East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 24, 1901, Image 6

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    Christmas Gifts best 1
Frazier's Book Store
See our Line Before You Purchase
Christmas Wine Free
With every purchasi ol Christmas wim ol fa.oo
and upwardi wi will give fret pint botth ol Mt
Howell Vineyard'i Cabernal
We sell a strictly high grade of
Port Sharry, Angelica, Tokay, Malaga, Pedn
lamina! Santema, Rsisling, Claret, Madina, 'tc
m California products,
Bouchard Pere & fils Beuonr and Macon
Offlery & Go's Port and Shcrr
These a re direct importations and boai out ccrtifi
i .iti to that sheet.
Royal Cocktails, the foil quart brand.
Whisky. Manhattan) Gm( Martini Get tin mi!
quart lias ami you get Rtoyali v cepi no othei
Cigars. oui lini bi Ion buy
sach. up, up. up.
Don't Forget the Number, Phoue 68
The Exchange
Open HoUSt Block, 2ol io', (mill Street
Charnvny Effect of Tnese Gowns
Trimmed Witn Fur.
Nov, York Dsi -1 -Bonn oi the
iv ut lilt- Msai i have tin
around woven m cloud linss and ars
brocadi 'i in satin iK'itfiib. Thi gives
a charming sad ai thi ssn tln d
lightiul chameleon v!t t WIwd
ma Inl" drSSSSS theM -llks are
trlmnvl most fashionably with fir.
In (Bat, fuv lf tlx- dSCOrBtiOB par OK'
eslleaci wlthoat dhwrUninaUoa as in
.thKktv-s- oi thlnn-s. ami It is so
taints when combined with one of
the many pntty la- -.. ie with a bit
of ehlffun tha' OBS forg. tl ahont the
i -ulstaiitlal purpose foi wliii li
it i- latendsd Is its extrsnsa novelty
am' bSBBt) ot arrangement
a prstt) black taffeta track iia.- the
skir triOUBSd With "iif band of fur
at th hem flv. double bias bands of
Ilk above, set on Ilk-- overlapping
tueki anil these in turn, beaded by
Nau's Dyspepsia Cure
Mas Utrsd these caae
and It m III CMtS I "
"I 'iti-r-il fm 01 yean-, ami belkavi
Unit I nt I Nau Dyspepsia t'ur
I wniiiii not be alive to write 'u i
sulli-re.1 t.'- yd ir-- Iblll 'I '
but in. -nr. except youn "
i at mi b) i siamaa (
tir-t tai rugf Ists. oi ss
Nau, PofSJeMd Mot I Chan
laid. Oregon 'r. i
bottl H nr ; r m-
another band ul fur. With the akin
Is worn a haatlsffsx stun waist oi
tucked tatln, and thai in brocadsd
with prlatsd .valgus. Bithsi a Iouk
nr an KtOn mat iuu) DC wum With
thin tollsttt, but it muni Uavt' a far
nli.n aim nit.-, aim a sl ol aouic
thins t brighten tha offset, o; courss
li Inaerti il in th aatlfl bodice. In
t i
a walsi ot pale tlntsd natsrial.
owalti lit i w niakoa aulti a prstt
!! an. tmniiKii with narrow vai-
nn la. it In qolti as i Isgsut
dsslsa a.- sn) wniiiun would wish
Th onl) dlsadvaatsgi oi wearing
ii lighi i I'lnii tl wulst under u Jacket
coat which mum untlnually be
taken ofl Is that it mils too eaally.
