East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 31, 1901, Image 8

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Shoe Sale
In full blaht and will eontUMte until
all OUT took is fjoiip.
Don't miss tnis chance to buy your
footwear at a big reduction. Every
thing goes.
All goods sold for cash
The Hoot and Shoe Hen.
Tri:sl.'i !'i:ci:mii::i; :i r.'"i
Senator Stewart Will Endeavor to
Civr the Courts Jurisdiction.
HM Willmm II Stewart, aj N
vuila liax taken mi tlx- ItKht to give
tin- eourti fttrtodtctloa in water-right
rontroveralei iroartai ool of Irrise
ftfW A YT
llmi ust'H ol Mt renin gOWlng through
I i g Mate
The Ilea. I watere ol dozens m
treama flowing Into tha great arid
land mates of tlie V.t ami Sontli
went arc loutnl in t'olorailo The eu
llc ol that utati' can divert wateri
that mean life or death to Othei
In the Miiall Nov, KiiKlan.l MatM
Biggie river like Hi. Connecticut run
through Keveral cutiinionwi i It li Yet
each titatt can liy Its own lawn do ax
it pIcuHcs with Hindi a alrcuni
I'o remedy thin an gmoadmeilt in
SMI? to give the federal eoitrto
through counreuM Itirlmllrtlon in law
and equity rtittlBg to the Hie of
water except when the watei and the
use ate in tlie xante state
Where the (lowing water of u rtVOt
i in one state and the use of it ll
B le.l in another state for irrigation
the court must pa given power to
trj the lightM tavotrod betwaen the
peonle "I the two Staler
Su,w"r' :.a, raised an In.
".'mam QttOBtioa, and till movement
MOM ne. . ssary. congress can
navi no Hwer over this raattei c
. . I,t b) c.nstltntional IMMMii
entaralD its powers
t'otigrrae Is exactly oppotlM fTOOJ
a I tOt lOfll Intiirc in this fOOOMt. as
Mi. led. i .l conHtltiitloti In a grant ol
power while the constitution of a
-rate i limitation of iKiwers
I' i in- tea ami iooflWtM.
Gifted Clairvoyant in Pendleton.
Mrt, l If. Walsh, the gifted ttair
vnyaiit will tM in Pendleton. Mondav
Tueeda) and W.dnesday. DoeoMbW
2!'. SO "and 31. Thin Is lucky weok.
Collect readings at reasonable rats
ai the Ooldon Hnle hoti 1
All news iigent on the train ot the
Northern PaCtftr ON t' h dlacootlB
UOd o(lr the I""1 ol JWMHO Oally
pOPON Will lie kept on the ililllllg Mil
and will he supplied liy the waiters.
New Year Gifts
Frazier's Book
C- -
ee our Line Before You Purchase
The Names of Those Who Announce
they Will Receive New Year"
The lollowtug are tin DO AIM Ol
those known to the Baal OrogOltlOD
who will r ceivc on New YearV even
.Mrs. Kiank OlODton, Mrs. I .con Co
hen. Mrs H. C (luernsi Mrs IV K
.(udil and Miss RobtTU Will rOCtltl H
the home ot Mrs Clopton Oil Monro,
Mis Qoorge Harttnan, assisted i
Mrs. Krnest Hartman. MlM Froed!
Roeech ami .iiss .lesse riartman, will
receive at the Hartniah liomc on
Water street
Mrs. C II Wade. Mrs B. A I "
well. Mrs II S BVJtTOUgha and Mrs
'.. K I'urlngton will receive No
Years evening at he honn 01 Mrs
Wade assist, d h Miss Itov.l. Mi---
Vodd, Miss Moorhoaee, Miss Btale
Kolsoui and Miss Nora Wat Lin-
Mrs. W J KurnlHh Mrs F, W
Vim .'til Mis (' S. Jackson and .Mrs
Theresa Stai kwoatlier will receive at
the home of Mrs. Furnish, on Witter
strei t assisted liy .Miss Ussy Belle)
an: Mtei Bvolyn Btockweethei i
copUoo 1 1 oin I to II p. m.
Mm J. R, Dtckeoa, Bra t. ; iiai
lev Mi- K I' Marshal. Mrs Krank
Motile. Miss Hcacli. Miss Cameron
and Mlaa iobnsou will reeel. m the
i look ol Mrs. Dteneon, on Booth Main
Mrs Q A BorlC and Mrs. W A.
