East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 26, 1901, Image 1

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Eastern Oregon Weather
resi,. i rr"'r "
Tcntght mid 1 r !tjr orcei n-. MlBI
oler tonlaM.
)5c A
NO. :ll
fault Keep Bi Army
c..ih If rim.
gmiui '
Civil Information to
W(r Office WWe Tend, to
tk Pwee Trmi May Be
C(on Between Boera and
kg ban latonnsc IM war
I Mtpinilnr. miiHi Ik- made
it inuj ( n,,,n ,n
M for an todmnlw period.
.u been atabllhd, and
f tbculd aa Mill nit to be
. iudni f" Mill garrison
v Veara. on Xtnas.
Conn Ii Jt!. After
mM with her mended
L n.... ... i l ft u I tn ii
per.' rim '
iiiu Mm Jennie D. Hill.
I F"
. . Will, n
J H1 l0 Hlhn " "
. I.. .. f 'lii-lut .
ii; Pftit hak hla swt
L ill.. Ii ii . . . 1 n
P"C -
i him lii'i iim iiitilg
LTi 14. 1L.I I I.I ...
Tie bllti-i "in wiia too
i. iioweviM ami i nought
1 1 ilrlnl I in him-
in.i.ni i .In.
i in i 1 1 1 i . i i ii ii hi
tau qitui relied and ,aa
gBjanent In ohon.
ml the lrl marrlod.
ihu gVd h --v rCOe
roil kuaiiK w anil be
A laadBa "In i van
lr Mill oin lift in' n
forkHil tut id. Petit
i o( the death ol Mm
itur Un Hill bud
u Bvr your: heforo.
Petit rani' in thlM
il ud hi early sweet
I over old t tines ho
i ami svt reMod to
mii that Ik had in i or
i of liquor Kiln tlir la
it eve. ami upon (Ills
I Hill aav in prom
im Uotli bride and
'iral grown children
liere for trn weddlM
Swiind Invitations.
V V Ik.... ... ii .. .i
i if -ii i . i i
aa kavi been sum out
Ml 01 Alls Klsie Heg
Tiler iti Mr. .tin' Mi
IHaaUear. of tliih eltv.
Hei A. Holllatcr, of
Tue UTIBQB will
l evening hi A i llagtOO
rweall) . .hi,
b thr niedliiin
Hi drat aril
' uaxuta ami
Het'iK nmn i
"b arriei
I 1)1 tin- Wi'iii'
sen Rolliali
the liukotu
faret- hi in
aha (or
tlai ami
lll'O Ho
lt the 41"
. who ia
ibtnlned a
id u low
hieaf roJ-
I Itl'OUftM
nation oi
u a $ 1 'Mi.)
('.. IW , L.,-..
for tl, annual
' ! Suuii.i . i Kdiicav
whuli iKJdioa itu
B Ua ,ii luraoj
vtm i th wiiiinia
Ht I aa tlu
' 'e ri pleti Mil, iu.
aniunn Hie uronv
o ireeiii , (ir
; nt i :ha lua l).
t'arulnu, Stat, fiui
! aiii
A T-, .
Utter f
I Wn r.
. iridat'
Of tll
tuck) .
No iiotathj
from the
LlUlit i i he
Rod Hlrd
A Number of Farmera Holding Wheat
for a Figure Above 50 Cents.
Tiitullla. r 26 - Mra. Jnnoph
Holmes Is acrloualy 111.
Knink Urowii. who was down troni
his stork raiii'h this wm-k. says I hern
are over ion head of cattle mlsslnn
from their owners on Mr-Kay r reek.
Al R' urcan It working on the Wal
ters side traek In Pendleton.
M. .1 Foater and Dade Hum-nil were
up from StaRP Onh-h last wwk.
