East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 04, 1902, Image 6

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    , MMUMmm ituwWWMWWW
12th annual Clearance Sale
Began Saturday Morning, January 4th.
AT 8:00 O'CLOCK.
yitT,..,.t.X.i.K.i.. .1.1.1. .......... ......i.i.-.... ....... ........ ....... . ... . .
88inoh iooti Unbleached
46inoli (iootl rnlilMU'liel
for $1
72-inch Gooti I nliieneheil Sheeting. 2''c per yard
864nofa Good Bleached Muslin. L6 vard? for 1, .
45incb Hood Wenched Muslin, 6 yards for II ... .
78inch Sheeting. -4c pel yard
Uuting Flannel. 6c per yurd
Outing Flannel, 1- yards for $1
Fleece Piques. 1'JAc per yard
6c (iingham
'lr Gingbtn, best to; the money
10c Shirting
fAc Shirtings
.leans for Pant and Hoys Clothing; 14c jxr yard
12$c Flannelette
Tc Flannelette
86fncfa t'otton Waistings. 1 Ek per vard.
20c Teasel Down
;2-mch India 'ashmen-, 1-?. per yard
HG-inch I'ercales, hu per yard
Eider Down, 89o per vard
Eider D0WH,4Sc er yard
Muslin. 1 v yard for $1 20 yards t'ov 1.00
Pillow Case Muslin. 7 yards. .
VK PFKRS In CallCOl, percales and
rlanneJettes ranRinu in size from to
44 and in price from 501 to t: 00 and
everv one of them It reduction.
1 Bo
,822 yards
. s jmrdi
15 vards
for 1.00
per yard
for 1.00
for 1.00
per yard
per yard
for 1.00
s ,. pet yard
4c per yard
5c per yard
B U er yard
lie er yard
10c per yard
1c jwr yard
6c Mir yard
1 le iei yard
1 5c Kr yard
7c ter yard
6c jer yard
Jn per yard
88c er yard
GOWNS and Eider I 'own Dressing
Saques all at Clear.,:' I Sail 1 I
PETTICOATS of Silk. Satin, men:'.
merctrittd, pleated rut tied, in pnci
from OOC to $15 00. Reduction on all
from 10 to 25 pci cent
Trimmings All new stuf: a: Dffictl
that vou nevoi heard of lietore
(Juilts a reduction of go per 1 cut and
the Blankets, right in tin fac of ,. rais
ing market, a reduction ot 10 per cent.
TABLE LINKS Sapk;ns ad Crashes
all Ret the knile durinc, the Clearance
Salt Nc matter how LOW the price
was ihey will he LOWER during this
ureat clearance sale The lis Dual will
vary from 1 5 to . : percent Towels
will receive the MOM CM
Fancy mixod Dreei Goode, 80 inoh
Black Figured, 88 inches wide
Rluck Figured IS inches wide
Black PigUtod, 88 inches wide
Black I mined. AS inches wide
Ml Wool Henrietta and Serge, .'Hi inches wide. . . .
All Wool Serge, 4! inches wide
Wave Chiviot. I- inches wide
All Wool Lnditf' 0loih,88 inches wide
All Wool Ladiet' Cloth. ."- inches wide
Wool Plaid, in bright colors. '.)( luchea wide
ool Coll Skirting. 56 inches wide
All W ool Imported French Flannel
All Wool Imported French Flannel ...
All Wool Yeyella ( loth
Ml Wool Imported French Flannel
85c India Silk, S04noh
.(( India Silk, Tafleta Finished. -'4-ineh
7.V Changeable Taffeta, "JO-inch
75c Black Taffeta, "JO-inch
50o Velveteens in all shades and black
11.00,81.25,81.80, 18.00 Velvet reduced in proportion.
1. ii ..m.(.wf..... .
1 .85
otiaaanott ICj
8l Ier ami
act 1
m M-.
ftc i.r
"V lr tl
Per v,ri
K Jer yanij
w pet ui
pet yardi
U" per rani
j-i' pr ui
l"r yipj
Is. t
;,:,r !r virtj
28 r yui:
:is per ytni
,S rvt
08c per rat
I2e per vtrl
Peonies W arehouse
Agents Butterick's Patterns.
