,.,,iiwiwir-.-m wmmmmmmmmmmmm aWntejraney hwwwhw wMWfww'ww vr." 1 2TH ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE .SHOES . Clothing and Furnishing Goods Men's Clothing Boys' Clothing Children's Clothing Our 12th annual clearance sale a most timer. o;por tunny to give you money. During this aie wc will make prt redactiODl on turn clothing, hoys clothing, child rta'l clothing, hats, furnishings, gloves etc . that will tempt tilt- most economical to lay in a supply iot a year M ;.mc We cannot give descriptions in full oi our cm plete stocks. onlv state that everything that man or hov couiil wish for here with price attractions to nuke ill MttttVlH Willi their saving. We price Mm It - in Br B y Jaw a D K I a. Saw W M3t ga j IB - V suits thai were ,. AC IB Men overcoat ice .l7 f-VV antl fa, clearance prl v M.i unto, were IT - a Q " 1 Man - over.. fb.5C and t eteaHOOa prim 4T clearance prt .' ckanuic price Mali over sal wen Cv 4Q- -" Hoys' loug pant MHl were o. ckHHM price fit. I O Z hZ g Bar P"t uii. 7 AZ DyO tS.&U, elearmiu" pries fa.lu ssult that were I . or II Men ' overcoat, weir I T l( RoyV overcoat that wen- 1 vini - H nlBBIBiini price 000 '. clenran M prie U.UO W.AU, clearance prior O.Ou ! Hove' kii panto, were 1 - cwaram price I 4S Men - suite that were l" 7 QA i!t Mane oven-onle, were Q Q- ISO BHV I II fl tlMHM frtH I ."U lltJ SO clerBni.e price T.TJ and 30c. Furnishings. Hats, Caps and Gloves 10i Mei. - heavy uudershir j that were 7V, i-learan.-e eale pm 4 K Mfin heavy fleeced iln and drawer- leamii' I mi! priv .Jy Men extra lien y tie"! tu derwear, fancy colors, clear- i. iwr prlee, per garment 'W Hats, Caps and of H kti I St i and Qlovti alw.iv. lK' n: th lowest. THE Mei: - sweater In .-anlina' and uavy ti.at were k clear aner price Men sweatters in aarue color aa above that were ?5c, clear ance prlee Men Mackinaw, plain and , fancy color, were 12. oo aad r . ctaanuiee prl 14I Mai i duok u. allcke: lined, that were fc:.5o, -ktar-anoe price Men dock i-.iau b hlanket lioet. that were IHH cleaiance price Men duck u Uteri blanket . lined, tbat were S, learaant Kljjprt. tiev us IXT.U 4 V. .1 I -f - i L i JtCo tae largest and mint varied MturtiMDI in Ivist.'rn repn. and our price? art- rte9golfl"d as Ql : PEOPLES Laaai pjwportioii w OUB BfOCB A KF. FKE8H SKW H(M. K KC B I V F D WITHIN TBI PAST Bin WEEKK Discount on all A LIBERAL Iih7ot FROM PBICBH Atitl? SHOES.SSBss Men's Shoes Sat ;ii Calf, lact or OODffrtii were J .00 now f Heavy congreti, splendid working sn,vV were 1 a0 now He.t Satin alf. lace or omgret". I xtra lolc wwre l! 50 now Railroad Shoe John Helen make lare or fongres wei f" now "Railroad King." OombinttioO h,,. wen 1.00 now Burt A Packard ' alf Hal GL.be cap were 00 now Cfmtelt'l Boi ca!t. lea lined, lace Sluie were 4 .00 now I roesett 'iii kid. lea lined, laee Shm- were 4.00 warn Smith Wallat-e. high rut. Kaugroo calf Shoe were oW now niylish. excwlent wert 8.W now 'oil Skir wear Hal IJ8 1 29 1.97 .147 tm : :v. 2 99 3 10 J 47 2J8 Ladies' Shoes Kid Shoe, lac- or button ...... were US now$ , il Grain, button shin' were 1.50 uow Fine Kid, button shoe-, pat. toe tjPs were 2.50 nm 14 r amp Iongola Kid haavj button Shoe WWe 2.