut nations must he or. tin Pa ill. and in all this the United Stat.- rilling!) or not must take the lead ing nil HoWOllO is hers. CullfOI gut Wuohlggtog ami Oregon are 1. art- Of he own substance The Nlcarugn.i canal will soon Id oik 01 the gfeotes! nt In r tools. She has a outroUlng Intereol ot sntn.. aotl or mother iu the arrhliielnvo of the Phllllgplneoi Boreover bet dlplouuil I. a. blaeoMOUta In f'hlna hat efforts 10 k" ep ClaUD the threshold of the Open door, have had the virtual of feet to outOgd the Monroe lioctrine over eastern Asia It is not there in the form of a proclunMtlou no gauntlet 1- thrown tin plrtl ot the Monroe Doetrtgo Is 111 the face of grasping POOTMO, but there ami thorn will he some think Igg twice before such deeds as mark ad th.- opium wai of Kngland or the lUntMlfM 01 Frame in Tonkin 01 (lerman in Shim Tung will lie re peated. In fori casting tin great deeds which the Paclfii will witn. st two or . if.ntliK naturally come to the front In pioortion as these effotts are successful the must he deeds of at :i. . and not ot war In t)ie very nature of international point. . whatever Atlantic may seem to mean. Pacific Is pc;ic ml Wat dees uot 1 my any kind of war in tie t'a clftc 0000U will always he moat un profitable The triumphs of the Pa cific must bo triumphs ot OOOMBOfi success in eontmerei rests in gi will, honest dealing and a useful artl i le at ii re isonahle price offered In exchange for articles which some other nation can produce to better advantage Let lis look lit tiles.' points ill lie tail. First we cannot Insult ami hiimili ate a nation and yet MBOOl her trade Some ot It we may get. no doubt b MOM underbidding, hut not iu full measure. This rule may seem not t.. apply to chin. 1 for In foreign affairs 'tin.. 1 is not yet a nation, hut a mighty mass of helpless and untrain d humanity Her government lias oifftced for the Ideals of h. past. Her war with Japan deatroye.l these, ami for the present she floats as a huge derelict in world Hlltic Kut this condition will not endure The hois? of her salvation lie not in spoliation, but In redemption, and tin forces to this end lie in the strength and courage of the woung OhlM nl ready making Itself felt. It Is for the interest of civiliza tion. and preeminently . for the Inter est of the. United Rtates that China should make herself a nation, and hen she becomes such we wil ask her trade not with a club, hut with such semblance of her astute cere moniousness as the blunter western mind is able to assume. When China is u nation we ahull treat her as we treat other nations When thi is done she will case to he a "yellow peril." and she will of '. r us no menace whh h a wise and kindly statesmanship cannot avert. There are ways of compassing all that is essential In exclusion without the offensive element of the public xcluslon act When the fates clear ly Indicate the wisdom of treating Ohjgg a we treat civilized nations 'in agitation could he more short lighted and mischievous than that which urges us to treat other clvlll i d tuitions ns WO now treat China In the gOSl place hOUOW dOUllUg. as Mr. Hay has so well potMOd Otll and atin batter exemplified, is the strength or Amerieun diplomacy, it is the esentlal fact In the success Of American commerce To IUCC I 111 any kind of trade we must furnish a good article nt a reuaounble price in the long run i good article is tin product of aelontlflc knowl elontltte knowledge la the rennti ol tireless Investigation The mm min i, of Oertunny rests on the work of tin- Oertnnn unlveraltlea, a not) is the police of commerce, 01 ni Heiesford tints It. tin Imnmuci which the nation gives tn lis Blei chnnt Meet Hut the nav) rtoes ttol 11 BM this licet nt load It The tied is loaded in the gtghnfnetnreri am' these depend HUM the skill and 111 gonulty of those who Invent 01 adapt tin materials the Igetorleu pro duee. It hgj been itrougt) urged that F.nglnnd's wankttOM both In Mm niei.e and In war lies Iu her use Ol amateur rather than profession. il in vice. Hot generals ami enptnins an s. lt taught not trained in 11 rigid school 01 applied science of war Sin has scarcely any technical schools of any kind worth the name, and in bet universities the applications ot eel enci ire still regarded as matters be neath I endemic consideration This condition DM) muka. for rnl lure. hut it