East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 06, 1902, Image 1

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Eastern Oregon Weather
Tttiitabt 'i.l T ' on ii.o al ralsi
i nnl.-r ti.Llal t
- '
ii sirs
and J.
. i:.
Gner Goes to
,c A,k Mandamus
Court Againet the
ajMtr now Being At-
iM I' Munn.
DntMOti hi P''l,,!, i
MM1 s-rlveri In I
tl mornlnK IM the
-1 ..Llnr fhi Mil !
... Mli, nn f . nit
TOT jwiumw'" - -
i raindsmu against
tfMeitei. In th. ntcr
v. 1 u.B.wt 1
I m a-r-t run 1
nprBH rnttrt tnmor
sarreed In obtain
rolion v IIP court
.in rmip MftNTHls
Involving Mining
Complicity Thomas J.
flit uiimiuiD-
Jm "! The United
r ihl morning ad-
Mm- arthw H.
entity oi contempt
ni'm him to pay
District ttorney
r rpfllfmpt nnd crim-Thi-
contempt grew
.ooneited with the
I '( Vuu. mines I'm
Thomas J Geary
It Departure From Philadelphia Oc
caaion for Some Formal Ceremon
ies Went on Special Train.
Philadelphia. .Ian t'. The depar
i ture of the old Liberty hll today for
the Charleston exposition wrm made
a matter of much formality. The
First troop. Philadelphia cavalry
escorted the historic old relli from
lidependence hall to the aeclBl train
on which It was conveyed south
Two hands fn rti i nti i patriotic mimic
aJOBg the line of march and In the
procession were a local regiment of
Infantry, patriotic societies, ropresen
tatlvets ot the Charleston exposition
and a iittmli' i of Invited RtU'sts.
Weatern Jockey Club Meeting.
Chicago. .Ian. 6.- In turf circles
much Intercut In mnnttcatcd in tOBBJT'l
meeting of the hoard or stewards ot
tin Western Jockey f 'lull It In re
canted an ol purtii'iilar imortancc an
P In the last meeting to he held pilot
la the time eat fr the closing of en
trial la the principal Htak.cn tn BO
run during the coming racing season.
Owners and trainer now under the
DM of disqualification will not be
permitted to enter their horses In any
of these stakes unless they hnll lie
reinHtafed at todav s meeting
lllinoia Democrat!
Bprlngneld III.. .Ian .- MemhoVs
of the. deruocratic atate central com
mittee are In conference here today
In response to the call of Chairman
Hopkins The controversy going on
between the liiaham and llurke factum!-
in Cook county aj to which
Nhall he rccogni.-d by the stat. 01
eaniatlon. in one of the chief mat
ter, up MM consideration.
Kentucky Poultry Show.
Louisville. Ky. Jan. The sixth
iiinual show of the Kentucky State
I'oultry Aaaoclation. which opened to
day In Music Hall Ik the Isrgesi ex
hibltlon ot Itx kind ever held in l.oulri
vlile The exhibit of turkeys, chick
geese, pIkcoiik and other birth
BBBtlaM Heveral thousand and DOOM
fiom all parts of the count r
.aka Congress to Build an Arch
Washington. Jan t The MrKtni. q
National Meinnritl Arch AaaociatUin
will preaent n hill to conKreaa thin
week. Which. Il IMtaaed. will pledK'-
the Kovcrnment to OfOd a auitalde
monument In memory of the martyr
ei pretlident
rnit He Wu On of
ItMbng CenctMiont in
i" Rtaervation in
la I official ot
JOUtiueiu deny the
Roeei haa
Nallon that Hfiin
lBlereati.il m the
'omiwni which
HtiM in th I'mtah
'" a Brilliant BhM
wu vive.
--Wlth a m ami Im.II
I It mnet lirllliant af-
&on ha Mj in
u f i ..... i
rHian aU.. ,,n ii,,.
y Ik mi i in
JJWlon ami .pn
!Hht ()! This in.. a, I
ift AnuTira I Hi!
aW la. .
' l IIB t i lilt. 1 I i i , t 1 1 in
"Pletion the house
nt wi ... I i .. .
. ...r,, none
Pl llTorad with
,1or The structure
Wl ni the rtiicHt and
IpMj rvld.-i in
- - ii iiiMiniieu
W UI The Inte
tu In of the
mitton The large
JJj" r"'iin diiilnK
'KtlUHnli. uil,.i..
ft.lPl(W ..I
al Europe
Jaa g Tii.. 7k.k
r at iihu
Bj '"in' lu il at
atS?'' "'
iuc Queitli.n
"-111,,. .... , ,, ,
" y taxation and
' ''(lit,.. k
tli ...
m it elated in
When the Boat Went Down
Off Flnisterre.