(10 no 1 R Spring Heel, tint Kid. lace or button were S.M n.v 1.911 Fine Kid Lace Shoe, beal ri;ular 2. SO Shoe made Were 2.50 now i Tji Dongola Kid. tuacy finish wer. 2 50 imw J) Higli cut. Storm Hoots were 8.00 and 8.50 no (J Finest Vici Kid-chrome kid lined lace were 3.50 now Huckle Arctic, regnt toe were 1 .00 noa 40 on Boy's Shoes. Discount on Curl's Shoes. Discount on Babies9 Shoes. Bixby's Combination Shoe Dressing large size 1 0c, small 5c WAREHOUSE ttWaMaMMMawyaiaiwaa ijM,jtujij;jS,. NORMAL SCHOOL HA6 A LARGE ENROLLMENT Tnae. 1c- St.e-j vars Put voro en tn New Building Advancing Rapidly Wwator. Jac fka int.- t-rn'. 01 the nornial .-..' i-uai. oc Prt da; of la eK Th nrollmvat up to dat .- ar. i tni)rv.-nin hh: that of kaat itb aro hid tali to be the laeot. the n'-hcH) ha knnr. for en! Vear pa.: Work ob th o' norma! hulldlna l advauciDK rapidb and It will be raady (o ueriiiani aitout Fetmiaey 15. The PanB-r HaaW m Wetm 1 1 . er tba: ; th- ir. ilini: a- A. I'hllliiUk ih hulldinf a nine-room aw on hi lot at the corner of Washington and Main atreeta. fharleH Taylor of the Ann of Tay In: a laroian left today (or Spokane to attend the meetinc of the Caah jajfi t'nion to be held In that rtU early Jn the week. Count Surveyor Macomler wa in WaatM Friday adjtuting line and ttiua 'rnem for aevera! people l.utb i a Sh''ienl--iaer bar a .oi a tla- lfh John "imirii.n tb Weatoa tore. Hlabop K fatie or the L". B. buretj iron: Filmont Oi arrived In i or lait alaiit The iiiahnp n pet to apend a week or ten day? it. Weaton eoBductinR a revira! Baal ing On Saturday Robert Jameson bought (or the PaciRc Coaa: Bberatoi ompan) ' busbeb ol wheat at I ' eenta net. NEW VEAR S DAY MEETING THE ADAMS TRAGEDv WCYCLISl MAIL will RFTl'RN 10 AMERICA TO RACK. ia aaid m lie a pkai i-a and me.- our who partietpalad In tb rei ent aix da -oi. i at p ad rtaiagj Ha lataaaa t return la in Tn FicU at tc the Snooting o Young Wnittl by Mm Lava dort The Advance puoiiaoeo at Auaaiii aay it did not intend to rafw to the Wbitel) lvadore imbroglio in that place but iince outaiiU paper ba publiahed different kinds of torie -on-rnlnc it the Advance 1U (tee the facts aa follow Iji! Sunday eveninn Mr Whttal went up to the home o: Ron- Mel att) where MUi luivadore baplM-nei: to lie MiM-niliiic the evening aud eu' word in lor her to om out a h wanted to ee hei When he an., out be told hei tha' he -ou! not take bar to a certain daare for which b bail her rompan engagvo and ah got augn anS they ban aon word wher. he w.mt oark in the houae picket! up a caac aalte and rtarte' out '. and John Pichette a young mar. a' th hom stepped up to her and too th. Km!.- away from her h '.hi: w.-nt out and told Whitel) U katri a- at iU not want him and Mia adore to have an trouble there .Mr Whitely thereupon cam. obwi town and later waa going up acroa the flat toward hla home Ir th m.-antim. .Mia l.avador ba gun horn, and being in a hyaterl. a: tion had picked up a amall rat and iitarte.' out and ber mother to', lowed ber Mr Carpenter inv Ot Mia lvaUorei net Mr White. near hm home while (oIlowmK Mlaa Millit atopped and aaked him about the trouble tteta-een run ant: M Millie When she aixike Mlllii had U-en standing with her baek in taaan. wbirled around thivw ap he xun and flred. bill Wnitel Kr..H... up bee band and th rniller , ., . harniiel'. avaf hi he-t; Ha taag lertook to taite th.