East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 07, 1902, Image 8

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In full blMt and w ill e. n -tiniH
until nil our stook is
pmc DOB'I miss this
chance to luy vour foot
wear at a blfr rvtluotimi.
I v rjrthlBf tro.
The Boot and Shoe Met.
illation of th Woodmen and
Odd Fallow.
ams Jan. 7. Jolly Circle. No.
W. of W.. have instalM the fol
ic oftVors to aerve for the ensu
N.. Mm Hattle ItagMMi AdT
Urar- Mi-lntyrt. clerk. Mrs. A.
in.'n banker Mrs I .aura
I en magician. Mrs. Mary D
m attendant. Mr.-. Sarah
Inalde sentinel Mrs (tattle
outHid sentinel. J. K. John
managers Mra. Minnn Hotter
Ella Howling and M ( Mcln
The Odd Fslliows
ms ..!: No. 74. 1. O. 0. F.,
public mating for the pur
installing new oftVM for the I
ntling June 30 next. The
loo je k composed ot a sH of .
h roo4I fellows and have al
eSB noted for the handsome
in which thev treat their i
nit or. this ih-i anion they out
urevioun rwconl The meet-J-i
will' .. nu' Kir.su.
In th ball Wttofi plenty of the best
was li.ld for all. There wn n good
turnout, and cveyyone p madi la
know that they wen welcome. Af
ter lunch the following officers were
N. O.. n. A Marquis; V O.. J,
Oeiss: See.. W. H Andemon. Treaa..
Albert Harala; R. S N. O.. William
Kastman. L I N ('. Dick Powers
Warden. W H Saver Con.. P. T.
Rata; R s. v o.. o M Morrison:
L 8. V. O.. . H Roulston: I O J. O.
Albert Harala was the retiring NV
blc Orand There was present from
Athena Mi and Mrs Chaa. C
Drown Mr. and Mrs. William Read
Fred Kosenzwoig and daughter Mi
Klsle Hosenzwelg John King, O. W.
Chapman V. Shirk and M Watts.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Rothrock rep
n Mated Weston l,odgr. No. 64.
Fossil Ixxlfte was represented by
Rev. W H. Zeller. who also made a
tine ten minute talk on the good of
the order, which was received with
applause Mrs William Read and
Miss Edna Sharp.- made short addres
sos on the Rehekahas which were
i well received.
Lost a Team.
Sunday evening, A. M MeDOMM
; who was Intending ' spend the even
! in at the home of Dan Melntyre.
four miles nertheaat of this eltr lost
; his team and iMiggv IMldaf peculiar
' ii umstancs When h came to
th- gate opening into Mr Melntyre's
tdace. he got out of the rig to open
th gate and Um team took fright and
dashed down the road going In a
southerly direction No word of
the misting team has yet een re
ceived. Notes.
Charles Carpenter transacted busi
ikss In Athena Saturday
C. E Flsk of Athena was bore on
J M Craig is visiting with
her parents Mr and Mrs L. A Olth
ens at Athena this week
M A Ferguson Saturday purchas
ed a house and two 'ots on Wncle
street, and will at once put carpen
ters a: work to thoroughly overhaul
the building
Burt Klrby LMFTMM l.leuallen.
Frank Moore and E. H Swiahler are
visitors at Athena today
August Arp. who has been -onnn
ed to bis room by Illness for the past
week is once more able to In up
and around
M A Ferguson whs a Pendleton
visitor on Saturday
Perils of Our Presidents.
All of our presidents have been In
tin- habit oi mingling freely with the
psjOBle usually without an particular
; mmoi iiiig mail lor tne-ir safe
ty The danger of this has been so
emphatically pointed out In the last
lew months that wise statesmen sug
gest that the old plan be discontinued
There is no cause for great danger
01 many ot the s-rallil remedies ml
vertlsed for stomach liver and bowel
complaints The safest medicine to
take Is Hotttetters Stomach Bitters
If has lHeti before the public for 50
years, and has always lwen found safe
and reliable in cases of nervousness
ii somnla indigestion dyspepsia and
malaria fever and ague It therefore
occupies the foremost poaition ir. the
list of household remedies, and no
family sh uld be without It
Mayor Halley Insiata That Heathman
Must Go. While Heathman Claims
He Will Be Upheld by the Council
The Investigation by the Commit
Mayor Battel maintains that Mar
thai Heathman must go Marshal
Headman Insists that he will be up
held h the council The special
I onimittee appointed by the mayor
Counillmen Johnaon. Summerville and
Fraler will report tomorrow night
to the rcgulai meeting. And this Is
the status of the light over the ap
pointnient of a chief of police for
Pendleton lor the coming term.