Mrs. OenrRe Case Is over from Cold
Spi-InK". vlaltliiK Waf sister. Mrs. Jos
eph Holmes, who is seriously 111
The fin-cent market offered no In
daoSVMMI to a U Sabot of Tutullla
wheat ralaera who are still hnlditiR
for a higher PgUIti
J. Walker has erected n new ilwel
line on land purchnsed hy hi in from
.1 H. Haley
Mr Tonte. a new arrival from Da
kota. Is luiaj- plowing on the laud re
centljf purchased hy him from R. D,
Tni-ner. and la dollghtod with the
change of climate. This is the first
Chrlatmas on which I have evei seen
plowing weathev Hack in Dakota 1
would lie shoreline; snow or breaking
MM Inatead of plowing."
A. P. McCarty. who Is tip from
Stage Oulch today, saya: "That of
two fields of wheat sown about tin
same time, one lied chuff nnd the
other Fife, the Fife wheat presents a
much better appearncc. the Red Chaff
baring rotted and being only about
half a stand "
.tallica Anderson, who for ti.nn.
years has DON 0BgOOto4 HlMhor
of the Ancient Order of Haclu lots
has recently mined the BOBOdlCta, lo
and Miss Annie Nelson, of Canyon
City, being wi'ibted oti Thursday.
Charles Foster was down from Oil
Miami and won n handsome soft pll
low nt a raflle In North Tutullla on
Hatnnliiv night He says It will look
sadly out of- hMMS) with Its new
surroundings iiuIchs he DM persunde
the maker of the pillow to remodel
his domicile.
() P. Ilowman has lust finished do
llveriag WW sacks of barb w ' b
he recently sold to (I Itoettcbcr.
Dollar Mark Hanna I Ceneroua.
Chicago. Hoc. 26. Bcuator Hannu
gave tin' week-old boy of his son Han
it check for $10.0110 as a Christmas
incsent The boy was too full for
utterance when the check was pre
scud d to him by his proud grand
father He had Just taken n big
drink of milk.
Alarm of Fire.
What might hare terminated In a
serious fire was aTerted betweou 8
and 7 o'clock Christmas evening by
the quirk work of W. H. Fowler,
whoae residence was threatened with
destruction hy fire Mr. and Mra.
Fowler had prepared a Christmas
bouse made of pasteboard, eoxcrod
and lined with cotton hatting, with
caught fire and a general alarm waa
tuinoil In The flames had been ex
tinguished before the fire department
arrived ami Its Mrtoog Basra not "
quired when It came The damage
will probably amount to $100, In re
paperlng the toom and touching up
aome of the furniture that was dam
at-.'ii by the flames.
Quiet on Christmaa Day.
Chief of Police Hiutliman says.
Mial-never since bo has been connect
il with the police department bus
the arreats been as light on Christ
mas as yMtaHgJ 'nl 0M ar.N t
was made during th Whole dig 'i'''
his was ii drunken Italian I'smili
during the holiday festivities when
everyone leela generous and lutoxi
cantK flow freely, the city ha-kup is
mil of drunks and would-be bad no n
who have Imbibed too much of "flgh'
tag booe" and the pure Juice"
Lon Cleaver Married.
A uiarriug' license was atSUOd late
Tin sdnv afternoon to Alonzo Cb aver
n (Irani county, and Miaa Vlolei Rial
tot DraJjH of I'matilla coiintv to far
tin- East Orogonlan has beeu unable
to dlacovi r whether the ceremonv has
tis vet been performed or not Inquiry
to that end being unreaultful Mr
Clearer is u brother of Klmer and
Cllfion Cleaver of the firm of Cleav
MOT., and ia an ox raeelTOr ot the
I'uited Hint, h land office al
Q rondo.
i ii tii i me i-andb's Inside for tin
nil n some manner tins
From Spokane East and West All
Snow Storm
a Tangle Because of a
Reported b I. L Ray dk Co., Pendle
ton, Chicago Board of Trade and
New York 8tock Exchange Brokers
Now Voi K. Doe. N The wheat
market was very active today, ad
lancing a lull ceut from the opening
nnd then losing hall of It. There
as no foreign, quotations on account
of holiday. Hi w Yoik opened at XT'
am', after sclliim an tt. v lined
lose. Chicago oiieneil
Telegraphic Communication With the East Still Open,
By Winda From Portland to Poeatello and Further
vailing Snow and Sleet Storms.
