East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 23, 1901, Image 8

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Shoe Sale
In full blast and will continue until
all our stock is gone.
Don't miss this chance to buy your
footwear at a big reduction. Every
thing goes.
All goods sold for cash
The Boot and Shoe Hen.
The Date Will be December 28th, J9J1,
for the One Day Only.
The East Oregorilaii propoaos to In
augurate a bargain day. Thla day will
be December 28th. 11)01 On thia day
abaciiptlona to the Bast OreKonlau
dally, weekly or seml-weskly, will be
We find that it pays to ad
vertise, and this week as
ong as they last we will give'
taken at half price. There will be a
cut of 60 per cent. In the Eaat Ore
Konian's subscription price for this
one day only. On this day you can ob
tain th dally East Orexonlan b mail
for one year for $3; semi-weekly for
a year for only $1. and the weekly for
a year for 76 cent. Thla offer Is
made to old or new aubscrlbera. who
pay aubacrlptlons In advance from De
cember 28th. 1901. for one year or
more. Don't fail to take advantaK
of the offer. Tell your neighbor about
the offer. Send In your name for a
ample copy. Remit by bank check,
postal note, money order or In one
and two cent atampa. Addreas East
Oregontan, Pendleton Oregon
Gold Plated
Picture Frame
ith a rifty-cent pufoblM of
lasnwan- otooktry or granite
an. I Mily one frame to a
wl Tea House
Fin- teas and coffees.
The Most Widely Read Newspaper
In America.
Time baa demonstrated that the
Thrice-aWeek World Hands alone In
1 Its class. Other papers have Imltat
ed Its form but not Its success. This
la because it tells all Uie new all
the time and telle It Impartially,
whether that nc-,vs be political or oth
erwise. It is in fact almost a dally
at the price of a wekly and you can
not aft, rd to be without it
Kepuoiicun and democrat alike can
read the Thucu-a-Week World with
absolute confidence In truth.
In addition to news It publish) j
nrst-class serial storiea and other
features suited to the home and fire
The Thrice-aWeek World's regular
subscription price Is only $1.00 per
year and thia pays for 166 paper?
W- offer this unequalled newspaper
and the weekly Kast Oregonlan tt
tether for 2.Zo.
Turkeys, ducks, chickena and geese,
selected fowls, at B Martin's.
Wherever Latter Day Saints Are
They Revere His Life and Works
Salt Lake CUT. Dec. 23.--Wherever
there are Mormons today hns bttfl
celebrated and In a number of liiBtnn
OSf the festivities have entirely t;iWen
flu place of the celebration two days
nac by Christendom. December 23
is Joseph Smith's birthday nnnl ver
!sary. and the observance of It and of
! Ilrlahnm Young's birthday June 1, arc
! official holidays of the Mormon
church. The exercises at the different
meeting houses today were similar to
the customary Christmas celebra
tions, except for the lack of trees or
Rifts There was a great deal of mil
i sle and discourses on Joseph Smith
wen ;i feature. The story was told
of his birth In lRnfi in a lowly farm
heu i at Sharon. Windsor county. Vt..
his discovery of the sacred plates,
the story of his subsequent career.
In which he founded the Mormon re
ligion, and his tragic death In Illinois.
Although there will be no church
celebration of Christmas, the rarions
Mormon families will observe It by
reunions and the exchange of Riffs
like the members of other denominations
Frank N MeCandless of F.llens
burg, is In town.
J I), liawes, Is at Hotel St. OeorK'1
from Weston.
Jacob Met, the Walla Walla beer
king. Is In the city.
W II Dale was a I visitor to
!' dlSton Saturday.
J. II. La war has gone to (J&lM on
pi ofesslonn I I'llsiliess.
.1 a I- Stamper was a Weston visitor
to Pi Balaton yesterday.
B. F. Dennis has returned from his
homestead la Gillian county.
Alex Mali elm and II. Donah were
in Paadleton Saturday from Pilot
Mrs. Julia Hart, ot Htppn r, was
the litest Of Miss Ida I'otwln. OB
). I'oweis an. I Uuss II llo'isi' are
gin sts of the Onlilen Utile bote; ironi
S. l Peil.-i an.; wlf. in Pilot
Rot k, ware trad lag with Pendleton
mer' hants Saturday.
Mrs. I. L Hay Is seriously 111 at
her home on Jaikson street, ami her
friends fear for the worst.
Tliimas Matthews returned Satm
day from lleppnet. win f, he had
been looking after his stoc k interests
i Ms B, II Hall has gone to Weston
to spend the holidays with her pa
rents. Mr. and Mrs. 0. P 1 1 1 1 1 .1 1 -a 1 1 .
Mrs. White, stenographer for Car
ter a- ltale lias gon- to Spui , in. in
spend the holidays with relative
William Curtis was granted a li
cense to wed Flora K. I.lnter. by
County Clerk Chamberlain this mora
Q, S Collier Is visiting relatives
and friends In Pemlleton from Port
land, where be Is attending dental
.Mrs. F. F. Waffle, who has been
visiting Rat sister. Mrs. W. F. Ken
led) left this morning for her home'
at la Grande.
Mrs Arthur I.. Knigh: will leave
this evening ror North Yakima to
speu the holidays with hei mother.
Mrs M A Murchie.
Judge J. J. Halieray has returned
from s trip to Seattle. Taeoms ami
other sound iHiints He says times
are lively in that country.
Walter Fansber employed is it I.