- gun ,ia (roa her and while they were atrugghriK Mr Carpenter ithe stepfather i can,, ap ami knocked Whitely dr. i ton tan Kin from bim and after fiMi.r it. sou.e chistivm. n- wen- ..(f Mr Whitely ha left for parts unknowr. Th affair waa bar. kihi'.h: iti laggcration and it i now a tnint; of the past and a there i no lesson which will be loarned by udnhtng It over, we had not intended 10 to It at length until H was mad. ne' eaaary by the article aforaaald If the law had beer, invoked or both parties had remained In the vl nr it would have oeen dlffer.-n' a Suoscioc Describes Se-. r at tne Indian Mission Cnurcn K M O'Hnec a resident of latal Pendleton, attended the Se Year' da? service at the Mission Indian church on the I'mattlla reservation Me writes to the Kh OregoniaL I un rning the services: Receiving an invltatioi. itl .. num. oer of other to attend the N'. Years day meeting and dinner at th Mission church given ae a nwaarail ta then- nnaist- Kiiin n Pond who iool goe iron. be. to i4ipwa: it was our pleasure to luten to th aai course o: thi minister to hi M-iiie .11 then owi. language which seemed to m vat) bumble and devout W were er gMgf imprewaeil with the earaeat uevotion of all of the people ir. attetiuun ui.i . .'. i.-d to think ot Ht I'd. i, aid tit a truth. I perceive that God is no re--peeler ot i. moos inn in every us tior. i,e that fearetn Hun and work -th righteousness is Maeptaa itii Him A: toe i oncnision prayer was oflenc bj t.aah Cash. Hymn acre ung u ut. -.alk during the .lis 'ir. - .I,. . the miniate to. ..e.: i th, eiaers tJtui Kouiiinaoa Ann. Pond and Philip Mintborr iased down the aisle shaking aaaaa '' Ml ai tiapp Sew Year Tba ongregawon tl.en pasaed ou of dmra ' ii a holloa square ami IbWaaasJ li hor? address a) if.r :iai. i" atlaaaai i young Cash Oatb. - iaased arouni' i!.o iug nands and iabing a frapp Maw aa k ai. Young Caah Caah agblb l laaaa nrented to some aj bai . p)e bj tiir lamented Lr Whitman. an. ago. He ,..emelt to s gard it as almoat aacred and remark j ad that he wanted to keep it (or a long time The dinner wg prepared at the' ia'4onae iireaumably under tin- 'li-1 tr.e committee CbarMa W sruer Alto-n Min'io.n. aad Qen '.able, for soon we ware awnimoiied t partaki of a Imunttful repa' con ill :.k of meats, ftah. nice white light pie cgkes of dlfleren varie - aaaaad irults and vegetables tea Mi et After dinner we turned nomeward being highly pleased tad aotiai the protrrnas of the, pe-.,,). tioth apirituallv and temiorallv R M O-brikv Twc Oesgonians r New York. Twi kiegonian walking down lirttttfwa. New York, one da early in the current month stopped lor a kaotaaai to admire a display of (reab "tut in the show w indow ol the cele brated Hicks establishment, at the . oruer o: Twenty seventh atreet. The xhlbit wan one of amazing variety and beauty and suitable tc the sea son. and was especially rich In win tai and tall apples The red Spftren barg made the btaeaai show, while ill. gr.-er and yellow Newtowu llp tm was xcarcely less conspicuous IPC what attracted and Interested the ".'.ii.