Pendleton. Office Western I'ulon,
But la Threatened
Eastward By Pre
accompanied BJ
Dec LT, -j ,, rti Wires In all d I ra
tions, except the Kast. an- down and
working badly. It Is almost Impnasi
lle to get wire news today. Home Is
slowly getting through, but report
will be brief.
Blowing a Gale at La Grande,
la Grande, Hoc. 2I. It Is blowing
a gale here today. Worst weather pre
vails east of here. Moth train and
wire service will Itl tin irfoAid v..:'
Wires Dow.i to Spokane.
Walla Walla INc. Wires be
tween here and Spokane are down,
and all eoniniimleatlon cut off for the
in nt. both by telegraph and tele
phone.. Snowstorm prevailing in vi
cinity of SMkam
high wind.
Storm in Pendleton.
Winds from the west, reaching as
high as 7a in'les an hour, blew
throughout this section last night,
and have moderated very slightly to
lay Tin wohiIii i Is clear and mild,
ctherwisi than the gale that is gen
erally prevailing, throughout the In
land Ktnplre. In Pendleton little
diilliHge lias been done, othel l hull
the blowing down of a few fences,
signs and chimneys. Telephonic com
munication around town has been In
lelfi red with to some extent, and the
usual good service crippled for the
time being. The high wind In l-jtst
Ofn Oregon has at no point been ac
companied by snow.
to ST's at th
M Stocks
Closed Tuesday
Opened today. T'.
Range today, s?1.
Closed today. ?'-.
Sugar, 112'4.
St. el. 42T.
St Paul. H'.IV
I'nion Pacific. 10SI
New York. Dec. 2l. An inteiestiiiK
billiard contest is scheduled to begin
fodajl at Maurb e Daly's. The oOBtoa
'mils are Miss Muy Kaarlus. tin- go I
Idlliardiat, and l.ouia Harulel, the
Kronch exponent nt the game and
one g the recent i ollteslants for tin
world's Champlonslil It Is to he ii
lancy shot contest, each player to
select twenty, and the one makhi.t
the entire in lii the least number of
attempt! to N docaarod tha arhiMi
Iowa Eiateddfod.
Ottumwa. la.. Dec 2ii The ad
vance guard ol rial ton has arrlvi -I
bora for the annual festival of the
Klstedrtfod Association of Iowa which
will be hr-lil tomorrow The associa
tion In a Welsh musical and UtOTiry
organlatlon with T .1 Phillips, re
cent democratic canilldato tot lOtrOi
nor, as president. An elabornt.- pro
gram of contorts and competitions
has be. -n arranged, and -hp- Higa
will be awarded the successful contestants
Dials Recorded
Is the Same
in One
Four Good
Tin following real estate trauaiera
wen rocordad with county Rooordor
lames W. Mnloney Tuesday t'-ie-noon
Joseph Hasl. i to George Ihnraajll
lot ii. Ill block K' south I'endl. Ion lot
(' (' Shutuway and n- A H. ami!
Aniey Shiimway I acres ol larm
land near WaatM, consbleralloii $".-'
.Mux Morchead to Roy Davis, si n-n
lots in Roaorvatlon addition. roMld
eratloa $'-'"
W F Matlock in Martha M IJelts.
lot I iu block 111. Reservation addi
(lou. $300.
for a eoiipln i a
H. West. Recently From Canada.
Says Pendleton Is a Big Small
II. West, deputy organizer for the
Ancient Order or Batted Workmen
arrived iu Pendleton Tuesday even
ing and will remain In-re
tit W eeks W oi l MO- ill t III
1 1 1 order.
