1001 SUITABLE ARTICLES )R CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Beautiful Electric Seal Jacket I ir i i :,, go at 29; regular 986 t go sit 21 ,. M .,, ... --'s ll'llll lll.mUiaf.Ull 'I B HUT, IIch, Glovea and Handkerchit'fa, Ned Tien, Drew. Skirt and Jacket". a! retiring from hueinois prices. ill t 'i"-' leaver "m f1vtHl'Av iv nlM'RMDKK '' 1 . 1'"" BHEVlTltS. Howard Kim lOBM. . noftiiii'. 'ire liiHiirnn wm, even i""'1''" i SICK AND AW AN PROM NOIH1 A YOUNG MAN IN A PITIABLE CONDITION George Peters. Claimmu to be Well CTnnected in Denver. Is Mentally Unbalanced Left Monday for hit Home. THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE George Peters. y rrotn Denver tin pt Bundej rendition. " Adams aaeni for leaver Bros. Dry Goods Co. Howard Kara lOBM. I i,wli, Ore iMUtMoe ... nlti . . ' "'I ehllHe i nudist b) tin' toti ut DuttoB a. Dutton Is headquarteri ror Xmaa andles. l om uivi room tn rent, Inquire ol Chris Banlej Boroatg sinus an th lieat. Alex ami' 1 I lens fl BU m Stun mi; nMortmen take) pies Md rookli foi 'in i i dm a' B Marttn'e. ('lain rhowder in tun Unites, sunn thltii in ami verj inn ai Hawle) Broi Hmokers' delight, la Mm. I for l iiaii m i Mini at ! for a nuarter, I'm a young man recent' Colorado, arrived in evening, in n pitiful went tn Waltet tin Northern Pad ii. railroad, ntiii ked him ror a nek .I home, saying he only had MO t l,v (or It Of course f lint was run nottgti lo take bin home Md Mi tdams told him At thin the voting man acted ver) much iiissn (minted and said he waj going to ..ml it all." He acted m downheart ed that ii tdama tnlii tli' police about him unii Ibey Raw b cIom 'watch on him until Monday evening v inn Mr. adams, who had telegraph ed tn a torn 1 1 in Denver, telling f his condition, received an Maww stel Ing that nil" had deposited money to iwy lib tranaportntlofl home ami ht WM pin aboard the train and start ed for home Peter was not violently Insane, hut It was evlrteri thai he was men tally unbalanred and his roiidltlon Hollrlted the sympathy ol all who sa him. His story was thai a f a months mo hi left Denver to loin rriend at Bllenabun who was rail road man ami who had promised him wniK i-iii vin i he arrived the rrlond was gone ami he ''imiii not Bod hint id atayed around there several dhjrs trying to get work and wa almot to run mil i monev, Th'i prej d n l.is mini until he f-ll In the eondl thm a" now. Pan iii tin time he m , in nerfectl) rattoMl and would tall vi.i intelligent!) and at other times in' would talk in a rambling iort hi way wMii a iilani. expression re. ami when thoae spent mm nn would tela ahoul in belna "worklM analnat" lie ) U!iH''.. !"" ""tl U THE f I I sj c (Ill 111 would Sllllll I Wml" I it,' niai i nund ., .,. ,'.. iv-r llros wll as l tail in 1 11" pounfla. K Qart "' John Ailams' BrH sn golBg out iii bum Bmuint (oi sverybodj at IM trei prj Qoodl mre. gm mm! ipttlti bough! ut gg ..i .!; iii. uii ii free : Pi up) srebossw i ir. in a hurrv lnr a grOOSD . R Martin He U . t tp lalt) "i guleli deliver) u 1'i.fti-r - Winn! tit rear ol . hanW or K i: Porter, Moaeh' ii. I lili win at neli of Adanm Terms. t2MI 1 klioreto .ult purx-baser. Jani s . . nit ina: Martin on good i Mttni . n kings in niaiiKu- i'. man. is nuts ,,, , ,1 I . Hi -ni.. I'lmi. i nim-hoi In I Maiksy pralrlss Wheal nn K T Watlr i ii : iii, . i . L-ompaay'i 'tn itu when in n ii- . i' M.i:i i'i ami up mi Court xtlf.'t tn K't i- mid New art' nut I last an tin purr and r upri(u brands of Oallfor kialiw, Uouora at KllM's mor Slore. ro'irt wtrt-et. '"'yuK Cbriauaai prciieut.s, ' In- oi lapani-ut' tn iii Pendleton, at "airi Jurnlture store. SIS r"' Opposite opera bouas Hue uf groutfries nn in Sinn I ppen's pharmai Promutl) ai Hill FramlDJ a i . i, ni i i'i' ami a " sandei De- Biiim r tin .