THEY TOOK DOUGH pieces of i OUR SALE BEGAN OUTING FLANNEL to Close Out Flannel X I -2c 8c Flannel 5c 10c Flannel H 1-ftc 12c Flannel 8c leaver Bros. Dry Goods Co. Retiring from business. STRANGERS TOOK 488.50 FROM AN ADAMS MAN. Andrew Rothrock Paid Dearly for a I New Acquaintanceship. Adams. Jan Two strangers lamr to this city Sunday afternoon and registered at the Commercial ho tel, and put In the day atIns: up thine generally. more articiilarly looking for parties that had money Ahottt I o'clock they met Andrew Itothrock a rancher who llvts ahont three and a half mile southwest of town, and made themselves vafi agreeable to him. so much ao. that he airreed' to ahare their room with them About 11 o'clock the three re iimcI and some time between that hour nnd n o"olock In the morning. Km brock's new friends remembered that they had some unfinished busl tientp in the direction of Pendleton and very quietly departed taking with them $8S.5o. a pair of shoes and hat belonging to their sleeping room mate. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 28. . We have too many Shoes. I And must get rid of them REGARDLESS OF COST. So aommraolng Saturday, Dtotmbtr 18, you can buy Show Cheaper than ever tefore offered in Pendll tun at our store. Remember our Ktx k is all new and up-to-date, but this utn no figure, it must be reduced. Don't lose a chance of netting the latMl Itylfi of footWtaJ1 for a littU THROWS A BOUQUET ACROSS THE AMERICAN CONTINENT. BREVITlEa Candles by the ton at Outton "s. Clam chowder In packages, some thing new und very fine at Hawley Bros. Alter finishing the repair work on the bridge across Um Umatilla river. nst of town. F. M SUinner. In ehargt of the W. 6 0. H work train and crew, left Sunday morning for Hunts vllle. Wash., where they have other work The Pendleton Woolen and Scorn ing mills have been shut down for . .um t w itl ricn II puronaae ieiniu I lie brick tins bttm-'d out - w A Howan! Farm loana o-jur Howard, nre insurance. It headquarters for Xmas New York Fruit Handler Says Ours Are the Best Going to That Mar ket. Mr. Kimball oi Austin Kimball & Co.. New York iniMrtet ol apples ties up and sends the following bou nnct to Oregon nnplc-raisers. togefh e;- with MM words of counsel to the the care of archards: "The Oregon people appear to know "or business pretty well. They pick, park and get their goods Into market In better shape than anybody else. They have the call, and all they need A POPULAR JOURNALIST money I p Pendleton Shoe Co., 645 Main Street. i s !i'sa)a ....) Cudy Dutton a. atUv all kinds oi real estate. ...1 xnimtrv K T. Wade . m - T Porter aextoa ot Olney reme" , prepare! to move graven ax able cost uor license u gt anted to B. ft Co at I'matlUa. by the court today. I tutHlx notions, stationery. Maps, inks pencils, lamps. wim- Nolfs. if out a: Olaatat Bros. Dry Co.'i store ( leaver Bros, wilt Btck must he sold. M brot art going oat of buai Ma Hargalna for everybody at the Bat" Bros Pry Ooods store. Urur framiug a specialty. New kl of picture mouldings Bruss kaai fx. C1 Chipr'a lll L i nut' P P I v Wll"' t' Ot Mle. (our registered stallions ; BB) MBK Dire nroon mares. i 11 er l... . i . a, 1 1 i n.ji. K HJHUIIVT Ul v i pp pate . pppppp. at Or for salf '' wmt uinr ii' . u hib under the large boiler, necessitating 'the replacing ot tlx' old ones with new They will be in operatlo i again tomorrow i Eureka Lodge No. It, 1. O. O. F.. met Sat unlay night in their hall and .Installed officers as follows: N. O.. Fred Taylor; V. 0.. M. J Carney secretary, B. F. Redd, treasurer. R. Alexander: warden. H. C Craig: con lui tor. Henry Collier. Inner guard Oaocajs Muzan. The annual meeting ot the Parish Md Soelety or the Church of the Re deemer, will 1m- held on Wednesday to'Xt at :M p. in at the parish bONM The principal luislneas Is the recep tion of reports of officer for the past year and the election of new officers. The retiring