East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 07, 1902, Image 2

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Oif PrtM Clothiers. I',urnt.h
Tli- Aaaortoaii Mlnaloaarj Aauoete
tiou ha Issued an appeal to Ooa
irogattoaal church of Um eaaatf) to
oiservi Sunday. February as a nie
monai ' Abraham Lincoln iriMM
birthday I- February IS.
In t" BM Frani tiaco IB French
dark 141 which collided with the
M.r.- V. a' i Will .1 anna - off
rape Motntoolao wm twang by a
steamer the to no In a badly illsabl
t.i tondttloa
Aru. iitliui has not yet official! t at
Mil UM protortrt ilgaod br Swot
Ytaex. Hie Chilean minister of foreign
iffatn at"i lonoi I'm-teia the Art
ii b inatoi I PtalM ami has asked
(hi Chilean BO rag ml for further
!;i iiat ti n
Judge Arthur II. Nojfon, of Alaska,
win- Las ' u seriously It! al the Ho
l. . S: Nicholas in San Fram BKO, for
week, an the result of a hemorrhage,
srhlcl otturrod last Monday. Is re
port ad liv his th ill lau- i" have
ar-nti Irnnrovod
I: wai- tau d In St. Pan) that th.-
port of thi tax i miiBilBBhjaai win ba
proaoatod t" Oovarnot Van Saw cm
T:..it la. ii"1 ' f ivlll the-, I- mi ti r tii
to doctde whether it I HNduy ti
rail an extra scsalon oi UM 1. gtala
run to act imon Um matter.
Tin news that tin- hiiyam!- holding
Mifr- Sti.iii eatitU' an I iiik hustled
by the Inhabitants Of Turkish terrl
torv. v. I. ere Ik. :: ' I . .c n:
hidini. has caused a sensation. A
fliadly fan 1 1 is said to exist between
UM leaden- oi the hostile hand.
Th. iOinmneeni. i va made by
Hurht Rm Hnliln W Bronl who
i mif e.-raii -I his!, no " the I'hlllii
Bine Islands last month by the Enlseo-
l;'itt' ' Stat. - ioi a tmid of $1oo
Hi whl. h to endow tne new Juris
Konriri r i ii- aim i uliuii oi a
fraiCBI loaln were deralhd U miles
south tt Bmolmn The traek wan
badly toiu gp aui! lraRl was ilei.ayed
1" or 11' hours There were no ser
W.iis (asualtles.
The steaniet Ainur hioimht It pa
eiii ! iron. Iiawson. They report
tiiat the waataai in the north t at the
jiieM-in time very severe havliifc
ten. SO gfaai botow taro last Tuea
day niornluK
Th stat. i .-nt was made by a hen
liemax who aaaerted that he waa in
a position to know that rontracta will
I- le h; the NortJiara Faeltle within
f-w weeks for another traek frOBI
Paaeo to North khMM
North Yakima huyt ItMWfWi Vt
ioi eaotr' lot of hops. This If tin
taai off-1 maie .lurliin tio- laaaon
tmt a i br)ienii ttia ir. Doata or bat
ttf will in aacurad by the taw farmers
itlll hoi. I'lc: Tin IM rent off-: was
- i. i. .;. iitteinpt at ui'iiilei
.-: I.'netie Marsli a cattle
faalei In bia aaefj, eoraei of Helena
tre1 and lk.ialu avenue. In Spo
ka I suppiMed the attack wat
madi oi; Murah In ordet to rob him
He bad f too n ( aha- k.
K l am at I Kalis a n wholly mi or
t'.. i-uiall po.. whicti. ihouich of a
uilid tvi afllirte! and Injured the
town for ovar two months. Like
moat towns in deallUK with the pre
vailing IlKht torm of small pox. the
Klamath Falls authorities did not act
promptly on its initial appearance
and a a result, numerous cases de
veloped Th I'oitiand Woolen Mill, located
on Johnson creek at Sell wood will
I-- started about February 1 The
tmldinx and flume are practically
completed There Is almost one acre
of floor spai in the plant The main
structure is IMalTO but on the eaat
side stands the two-story warehouse,
sonnecu-d with the main billldlaf by
a wide extension, and between is the
erigia While the powei will be fur
msheo by a turbine water wheel a
KtVtn: plant has been mstallel for
Our Overcoat
Ha I't-en a success.
i ricei hold good until
it i't armtat is told,
We have a complete line
of white and fancy Shirts
for Men and Boys . . . .
- rs nml HotttH, f'cndlelon
COUNTY OWED $146,625
Debt Has Been Reduced $25,000 Dur
ing the Vtar 1901.
fount) Treasurei S. K Yates has
tttraod It! his report for Novemlier
.mil Dae inor ot I $01, which shows
that 117.454.5$ was paid out of the
i" ml lutul during these months on
Mat) warrant which were issued
ovar two roars .mo. This leaves the
ounty still behind two years and two
Months and a total Indebtedness ol
1146,414 against It In rount war
rant! However this Is not as had a
ihowlai as the satin time last yeai
Within the past year this imlehti d
i ness ha- iieeti reduced vza.nmi
At the Session of Monday and Satui
Pol loW lag are the hills alloweil by
:'n miuty i on 1 1 In seslou Sat hi 'la
Mid Monday
Mil. til
Wl . "I
and Bridge
n I
::. L
r c
Ft a nk
$ MO
:.j :."
g .i..