an. an. i all. it matter nut how can
full) ai. srtlch may be cleaned. It la
ncm sc. ivslruhle onee tlv pristine
i i: - ha- li destroyed by tlv
i i snsi - art
a aman dtaasf frock is the ersen
loth trimmed with mink tTSSffl silk
bruni Hint snbrolder) Ths blouse
JSX ket of last li sdfsd with mink ami
leal above tiv. mi band those la a
cutout design in thin loth, let in all
around sad lalshed on tlv setVM
with s silk braid
Tlv . ! ami lOSrSr slsSVS an- Ol
tucked chiffon tin white "iik braid
hoini iewn on with saeh tuck K
tsadlaa up ths nter of th
tip i . i - ,i faaej ni bead ol cloth
La., tut am! bravl trim tlv skirt
which aweopiai all arouml tlv
Aaur am built ov i fouadatloi oi
cross s hlt sstla
At bedtime i take s pleaaant herb
drink, ths next BoruniK i !' I'-cht
SBJ my romplexlon la htter My
dcKtor aaya It acta sently on the
tomach, Uvof sad hldnaysi and is a
..I .i an I laxative I' Is made from
herb am! pr i -a i . 1 a. eaally a.-
leu it it, oalled Uaa i Modli Ins
i ai i .( til M dicias siovi i tiv
bowt b icl day I es U and sec
fm iali '. Talln an Co soh
Boiler for Sale
in' i.i. lit
Asked to SiVS one's opinion an In
which are tiv beat Americas boohs
of I SOI, it is obvious that the quss
tion ran only be answered relative
I) and from oiv own'.- point ol lew
N. sd I say that I have made no at
tempi to read all the American bookl
published durlai IfOl, nor do I claim
even to be an IBdSS Of tlv bookl 01
the year.
Hut many American
utile my way. and the
ineniot still holds two
them. Psrhaos that is
l)foks have
SSlVl ol m
or three of
nil oiv an
.i-l the annua: literary nu'vu oi
any eountry. No COUBtr) 1 kUOS Ol
has done snythlai remsrkabli in lit
. ratlin during IfOl, It ha.- been an
Idle, tallow year I'erhap- it ha
been In caloulatlBg Biastt 'plecse
whii I are mil QUltS ready
li 1 were asked to nanv the most
distinguished booh producetl in
America during what answe
eould I Klve other than Mrs WhSI
toi - "Crucial Instaiv i s? Mr.
vVharton li tin Jobs Ollvsi Hobbs of
America bui she la more distingulsb
il With Issa vitality and mon
man) more tlitti kf.
Always, oi course, apoakiai toi
on seii Mn vVhartoi is one ol
tlv tew itirvtvlns wrlteri ol Knuiish
who will, as If they were Intended
to be n ad within nsr limits which
hi knowa probably better than any
critic can tell sh lit u real wrltsr.
Slv is not an easrgStlc person who
could thrivinuly have dOBC omethlBf
dsi just as well. She was born to
write, and she writes In n way that
ftVCS Ivr fellow human bSlBgl who
UBdsrStand such pleasures an iiniisv
sl delight sin li not a men atorj
teller daring to use wordi th ia
red waterlal of words, though 01
i i'iir-i h is a verj real
and a subtle connoisseur
k - ahe wishes to tall.
oni remsmbsr that sin
leanu d all it is uood to
Mr, Hsan James -hi will but this
I- a retrospect ami not a prophecy
There is om- other American novel oi
th ysai about th powei aud
nortaai t of which there ran b
question "The Ictopui " by
lianl Norrls.
Mr Norrls ha- taken in hand .i task
which is truly Baiaactaa In Iti
He alms to wrlt ths novel oi nvr;
csn I uslness. and u one who knowi
of tlv ItOI
li slv will
lias ah ' ady
barn from
ii Uever) would say. beet', "nothlh
rlolns or at all events very little
tin ugh. indeed. If Mr, Vaughan
m, i ) t volume Ol poems tails with
111 (hi reSi the year has a volume to
he proud of; for Mr Mood) has With
out question the Bnesi ift "i SB) ol
tin vottnger American poets. Ills
(id. m tin Time of Hesitation'' was
a distinguished pla l work, not un
worth) ol Mr. William Watson I
must no: forgsl tOO, thai the year
hSI liroughl us n new volume by Mr
Markham a volumi which more than
sustain- his reputation for noble
Personslly, too, I have been mush
Interested in an annonymoua "Booh
of lad. COmlnj from San Francis
CO little bOOk full Of recondite
beaut) and blaarre fancy. And,
neskini a Bai hraacisco, Mr. oil
i tt llurgeu has collsctsd his bobri
from "Thi Dark" into n delicious lit
tie VI lumi under the title of "A OafS
oi Youth."