Spaniah Ships Collide in European
Waters With Frightful Loee of
Life Both of the Vessels Said to
Have Foundered When Struck.
Liverpool. Jan 4. Th. stcamcra
MBBBM Kiid Huliio KaMniila ate ie
ported lo ua e i oilidud in u loti tu
,.a HMi in i lei. hoUIIi trout Kiuielcnc
Moth Mtenmers foundered. All 00
hoard the Alfoimo v.lth the eeeption
of her captain were loat. aald the
drat rcporta
ihe AlfoilMit. il. . Iiilllllei.il 111
A Tr n Wreck.
.Mexico City Jan. ".. A traiu on th.
MaeiuOa roitruad ran off the Hack
mar Kreano .Merda At leant BJ
ivrsonti ar. reported killed
Oregon Dairyman.
Salem Or . Jan Th. rapid
growth if the dairy UsiBBtlj IB Of
aon ia evyneed i.y the large attend
anee ami lnii nai ehaia tei nt the
Stat. I luiry iii.-ti a iiuixeiuioii ioh
opoaed lu re today in connection with
, -.tai, tarmei-H' congieaa Man inn
teia ol inteu.-: to those ellKaed in
ihe inauatr w il l din isimI darioj
the three dayn' sessions
Schley Will Quit.
Washington. Jan I. eJehley held
an hour's conlcicn.e with Preaideut
liooaevMlt tialay It ia understood the
!ieaident induced the admiral to take
no further aetion relative to his part
in the Santiago campaign Schley
.-in to ih. W'liii. ilouae by appoint
nt A a result of the conference,
it la understood there will be no civil
ai tlon against the publishers of Ma
clav s book
si i sum iiirimiT ' I
In Fight Against Makers of the
Bogus Article.
Highest Court in the Land so Affirms
in a Deciaion Handed Down Today
in Washington
Washington. Jan. S. The supreme
court today affirmed thv judgment of
the supreme court ol Ohio In the mis
ter pioceedlngs against th. Capital
City liairy i-umpain . makers of oleo
margarine The decision of the lov.ei
lourt was against thv eompap.y. To
day's deciaion upholds all atate laws
which prohibit tbe sale of oieomai
garine unless It is conspicuously la
beled and as such delivered to eua
Reported by I. L. Ray 4 Co., Pendie
I ton, Chicago Board of Trade and
New York Stock Exchange Brokers.
New York. Jan. . The wheat mar
al is strong snd the tendency Is to-
wards higher prices. UVBTBBSt i
'lh. lilvhi.ut on the cron S 41. Thi'
gloom icports Ironi the Argentine
making them the best buyers on this
side New York opened NHTfcJV
and dosed V'' Chicago o.ened H3H
and closed MMr- w'e look for consld
1 erabty higher pricw for wheat as It
i th ehesx-st grain product on the
MBriCOt t'orn Ik " New York, and
bring ?r Ht Kansas City Stocks
Closed Sat unlay. 87 V
Opened toda sss.
Range today, Httfllti
Closed todav Sf'i
Sugar. I174.
Ster-1. HM,
St. Paul ifiT'
Cnlon Pa-lflc. ins.
Wheat in Chicago.
Clii.ago. Jan . Wheat S.10
Wheat in San Francisco.
San Francisco .Inn '. Vh. at
I If Hi -S,
French Capitalists Ready to
Turn Over Isthmian Interest,
An Anti-Railroad Decision.
Waahington. Jan f. - The supreme
court today upheld the right of the
Kentucky railroad commissioners to
review rates eaargnd by railroads.
and. il round exorbitant to tlx Just
nnd reasonuble lates.
Lake Carriers Trust.
Itetroit. Mich.. Jaa '' The i.uui
her Tiuuall eoiupanv. a laajSl 0Wts)
trust of the Cireat LasBBB. s In pro
giess ot lortnatlon In tapital Is 'i
.,iin ii. ,11 and appll.aliou lot a charter
has been made in Maine All vessel
owners interested in the carrying ot
lumber ou the Cr.at lakes will meet
in DBtroH next w.ek when plans for
th trust will Im laid bsfOM them and
lli.y will be sshed to come Into the
If Exegencies of War Make it Neces
sary Kruger Said to Be Willing
Leadeis Hold Daily Meetings in
Amstei dam Jan , The Mo.-i l.-ad
eis here are holding dally conferenc
SB. Alter one ot these meetings yes
tiiiisy, s lloei ag.nl. Wessels. said:
"II we are foieed to it. we ahall eer
taluly . .-lie terril.ny. but we will not
Hiirreiuler our sovereign Independence
In BBSl is l.-ii." Wessels also stated
tiisi Kragor tsvorH eeilng torrltorj
President to Mske no Recommenda
tion. Leaving Whole Matter to Dis
cretion of Legislative Branch
Forty Million is the Price.