Mayoi Halley, iu a conversation
with tlM Baal Orugonlan. stated that
lie believed the council would be coin
' II' v to some to bis way of thinking
w hen the had beon plie . in posses
siou oi tli intorniatloii relating to the
allegation.- against the marshal How
ever, the matter was out of his hands
and iu tin hands oi the special com
mittee to be later transmitted to the
common council for their final uctlon.
H maintains that he acted as lie was
compelled to act by force of drcum
stances, and that the outcome will jus
, tlfy this Msltioii
Tin mayor however, says that his
war is not on Mr. Heathman. hut on
the custom he alleges to have prevail
ed. and that he merely desires the
iiiame. if any. to tall where it should
He called for tb Investigation to find
out the facts
Mr Deathman also was seen today
H urges that he has done nothing of
Which he Is ashamed that Pendleton
marshals have always taken money In
addition to their salaries, ami that he
uas never retained one cent of Ones
belonging to the city tie defies any
one to prove that he is oi has been hi
permanent possession of a dollar that
should have gone into the city treas
itry. "Other towns " said he "are not
receiving, for Instance any monthly
flues from bawdy houses, while Pen
dtetea regulurly receives each nuinth
the full amount collected in ftnefi asoa
a liasis agTMil ilHn by the city au
thorlties " He alleges that his course
of action was understood by the
other oflVials and that he acted ac
cording to their wishes In the handl
ing of the monthly flips collected
from gambling houses bawdy houses
ami nii-kel-ln-the-slot machines.
Tne Committer in Session
The investigating omnilttee have
licen in seslon all dav behind locked
doors in the supreme i-ourt rooms at
the court house This committee
with City Attorney C H Carter and
Mayor Halley have had Marsha'
Hiatlimiiu and Recorder IW-ani beion
them with the police reeords of finer,
and collections and are making n
thorough Investigation of the charges
of Irregularity which avc aatB made
against the head of the police depart
ment It has been Impossible to ai
any of the findings of this committee
so far as they are sworn to s-recv
The result wir not he :,...i. public un
ti' Wedneaday evening when the reg
ular council meeting will be held and
the conclusions and result reaehed
will be made public
Passenoer Coach and Freight Cars
Left Track Near Helix No One
Hurt Cause Unknown.
A wreck on the W. i 0. R-. om mid
a half miles east of Helix, this mom
ing a the tram was coming to I'eti
dleton from Pasco Engineer Manual
Hill was running his train at n rate
of akiial 20 aUtel an hour when all
at nine two freight cars, loaded with
WOOd, and the passenger coach, left
the track and broke loose from the
engine ami tWO other freight cars
One of the freights which left the
track turned completely over and the
other one was plied across the track
while the passenger coach stayed
right side up. hut ran for some dls
1. in. 1 on the ground and ties.
No one was hurt VOf) badly , but the
I" or li" passeng rs Inside were badly
frightened and received a good shak
ini; up
The BOOac Ot tin wreck Is not
known positively but It Is thought
that a flange broke off a wheel on OW
of the box cars or that the track
spniiil HOB haTt been ordered to
clear flu track of the wreckage but
traflb wil' hi hlivked over this road
until some time tomorrow
A lathes fine ilonpua kid.
fancy top shot at
would ix i"n value at 2 v
Ladies tint VIC1 Kid.
chrome kul lined lace shot at
and never told bafOtofon Bl
less than f , 30 a pah
Clearance Sale Prices
on all Shoes.
Peoples Warehouse
teai ami oofftssa,
Was the Entrance of the Cnmese
Court Into the Forbidden City.
Pekin, Jan. T Home between a
double row of kneeling soldiers over
a route four miles long the emperor
and empress dowager preceded h
troo of the governor of Peehllll and
aei-ompaniad by a thousand aoMoaMa
entered the forbidden city this alter
noon Tin- ImixTia! cortege formed
the most brilliant scene Pekin evei
, w itnessed Noblemen were gorgi-olls
ly attiivd and their horses were beau
tifully caparisoned The emperor
empres- dowager Prince Chun and
-veral other princes borne in
chairs Hundreds of gay banners and
umbrellas were carried by the escort.
As the empress passed China gate
1 upon which the forelgr. community
were assembled she bowed
International Poultry Food makes them.
tied Meal given them flavor.
Clamshell make them solid
Mica grit aids digestion.
Try a sample.
Hay, Orain and Feed.
laal Alia Street. - Pendleton. Oregon
iake good broad use By era' Bst Flour. It took hrat
num at ti.e Chicago VVorldV Pair overall compoti
and give eicellent latlafaotttWI wherever used,
v sack is guarantatst. We have the Iwst BtoaiB
a Bar lay, -nJ Rye tod Heard lean Barley.