president, secretary and treasurer Hie Mrs. T. O. Halley. Mis J F. Robluson and Mrs Frank Fra ' r.ler reapsrtlvely. A full attendance is expected. PAUPERS IN THE CARE aaaanaRSaaaVjH ' Wraaaaaiaa TMaamMBai a . j Frazer Opera House Qm I.. Baker, Lessee ami Manager, Jas B. Wcii h, LoMl Mansner Wednesday, January 8th, 1902 of One wheat Terms. MM m m inr te uir mirr i,ni.r imi- i Hoeirc ftr ule. SO vacant lots, 16 resl- sr propertlss "holce ranches In OBM tad Starkev prairies. Wheat a mil stock ranches. E. T Wade. IM between Pendleton and lUkm im Tl ' I T I .. - - - ..I wu tp tii. iiuiir ruftu ubi plupj paatuni lady i dieas. Color blue. ratrr lll recei.. reward by return aat to tali office. OP COUNTY POOR FARM. Report of Superintendent McDIII for Two Months Shows 15 Inmates. J. H. Mf Pill, su'iintendent of the county poor farm, has made his re port for the last two months of Ittl and turiiMd It In for the approval of the county court now In session This repoil shows l& Inmates of the poor house during the two months whose names, diseases and the place from where they were sent are as follows: (Md age Lewis Scott. Juniper. 1 Mr lost a uair of cold rimmed - ... i . P . I P P. TP I .. .. I? t W (In rr .t I . i pepprpt pr I LI KlllPl I Nil I OP1 I Oil n .IPII1I1 I'liitS pppp pppp p.. p . ....... Lh I.P ... . . . . . . r. . lll.-l.l -jp, ..... f A .ouMii .:-r I i titter wit i. lease i M ruirion asn imciou . .to at this office or Colonel st ph Mugbes uo residence ueo WiUou. Oeo Ward. Joseph Hughes Jules Vallllant I'endleton Rheumatism- Dan Waters aWsD A. Keelber. no residence Fistula Mose Tompkins Athena Consumption Jack McDonald M residence. Lumbago Jos Peck. Pendleton Oras A. F. Bryant lujury Peter Stewart. Idaho This report shows that five of tin abOVS "ot troni the city of Pen fjlsaoa elrht from other parts of the erninty and two from other states Six out of the fourteen were inmates before the first of November and nine were received during the two mouths Out of the total numbc: four were discharged leaving eleven county charges under Superintendent McDIII Pearsons residence. lll sell oni land store, mine. Sic wasrSp minted. New 'si .Nil ocnirac'. No ommission lst 'f sawtls ..oaid con aasj pp . pppitmu ' iriartin I I Martin is making prices on high fal iroreriwi cheaper than ever ba rn Wiir ni fam v arocerles Is si lute and Includes all the beat of pickles canned Kootls risr mtislies and fancy wafers P rrsrlsers. If nu vunt n.uui mt. PasrtlB has the old government s? Mocha and Java. otBtdy Itll IihhhI I'Hlitirh pvlilih -' sail . o i'n,K to the ( s. as.-il -'ur 111111,11 im I... iiumi What "... ..... um ii w uai lh that Whirl. U laaaatipln tail!. ...... . p m m ppxpp T' stuireiiuu and lu-alltiK Much at ttie iierinniiig or isvi Wmm s Elys Cream HaJro Price , v n I p a - i ... a . p ppp. p. 'iriigglnlp. or It Will a Uont nvf injeinti "it. aj r Bl) Brothers, f6 Warren rr oYrl The Balm when Cr.".t0 '"-'rlls spreads over aaiu i. m lh absorbed. A rS head palilshB. nul. klv Conbiiation and health navel aa together li.-Wltt's I.lttle Early Rls ers promote easy action of the bowels without griping or distress Ta"mar. Co. and Brock V Met CRIMSON ROSE tip lu 1 1 men t Crimson ...w. um ,.p . . p... - r- Ko:e s,v, et and lasting Seventy live cents an ounce. We hava a inlet .md White Rose perfume at sevens Bveents equal to SUV imp'irted peiiume at douhlt th price wi have t lie best selection of your W cents U II IIUI) , PUIiiPS HI TP . tppppp am way and we will put little on KOLCPPCyc PIIARIIARV The,,. , w wm9mwmww " Popular priced drug store cn Court Street, sixty Sv steps from Main Street towards the court (must an ounce Perfume in this territory. Come in and w will convince von f. handkerchief Mark Heunett. one of the most pop ular asrwapaaai men in the country, has baw entrusted with the luiportsut work of bringing bafafs the public the idHtis or the hlg St. Louis World's Fair to be held