IM, Wi si arrived la Heker 'iiy $
noatl) troaa Winnipeg Canada, and
says In- came Inn- to got out ol that
i oh i eliniaii and lelo a wanner one.
He i.-, reri vail ulee d irttfe the
stale and will nova his lauiily to
Portland in the near future Hi shs
liiat In- spent some time In Maker
( itj ami in Orajaas auu thgl batk
plan s then arc lots ot Idle men aud
I hues an not seemingly us good as iu
Pewdlatou. H. says thers is also a
groat difference in tin business air
of Peudloioii and those places
I . tubing is quiet there while here
everything and everybody an og the
move and In bears no coiniilaint ol
liani tunes. The town II. geli.-rui lias
the appearncc
I ban
The Conteat Waa Too One-Sided to
Create Any Excitement, But There
Waa Enthualasm Over the Result.
The above was the result of the
foothall game played on the local
grounds yesterday evening between
Poedletee and Walla Walla.
The game all tin way through, wr.s
void of the usual excitement, because
oi Hie tact that the game was so one
sided Tin Walla Walla boys were
not iu it with the Pendleton kickers
troni tin- start, they being entirely
oiit-classcil fioin point of practice, al
though Manager Oalhraith, of the
Walla Walla kukeis. BOhSMMsHodgad
that bis team veajld ouiweigli the
The gallic stalled u lew milllllea
past I o'clock, and at be end of the
first hull tin seine stood 12 to , 111
tin net oini liall the Walla Walln hoys
had collected themselves somewhat
and held down tin- local team a lit
tie bet lei than in the first When
lime was called at the cud ot the last
half the score atood 17 to 0, Instead
of IK to o. Anderson tailing to -kick
on account of wind Folow
nt log Is the lineup of the teams.
WnllH Walla Sehlffliel. C. Klielll
.1 (i: Kohl I. (i Daniel!. K T: n
son. L T. Kinney. K K; Coleman. I.
K Knilgli Q II; l.angard. F R: Hand
oek HII Reborn I. H.
Pencil, ton Sebo k. Cl Steveus and
dcbraldt; guarda; AajaWeea and Car-
tl, tackles Hliinhcr aud Baum
a4si Hill ami Sullivan, half hacks;
dluahei lull liaek, III ) sou, quarter
This game dm s not end the foot
hull season tor the haul aspiranta, aa
th ti ii v i Batched a game to come
off iii Hits city on New Year's day
fjstweea :he same team and a picked
I leppi, or team.
of life and vigor and
Seetll to lie IIIOIC im.' i.i'w
... y l ... .1 u
hi lul. or aim i -a ninii'i---
He hati
fal in. t. , .tied
itu - ' ,ii
La Maacotte" Last Night.
The Wilbur Kirwin ooinpanv gave
their popular play entitled "l a Mas
....I.." to a wiill nil, d house The pla
was good and the Midland was well
.loused. This la a atrong company
ami the support Is unusually tood.
The matinee in the afternoon was al
M witnessed by a large audience and
vcrv one oRpreeaed himaolf as lielng
well paid for their time and money.
Mrs "Jennie June" Crolay, th
tjournallat and organiser of women a
ajuba. Is dead In New York city, from
i heart failure, aged 71 yr.
a son. Harry rreai.
operator at fasco. aim aw
.lav with Mr. W. si
city. The operator
Hoi atello. Il also his
been in iii''' country
They wen- the chief cause
father coining to Oregon
who i;
8M:Ut .ii this
'OTl'Icn West al
gii They have
several years.