Washington. Jan. President
KiMseelt will prohabi) send to eon
gross today or tomorrow a special
message eotltSlUing the offel of the
I'auams Canal ''ompauy to sell its
BfVfJBrtl to the I'nlted States lor
Itli.OiMi.iHiu Thi- mussag. will be
merely a letter ol transmittal. Me
will not expiess an opinion on the ot
fer but Will have the entire subject
to the .let. tin nation of congress
Senate Will Wait.
Washington. Jun G. The senate
Intel eanie cgnal committee today
decided not to consider any .anal
'measures until after the house has
distosed or the Mepbtllll bill.
I Examination for Stsnographsrs.
Washington. Jsn. Stenograph
.-is and typcuni. annutious to
gov ernuieni In the Philip ,
to he given su opM)iiunlty
ai examinations to be held
tin leading cities of the
The positions put fl Bl s
Cslifoniis Labor Bodies Meet.
Valleio. Csl . Jau The Caliior
..a St.it Fi mtlBB laBBB MB
4 ue. I in second annual session here
g. Sew-.ial Hundred delegates
are in uttendanee The re enactment
oi the Chinese exclusion law. the an.l
inj.in. t ion 1111 and other matters of
interest to workin?men. sre to be
. onsldered
Newspaper Men on Jaunt.
Si Paul Jan. -Members ol the
Western Canada Press Association
with their wives aud famillea. gather
Ml in Si Paul today aud later left ou
their annual jaunt The route of the
newspaper excursionists this year Is
unlr than heretofore the Itinersry
ombraclni Omaha Denver ArlBoaa
uolOtB. Angeles San Francisco
and Sail lks Cltr
For the Army Canteen.
Washington Jau 6 Kern, of Illi
nois introlued a bill in the house
todav directing the secretary to re
establish the army caiHeen and post
exchange The bill Is 41 words long
The Postal Frauds.
Mavaua Jan. 6. Twonty-two wit
nesses were called In the Neely and
Rathbooe postal frauds cases this
aiternoon Public interest In the Ms!
i increasing
Florida Service Resumed.
Chicago Jan. S The through
tiain service lietweeu Chicago and St
Augustine. Kla over ths t'liicagji A
Bastera lfllluois and Its connections
saj r. sumed today. A new route
lii.i been select. il for the service, vis
Nashville. Chattanooga Atlanta. Al
iianv ami Jacksonville. The run from
this city to Jacksonville will is- made
in :to hours
serve the
pines sre
to oualtfv
today in
y esr
Live Stock Exhibition.
Charleaton. 8. C. Jau. 6. The ex
BlBH of live stock at the extosltlon
todsy is the largest of Us kind ever
held In the south The exhibit num
ler several thousand and Include rep
resentallves of mam of the most
tanious herds in the country George
V Weston, of Vauderhitt'a Milt more
sin. kfarni la In charge of the exhibition
Lowell Banks Consolidate.
Lowell Mass.. Jun. ti. The Uulou
National Mauk opcued for business to
day in the building formerly occupied
by the Merchants National Mank The
I'nion Natloual Is a new Institution
ii, i nnd by the ousolldatlou of tbe
First National Kailroail National and
Men hauls' National bauks
Dsny Captain Carter
Washington. Jen li. Tin supieun
court this aiternoon denied the appll
eatlon ol Captain Carter, convicted of
Savannah harbor trends for a writ
ot habeas corpus
Hold the Fort Against tho Spfh
Low People.
Four Magistrates Barricade Them
selves 'n Court Rucms and Defy the
City Government Willing to 0e
fend Rights by Force.
New Yifrk. Jan I The a SI .it the
bench Is still on In Mnviklyn. four
magistrates remain barrlcadBa in
their court rooms and an prepane
to maintain theli rights b) torce.
Some ot them got their roof supply
yesterday aud today with th. aid of
ropes, which tiny low.i.,i i,, the
street, friends attaching baskets of
food. The legislature probably will
take hold aud settle the muddle by
empowering Mayor Low to msKe new
One of Them Ousted.
One of the barricaded niagixt i at.ee,
nidge Ikailey. was fori ibly ejected
iron, his court while It was In - ion
today Two policemen lifted him bod
ily Ironi the chair and carried hint
out. Thi man who had heu ap
polut.il to fill his place quickly Jump
ed into the hair and il. elan d the
ooejrl adjourned.
