East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 04, 1902, Image 8

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Youiik People In Religion " If you
are n stranger or hare no reumr
sec of worship. p extend to you a
special Invitation to Join with our
people In thr above announced serv
Ices. Robert J. Wren, pastor
It vino serrlccs tomorrow at hour? ns
follows Sunday school at 1 a. m.
l itany sermon and celebration of thr
holy communion at 11 a m. Evening:
prayer and address at 7 iM The of
ferln at ho evening service will be
lrn to the members of the vested
choir. The Rev John Warren will
hold service at All Saints Ohureh.
Weston, tomorrow.
subject for the morning will be.
nulldlnc Fires" In the evening a
'cvtval sermon This church will hold
a series of revival meeting, beginning
Sunday. Jan IS.
In full blast ami will con
tinue until all our stock i
gntlc iKlUt Ullr till
banc to buy your foot
wear at a bur reduction.
1 'verythtoft
Service at court house "Old Time
Religion " wir. be the subject tomor
row evening at the court house This
will be the first of a series of talks
on this subject. The annual meeting
ot the church at 11 a. m. AH mem
le-s an1 urged tr be present. R. A.
Oanpls), pastor.
The members of the Congregations!
church will give a reception to their
pastor and new members at the
honi. of Mrs E P Sloan Thnmrsn:.
street, on Thursdav evening .Tanuarv
I 102, from R to 10 pviock. All
friends a'e Invtted
The Boot and Shoe Men.
DIST CHURCH SerrleM for Sunday.
January 6: Sunday school at 10 a. m
Preaching service at 11 o'clock. Jon
Jor Iaaue at S p m. Epworth I-eague
at I 10 Preaching at 7:. John
Uren. pastor
11 a m.. sermon and adminlatra
tion of the sacrament of the Lord's
supper. 3 p. m.. Junior Endeavor.
6 46 Senior Endeavor 7:30. lecture
Joint Installation of Officers of
Knights and Rathbone Sisters.
Walla Walla Jan. 1 Las: night a
lolnt Installation i held by the
Knights of Pythtas and the Rathbone
Sisters at he Mason), bal! when oflV
jeers were Inducted Into office as -fol
Knights of Pythias W .1 Corkruru
lian Hoi commander W. E. Wood
work Tlce-chancallor; N P Miller
prelate: T. O 8 Hart, keeper of rec
ord and seal: R. G Park, master of
finance: A Neibergall master of ei
hequer: A J McManus master of
work: R. C Jenkins master at arms
Rathbone Sisters Mrs. Alice Cork
rum 51. E 0.1 Mrs. Eliza Schubert
S E Mrs l..iuix Kan J E Mm M
White manager: Mrs. Susan Kees M
of R. C; Mrs Bertha Han M of F
Mrs Sarah Iambert T of T
Add!. Stuitu. O O of T.: Mrs Anna
Clemens T. C.
The Air Ship Sails.
The recent trial performance of an
air ship in Parts waa very successful
t inasmuch as It salleo at well against
h. nf. - with It. This tves them
a new principle to work oa, and some
day we may aee an sir ship invented
that will be practical for many uses.
Thi. mode of travel will doubtless
nupplant many other means of trans
nortation the same as Hoatetter
Stomach Bitters has supplanted many
Inferior medicines in the cure of Indl
gestion dyspepsia constipation liver
and kidney troubles or malaria. If
you are a sufferer Iron; any ot these
diseases don'' fall to try the Bitter?
It will not disappoint you Be sun
to get the genuine also obtain a copy
of Hoatetter s Almanac for 19n? from
vour druggist
Pint t4MM ami oft'tHjh.
What's Vour Face Worth?
Sometimes a fortune, but never, if
you have a sallow complexion a Jaun
diced look moth patches and blot
ches on the sklr all sign of liver
trouble But King's New I.tfe Pills
ire dear akin, roay cheeks rich com
plexion Only 16 cents at Tallmar
o.'s drug store.
Schimmel Pianos-
r -: 1 1 - desiring to select a useful as well as ait urnamental Christ
mas present can do no better than by bus .ng a Schimmel F.ano
These arc . standard and high grade make of piano, tiighh polished
am! fully guaranteed and retail everywhere tor $450 1 handle these
pianos direct from the factors and can sell them at two thirds of the
regular price. Call and inspect these pianos and get a bargain.
Main btret
lu make good bread use Ber' ilst Floor. It too first
premium at the Chicago World' Fair over ail 00m peti
tion, and gives excellent satisfaction wherever used,
hvwrv tact in guaranteed We nave the beat Steam
Rolled Bailey, Heed Rye am! Beardless Barley,
W. S. BYI'.KS, Propriet r.
International Houltrj Food makes tliem.
Beef Meal gives them flavor.
Clamshells make them solid
Mica grit aids digestion.
Try a sample.