Ol tbeil
Adisputch to the laiiidou 1 lines
and Now York Times from Kleff.
claims th.- existence of a dangerous
subverBlve movement
jews and lalwring classes of Odeaaa
Pun lauiations of the moat lufiainma
i . character have been posted.
ti.. nawa has arrived by
. , . it. Chll. 11U
Victoria ma. . 7. ' t. , . ,i
ant.l to eugage uii i"ii'"
A Biy Crowd Will Leave Sunda, for
th Buttsr Creek Country to Par
ticipats in the Drlv.
ii. bundled and fifty people arc
Bxeeetod lo go from Pendleton Sun
day morning to the mouth ot Hulter
Creel to participate ill the big rghbil
dine which has been planned for that
date. II No. I. due through ben at
a. 10, is on time the crowd will go
on Hie regular train, but If it does
nui lav. here by 0 o'clock a special
a til be mn The train will atop at
(he mouth of the .nek. three quar
ter of a mil from where the drive
will begin and about one and one
half miles from the pen where the
rabbit will be corralled and slaugii
Cats on Show.
. Detroit. Mich.. He. -jt; 1"
nual show ol the Detroit Poult i
coil Slid Pot Stork Clllb opened todllV
in the i ight Ooard Armory- ami ,iil
continue through th week Th -lis
play of poultry and pet stock Is large
and of an except lonally high class.
In eoiijum t ion w ith the show Is a
display of high broil cuts under the
allspices Ol the llel roll Cat Clllb.
The Employea of the Woolen Mill
Make a Handeome Present.
Th employes ol the woolen mill
inchcuted Q D. Fell, manager of the
mill, with a solid gold ease, Klgln
movement watch. Tuesday evening,
as a Christmas present and to show
i hoii appreciation uf his management
o the work at the mill.
it is needless to mi., that Mr. i-'ell
was greatly surprised at this evi
dence of his popularity among the
employes ot the mill and they had
considerable fun at his expense. It
happened In thla way; Mr. Fell cainu
down towji beofre quitting tlBM Tl s
day evening and he had only reached
flain atreet, when he was hunledl
Ogled back to the mill for some ex
eilse When he Jire(- one of th
hoys was lying stretched out ou tin
Mom u patently dead, with some of Mn'
gliln BUhbia-l his In-ud un I tin- ii t
ot the crew were running uioiiud uinl
acting very IIIU -Il oX Hod Ol . ..
(he first lht Mr Pell thought .. .
thai someone was either kill1 ! Ol
badly hurl. W.i ! b" vvu dying to
niidoti! whut il all meant James Ash,
w ho hail Ba n solei led to present the
VBtth with (he heat wlsbis of Hie
poaapany. stepped up to Mr Pell,
haiided liiiu the watch, and In a few
Ifrll rllialtH wonbi. told him w hat
tin y had done Mr. Kdl was ao takeu
In nui prise that ho lomph tely lost
his nM-eeh and it was several lulu
.in i. ' ion ii wont e-a.Md blm. and
In whs gble to i bank (hem for their
A Merry Xmas Time.
Kui people gathered al the home
of Kdwuid Morgan, In Marstou Park,
on Christmas eve. Promptly at T
o'clock the meeting was called to or
der, and tin- audience Joined In sing
ing "Joy to the World ' The Invo
atlon prayei was adfared b) John
flurdant ii. ii the children occupied
the next hour in telling of Hauta
CUus and i in 1st mas In songs and
recitations A song ot welcome to
Sauia C(ua suua b) igte John
son ami Agin-s Young, bioughl thin
part i be program to a lone Then
Santa himself appealed on the scene
and led the children Into an adjoin
lug room where the Cliiiatmas In.-e
,-iond loaded with presents, and can
lies und nuts ami oramxrs Auulln-i
liour was spent iu distributing the
piiM-iith aud in aiM-ial fellowship
after which all went t
His Resignation Not Yet In the
President's Hands.
Quite Well Settled That Governor
Shaw, of Iowa, Will Succeed Gag
as Secretary of, the Treasury
Shaw Said to Br Strung Man and
Fitted for the Gieat Trust.