.1 lie
2 iKl
1 1 Warren
J. H K-nnedv
R. a Harpota
llnnlnaaaij Bras
'. s yii.iint
p loaat
t: pj Smith
fl W Kniuht
John Svlvoster ..
I'i.,cest Ju . and Witnesses.
i; L, Tliompson UM
H Tomlinson lo
IW H fonicdon 1.2rt
.t. hn Wriaht l.Jd
8. A Taylor 1.20
IM Wooldrldife LIB
I '..
I'oA-ra 1.70
A H n roughs l.o
I iJtia i.?i
A Williams
I It
Coi oners inquests-
W fob
0 I Smith
Jurors Circuit Court
John Dnnd
JufgOII M urn id
w f Total
Joaopa Dunn
J vl Ferciison
fail Hansen
-, ,u
I .'"
-. M
:, r.n
I .'ii
1. 2h
II .io
r. io
: It Porter
1 6. A Hampton
K t; Khrhart
K n Turner
Kit Kaves
i I H Fera'oon
A W Ny.
; Winn Johnson . .
' It F Johnson
Pauper Expense.
D H Hn-hardson
Hi. J. Qfiawoid
Oliver fi Co
J. W Stol.e
Montgomery Hum
tieo. H lefinT
W M Hlnkalyy
Count) Poor Farm.
W li I'ole
Poadli l -n Waie. Works
W. D Hansford Co
T f Taylor
It Alexander
Court House and Jail
I) Kernler
T. C Taylor
w 1 1 Haaiford Oo
W M lllakelv
i" I'"
1 1 ' :
i i .
2:i : H7
fhas Laao HJQ
Pendleton Water Works 11.41
Baker & Folsom : 1 1
Peoples Warehouse 4.5o
Books. Stationary and Stamps,
Fred C. Nolf 16.$a
W M Ulakley 66.35
E. O. Publishing Co 67 50
W. D. Chamberlain 78 36
Assessor's Account.
I H o
4 Bo
31 60
V. T Hrown .
i K Now lln
I . Miller ....
V -l Ulakley
K. P. Laurence
I A. Itlakiey
'hail Keuueih
' W Dykes
! Turner. .
W 1. Olst
(Concluded 1
I rum this point ol view and laateaii
I oi $111,000,900 place the estlmat. Ol
cost oi the Nicaragua route at StO
Comparisons in raftttl to UOt
1 toaaac trWch would paas ihrouah
the Isthmian canal are BOUIOUluei
made, hut in these UtOTV is 0M In
portaal iai t f warally lost ilithl "i
While the Baa Canal liai 10 I tllroi I
OWtpOtltlOtl to consider, the Nlca
I raftta route would be n csaaaatitoi oi
thlrtaaB Haos ol tranarotitlnontal
i -a i I way.
(iravc aaglaocTlna rtlWcultie are
aggOatOtl by the fact that tin !
I total dlffin tn e to be oven mile In
anal and Mi level ol MO rorttOBl
Volcanic Eruption
Uafortaaatoi aaotaai drawback o(
I a much more serious natun poafroatf
; the projectors ol this UtHtSTtaklM
Tin- moat difficult aaclaotrlui work
in connertlon with the coaatruetkxi
'i the canal will he the bMlMlBf 01
I dam across the Sau Juan rlVOI a
tinturt which is Sieltleil in tin non
Htpbaia Mil as an latafral pan
thi plans There are BB(i Maori who
M that such a dam cannot be con
stractod with nny eortalttt of its par
maaoac) ami satety Ntoarafaa has
llways been the seat of seism;.
ralilaaii There i aoawal) month
lut ina which some kind oi disturb
nice la not noticed. Tkoao dlatttrb
tacos always center neni the Hat
oi tin Nicaraicuit raloaaooa. Should
such n cataclysm occur as thai which
it. undated Nicaragua with lava and
ashes In lK:t." what would lie th. ef
fod MPOa tin dnin and COtMOOJteatt
! upon Um canal" The axploaloa last
ad tWO days and the ni.isc ejected in
to the air was auflt loal to have cm
.red a tarfacf i qnal to al.oiit half of
Kurope ash.- belnv isriied tit teen
hundred miles out to sea As late as
there was an eruption of a vol
' ano located in th.. rorj pontoi of
i ake Nicaragua
The ajagtaoora aka iais. tin
I'oints ask why If It won pot com
ideied a dam 118 I'd klgt POUld be
maintained' intact in face oi tip fa I
that these seismic convulsions am a
ragolar foatara ol isthmian rondl-;
ttoaa and that a oataclyaai nun ii anv
' ttc .'Mil etod
The llepbnrii canal bill calls foi
in ausresate appiopriat'on of li
I 0.000 to i ovei the cost of OJlBatrUC
tioe and Its piovixions imply th.
tba Nit nrautia route
BhoaM i onaress roatrar) t" the
"tivletlona of the isthmian commU
ulno nrefer the Panr.ma route, the
irotocol wit". Nlca ran mi would ba
nine null and void and nogotlattaa
of a treaty with ColoMbo lor n imht
of waj aoroos the lathtaut would ba
HRRBaW K - ir
It Dailies tc Woild.