Hay, Grain and Feed.
f aad 129 East Alta Street Fendieton, Oiegon
V R Bltney an Kcho farmer. Is in
A. Miller I? In town from Pilot
Bock t
V. M S On. a prominent farmer of
Helix, is in town.
E. H. Clarke left this mornlnp for
Arlington on a pleasure trip
J. H Sailing, a prominent citizen of
the Kcho country-, was In town u.
John Trow Is suffering from an at
tack of lumbago at his home east o:
J. W Romig and J. C. Whelar.
were In town yesterday from Li
J. W Ward and Will Merrldeth. of
I'rinevllle. are guests of Hotel Pa
die ton.
J. W. Klmhrell returned yesterda
evening fron- Wvstor, where h. spent
the day
(' K mitton is suffering from the
effects of a strain In the side, catisei!
hy llftlnc
Mrs (I W Knight am! Miss Ma
Jones wer vlslttug friends In town
J "sterday from Helix.
8 I OaHirfcsjad. general passenge
and frcigh' agent for the W. C H
raiiroad was In town between trains
fi --rday
Miss MugMlIU I.easurc of Port
lain: ih i.'-: to nialo her honu wlrl:
her grainlfather Sheriff Wm Hlnl.e
It) and family
'Oranda" Sherwood Is very low
with pneumonia at the home of his
son. George Sherwood. In the eastern
in of town
Georgi U Bakr ho has been very
111 with diphtheria at his home In
Portland Is Improving and expected
to he out Ir. a fe days
Edwin F Chapter will leave this ev.
ning tor Portland to visit relatives
H will return by way of Saiem
where he will stor a few days
George Stevens h stockman of th
Ung Creek country, was In Pendletor.
yeeterday and left In th evening for
bis old horn- In Minneapolis to he
.. montl
Charles Duley r. ir-.-ntiug the
Portland Oregon tan. In circulating
Ciar Reeds hook "Moderc Klo
qut'nce." Is In towr jr. thr in;.-.-si sj
tin puhliimtion.
Vlllian: Wuriweiier was in Peudi
tot. Frida? night arriving here on th
evening train from PTinevllle. en
rout, to Joseph Wallowa eMSt
Wasffi h- has larg Interests Mr
Wuuweller was for several vears a
islilen' Pvndletor. wher.- he has
still man frienih
The Death of Governor Rogers Pre
vented Its Delivery.
Walla Walla. Jan. 4. At the stn:i
aealtaatiar a man mourns the death
QOVtraor Rogers sincerely anil M
longs for a New Year's present that
B vcr 1 ame. The man Is Frank Oahy
a convict from 8nohomlsh county,
who came to this city to resld- In
;v-7 tOt manslaughter
Gahy s friends prepared an applies
Hon for pardon and secured a poll
tlon slcned by over 400 cltlrens of the
county asking that Gain be given his
freeiiom Vcting upon his hest Judg
ment Governor Rogers agreed to
make the pardof effective New Tear's
day. ami Oady fully expected to he
eft freo Wednesday But before the
pardon had heen issued nnd signed.
Governor Rogers was taken 111 and In
days was dead It Is under
stood that among the first of Oover
Mi-Bride's acts will be the signing
of this pardon to make good the prom
Is. of the dead governor.
(toby shot a man In the Palace
.lance hall In Fverett In September.
lf97, while nuarrellng over a game of
StAtsor uiiio Cm or Tonoo 1
UxUsCwart. j
Frsuk J I'neney ninke rwlh thai he In Iht
lenior iwrtner o( tn" firm of T. 3 Chener A Co..
.loins r'iins In th.- Mty of Tleil). rountt
n.l n- tforrM'.l sn.l that Ml.l flrm will par
hi mi sf Oat Handrsd Dollars for ea.-l. snd
srf y esse of Csurrh Ihst runnoibe rtirril hy
thr uae of HsJI'l Catarrh Cure
sworn tn before me an.l tiba.'rtbed In mv
nrfaen.'r thu Slh day 04 December A
(.,., . n taw
Notary Public
Hal" Catarrll CMS i uku InurnaJty an.l
d r.'tlT on thr bloasi aiel mu.-oui. urlir
ol thr riteni Sen.', lor teatlmonlal. tree.
T J i'IIKNKY A Co.. Toledo. Ohio.
Bold by .Iruggltu. ?te.
Hall'. Family FIIIk are Ihr heat.
Stores m Pcndietoc Enter into an
Agreement to Close at 6 O'Ciocfc
P M.
Tin- early closing movement has
again hen revived t. th business ,
rp-i a IV'p.lletor. and most o! 'hen
have signed an agreement to -los.
hegtniiJtiK Monday January at fi
i'locV Sa'urdays excepted This is
for th purpose ot giving the clerks
anil business men a chance to have
a little time awa fran. the iavl 1
grind of business behind the . oun
Following are th. names of thos.
who have signed the aemen' to
R Alexander
Hansford a Thompson
Jo. liaaler
: Tea Hons.