does not look toward commercial success, in mnnnfnctun and commerce, us everywhen elee It Is always science that wins the game Tin- rught growth of tin great schools of science in the nulvnral ties of America bus 1 11 one 01 tin most UOtUhle fentlins in flu edlUii t Ions I history of the past thlrtj v. ar- To this more than an otli or cause is due th ororBhurtowlnR tic. . ss of the American mnUttfhCtUI ON and commerce Higher ednea 1. on Is coming more ami more to III' .III development ot tile highest prOOttCUl effe. tlvepess Without abundant and effoctivi technical training good articles cannot Be pro liueed la competition with the world Nnviee, tariffs trusts ami other da i ices cannot take the place 01 exp knowledge. It Is also vit.ill' essential that t! mleea shnid be low it is the lesson 01 America that tin high priced In got properly lifted ami properl) ohertahed, Is more effect lee than cheap Inbot 01 any kind. The com petition ot servih ktbor in anv jmrl part in the wo' Id offers no permanent menace to American Indunto Wuul ly. we must rnmemher that all for eign trade is of the nature of a bar ter Nations must give ami tak- atui the selling or th. profits run noi Of be on one aide So wonderiul deeds will be done on the Pacific and on the shores within the lifetime of the gonerotion that is The great .anal will he bulli the fJoldea Onto win swiiu- wide open the gateway of the PugOi Soum' will never be closed ami the opon door of China win admit not only corn and calico, but the broutk of the Padtli in al! the meaning o the word- the spirit of civilization the message ot pence on earth goo.! will toward men David Starr Jot dan. in tin New York Journal. poisoned by Absorption POISON OAK, POiSON IVY, Through the porei of the skin many poisons are haorbedlnto the blood, dernnginR the circulation :mg- the constitution as quickly and seriouah - t h,. .c genet. itcil within the system. lust under tllCSKin lire lllliuuinninr ameuac muai ARBt-f? S ITUM, xr . and ronnectiuc ther with the skin on million of small tubes or glanda, through AND &KA2t& which the isiison is conveyed to the blood y bun During the spring and summer, while POISONING, fcf the skin 1 most active and the pores well aoun we ..re much mom liable to be affected by Potoon Onk and ivy and other opwa, we toy 1 , mntwr , .id ami 7111c have their health b noisoned tliroui h the absorption ol nnc particles 01 11 . r-- i i , 1 i,,i,,.t.,. i.. .Imi7otou nl.r.iV. 0. i-ci- , . i.i. . k.1 1 u Am ir"1.:'". acids used in pol, lung and cleaning them. Inhaling the it desSoy the effect! of the Dak and hvy that there is no poaaibUity of ml it is eiiually as cflicacious in In M s or lead poisoning or Bar- u m .ii.. ay aw -xpl.iimiii' your condition, and sss Massachusetts has Tn.noii more wo men than men CHANGE OF LIFE. Some Nensilili AUvirc to Wo men My Mi. la Sullt r. " DpgO Mrs. Pisku.vM : When I pa Met through what ia known as . ihaUgJO of life." 1 had two years' auf I. ring. kiuldeu heat, and as quioll thills would pasover ute : MS appetite wan variable and 1 never could tell for Kof eadgi i.nt.M. that pallid' waxv appearance of the akin. Barber Itch !"" .. ..' Uea t rea. b. - the blmxl through the skin, and is a most obstinate , . ,, ii 1 , , m. firml; fund in the system. After ute pwnaiHa reectieo me 1 , , an,i ,,,, disseminated ihrougbont the nm hhi too late torenart to local lt;., in man) 1 laaotM blood ia aflectejl sunulbineously w. Ii the appear , , a, nuh or erui ... on the skin, and all efforts should be directed to the ' ' it and bonding up of the blood. Ugly eruptions and sores will continue I ik out in iplte ol salves, washes, soaps or other external reatment. l' a 1 J .,,,, nd.-d for ooisons of this character. 80 com- . n. I" 11 nviuo. " . pletelv does us tea i n-. o. :i,y, u. j ....1 .1., ,...,.,, .1,. ..ir...,iiir. lier s Itch hm ding up ami liuruying un- wwm . , tapuritiesol everv kind, and rrmovit.g everv blemish, sore or eruption from the , Th re . no wbrtltute for S. S. S ; it it the only purely vegetable blood purifier known, and the ..test and best in all constitutional or blood diseases. Our Medical Consultation Department. If you desire any speoul information . ... v. ... iv te our plivsu-nuis, eznlaiuiug your coiiouion, ana thev will cartfulfy consider h it you have to aav and yon will receive a prompt reply. Our phyii Un h .vf msdea Uttdv 01 bUa ..I and skin duveaom, and vou eon have the benefit ot their experience and skill w ithout anv usi to you whatever. Don't hc-.1l.1ic to vvitc luilv aliotit vourselt, iui nothing 1 ..Hi.