-a ''lull, 'hi: " ...Ir- .Ni'V ul Ills nli'iin nioilltllnK' llraHS i " frames at C Sharp's, 1 1 lends iiinl pa' n ns w i ea ii rr) Ohrlatnuu ami a bapp ii Through your patronage s nn Ninas lia uxeeedeil OH .ib Fuel foi Locomotives. urn of tin railroads mi the Pacific ' i ia s i has in i i. exiierlmentlng with nil m fuel foi their loMMBOtlves In lilati ni' 'mil. ami 11 It proves a sue- ip p. adopti '! while there nta) in -"im iloiiht as tn the success ni ii !. im i thi - none con- ernh tht i uratlvi aim of Hoatet t. r's fttomai ii nut' rs, n has haw given a thorough trial during tin paal nn M iii and lias never disappointed in) iit-ii! from dyapepala, Indiges tion, constipation oi biliousness who Pas i" i t it a 'all 'rial What H Iiiih .inn, '"' otbert ir tin nam n 'IH . . rtalnl) do for you now. Try a hot Mi ami 'mi will In ronvlnced. Tin enuliii tins our Private Die Stamp u. IT 3 O T Ul ir -J a o a Ui X r- ui o o X Ul a D u. -J s i ui a ui X K Ul in 3 O X ai s Ul l 0. o Ul a ui X K THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE t pvjrs to trade ut tiif Peoples WaioliiMsj, "Not a Busatlonahls qnaJlt heia." Only One Day More For Christmas Buying rhe chances ,.r. you don't rMltai thai youi lim. s limited to do your Chris trass shopping, We wtah to imprest upon you th fact tint out stow is faith abloom with everything that is suitable t.. chrtstmas gifts N iah you t.' coma in no mattei whothei you whh t.. lu, r usi to look You will not ba nrged to purchase Pot the bentfll "t late buyers we propose to make n i- tluct i'ii ot 10 PER CENT. ..- all Sm ' . coats, Lounging md Bathing roiws, Note tin reductions below $- i, Stiiokinu 1 11 its, iti-w 'l5 9!S -; Smoking en, its noti o.ou Smoking oat. now ,.,i , Imported Lounging r bes, non s ,i lmportt I Lounging robes, now t $o Imported Lounging robes, now a oo Bath robes . now ti Ss : 5" i ) -ii 90 ' 1 90 i; Overcoats and Suits. pej apa you crraldn't pleasa Father. Brothel 01 Son. battel tl.., n t give him gift "i that sorit Overcoats gnd -;nts here $7 50 to gas tad !,,,s 1,1 PrM M '" l"'nvr'" Our Furnishing Goods Department - havi l) lar the largest stot k ol lull dreas mil at traveling hags. valiM-s. band sat.hels. umbrellas, mutrlera, ,, kwear, hosiary, coUars ami cuffs, Indian rob 1 steamei ruga, etc., ever) srticle priced to tempt tn most i t onomii ai A Few Minutes Bxpended at our ston this evening and tomorrow n;a) silNr hours 'i indefinite thinking ami ma) lead to saving .1.... .. .1. mil mnnm .11 mnl mil sC eTHE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE., last yi I IllUMi ANOTHER BIG WHEAT SALE. BPOOOt-IIUUWWWVVWww- - , Tonight is Last f CHRISTMAS FESTIVITIES IN WALLA WALLA. Chuiche Will Entertain the Children Program Cut 8hort st Peniten t,dry Tenth Battery Dance band's Annual Ball. Walla aiia Dai M The psepts ut tins itltj an waking sJabotatg ur mn 11,. nl foi celebration of Ohriatmati am1, an iiniiHiially plfimant holiday season m in untii-ipatlon. Tin- ilv tiilirrliti, an tuklnv tin lead III providing entertatnsasai for the ehiui ifii eaea offarlni ipeetal tsi rlesa for tin occaaloa. 1 uaii) at im ponltantlary, wales la I,.