Wii-hiiigton Dec Id, Th chiing
In the secretaryship of the treasury
will take place about .lanuaiv lata.
lecretar) Oage'a foraaal resignatioa
Is not as yet in the hands of Preah
lent Koosevelt. and will not be .!
Ilrered until the secretary can nam
a date upon which It Is to heroine eg
fective. this depmdlai tatlrelj uiw
(Jovernor Shaw's decision In the mat
ter, the latter not yet (Met mining
when be would begin to handle th
reins or the office It Is stated by
IbtfSe who aie hitlniiitolv aciiininted
with tin- governor, that he Is a strong
man. and one fitted In every way a
a sucoosKor to l.vmnn .1 (lage in
i hari:,. oi Cm le Sam's strong lo
General Alger Stronger.
Detroit. Dee N QBrJ, Alger'a
coadltlofl this morning Is highly sat
lafartory, his te,naperatnr end pahM
botli holng norinal.
The Queen Improvea.
London. Dec M The QM ' phy
sician today ii ports that lio . ontln
in s to Improve slowly Tin re la a
woi bl wide interest ill her sickness.
Has No Trouble in Regulating th
Buameas Satisfactorily.
'Toronto Is one of the model .no -a
ol the w i stern hemisphere '' said J.
Ii Dix ol Houston Texas, who lust
ii turned imin a visit to that oily.
TofOBte has BOOM oi the best par
ed stieets on the coiiiim-ni hut tha
method ol conducting the business at
fairs ill the city Is what i oinnicud
It si 1 1 lo the casual r letter. I'm lo-stum-i.
Ho n system oi cootrolUai
tin saloon tiiisincss is about porfooh
Ttn re are about I.'ju saloons iu T
i onto, and that Is the limit piescriU
ed by city ordinance Thrsu saloona
arc regularly licensed, ami the only
way to obtain a license la lo pun hunt
a business aln-ady established Tba
license Itself Is about $.'I0" pel ) eat
When I leit Canada (lo- hum ot $no
was offend a hiiIihju man for his k
cense don't know whether he coa
lulled to accept il or not. The s
loons arc legulatid in such u manui
that gey are tin- most 0rgftjf ul
places 'I hey close at II o'clock OB
ull nights except Saturday when thei
. ui I. o'clock This is done In or
.h i (hat he woi king man will n s
spend his weeklv wages for drink.
Winn th an- dosed there la M
' i i loin entrance. They are abut
lighter tl.au a drum, and a man wM
oens hla saloon standa a chance to
have hla license revoked. At a, valia
atioii of $4ou'i in an hanlly afford
i un t In- rlab."
i h
u,v,a7 al a -alary of $16,000 a year
It le not known wno na un ""--
The fare for the round trip will be
got a
J.din I a in got
Mr. Morgan got
andy "A little
then is relished
ill: that
k monkey doll; that
a Jumping Jack aud
'old pigs' fet for
nonsense now and
by the wisest of
How a Little Girl Used Slang While
Heci nt ly Resale, the minister's
daughter bad been sent to Un- kin
dorgaiteii and In that shattered in
mat sin has picked up strangely
i uough a mi Hilar of bIbim ploasea
which sound amusing and at th
i am, i um shocking as tiny til1 ' mn
i los.-l ud Una. 4
Chi since she could lisp little Ilea
nit- ha-- said her prayers regularly,
night and morning and Iu her pet
Hons she Invanahi. mentions everf
n.cinh 1 oi tin lan iis by name hack
10 Include her grand parent on hot!
The other evaulug her mot bur uaa
tucked her llo bed. after hei prayeix
w r. aald, wln u hc uuddeul) sal ua
and said: "Mother l lorgot paii ol
Out of bid she climbed and kueM
.lowu again Itkt a little white cherub
in her pretty gown.
"Oh 1 -ord, she beggu with a most
serious lone of volca," I forgot n
pray for graniiuiothi t Wouldn't that
fitvege you" Chicago Tribune