No dlaaovary m Mogletaa bai avti
craated nna innrtai ol UM axcltamani
i n caused by )r Kind's
Mi Discovery for conuniitlon
in mia bemorrbago, pleurisy ami
roncbfUs Ibouaaads of whom it ha
to perf.et health For
' ""''' an'm-a i i., up hay ie
rot hoarseness and whoopiuK coiiKh
it is tin- quielu il - ii . st cara In Ika
World. It Is BOtd by Tatlman I ,.
w : aiant -ati.-fa Hon or refund
mom l.arxe bottles r.n. :i,i
Tt .1' "tie-. II.-,-
Virginia Smith 8seks Separation from
A. J. Smith. Alleging Desertion.
Tip first dlvoi. e milt ,, iu, .
I$0 was filet on the tquit) !- get
Bt th. court hous. Moadaj afUr boob.
The title of th" lose i Virginia Smith
vs a j Bflsltb.
Too) wan man led ii. idoao iggi
ami a short tlim- bUoi muovod M
i matniii eoagj) ia roalat si. .,11,.
N in her comnlaint that defendant
MCI bar In Aptll I and Bluett mat
Him has not only i.-ni. , t,, ,i,, Hll
thlag toward the support 01 h rsv II
bad their ebiMroa. ibroe in nun r
whose names ami agoa ar as loll
ae 14; I .cola ai 1 an.' liiad
IB. Me 6. Plaintiff asks that the
oi.it Kiant hot ! ui! -. paratl,,,, trom
lam ami . ,,H . ,,,
with such Other rei I ,i ,.. s,,,,..
tue.'t and eipiitahb- t i(..,.,i,.r
is attorney fot th. plaintiff
At bedtime I tas. a pleasant herb
lilnk. the next morning I fe.d brieht
ami my complexion is b.-tt.-r Mv
loctor saya It acts ently or. the
slomaeh. liver ami .ddnevs and Is a
I'l.aaant laxatlv. Uj rna(l(. r,
'lerhs ami Is ntepared na easily M
tea. it -la called Une a Modlclao.
Uuoa Famll- Medicine moves U.e
bowels each day Price 26(. ,,, 5(c
For sale by Tallman & Co sole
I CO It.-
Boiler for Sale.
A 2i horse power horlxontal tubular
boiler. K'JLranteed to be In Ilrat-claas
condition, for sale m tin- Domestic
laaagM Br..,,.., qbusUm ---
i WlEl S1"?'1 i4,fl "'asril II tills Uj'-um
B. W, BB1 'Isuslure i.un ,lj g"p
st N Hunt ha.-, tTBiltaJ his rsla
Miion a attom-y (or the state land
oard In Marlon (ouuty. for the rea '
-on that he Is about to riBJOTI t,, his
larm In the Waldo hills
Having purchased trom an
S A A.
n'l I lUTIIW "1 Tbi I I n '
aw pMlt-VB ajyMWtVfV Q.
1 pattern at $12.50 a suit
The Boston Sto
l .-Aaff ioB'S A- --ajBUBl
SSSSSStSSmtilni v ' BBnasnl
-llBSttlK" Ci ' "t'. ' f '"
" ' PfyBFv 'IBiailllBaai
uir of six
faotnre hfavo
pound ptir of
; pcmhi PTnv vvnni VK M
M. Mi J.lggg K Vll T V7 1V ' "
s Manufacturers of
Fleece Wool Blankets. Indian Robes an m
For Health, Strength
Pleasure Drink
i a a a
Polydore Moens, Proprietor.
manufacturer 100 suits of mens
clothing at an "end of the season"
price. We can now offer them to
customers at a ridiculously low price
1 STfc "V V yv
. a U III Ii g
Th ese are particularly meritious in
supurb values and are up to date in
every respect We secured these at
an expremely low price on account of
a large order placed for spring suits
Willi a pair !' IVmilt'tou Hlunki'ts" mi v.mr bfi
mmi nil in- romfortsable and warm during wt
eg winter nightl .
pound bltrtkfiti of lendleioii dMss'
btsu provwn'tO'bff m twurw M a ,en
other bMndi
Nothing but pure KLEECK wool in used w th- Feii
dlotou Milis end the) Hpin lhair yarn floor d
weavft their blunkeU olosor than other uiili .
i 1 .min.i.i.i.nmnniiji.iHii,'","'"""
.a a a