-.. We lcive n verv w.l .... ui.,.,.1 anrf Skin I incuses, which w will be glad to mail fr " k THE SWIFT SPECIPIC COMPANY, ATLANTA. OA. Nail's Dyspepsia Cure Mas lured theOC is- 1 and II will tun you J M Church. LuOlUIMto, Ore., agya, mflgied for 111 year-, mid bnUggg tail I uot used Nun's I ys.e.sin t ago I would not lie alive to write you a testimonial." Naihai. l-alk. Iloise, lilaiio, ngBUI "I Mlffered i n years: found iiitinv reliefs hilt BJO cllle except yours " I or aal h Ta'lman & Co , and all lint 1 lass druggists, oraend to Frank Nau. Portland Hotel Pharmacy, Port land, dregun Price $1 a bottle or 6 -.littles (or $5 express prepaid. LUMBER and other building material iuchidiug Line, Cement, Plaster, lirick, and Sand. VVr have a large itoi k 01 WOOD BOTTOM lor bam and dwelling. James A, Hoi 7 'x nmr nas KealEtaHf0r. 8 Her,. 360 acre of ChUc ad 1(M,:r"huJ lor trade feeiSJ!" brl land. ' ",y ln hng E'Bht fin lot in BmOm each, on ...o 11 r 1 ... J --"7 wnm 110 acres of wha 1. .. 35 acre, choice fmit m lanri nir una - in be.Mnfl huTggTaml fa. All unH.r ii..' ' "Ua prov.0. nwn n 120 scree on MoKiy Ca scree .1 botton land mmnm"mm 000 mm lino, proved. BW acre. 000d wnut iJ hnrlv fm.r .1 a. 1 ,, , rrem p terra half cs.h biline. , 111, n, ...... .... ' ' Hrv.'aar at ... .,, . MtS The Columbia lodging House M'Wi V Kl'liNIriHKIi I'.Ali IN CONNKf TION ENTER OF BLOCK 1 ! ' v I T A WK.KHKTH ND ENCYOLOF 1 tumriui mm of . . Over 10,01 Facts and Figu Special Featd F. X. SCHllMPP. Prop. LOANS on WHEAT LANDS At lowest rales J. K. DICKSON, 1 .11 it Oregonlao Building, 1 i -ml iei..i 1 Oregon. Mlontrm at Ian AMast TkM TmmmI i trnaiaa. TI.J ae 1 r.Tum MMaaeataMMgjMBj muui sm rteMaZTki 'hmTV FACTg ABOUT fOUf THE BOOK THAT I IN EVERY IN EVERY H0M EVERY AM ,en aiuUaauu Oregon Lumber Yard Mta St., oiir, Oi ort H , 25 Ctl. roy orld 8TA AMERICAN I. 1. Rav Co., Bar end Mil and Qrin for osah tn uu axarglD New Yorfc Mu.. hxchangc. 1 hkaiiu Siucb hachange. Chicago Board of Trade. in eircat, CsnrllalwM. Oft. MUH K. bAH.Kl. Prl.nt (.rrui .:i lleliaf million, I am AiiuU", Cel. a duy at a time iinw 1 u.mld feel the next dnj Flee bottle-. ..f Lydhi I'.. I'liikliiiiH'-. Veg-tttubl. t oiiiiiiii chauifud all that, 111 y day became dayf af lieultb. uud I have enj.ive.l .-very day aiu.-e uuw alz years. " Wo liave uw-d OOUaJolorUBlo of your VagOinblO Oiiiiimiuu.I iu our charitiable aroeiti as we hud that to reUuv a poor 111. 1 tiler to health 00 OBOOaU .iiipport her-M-lf uud thoae tlepeudeiil iixiu her, if Mich there U . in truer eh.tiity than to tjiveotlier aid' Vou have my hearty endoiaugMUl for you have proven .our. self a true frlentl to iit.-i ,.. wo iikii ." Mas. K. Sau.hi, 74d)g 11111 ht.. I Yuifela. t-'al - tSOQO ..nl tMm t(i. Nil otamr UUrUOg con Kiveauoli bulpful llllvici- to WilliiCU Willi ut-o lick un gJM Mrs. I'iiikhuiii. tor 110 other litis ii.nl kucIi grut oxiMurlfggee liiirgflflroag is i,ynu, l.i-.., and Iiit gdvioo free It you are sick i rite ber- yuu un loulUlt It ni. Uuu't. BfM the Point? Iu uiux your aarrloe repairliia .luu fououibllc. isSellto !,.... wb.r. ou ku.... 'J ,"1,l'"iw "in' I" yuu liaveu louc at Nsahr Hroe ' 11 will be duue in tb. iit nrt iuol iiiorounb uiaunar, ami we will OAM0 you a right ut ar lor JoIuk lb.- right klml ol woia NKAOLC BROS. Laurels Attain ! Halal AvarO to I.W.HARPER KENTUCKY WHISKEY 0M a.uM wmmt SoM by JUUM belli. .111 I he I ouvre Saloon WtftMeVrOM . . OKKOUM IK BARGAINS! REAL ESTATE for SALE IM Btgag uear Heudlotou. 810 ai res uear i'eudletou. :tati acret, ueur I'eudletoii. i'.n aoren ncai Feudletuu. Sot) acre near Pilot Ha)k 1 1X1 acre wheat laud lot) ucreti wli. ni laud lot) acres wheat laud Merer, uflleut IhikI ISgl aeivi licui laud 160 OjOrUl wlieut laud 160 aortw wheat laud H rum ti tn n iniie from town. Six New Houses Cheap. N. Berkeley THE REAL ESTATE HAN. Havlua Hau BulUlltg, Pendleton, Or. The Place to W is where yoa ow rJ quick and gMBJ P"u Beet line of I tun lift. Ml SbiiiggnBii4 in: pl"r iiADoriiiig1 Plastrgr, Bnj fjgiid M'-iiioj Doof. M Cottdnpe- Pendleton RgfgJ Lumber Un R, FORSU. THAN" TRijcjg S T OR cpowneM iai ' - MMMOHUOMISBIiaMMaaMMMeaMMUMr.