W. S. KYi:Kh. Propnetor
G. K.nder of K ho. Is In town
I S Hichey of Milton was in town
f'raig ThoaOJ Is a t'matllla visitor
to the city
H C RfOWaOil of Kcho is register
ed at hi Golden Hule hotel
Joseph Vt -. u Dutler Cr-k stoi'l.
man. was 111 Pendleton y .-sterday
MM Alb-n Of Portland was in
town this morning calling on iriend.
Ned. son of Mr and Mrs W H
Kowler has lieen unite ill with slom
ach trouble
Wt a Raatetar ooatiaotot ami
ballder ot Milton iroi iu rVadteton
ibis morninK-
Mrs Hum Canipbell g ipoadttaf a
lew days on her claim near ltvllle
in Washington
Q t Dunn, a siix k man of lieJCai
- reek l'.r. miles southeast of Podl
toa is In the city.
H M Pi-axier e county commis
one, WBS v,eUm last night
troa iiis hoBM ia Milton.
Sup. nnteudent .1 Nowlln leit
nun iniii; loi a visit to tip Alba
am! I kiah schools in the south end of
the county.
Q aorta Buaaa is oananlod home to
day from Salem where be anoiioM
nled his daughter Myrtle back to tie
blind school
atlas. fo4a HoMaaaa has rttaraod
tO bO) hone- 111 Walla Wttllu all. -r
spending the holidays with frit-mis in
!' iidleton.
Mr anil Mrs Slm- iicK left on this
morning's train for Kverett Seuttb
anil otSOl Sivnnil points Mr Shiver
Ink will rat org in a few davs. hut
Mrs Ihlvartel will probably remain
several weak! with friends at Kvr
Mr and Mrs Hober! Hmitli. of Per
rjf an in I'l-ndleton visiting friends
M Sini'i, iisanaisc! 01 the Orainl.
Hondi Lumbar company at Perry and
will leave tonight foi Portland on a
business trip. Mrs Smith will re
main hei, until Saturday and possibly
until Mr Smith returns from Port
l ake advanlagt of Um op
portunity while tin nun
lasts Killing idank books
at cost lKi not fail a
MM line anil get our prices
liefore you purchase
Majestic Ranges
W. J. Clark & Co
211 Court Street.
Farmers Custom Mill
Frad alters, Proprietor
twaatii mi '-suaii 1 in..
f:oorai'-uami.l lor whesi
:'iiur, Mill ei i:i.jpt(l KoeH. -r (-..
. . . .Will Continue through January.
Kni as heretofore you will find our prices lowerthlTl
, ritori We art m a position to live HEST values lnr Vm
1 kTiT Twm in: Mivn ...1 utsIor Lfc.si
.we Will Cive a few prices, but evervtliinc dom .1 '1P,tlR
' o--- neap
Si vartts (iliiKliain, fast colors
itfi yards ( utiiift Flanuel
Jii yartls Craali Toweling
M yards ( ood HhirtiiiR
:' VartN H leached Muslin
20 yarda Batter Bteadhad Musim
1 no
. ! A 1 I . .
I ine sneenng, Bl incnes wiue. pei yard 20c Rip i
Remnanta all ftradea at HALF PRICE. Come and aS '
'cr truiy. e u
In handsome furiucim
ia DO! 01 tin most airrccablt
surprise that dalighn (he
mistress ot a home, i sH;cia
l in sucli new designs s we
tie showing m jnis such
as are kepi m an
Up-to-Date, First Class Furniturr Store
n. t v. r it 1 ssa
f. a a 1
Tin largest stock troin which to select and all at price? th.it
defj CODtpatition Undertaking parlors in connection
Mam and Webb ItTOatl I'cndlelon, Oregon
-4 . -it r a aj a k aj a
I have a full line ol the celebrated
Wood and coal itovta gvavantaad to
I s abolutely air ticbt. None of the
beat is wasted and tbu stoves will
save ONE HALF of your fuel bill.
I aiso have a full line of cast cook stoves and steei ranges.
Trices are the lowest, quality considered.
T. C. TAYI OR. the Hardware Man.
7a 1 Main street, Pendleton. Oregon
, ft -- ft- IMI
Another Carload of
Nothing si uselul or
ornamental (or a
Chriatatse Present as
a nice Sewing Ma
chine. The lamoui
Rotary White Standard and
Wheeler & Wilson to choose from
Others from $20 to $30.
Big Discount for Cash until January )902.
Pall line of Carpets, Kugs, Lace and Silk Curtains and
Portiatl at greatly reduced prices (or cash. Wall PlStl
and matting at cost.
Wood Choppers and Lumbermen.
Waoam the Largaat and best line oi
Wood Ohoppars and Lumbarniau'i
Suppliaa in the city. ( !onsiting of
vXei Wed gas, Sledges, 'ross lit
iind One man Bawi 'all aiul ex
ainiiu' our Una and gat our prlaaa
bafort purahaaina
The Leading Hardware Men.