in inns to celebrate the I eMtawalal of the Loulsana pur chase. te do Is to inalutitin their standards oi growing and handling. Above all tell them to keep their orchards clean. Tht various apple pests hate ruined i In limitation of many another dis trict: do not let this stupendoiip. bluu tier he icpeateii bj Oregon. Kvery dis eased tiee ought to be cut down and Imrned. Kvery' 1nfe'ted apple ought to he destroyed not left to rot and lueed aftt r Its kind but given to the ilaines oi to the hogs Tell your Baapta to safeauanl their reputatiou hy keeping up the character of their product. them do thla. then milt t ' I I i he orchards, and the apple trade will be theirs permanently." In furnishing the Fast Oregonian aaaaa information regardiug this sub. Jot a gentleman prominent In the shipping it mil says' "The foregoing is so important that I wish you would call particular at tention to the matter, so as to im press the matter on the apple grow era. Only recently in conversation with a gentleman In Halt Ijike. he tiepltucd tie- fact that they were not raising anything like as many good apples In that territory as they for merly did owing to the growers not taking proper tare of their trees and fruit, and permitting the Insects to get s foothold to such an extent that the crop had been reduced mater ielly in quantity and quality. Oregon applas have so great a reputation in the Paataia markets that It Is of prime importance that the quality should lie maintained." . sa rm ii, i 9 iv. . .'. VBk . p . -s-sr' . r7, Vlp.lil. VI 7 Ajr -J4 ' No plav with greater heart inti-reHt was ev r wrilDn. Thi -vM ftest Southern Story ever told. Intorprttod by a mst f aniforn exotllavnot, Price 800, BOO, 7ie and $1. 8f il uo Hiile at Fiuier'H HM)ktore. You get Good Beer. When you drink PILSNER BEER. Guaranteed fnot to cause headache or dijUsintM James A. Howard REAL CtTATK BROKEN. Court St. near Flrat Mat. bank Has Real Estatsi forSal See Here i Aide fr it. 3aa aorss of choice wheat laistfi about ten miles northeast of Pondle ton. This Is one of the flnest Imprarv-1 sd farma In the county and has uood school advantages. Will all for SassH or trade for equal value In unimproved land. Eight line lot In Pendleton at 100 each, on easy term. 160 acree of wheat land sooth of Pendleton, M00. ii acree choice fruit and garden land near Milton. On half of tract in bearing fruit teas , 7 acre artat fa. All under Irrigation. Finely is proved. 120 acres on McKay Creak, SO acres al botton land under Irrigation, balance good wheat land, wall Im proved. You get What you buy from ua. Bid 5tek of WOOD, COAL, SAND & BRICK. .We da. Trucking A Transferring. Schultz Brewing Co TLT terma Half cash balance an time to per oent THE Milt purcM tert. r at In Strikes a Rich Find. "I was troubled for several years with chronic IndlKesih u and nervous debility." arrltes K I Oieen of I an caster N If. "No remedy helH-d me until I began list! Wertrk' Bitteis which did me more uood than all the medicines I ever used The have al so kept my ( I" excellent health for years Hhe says Klectric Uitt. iH are Just splendid for female trouhlea; that they are a grand tonic and tnvig orator for weak run down women No other medicine csn take its place iu our fan.ll Try then. Only 6Uc. Satisfaction guaranteed by Tallman French Restaurant cosy koons Well InlfhUxi and Hteain Hi- i Best 25 cent Meals la t he CMy. EXTRAS H-anterii and ( ivelei Olympla Var IJtV. HARPER KENTUCKY WHISKEY Outsit M4a aM V " r Bfli V Imm M aV rraah sarswi ,jI ',,u' " , KJt2 OPEN DAY ami NIGHT pickles anil oiMes i - Riot, GUIs I.AMM.UN, i iop. tiit JOatW Beat Him he L ouvre .aloon fg.Ml.lnS . . i ii.ii, BRACE UP, IT'S NEW YEAM'S, ami liavc lonst style attout yoe Dua'l iooit like a tramp when you an- nut Havt your shirts, ulLn a m I cull- tawfiafad n th losav to Laundry and you will look and It c I likt a new man THE DOMESTIC Mm i. K. Itoliinsou, I'rop. Hsuilpo