Baer a Dalev
W J Clarke A Co
Th. People- Warehui.
C E Roisevelt
Oolder Rui. st-r.
Mr Rose rmpbe)i
Oliver a Co
Standard Grocery Co.
G. R D.-Mott a To
D Kemler
I". Il.ll.-tol. ShlM fi:
M A Rader
James Crawford
Ctaafwl Brt Dry Goods Oa
l.ons Mercantile To
T (' Taylor
Joseph Ell
lUke' and Folson:
ft. im a Tarhett
Haw,-' Bros
F S Younger k Bon
R Martin
Ctoav.-r Brother-
C Rohrnian
lawli Hunzlker
w F Gairetaon
H I. Hashl.ronek
George R Carrier
Stroke of Apoplexy
At his home at Athena on Thurs
day J. J McConnell. form, rh a resi
dent of P-ndleton suffered a stn
of aiopl-x His condition ti .lay is
OSjaewlaW .nuiroved Th- then;i
Pres says It Is thonuht Mr MeCon
nell's lllnes.- la the indirect result of
a runaway that happened bin hli.
in Pendletor the fore- part of the
weel With The aid of a small hoy
he righted a hea hack vbleb hail
beer overturned On the return home
while near Adams Mr Meroonell
was suddenly stricken s..--ohless .and
Mrs Mcfonnl! drove the team the
rest of the way home Mr MeCon
gall's right side Is affertei1
Pire in Omaha
maha Jar. 4 Fire early this
Bsoratog destroyed th. 1 .ants of the
Douglas Printing t'.impanv Frontier
rtt-am laundi . Company ami th
WVsterr Electric Kur.pl v rompanv
Th. !,,,- llfto OA
The Geiseckc
Shoe for Men:::::
win want a good looking
hoe for the hardest kind of
wear, will undoubtedly civ.
WOtt ds service than any
other shoe on the market.
Either lac ot COlgrm at
per pair.
Ctuaranteed to do all that is
claimed lor then..
Peoples Warehouse
1 Ke advantage of tin- ..p.
Prtuuit while tli. line
.aste Helling tiuuik Uiokr
at cMt. Ilu not fall to -e
our line aud gel our pri.-e-bcfcfS)
JTM purchase
THE 1 I.aDIVi l)RL)(KilSTS.
S T (J) RAG K.
vi 11. ass . '
u"1Hnuc 'nrouKh January
And as hcrctolort vou will find our prices lo '
DCtiton V e are in a position tociv,. t : t-c iOWer our ,
in m SO KEEP THIS IN MIn uiiT.. 5 LKt
..-II a WSJII Un .1
1 a- nice
-we will give a few prices, hut -ver thmp .n-U l5"
o r.wc j. neji,
Jn yards (Jlngham, fast co'nrs
yards Outing FUnnel l.
Li) yanis Crash Toweling I n
14 vards .imm! Hhirtliist 1 6(1
J" anls Itleachetl Muslin
vards Heller H leached Muslin
Sheeting, si inches
?tr tin . a
Krninants. all grades at HALF PRICK r ' M
Verv truly. 'nd
Hv nttint one of" our new style dininc mm set.
are of choice design and finish, solidly mad and ir?
at a price lower than ever before for ucli ftipenor
.Hint iook ut uiem, tney are wurtn it. even if vou donf
tetia purciiasing. uur new MBipmenti include sooi
-radc novel ties. Lome in anvhow and m a
CHANCE on the $50.00 premium.
Main and VVehh streets,
I have a full line of the celebrated
W(hk1 and coal stoves guaranteed to
!e absolutely air tight. None of the
heat is wasted and the stoves will
save ONE HALF of vour fuel bill.
I also have a full line of cast cook ItOVwl ami steei range
i'nees ar- the lowest, quality considered
T C.TAYI 0R. the Hardware
74 1 Main sirtset, fendieton Oregon
Another Carload of
Notion so uselul or
ornaniwstal for a
CbriataMM Pfwaasl as
a nice ricwniK Ma
clinic. The famous
Rotary White Standard and
Wheeler & Wilson to choose froi
Others from $20 to $30.
Big Discount for Caah tmtil January J-J
i nil line oi C arpc-tb, Kugs, La. . S ' Tpi
rortiera ut greatly reducea prices iui
and matting at coat.
! Ki.HfMti.SK HAlU i
Wood ChoDDars and Lumbei
III psjjl I. IISJ ,
We carry the largeet and bel liue T
Wtmd Chopper' and Luwberniwnj
Supplh in the cilv Got
x.-,, Wtvlgef. 81edg.- Crost.
aud One man tUwt. Call anl .
anitne our Hue and got our
fetore purchasing .