tpsn from his wit and g asral
Hveflneu. Mi Btirgssi has a sweet
llghthesrted lyric gift which i am
I. mh put psrmsnently on re
cord in a volume If Mr BurgSH
could onl) forget thai hi oace wrote
"Thi Purple row" oi reallie that It
. annot ! milked forsvor! Bat per
nai t Qag' ,,: Vouth" li Intendi
i.i 'drown lh memory of that IBSO-
Inti ; - .i ii . ham Mlsa Constaaci
l.oiiii.-i.. i j An laeult Idyll ami 0th
Threi othei bookl ol the yeat pai
tlctllsrl) worthy oi note an Mr.
Mm . j - 'Literal Remlnlseeui ss,"
Mr Mswbry'i delightful "Journe) to
Nstun and Mi Joieph MeCabe'i
sbli and brilliant study of "Pstsi
Abeutrd' but ol course, there mud
havi been much elsi tood In tin year
that I hav. miss, tl Up hard U
baves Two From Death.
"Din littli daughter bail an almost
fatal Sttacl Ol Whooplim cough and
bronchltli." writes Mn VI K Ravi
land oi Armonh, N. v.. "bui when all
othei remedies failed, wi saved hsr
Hie with Dr Kmik - N" Discovery.
Our lib ' win. had Consumption In
an adVBB i d I tags, also used this
wonderful medlclm and todaj ahe Is
lierreeti) wen pesperaii inroni
and luni dls uses yield to Dr. Klag'a
N. w lh-. over) as to no otlvr tiv dl
i Im on earth Infallible tor coughs
ami rold. and $1 00 bottle.- KUSI
snti d b) Tallman . Co Trla
ties frH
In its Cooip.n -on anO Criticism"
column. "Newspapc-rdom." the vel.
Known New Yort publication says of
toe East Oieijoinan:
'For a town of 5000 people you arr
tsublisniiirj .' lemaraable paper. In
fact, tnere are papers published in
cities o 25.000 that are not a marse'
compared to your publication as rr
y.irti.. quantity of news and advertis
Ing and make up. Toe East Oregon
ian it a sis column eight-page paper
and carries on an average 23 columns
of advertising. Pendleton is situated
on the Umatilla river. 231 miles east
of Portland and 241 miles west of
Spokane The county of Umatili i
.entams 20.000 people and the ast
Oreyonian is the only o.." BUBIlSHsd
IS tnc county I nave only one adverjr
comment to otter that the name o
toe editc O' owne- tie inserted some
wnere "
o! hi ii. ai 1 1 ami in- -aajv
oi human character, can doubt th
In did it No one tun li II bin i ill i
lag wrltei Indeed, hs la more ten
bio thsn oia for lu- is nearei to tl
so ssai iiy Up
IB b. p. i .
Men of-vV.ii.
ii M. Baotos-lJ
liii airship oi
La Low Block, Pendleton, Oregon.
-pai i. Ill wii and satin and h
tlful dim ripUon of Amsrlcan na
in tin Adlrondacka- give tiv i
i lerloui value beyoad ii passim
. actlvenatfi
i courss there iiave
nn u.an DOVSls Dttblhlbsd during
..in which have hsan much mor
the publli ' ye ami sold lacompa
bettor than ihelr better-w i iuei
n n wbi'-h I have natneii the n.i
win readily oosuv to evsrj mind
thi h' do ni)t seem lo nn t,, .
i n
Wn.11 the Writers arc Putting Out
toi Heading Beside the Winter's
stand" is what Claude ii Wal
mori calls his nes story, .lust ths
liann i all up a host of misty mem
mies oi burled treasure and old time
Peril thi bonv of the InCMi hii rich
ii medlsevel lore, whither men of
many natloni have journeyed in
hi areh ol tin fsmed imi treasure
th alnboa land of promise, where
tin pot of wold hanas so temptingly
nut oi reach that continues to lure
un n to her here It II thtti Mr Wot
mon places his la' .
