HE INU-ur iv the nda of our customers. Low prices r ":l ue (111 !' line ol .MM Shoes. Overcoats. Fir Goods. Slipper. Suits. igtg, Rubber?, Hats. Pressing Sacks, Arctics, Etc. THE ALEXANDER PAKlinc.ni MUHt iai w nscliil or nrtnt.n tor a Mma Pit X nt .i" wini: Tin (am mi 1111 Pi J I 1 . im w t t t - - n -i si - - n j i ii r iia"iiiEinih.i n i in 11 I 1 II I 1 I L W L'tf Li A A S J A J ' I I 1 W J 1 t I Others ironi $20 to $30. fa Discount tor Cash until )anuar 1902. nt i aipiMs. Kitus, I.iur.tiul Silk Curtaini ami freatl) rtduceil pricei (oi .il . Wall Papal I at i ust THE CARPET MAN. AT THE OPERA HOUSE. . i WILBUR KIRWIN COMPANY CHRISTMAS DAY. In the Afternoon Will Be a Matinee, and at Night an Operatic Produc tion. Which Will Be Full of Mirth Making Scenes. Tin WltbnrKlrwln company, whlefe eppeara Chrletmaa iiny afternoon 'and evening - at the Hrnzcr. put OB prod net Ions of the ope ms la their ; r pi irtolr, rtOl slipshod reprosentn ttona, imt production! in Btrery aenaa that the term Implies. It takes 17.". i trunka tfi hold hi' wardrobe of the wnimr Kit-win Opera rompanjr, ami no two operas are dressed alike, a complete change of dress being made tor 'aeii production Tki Wilbur Klrwltt Opera company carrlea the lamest and Inst rained chorus on the itAgl today, It is composed of 4" rresh yontl rotcee, and the feminine i portion of it is pretty and ahapet) i in fart, th Wllbnra have always been noted for tin ir handaome Eiris. ami this aeaaoa Mannccr Wllluir has out I done even himself III this respect At tlie request of mimv of his pat rons. Mnnaper Wllluir hns revived the beautiful ipectarnlar marches Which were formerly so ':- f r :' a feature of the performances of this company, and reproduced with mar velous lighting ami coatntnlna effect Several of these marchei win be pi ven tomorrow nlcht Bl Kraor's opera houaa, "The Burgomaster' Friday. "Tin Burgomeater" is announced for a return engagement al he Praaer Opera House Krlda. the 27th. Tin company thai win appear here in much larger than the one seen last season us It represents the pick nf the two orgsalaatlonf thai proee.ted the piece last year and comprises Herbert Hawthorn, tin mi final nun: oniastei and one of the most nele brated Gorauui comedlana on the state today and who Is ahly second- ed bj Eugene Randfnrd, another Oar man median of unusual distinction Rut on tins special Chrlatnau day lust year there was an air of Kieat bid aupreaaed excitement in a Royal Family." One met the queen In her lonn court town, atrnggtlng with her train over one arm and a huire pack age it the other gtoptfll her way to i he "property room.'1 Thi u the cardinal, in his scarlet siii. ini.es Kutitiiy concealtai lon bo Othera ol the royal Family were sr. 11 alonfl the dart, passage carrying parrela to the property room, from which the) emerged With smillnc hap py faces As the curtain fell upon the final tableau ol the play, with the eattrt i assembled there was not the us ual riisli tni tlx drcsslns-rooms Everyone remained on the stage, and the princess. taklnf the tiny prince h tin hand, explained that she had re celved a lettei from Santa Clans to say thai h( Would visit the theatr. thai day. Hardly araa the explanation made when on came Santa Clause Imperaon ated i x tin prone rt) man. drawing In a moat wondrous Ohtiatnuu tret . load' wltl alfti and caadj and fairy thinga. The poor littl, actor for whom all this k) luni been prepared by his gr wn rrlenda was too stunned to apeak Uvea after a formal Introduc tlon to Santa Claui and his assurance to the little ho that all tin tree was ins ih, reallaatlon came alowly and in anve faint utile squeals m joy as tic undreamed ni loya were shown to him, 'h 'in wonderful wagona that w ! arl) across the stage when wound mi and lh fnnnj animals that JnmMd about all by themselves. The child'" dei tin mew and caught the v hole company What a sight It would have he n for the audience leavluR tht tbeatet could the) have '. on tl" other siil. of the curtain Phri was the entire conrl of Oaron ling. in iirlnci . princess, cardinal. com tiers ambaaaador ladles in waltlna ail with their gordeona raf ment, playlni like children with the toy a. Some Were oil fllelf hands III.; Christmas Bargains. 01 R BARGAINS in ( HRISTM - GOODS, md alto our apeciil prices on Cl 0TH1NG i J Kaavj goodii hav kept ut mt the jump . 1 1 .ist a k. and we i ap i t t.i he .is busy .ill this i ek cv ei Itefore have we dona so niticlt bttaiiii ia aa dui ina the past two weeka, and thai laei aaauti i I s thai tint good art priced riubt. .mil if "i vili come into mir st. i, ami lo.'k cner our sto. k. N Ol' will b on vinced that you can do hettef at oui atore than am plat i in town. We are continuing out Special .! on ( inciting and if you want a BARGAIN in aSUlToi OVER l 0l iloti t x ait loo ioiim. Imt i i M I A I ONCE P Where Whole Families can Trade 1 III: tes can Trade FAIR Frazer Opera House. I link.