-an 1! nearl) a milt from tlilH dty Christ mas In a day of promlm' to the men conBned there. splenM din- m 1 ami olhei privilege an- glveu the in. -ii This year tin festivities will be curtailed on account ot eapenass ami tin da) "HI l"1 "f l,h pleaaurei , Tonlaki tin ten'h battery Dross Kurt Walla Walla will glVS a ilr.-ss hull at Armtr Mull to which lbs public hap heeii Invited. This Is il' li Ht ,'ffnrt of tin lia'tery hoys In entertainment ami win Ileal) pmve very lueoeaaful On Chrlstinus Bint the Walla Walla bane' win ivc the ninth annual hall at the sumc plane This will be an Informal affair am! vil! . 'lt.se the festivities f niristinn- aa arranged the people of the ' Married at Walla Walla. Walla waiia !- '-' ipeclal. Kugene Bktnehetl ami Rugeala ' ,,t both of Pendleton granted a marrlnce lleeaat ... rsaternay afternoon, W Riuby Sold GO.000 E. W. McComas Mon W. T. and C. Bushels to day. The onl) vale ni wheat ! any tiu itortaace made in Pendletoa f the iioat two weeks whs consummated Uonda) afternoon between B. W, M Comai ageni for 'in- Northwesters wai' hmis company, ami W T and c, ny Rlgb) lather and son who aoid theli IS01 crop tioaatatlag f nun ImabeU iur rai rents per bushel 1 I Sum. ut the wheat wat Blef il In I't-ntlletnr. snnu In Nolls and ' 'gjnas Tin I." vailing iiiimIU and then this prlii ami rlsK It price Is 4Rty cents is BOM BWVlBI at rarmen prefer to hold iMiiin- ni' anain Nn sales e 10 10 nn looked for until It does White Man Turned Yellow. 1. nut consternation whs fell b) the . , 1,1 m a rlognrt) nt Ueaiaf m K) when the) sau he was turn Ion yellOS His sKili slowly ehaiiKt'd eolor aisi. ti 1 - eyes ami b sulerod terribly . His malady was yelloa laiindln He was treated b) the i'si iluetors, tan without baaeat ThM as was advised in tn Bleetrlc Bitters, 1 . eonderfnl stoameh ami Meet rein edy. ami In iites After taking iwii bottlei I as Wholly eared." A trial proves us niatchlean merit fat nil atomach. Hvw ami kldM) '"' i.i.,u iniiv Mold ! Tallinan r i .p. iiaa ut etotklaa an t in- Met ih, enormous trade are Mvtaf, prove this feci Aleaaaaet Depart nient Store 1... 1 1 1 ,,ll ',1 III 'I MUX mi wnt. '' ' ii,is v-ek, while 'ii- stock is till well aborted. Come Early and Avoid the Push. tii 1 .... .. . 1 ... 1 i. ...1.. 1. . ii..i l i:,- i I-. 1 mi Store Will ic ui-uwu-cm. , The ...'.'- make lovely preeenti Silk Waists Umbrellas llandkcichicrs Kid Gloves Neck w car PlI I SO Silk Mittens Fu rs Silk Hose Belts Silk I ndershirts Silk Koas af THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE. 3 I he Cotiifiihin Lodging Mouse NKWM KURNIHHKU HA K IN 1 1 n n to "l ION l ( KN'l KKO HUM K UK 1 1. 1 v'A RHB HI 1- I . . SCHEMPP, Trup. See W. C. Minnis tor Wood and Coal Ksiu iall v Villa intdei 1 taerf V illki A SLkJL SOS v v v v vv itAAiAAi SLSlSlXSLSlSJLSLV & I M .1111 Sip ul I M.I 1 11" 1 1 1(1 P '" ' Glance over the following m immot buv your Ohrietinfai . . 4-. " ujee wliy from us walc ' lin ks. JW1 ty't Solid Silvenvesn Silvi-r plftti WfMfWt iiT Kogera ulttti wan , NsTliiia kill... .. - l.'i . 'iv.;i..i ten.. 1 l .M .VOIUtlH, r.n ll I "in 1 1 Indies) ioke in gold plite And I Hm I'lau- ;Ul,l fJuni mill Saacfcis. a 1 jit ?m v Effm li iiieini) r viu g 1 cbftuoe mi $100.U(J fckilld Qold Wfatoh and Chin pith ivery ! ,00 pur madt' in otir iton iofore January I IttOtf, LOUIS HUNZIKER, i in i i i k i i . icti 1:1 i i) , A ifi'iUiiMiiiUfS w ...... C. . a a, a a I SI o ! T m X o c i H X m v m o s s m X o i -i I m V m O v r m e i JO m X o m re v r m a - t a i a, - A a i lil I