1 n mn Ml h j2 Wc have Jtist Received Two More Carloads of ..FURNITURE... 4 lit uiil voti know thai i 1 1 lust i fipiisiti's in ale hntm enahles to salect the be! lines at pop i t hav t" psi othei people l;"'! thtbti m tin- waj ol in i ii n t,. date in deaiun. W think we have mar prii V I . tr.i t . ti t - ' m iiat mi want, .in 5 Chamberg Suits andtlrontBeds ( In ttntsh, design, workmanship and materia! them are unsurpassed tcr the pru ( Ket j diflerent styles "( Itnn 1 ' t - in stock, V always havt a line stock ol npring .mil mattreMe and pillows Von spend one third ol yotn lite in lied Wh) not r si easj on mie ol OUl Inlte I m ittn s . . I 5CJJ2 . ''jfej Couches, Lounges and Parlor Pieces. 1 " " 've I wktej I evicts , beautiful, upholstered , & mask, silk hracattl, 1 irnsiM .1 plnsh, eordroy.ett I w m onmplets .i u, in-ti prowl q ,t RHDER Rockors trow 7c to 4j M. Fl DEALER IN Furniture, Carpets and Funeral Supplies. 1 1 i - Iron j ; to 4. . J .,..-.r.,..M The Pendleton Machine Shop and Foundry i j M"t"-H"t"Hi-H"H"l'4"H"M- -t-H"t"M"t"H"fr H H t v. v. I I k id Dont forget that w ure prepared t" do ull k i i nl q( moohine work ami III ilka a specialty uf rWUtiriug. V (In moulding from the liMvietl outing to t lie smallest pitiioni Bati mites will bo Itiroiihtfd promptly on any work In uur line, Al! our work is gUArAliUMKl Mid uur priotM an- low ooosidtriug 1 1 - quality uf tin-work. -hr r1 A Lie amid Eramidy Baltezore & Howe, Props Shops and Foundry Junction Webb and Court Street. .- xtlll:tltlll.'.'.lbtl'..Ll. '...!. l.l.r. 1.'. '.1.4.1. 1.1.1. 1. '...'. '.'.'.'.'.''.''.' ..'.' '.'.I.' t I j . ......... .' ,i.,.',ivw'w..w......v.vi.m.i.......v..-..i. '..t.... ..-.... ,.,., ;.;..;,.;,. t I 1 I I I I i h&4 i T toe A very high grade line of Imported and Domestic GH Club Rooms in Connection. YOU ARE INVITED TO CALL R Main Street, Pendleton, Oregon. i 1 1 1 i ii K9S ' iiiiiiimnninnmiiiiiin Sli I