- Low's First Messsge
N. m York. Isn. ' Mayor l.ow'a
first message to the newly eJejBtBa1
board ot aid. i men was sent n this
BflBfBABB The comniuuleittlon Is
chiefly notable for Its reiteration
against Ida. small and rake offs On
this point it ssys 'Against smh In
lajWltOBI system in all its forms this
administration is st BBBB war and I
bOBpOBI einiperatlon by the popple of
the ity to bring it to an end.'
1140 Were Before the Court There in
Walla Walls Jan . on., thoiuaml
on.- I, nn dnd and Kirty BBfBBBB w.-re
arrested by the police department of
this city iBflBI the year 1 i0 1 As
the iMipolatlon of the city la about
MJMt, msrlv one ninth of th. aOBW
Istiou registeie.l at the city Jail In II
All but &H ot the arreata wero for
patt) offenses in th,. Jurisdiction of
lh. police judge Fifty eight cases
gravei offenses and came under
state laws. One arrest whs ftjf st
tempt. murder, on,. ior criminal as
sault lour for giand larceny, eight
lor burglaiv nn. tin eml.e.-nien1
and four foi hois.- thieving one for
assault with a d. adly BSjBBaM A
nuinbei of uilnoi off. us. s were . liars
. .1
SU bundled and ninety eight urns
ba ked up to, sale kev ping and
minor police off. lis. s and '."j'l lues
snd women were charged with druuk
eiiness. while 72 answered to charge
ol breaking the bicycle ordinance
Cash flnf. to the amount of int
VVI II I oil. . t,.fl
on Sundey,
Congiess Respects Mcmoiy of SewcH.
Washington. Jau ' Moth branches
ol . ongress ass. u.i.i, i. today aftei
the holiday recess No business was
transacted however, as both senate
and house immediately adjourned un
til tomorrow out of respect to tbe
memory of Henator s.-w ell. of New
Lsndsd Revolutionists.
Care, us, Venezuela Jan I It is
K.ited the steamei l.lberudor laud
! i d revolutionists and munitions of
war, which she too kahoanl at Marti
i, in ne on the Vi iieuelsu coast today
Western Oil Interests.
deliver. Col.. Jan. ti 'Represents
iims of Western oil companies have
dc i ided to establish an oil exchange
in this city and as a preliminary atep
a conference was bald here today- Tbe
oil interests of Colorado, Wyoming
Utah Arlions, Texas, New sfevgtco
Kansas anfl Wehraska are taking part
in the movement.
Going in on Big Scale.
Walla Walla. Jau I. Aitl les gj iu
(oi oration of tbe OrBBB Aoroa Stock
hud Land Coiupan haw been tiled
with the county auditor. Tiie .oiupa
n proposes to develop a stock ranch
near Waitsburg. where tbe principal
place of business will be located, and
laise bloooded stock Piovlslou is
made for tbe establishment of s dairy
aud cold-storage plant. The promot
ers are J W. BrUOS and Henry IJate
' man both wealthy men of Waitsburg.
aud Rev Iee A. JSSBSOB pastor of
He First Methodist church of this
ity The capital i placed al 116,000
'fully paid up and the corixiratlon Is
ist for 16 years
Occuned in Walls Walla
January 6.
Walls Walla. Jau I ssBBVBJB s
.less, s wealthy pioneer of the Walls
Walls valley, died at hl BOJBI l, il,
'ity yesterday, alter a lingering HI
n.ss BBlBBilBJ OVOf seveial months
Mr l)a li s was born in li. lsnd in
IfcZl. and 2 yeais later tame to this
country In Ikf,:' he 4.ft New Yorg
loi the Pacini Coast i ouilug via 'he
lnhmiiH of Panama For several years
fl. worked for the govt rninent
making surveys and In IHM, ,mui,
Washington ror manv years lit- man
aged pack trains lo tin mill. s. aud ar
.uuinlal.il a snug forlun. in iUix way
Utsentiy he has been i on. lul ling his
large farms and managing an ext.-n
Slve Hue of city properlv
Mr. I Mi res leaves three children
In this city. He married twice, both
wives preceding him to th.- grav.
The Hotel Dobtbb of this i ity, was
owned by the dec. a ed and was nam
eii In ijls honor.
Farm for Sale.
Finely located consisting of n
acres, 4o acres g....i wheal laud I, a!
anc salt grass pasture t6 acres hi
wheal, Ave acres In alfalfa fair
house, good barn and outbulldiugs
two wi-llfe Price MOM; on. half 0SBB.
balm e on lime F A Williams, Atba
ua Ore.