Il w.;i seei, to discover how hs
could ciint so Vivid B picture of thai
southern eoiintr) and those latin In
dlan Whosi blood runs 0 warmly
wh) then yon will rams to know thnt
In grew up lu I .ii c thai tlv- mo.-t
unpi essionable iars of his lif WSTe
-pent In thi south American repuh
Iti hi ' in.- fai hei w ai cop. mi
s was tiv ease in hi- former book.
"t-'IghtlUF iindl I tlv Southern Cross "
arneten In "Incaland" are
actual mies some oi thorn his own
o In i" friends, ami many ol tlv
thrllllni exiierlencoa are his owu.
Mi w tnioti was sducatsd lu Hti
roM but has been for - .oi years a
ei ilenl oi the United stales tie
.V ;i formi I) i newspaper man in
New York Chicago and St Louis, but
. -t book Sweepers of tlv Hon,"
.ii Imsglnatlvi romanei si t torn place
h ddi ii."-' wondei tales of Jules
Verm brought him Into favoi with
I KXk readers.
il. novi devotes all of his time to
literal work iit Ills home nt Ken
wood a suburb of Chicago, "tnca
land' will be publlahed h) W A.
wild, a- Co next iprlng.
Thi nopularit) ol Jesale Van Wis
lielden's "Antoniu" wh'ej mmo oui
Isst mmmer, is ihowti by the faul
that li hai now ions Intn its ihltl
. illt loll Vntonfar1 has had mam
readeri it Troy, tlbitn! and all the
nd towns upon the Hudson
M,mi" Co. U.
nor) ti... """"' Mm
""""V" "-Pes hatti, "n
linn, ui,,. . "Koti a v.. ,n.r
idl-tiiiuM ' " r-
Paul Jona. iuTTT!"
nsrennlal in in,,,..'! ; nvi stn
er .,. '""in. in .
-' qn
""s old uiUrL! 1
Very vein ",nr" sj
"" is '"! has
"v"r fori u!S sa
,'l I""' ai the i wi
fharactei ln is. uai
mance "The tw, i? Hti
ltlc.nr,lV::.,,.r M
Capluim v. ,,. M h'"iw-l
Hhors oi the s,.asn ,,n N
tii'in,,.. uT.
'"- ' --iiu tn ,. . I
mand w it, , , t
There is
In in
It Mare
art -.
"1'iai .V
uithor is well
Ireles ailil ill
vblei In i tiim b. iwi." N. n York
aim Washington and hsr Syracuse
Hei lat husband, m i lamsa
Mead Hsldon, was edl ol thi Byrs
in an I lountosi " hsi
read ' and dismissed
i' I, upon an
1 in tin same time
tag! in New York
non.- iiu that cauaea
hi n the othei
Kill Ml n dill, a host bonk "Tlv
klsstoi knoi .. Human Kate." wus
-ivh a unvpi' coneeptlon study Ol
moods and tenses I BOS writing an
other booh
It will In ,i -tin', oi tin west and
a-' Miss Meredith is a newspaper
woman nl essten birth coanseted
w III ;i I led', i i impel
Charles i ami used to su that
hi I in In i, ii ,t in, mn In lend
an old ,,m i, preferred the known
i thi unknown, bui that inch is not
'in caw tod. iv m evinced b) ths nun
' - I I thai .in nelBg turned
i. ut
n. w wrlteri apriug up from overjr
mailt i and in moat inslanees they
i an Indulgent imblir
Url leUIV'th lee joint',! le COjOJ
pany ,,i new wrlteri last iprlng when
hei slni Pillar Of Sail ' was pub
x; la has now put into the
' oi lii i puhlishcis lliiiiL-iiitiii
''''ary iltfrSM ,
xhlbitisa u I.,.