Clink, assisted liy Mi-s Hallo U. Miss
Bherldan Miss Lavelle MoorUouee
and Miss Horle. will receive at the
Botta lionie on Kast COUfl ItrOOl Irom
7 tO II o'cllH a
Mrs. T. C Taylor, assisted b) Mis
N Herkeley. Mrs H K. Johnson Mrs
C. J. Smith and Mrs K F. Wnmsley.
will receive on New Year's dav at the
Taylor residence, on College sti I t
from 7 to II o'clock
.Mrs It. Alexander and .Miss Alex in
dcr will entertain at heir home, on
Water street. New Year s OTOBlngi as
slsted ly Mrs. Una Sturgis Mr
Frank r'ralei Mrs. Charles Rnpln
ger. .Mrs Charles. J. Ferguson Mis
Hextrr and Miss Wells
Mrs J V Tallman assisted b)
Mrs (! ' Hamilton Mis- Tallin. u
and Miss F C Kolsotn will rowlTt
New Years calls from '! to II p n
and 7 to I p tu . at the Tallman home
on College street
lu ll k man ol
II II Nelson tlx
Weston is in town.
0 a Bar rati, bard wan awrcAaJil of
Athena was in town vesterday
Const) Bchool Buporlotondonl J. K
oviin in Portland on boalnos
1 on Robert ot ths aulrble Irai
ol Robt rti ::...;:'.. Vlla Walla, is In
Miss M it Dardon graduate auras
frmn the new Walla Walla hospital.
Is In the city,
icinier ii io. pi ,i the Tribune, bat
relumed irom a week's visit with re
latives at BOJHM ('in
tleorge iiHrveHu proprietor Ol the
Hotel St. (Seoige. i- expected home
tonight from Portland
Sheriff William Blake!) lafl Mo.i
dav -v nlug lor Hasei ft on bual'
ncss eoMtcted -itii !'i- o9ce
i; w. Pieston ,i proatlaani eltlsea
ot WsttabWW, Wash was a gu .:
the Hotel St tleorge la- nigh'
Misses Jcnuh and I. aura Baatl
l-'nohers In the public schools trt
paadJng vacation sreek ;tii rata
lives at Oregon City
Mi- Ida I'atlicl. win. has I" n
Iting hi re for some tune, will lcav'
New Years loi Helix, to visit a lew
days hetori returning to her home in
man ol tin 1 lun
-i. ne.i in Peadla
on his wav trOM
he has I u vis
Crockery tor Chrislinas I'rescnt
i show in rMl vHrictv. W
bfrVg tin. newest hikI ntatest in
tableware Bad toiletware, ami a
hi assortment of those ornanien
t.ti pieces mat are m such popular
fJtUBfl bM CttfkUntl Ks The
pmcson all tli s- noods an the
lowest for the ftttUft)
Health and Beauty
Poor complexion is usually Hi. ra
Stilt Of Irregularity of the liowols. l)c
Witt's 1 lttl Karly RlgOfl stliiiulate
the liver ragulatc the IkjwcIm. Tall
U ,!. ,x Co. uid RrOOk & McComtts..
Shooting at Fletcher Mill
Btoagar geeooBl ol n ghootlni l
Rsu at I'letcher's saw mill reach.,
Wklla Walla last night It Is alleged
that on Inst Friday Fred Fh Idle, be
came engajjod In n nuarrei and
i nan In the kKj BfyoBd that nolli
Bg could he learned. Fled Met. he.
Ii brdtktr ol rranlt Fletcher. 01
pOt He murder fame.
The Most Widely Read Newspaper
In America.
Time I n demonstrated that the
Thrice .1 Week World stands alone in
its class. Other papers have Itnltat
ed its form hut not Its success. Thl
Is DOOanM It tells all the m w all
the Um ami tells It Impartially.
Whtki I that tie rs he poilUdil r oth
erwisc It Is In fart almost n dally
at the price of a wekty nud you enn
not gff. rd to he without It.
Rojjmolleaa ami democrat alike ran
rea l the Thl ll e-a-Wcek World With
aboolnte confldanea In truth.
In addition to news It publishes
tlrst rlnss serial stories and other
friUur-s suited to the homo nnd (In
side. The rhriceaUeel. Worlds regular
Wbecrtptlon price Is only $1.00 per
raar tad this pays for ISf papr
W. offer this tinnpinlled BBWBpBpt i
and flu weekly Baal Oregonlnn In
gother for $L'...i
The Geisecke
Shoe for Men:::::
vvlin want a good , okim:
shoe lot the hardest kind of
wear, will undoubtedly give
ii'nre dtVI seivn e than an
othtr shoe on the market.