- ever nuir. that the fruit Itaafl was the fact that each and atari lockage bora an Oregon label. Mo ., interesting still, 'lie sidewalk In front of the store lo a conalder- alii, illstanie wa covered with half ir apple ea-h bearing a pri vat- adres. aonie m tola cuwatry . bwt rate :mmie: Ui 'he other sltle if the Atlantic Almoat ever miiti i BarofM as included in the jo r more loreigr. addreaaea. far the larger number Prance etng in Rniasf Living or Wild Horse Wild hor. ne at is the pnatist. tide ui loo 'I sei-uc wat I the desert diatrictf nt the I ui. a epon- aa eosBi lion. 'Io n The bus a1 th .Hher meat are too expessi' anal Height or e.ire- oarge r aafj ons ent the wild aanw aaa take plan rreoueatl) ta uhal doing phratlful i "j Mllfurd and Calicntse TBf men say the mea' is not had espesj I ly when It l 'he only fresfc 1 i talnalde Pk.. k. mar In PradBBSl 4 well as the hsndsoBiett aa stawa , are melted to call on and get free a trial battn Bf laan remedy that Is Rusrateed to ..lu. all nhrnnlr and SOW BISgaH ...i i km. ami eaagawaaaa Price lie and 50. Tw sab af Ta man a Co.. sole aganta. Slow Healing Sores as lTith r nr i e- 'r troubles at ulcers. A . utoraay the nVh icrsis ta a I nature Mn: i'il halm in the form of heaUa " i..hih; bbbj . I L.I - .. r- ' Ui feSBBl .av.'.n is iiBica wiui )s...'ii'' V sss gb effete matter, a slight eeratch ..r auissioa af .t 'toe a t catering goto, tsBV rHT" bBaWf awoUen joinu and iaAaaoei gutnda often break out iuio onenaije, gy A y i . uivs a iii'iisce tu heaitn , n"t JXJSwb in a ebrou.c utr of luflanitnau.in. but every ork u avd iaw s - .., .. rcwaataM If an na - "r' ibwss aad nr.. .,i o we;: until the svatem ia relieved of it lemba low ...... mc in'nj.1 o ontuaiiin.tsa. ao umiir e " . aota kisd a-e j;.- to become ohraaic and often develop Sore aa 1 utoaa aj .ginnf with a aewawaiffS oftan iai'etl bv tmvertv of - . ' was oae asaa s seal ana ku the bit slow ,r. br bv lone cotitmued n :.. hver, th Wi .. and aaaiab waa h'. i.u ob two tri fll i'.e,.r Btr . the ai. ! t.' V lion Tht last son,. torpid - ol mercury, or :e ! toda ilr.v oi the b.ood m n the oustitw llWgaC Mire " lor yean, eat WJW sStsn. v i "-: si(BV pa Hot aprl-gsaa- Fg-. kat aaa t mo puroe. have a7 lea u-T kega a . . J - ; aa UD.VM aeasJiafM 1 natf awaj ----a. - t- a i i.j.a aw ban ir V a sj WidUU igMaUUtw - e . . take your aaeatlalwa, wad l mto the f.crh. muaclaa. tiv - anr. e en down lntn tu . My leg is T'ub iS 8 . win do whop thB "aaaaas? baa uaaaa entirely and my bow" - wonderfully. os aV6. . a V . - i a- irainaaev ueiata' Taw Sohwarxschild A- s K. Co of Chicago, purchased alive ait li? ir li sounds a lot oi st.-ert ost in lie-: l7.7k per 100 pounds a, weight alive 1 ll7 lailll.d z. weight of eaixaaaet 1.010 o inda i - n entage of beef 7 s high est oo record at Chicago for a ca-oad. e bow in HMfg a tax upon the seatem that it I hard for the p - wjcui-rtr .1, .; pie nialadv often prove fatal n to the be N' .quKklvorburely teatore loet atiwnitth and yiulit " . s fe ...i r for thi laeveraat fonoa of J aal that o..e the eruptiona and aorrs tiiut sap w',aB R 6 S w the ouly grtaranteel pure ltt tsiuah arawnk or other hurt.ul dn. bTnLiting nder tl if tt our p!i m tbua-nddinK tl Hail aud iMinibl At the aiue lwi . . n.. .. l. s. a anat the Am i' i i ... i .i. v. la. sores or hoi wuiiiwiu,i.iw . rara . ,l...r risk your oww . -in rxpeneucea nuow wnen vou tan get i p2S , gr.- oiaa airt "fTT anuoair. i)Ie-aatt.,.:li,.l. .. H -n aMA I ML vvi, il-LUI IC UMJANY. On