WStr ML.
I,.. I.i .1,1.. """" wi)
' 1 II V t'1,1. 'If 1
- n n-
'.i".i. s nn rootni
& !SS" " " R 4
Tiv fanciful cavei .ihui,,
chaugl With tin month ua!
an all her work H WStl H
little head ami tall pitcti i
thi fantastic blsek cat H ,,
eer) design.
Perhaps It was Utkl ,.V(r.. ,
In COBdSBSlBg so milch
ivss Into hi Urn, ,
ninde this artist inch an Ml
iialntlna mialatars water minri,
In less than a Kipiar,'
div es effect .a nintintslti ant i
ami sit mat manv
tntm the) needed
anvas in portrai
Tb, twentj or ason pi
xhlhitlon were dsn i
wlvn sin WSI llviai id
Inst UBdsr tin hsilu .
Resides be i rosilii
Mi Cmbitsettei mi .- ,
oi editorial work fcx hi
Whet her ai hsr Bsak
lournlna In Maim la lbs
on n n In to tin tropics I'
ihi eomblnsi art aad Btei
laiiv raatlni Ky isyi
lust ai Is as a rSSt an
from tin ntliei
Have vru seen thi
Why the Nd
IhWOSltt W. & C 1 1-,'
toy's HarbiN
VV J SI- 1 I
MMMeesapsgggrwi i WM
(ionorrh j-i SSI ISSSBP
IN 48 MOUIIS. C"r "
no an J tSsSSSf l,oua
Lonely Homes
A 1 1 i,i,i( h nvcr liStl -llh'"-' "
Yt many hoimi a tWIdktSI NM) "
dtiolate lur thi I k of j th Iti I" U- '"J
hvsa ars sanlsas void , th hish
MlL..k.. ..( lih.j.i hirrimifl II t'U ,U 1
'Hi ii- n
tulabl; laduoi and ' ."'.ST
caaat on acv.-un. of I ft bSUS hSB
which Win ol Urdu. v. d MdlK "
This pur Win wsuUi-1 bi sWsVssJsmi
organs by buiklai o - " Jt ' ,
KSoUtlng tlw IlKlO.r
Ulin womb to hs grepcr plso
valng lh U.,,r4l,v ori",. I ails SJW
uncy poniblt sfhn lMrtnni "
can a ,..-...! on
rooht a ( vi m rnr
i L. . . . .
iL . I .ml Tt SSBS
.aflrl..H swii. sl. uvsi ' NJ
aeaaadtag ss h ' t lh,
mor convmcnm prooi M i M
ttilunonv ol Mr, bum'.' i" '
thoutsndi of women m srl M
tur. Many vaJ ol me jrruS.
"i v...... n , w , ri nr . nr.
h rolit malhari of "--'- .luvc been av.tiu. 1 c lac
Vin; You are atk.l i.. i... Win. f furlnl and Ihtulurd t I
I ol CafS"
-ji uonS"
. nu 6' V
i . . . . 1- Ir. .
" " ipjiuon iinO'uii Nine out ol Un ca oi ssnw - (tjf4ll,.
iudu vith'iolhtm. All drustlili Mil l-"d bointi 1 1 s "
.. . ..t adhI '"tl i
- rrlsff, wolch wa tollows I - :"?'J asi"
.. .HLumrgot IUS bottle of ln ?fl6"W5ir Iff
ad restores mi fallen srossb to u- i-s , (C, taa
ottlsaami Uv another ,Ktll :?
ling to Umu mother MO Wc ' ,y i ps'
.... w. '1'""t
ItaiUuOOS Ju'iklue UU."
..I M.t. I In
tiki i.i
.. iassst
; out
an .y
r', '
i' Tslli