Ksther lai-e 01 congress at
per pan
i hi tran toed to do all that is
claimed 01 then;,
'eoples Warehouse
'1 Hi
Oregon hnuic Co
Kdgar Smith, to
ottUe al Helipllel
ton last nisht
Waltabun srbort
iting in- para all.
Mrs Hose Campbell received Word
this morning of the death ol tier Ian
'.unhands latin' A ad res Campbell
at his home in Book Creek 0 He
was HI' years ol age
Miss Maud Crawford aatorta
1 friends yi-slerdai al lei noon in a
thlB) hie pail' in honor ol her cousin
Miss Media HottOKM, Ol Walla W ill
who is spending the holiday with
K. P Marshal has returned i nun a
trip into the mining district ,011th of
Tba Dalles, known as the Trout em
couatr) Mr Marshal says there is
nothing doing there now hut tin Or
on Kin Mining coat pan) ir pn
paring to do extensive development
WOTV on their iroKTty in the spring
Colonel .1 H. Rahy lias returned
Horn Tlie Ualles. where In atieuded
ao elaborate banquet in koaoi or the
Wasco Warohouaa Mllllac. compaa!
given h.v Ho iliiens ot that place ;1
flBoaot Ol their appreciation ol the
latrodnctlon of power am! light from
tin pom pan) 1 aoa akwtrii plant at
White rlvor, W Ullles south Mr Ra
l y araj one ol tha honored ; iaal
the evening. One Imndn d and llfty
naople sat down to tha spread gad
inueh aathualaam was gmalfeatod
Of Benefit to You.
P. B. Mllrhell, Kulford, Md ,1 "Dur
ini- a long Illness I was troubled with
bad ores tried DoWltt's Witch Hazel
Salve and was cured " Cures piles
. ores and hurns Beware of counter
leili Tallman Co. and Brorl; &
on laataoad troprt)
i. - current :
CHA& K. 0. I'A 1 rULLO, At.
Walla Walla. Wash.
- m
Fifty Pet Cent Increa
Oui Hnies this fa'i ghow g net laoreaee of m
hist mil. We me now rionitr the load Ins budn i'"r ''''nt on,
Pendleton. VVe aootwnl rhr thla. u n
took and superior ipiality or our good, and s. n ,, thf Urg
do aomuoh oheapor than our eontitetiturs m,,!"'''
Oat Stock Is Now Complete
in all dapnrtmeuta, including K Baa line ..r Hoium n.
are now Wiling cheaiier than ever bafore lti,i W(
mhwll ll you lo not fiill in line ami patrnniz,. Tl, ?'m
glron you such idg valttoa fur your money Tim, bi Ul!
all fbriuoh onntlnuod ami liiieml uatrotia V. T "
fullv, 1 t,.
My getting one of our new ravle dining mom wis. A
o-i tf shniM ili'-lK'll ntifl fl IV lull mdi,ll, mailaaaJ . ml
at ii tiricr luwcrtlnin over before hi nueti an nee! a
.liisi Itnik ai them. Inev ere worth it. even if nil rLraa!
- . , v vai wi 1
tend nurehasinfi Our new abimnenta ineiutle sum. d
f a !
grade noveltieB. Come in anyhow nnd m a Fill
1 1 1 n 1 cj n tne pou.uu premium,
l tin iintl Webb itreela.
T make good bread ttae Uyerr' B it Flour. It UkA tint
re ilum al tha Ohloaeo wbeld'e Mr nriii ill mniprH
lot mil gitaa eareallanl aatiitnoion nbeiwrar nl.
Kvcry Mrh la giiarantwd. W he the let Htsani
Ri . Barley s,-i Bye am! lagerllear. Parlay,
VI . s. HVKKs. Proprietor
I liavt- a full lin of the Miebrated
Wood atnl etial fitoves guaranteed to
ie abeolutelv air titzlit None of thj
heat in waated and the stoves will
nave ONE HALF of your fuel MM.
1 .dsu a full line of cant cook stoves wul steel rng
Priece ur. the lowest, quality iongideietl
T C. TAYI OR, the Hs-rdware Mai
7tt Main airewt. PwreiMninn. r,r
Big Bargains in Blank Books
Take advantage of the opportunit)
while the time last.
Stalin Hlank Hooks at cost.
Do not fail to see our line and gel
our prices before you purchase.
fl5 A. T T m m el S A
The Leading Druggist
Pendleton, Orego"