-' . I . . Special lai Welt b, Le tl Maaegi t. r.y sic,mbI arnuigetuenU the manage' e.l the Y A ' m (Tea dT rp FOR THE BOYS those $5 Tool Chests IT W. J. CLARKE & CO.'S HEAD 'i h rER8 KOH liters Table Cutlery, Carvers Skates and Sleds. . I . social III I ;io;iii(kili(ki)I WILBUR KIRWIN OPERA CO. V.MAi M ri n BK and MC1H I Wednesday. December 25th. This rani pan j i neideted I he tinei in Anieriua hui has 0 lewiple. M.ir pretty girl hudeooie eceuery, goig laeoatuiiMai womlenul llghi etfW'U iliiin any otiiei . itiipMt.v M MAH MATIN Kl I IM y I Ilk 1)1 11 I I'liat 'liaruiliiK ttpera J 1 1 1 I Ijll I v inn- Kvenlun i M i it M i PION Boe present la uri e i Uitnke t li. to 1 1.- Kvenlng pef fin uiNii.e hi ,l , Wki foi tin. coinpioijhiituil t'otj will re eivi Iilhgid amwaeilli 111 St'iiti on aie al h iiei ' Itiidgfltore. Mat n pi i, c-, .' ,u 11 ' Kvwnlog ptii ' o and i tst. Carrtagea would ordered fur lOtntlp. ni, whose portrayal ol 'Doodle van Kttll." Is olle ol tin li it r- ol III) pi. ei Qeorai Hroderlck wll Iplaj his old pari oi i In- Harlem Spider ami has a i.ew collection ol "tough girls' thul sends his pari along wttb ll lliiriN de i orme, tin popuiui ratnu opera comedian port 1 1 1 R 1 .. i 'on the brok in 1I11 1 li .ti.i that b alvei this tiiul il SULTRY and EGGS tnational Poultry Pood makea them. Beef Mi give (ham Savor, Clamshell make them solid. Mica rii ai la digestion. I a iaropla, C F. COLESWORTHY, (too, I il'-.ol IT centrlt chawter a oa..t mid sotrii u humor 'hat makea II 1 the moel liidlcions bill ut co et . Will It I'etiu Au.'v l.ynam and .1 I Mar ray are still in tin east us is daint) Bdlth Verrlngton, who iiortrayal "; 1 liil Madelln wlnthrop. coni len be one oi the handaonjeal girk oa atage. eaarl the part of -v gpluiger alao iadk Btocktoi Wesiei 11 1 emodk am of marl pi oiiiiueni . w il play ' In ' " " "I" ami nameroua others not lorgetl The Player' OkekMnta. r' . 1 it tiin itIUl I CCll. bin oi I 'ell.il. UU1. Urt'H1"1 in...- otheri running around attei a nu i'n ah a 1 rahbll The cHrdiual aut th. dowagei queen were convulsed With tht unties ol tWO wooden mull 1 1 hav log a prise tight When was He dignity ami tin art now! Porgotteu In the hepplneei ol a moment ol return to thai nature which mal es th. whole woilo Kill to the lit He chilli For the Holidays A l KLINE'S Family Liquoi Store You will I i ti cl The He! The Cheapest I he ,;ure I lie 1 aVfJWft 5tCk GET YOUR WIFE Sh I )t RI IGER'S im KNIVES ND PORKS I i HRIS1 MAS v K HAVE Kill LINE OF lilts t EL EBRA 1 1.1 1 SI LN ERW VKE, II ' SEE "i l l IN' . si Is , or WILL BUY ONE HANSFORD & THOMPSON. The Leading Hardware Man. James A. Howard REAL ESTATE BROKER. Court St. near Firet Nat. Bank J H.i Real Estate foi Sale See Here: ibo M rat ot choice what land, about ten milek northeast of Pendle ten. This I one of the flnett improv ed farms in tne county and hae yooa ki.hool advantages. Will sell fcr cash or trade for equji value in unimpiovo land. Eight fine lota m Pendleton at $100 each, on eaay terms. 160 acres of wheat land south of Prrdletor., $800 at res choice fruit and gaiUer. land near Milton. One-half of tract in bearing fruit tree , 7 teres . If a I fa. An under irrigation F net in proved. 130 acres on McKay Creek, 20 acres a I bottcn laed IMWjei irrigation balance good wheat land, wall n proved. 'j'iO acres good wheat land, la body, fou' BJ es from Hendletun ten ,s half aaak balance on time tv si.it pure aeof at t pat aaal le terest U, Kay Co., Hi iclctti rofidsi .iinl i ri i 1 1 r ors stuck hachaage Chlcafu s,ie V I . han(c I. Iili Hoaid of Ireilc . . I tSl Vou gel Good lker.. ul .is veil .is an ornamestal Christ , 110 than by buying a Schimmel Piano "tjNaadli urjui, pnake of pisnOi liinliiv polialicd M an,: r. tii everywbert (or 450, I handle theaa n W Id. t... au,i , i4ll Be them at two ilitrils oi lilt nspect tii. se pianoa and t a liaiam JOE BASLER 6oi 604 Main Street, Pendleton on Whsn fu 'it ink PILSNER )' Win , Wlxiskik'i,, Briud isadQaid All Kinds, WHEAT LANDS BEER. ill 1, 1. -sent from the faiiiil) who arc , , umitad foi the bt IMaw l aid home aud 'l" ;" " eod 1 ' a wont of lorlni ireetlni to tht an sent tgorkar Then th. tetegrami the llowera, Ike 1 Kpeeted glftl 1 opt memberi ol the company or little oferlngi I I""" stai;. ham1 Which 'uncl es vou deep Iv because you Know how much the lioiiai and ii ball meant to ' Both Foreign and At lowest raten Domestic -. t loun stiet't J. K. DICKSON. I ast Oreacnian Ku'.lding. lUaVAUtSt '. 1 1 USU 1 hc.'l.ti illl-rH A-k tOM if Schuit Brewing co. Pendleton, (rean.