SATl lili.W I A N t ARV I Wti
T. i. Encouragat and Enliven the
Profaion of Fashion and the
Bunnen of Tioe Who Depend on
N York .Ian t Mm that the
li.illta- art nvejr, th' next object or
rath.-i Bwatere, to wktak th- fashion
al.l.' mlml turns is the ilebutante. She
tr really the .-ynoaure of all eyeb, th'
l.-lmtant.' .". .t Kraeeful. athlntlr.
u. ' omiilinhe.1 111 fact the mhodlnieut
of everythlnK Kenulnely up-to-date ami
A in. 1. -an. Tn- moat notable Uebu
lano .1! tn. w.-fi was ..! . oin. Mls
Alir. Kooaevelt elileat (lauhte: ol
the nation's chief executive. There
1 are several other younk women to be
introdueed to Wanhinaton society thlf
winter, as well as in the various other
iars eities. then the round of visit
tai will begin in fart has begun and
aMMti iu.it iu- thai is so i.-i as it
spelled with a big S is one con
unual rouwl of aai'
A larfe, tocial season always means
a vigorous camimiim In dress an.
tin.- winter is no exception to the rule
A doeetaate may not bother to hav.
so man dreaees durlnK her second e
1 1(1 '1.11
William i' Crawford tie jrouei mHn vaa bu h)ta laalad Uratoi
ant's commishim. ! Becretai) ol Wai Itool because he Jilted Miss Hebecca
n.MtKla.-- . Columbia 8 C belle on (he eve of the wedding, will appeal
Bfeaiueui RaeaavaJt. HaaavaUa tat vaak . untr- is gueaaing t the
leason foi the (round man's strange and unchivalrous act
third eai' in -.iMi,t out during her
first season she Is eyed b everol.
. .uiH.'iiuently hei wardrobe must be
strirth comm. I! faut. At least a
dozen dr.-sses an required for the
flrat year ()i coins, th.-se may In
worn aRHiu in .llfferent .-Hies, but tin
thorugblv ui,-ti,-date deliutante It no'
.X-cte,l It, a.-.1. 'l . n tin .am
gown in the saiin Itv
Gown of Fine Material.
Nearly all 01 tie m gowns are mad.
of thin materials or If not transimr
ent. fabric that lend themselves to
construction upon ileadei Hai
Among tii lattei are the vaHott
crept materials, satin foalerda and
even i a n lie CertaiuU nothiiiK n
smart.", than a frock ol .ann. v.-lvet
stitched with medallions of real lac
anil applique of silk cut in gold or
silvei threads
In tact stltchliigs oi luffetu form
on- oi the most popular dr.-ss trim
mingi- oi the year ami they an MB
Mil. .. hi tne construction ot goun
fur all materials from the walkini:
iHrl to the rocopOor J ran Th.
work oi disposing ol t 1 1 I.hii.I- , ai
llsMISe o! ii, mail s ua hut ii.
groups of tinee vertical Jlnes alt- i..c
ing with lac.- insertloii th eff I
delightfully . hi, for a sKirt tHaiRUni
iroviil- u flu- insertion i in riMdatlloi
form The effect would Is spoiled h)
a straight edged insertion
A very smart J How ,., ,,
yellow motisellne d soic hjM ai
elaliorate trimming of nrna.-N I
and fur This gown for a delmtant
howovaf would hg b r affocl
ike fur "initted Th." lae- Is iii th-
lorm of iii't usted medalhoi dotted
here ami there with gold spangles,
finished around the edges wit)
of gold annrotdarj Traaauareni
sleeves of the mousnelln. and (act
have frills of inouss. lu.i a'
bow and a large bow oi browi. panui
velvet is attached on th.- I f: ..1. .
the r.i' ,'.;.'.
Maaj dafmtaati with a pradl
tlon foi eeonoiiiv as well as socet
have a few or tpeir fhn. u- mad
with deiuchnble yoke so thai ii. case
Of emergency an evening froel mlghl
hji impressed Into sen i. a.- ... an,..,
noon drea
V.-rv pretty ami simple gow gl Hl(.
made of net trimmed with tiny ruffles
edged with vahraf ribbon oi i I.e.
Iieadin? edge which conieS .le.l)
for that purpose I'm th. rafli - M
in form of a graduated flounce cov
afflai a niuch wider space in the hack
than in the front and vou will ha', a
much more graceful .-.klrt than the
.-oraight around line will giv, von
The debutante with a slander rUm
who wishes something new and strlk
inglv artistic might use accord).,
i. tailing crosswise with good effect
for the bodice and si. .. tt rt i t : t)o
;.-m eiaattf
A white frock of l ien,. d -) t n . mat
I... . ff' . i.v. ly trimmed with a dnlnty
lac- which is rath. 'i a combination ot
filet am! Keiiaixaii' Tiiun any ill,
tincttv. pattern A delicate touch
u in- giv.-n the lac- li embroidering
it with occasional dots of blue m uii
..thei i otoi silk thread
Three bands ol tin lac insertion
an- set in around tin skirt nJnva an
h. '.'.ii dion plaited tlonii.e The waist
and s.e. ai. tsjtlrvt o ho, th.
lormei parti cov. ied w ith a short
i. iW necked holer. shaM-d piece ot
satin .-Mending in three bands o th.
waist hue aoth back ami irom The
. .ly - oi thih ,ii finish.'. 1 with a tin
naaj joined aj an aajM stitch
There i n. u I. mil ot point d'M
licit net wlin-h i ver pretty iml.-e.l
Tills mak. a rorj pr.-tt gown trim
tiled witl narrow bands of glace silk
-inched through tin .enter White
roj.. v ol f., Laves lleeorati on-
Narrow uamls ol panne velvet sutin
oi silk Joined h the om n work stllch
lorm on- of th, most iMipulai Trim
UaBi 'oi the debutante's sown
' ' ' '. a Mice ss. should haw
at bast the appearance oi baiai
i'b in. on. oi tip chief oharM Ol
the season ' hud Is hei 1 sweet sim
nllcltj "
' Hi a ai. blue frock built of r. p.
da chill, bauds OT pUlllle Joined in this
a a in like insertion down
eith.-i sub oi th, trout breadth ami ,o
Ikt load and hem of the H rental
Bounce No stitch is as popular as
the "h.-i i iiig-bolie ' which is quite th.
Ml among (iothams .-lit. ami it
-how up on BVarj kind tt a gown to
The simplest flannel bflMdolr roln for
moral ai wcai
Ihottldar decdrations are distinct o.
ami th. greatest variety of these 1
displaye.i this season Klow.-r nami
' . ' .i: tin lead have as a close
.ml the da.utv bows ol black or col
t v. lvet perched upon the shoul
Jar and held there with a brilliant
(OWatOd buckle. The dowers are used
In lararnaa and sometime.- th. trim
mlng la extended to the akirt and In
tiny bouquet clusters haadlaa lb
bounces all around th. snin ,o p
tarvalt Large lovan aaok a..-
hiils chrysanthemiino- roses ami
laiii.im- in to b. T,. most fn
v ored.
Anoth. i garnitun . ousiil.-r.-il just
I Oil ee.eiitri. at hrst hut which js
taedtljr gaining In favor is that
whirl) falls to the h.-m of the gown on
on.- side Kittle button
are affected by the debutant, foi this
PUrUOM ami she use then, u . , ,-rv
bU way to d. corat. l,er Rral ball
Japanese silk embroid.-rv ,1, . ,,
rates a mousselin. .1, aolri very
charmingly The skirt .- mad. v.-rv
plain and rails from the hip bald bj
tiny nicks The tucks gjroa narrow
er as thev reach the hem unli: thev
'" " Iart of the iiaturH' smooth
m-ss this treatment b. iiiL- affected
in Drool that th.- embroidery placed
around tin bottom may be shown to
Tlx liodi. ii- embroidered back
ami front at tin lattei point being
N Don either aide of an accordion
plait.-il vest The sleeve are of the
Ui-Ouii patten, with under cuff of
. ' ohMbw gathered into the
v.. isi i.an. i oi th, Japanese cmhroid'
rv .
Ii. ... Hani. hair, are very large and
as a general rule, are trimmed with
ostrpi, plumes with occasional va
loti obtained through the uae of
puffed satin embedded with silk flow
Terr. at. many little acceaaorle
to go With The debutante's toilette
h.-i Ian L'ln.- JewWry bit
are ouh trifles and If on' mi
look their allium! tttftrrtMl
ca .i liarmoniieJ tn
various gowns hy (ollnloi d
.1.. mm. in coliir scbemr
Hot I black ami white nfti i
iila. lor delmtant, f owtll IM I
The gaus.'h which an lotnfiisttj
ed witli satin anil turn u
it is niiileistooil that I
his will King Kdward will w
ed to Shk imrliamenl lot 1
waul th. Ull"'. i VMttra
i nij i- lt6 "" ha th" hw I
scribed, ami this niai "iU a
I i Ha Hay la maklmj VMSaia
i laopblm iaatwK '"' fl)r(Us J
, K..U..I , , n till i.aige i" .-ale
BBtatlOUl have been mad- loth, f gttf
"i is ,,: . . i . hound mind and it ia oairooieu '"" ,
liH apiM-al to the Kiiglish governineuf (01 bet "lin'