Monterastein Brothers, left BOBdaj
ssoraUsB tor Walla Walla to spend
the holidays with relative
Karl Watterson. of Tin Dalle.-, was
In the city yesterday ami left this
morning for Walla Walla, where In
will visit frltsstl until after the In, I
Miss Myitis) Hill, a student 01 tin
Pendleton Academy, left Sat unlit .
veniug lot Helix, to spend tin ho i
davs with her parents, Mr ami Mrs
J, F. Hill.
An Entertainment Tomorrow After
noon at Assembly Hall.
The hluh school will give the fol
lowtai ratertalnnanl tomorrow after
noon at J:3n at Assembly Hall. Ad
mission will be 10 cents:
Cast of Characters.
Santa Claus Wlllard Bond
llrownles Hodge. Joe llalloch.
Podge. Glen Sforle.
Spirit ol Child LOtU Llverniore
United Stales Frisco Woldo Hose;
Prlcllla. Margaret l.owell, Dixie.
Dixie Todd.
Bnaland John Hull Vrthtir Smlto
Bcotland- lean Mora Shook
In land Kathleen Mary Stuart
(TranceClothilda Btaol castle
Qannany PrlU . ... Dalmor Painter
Russia - Ivan Phyllis Parks
tall Marie Myrtle Walker
Hawaii - Kalulaul ... IHIa Danner
.latian- Mntsii Edna Mattt
China- Ah Fun . . Archie McFarland
Death Occurred at Warren on Sun
day Funeral Today
Hans l.orensen. TO years of age
died at tin home of his slater. Mrs.
Sarah A. Thompson, near Watren
station at 4 o'clock yesterday morn
ing the cause of death being old age
and I general breaking down. Mr
Loiaman was n pioneer of Oregon,
havlBI resided for many years In the
neighborhood where ha died and was
i lov. ,1 and respected by n host of
friends The remains were laid In
their last resting place In tin Warren
eenn ti r this afternoon.
Fifty Pet Cent Increa'
Our Halea thk Ml show a net Increase of fifty
lust fall, e are now doing the lending iiSL, i, r
Pendleton. We a Mint for this soleh- on aecom, 'f"r "w hi
stock and superior iiiinlily of our good's, ,, -,.M'Vh
da to much shea par than our conipetltors. l?inpnis
Otir Stock Is Now ComU.
n all department, liiclnilitig a Hn. line of H,,,u ...
ire now selling cheaper than ever liefore iWu Hta
niss It if you do not fall in line anil patronize ti l ,you
riven you such big values for your money. Thaniri., ""I
lII for Hindi con tinned ninl liners. 1 .f.. "",nU ODe ana
all for lUOIl
j 'QB
joing at Actual Cost
lens Patent Calf, Patent CUflFiia
. . . Kid and Enamel Calf OlIULO
fact, ail Short Lines Kfd'uvil ti Actual Ooaa. lowtt in and see for yourself.
6 Main St. The Pendleton 8h
An up to date k'epair 5hop in connection with our store
t leorge u H
erts. is in the city iroln I'eoria. Iowa
He will ipaad the holidays Inn . then
go tn iieppner and I'ortland for a
short visit liefore returnitiK iQBBd
Tin te .lames Kanford win l:,
daughter, Oraao, left yesterday even
Ing for their home In Portland, nftei
ooaduetlng series of pseetlni
Milton, where they formerly resided
. i in uibsvi .mil aim r.nn i
The Pendleton Shoe CO. trrlrad aturdaj from Balem
tiiev are atteiniing si-nool. and will
spend the holidays with tin It part Bti
Mr and Mrs J, W. Mvrid of War
Mrs Mav Haumeister and dan
Miss Olga of Walla Walla were in
POndletOn Saturday Tin i 0UM 'his
far to meet Miss Charlotte, their
daughter and sister, who has boon at
College Point. N. Y . studying music
the past summer
A. Kunke.l of the A Kunkel lmple
nu n t company, about to be estn'
ed in Pendleton, and who with his
finally will live in the Btoekar house,
corner of Jackson and Hush streets,
is an old-time I'endletoiilaii. being
here in I Kim selling the brick for the
first brick building In Pendleton.
Crockery for Christmas Presents
V slum in Kreat variety. 'e
have kin newest and neatest in
tableware and toiletware, and a
lig assortment of those ornamen- j
tal pieces that are in such popular
demand lot Christmas gifts The
prices on all these goods are the ;
lowest for the quality.
najsssagaaajsjsjsjsj nansvsoafsosnsaj H
We Present
Nou with n 'ew suggestions for
1 A.A I f . .
uy j;tauii oit- hi (ui new piyiv (unmg room gets. Ti
are of ODOtoe deaigll and finish, solidly inadn and are offd
;r R prirt- lower 1 Man evr nohire for suclt superior m
T 1- 1 - . Al 1 xl '. M V
.mm loiik hi inein. mi'v ure worm n, even it von don t
fend piirehnHiii. ( htr new shipments iiicliidn me
prracle noveinei i oipe in nnyhow and et a KRl
I HANCE on the foti.no premium.
( orner
M i n and Vebb street
I'ateiit Leathei
t the lady
:; .",i
Louie XV, heel, imrtv shoe. ;i fin
fine Kid bandHuroed slip-
Hr 1.60
IMilted Sallll Juliette 1,10
Klne wine, or lilaek li)MM
for men
Banbrosderad velvet Kvaratl
Sliis-r for men I ti
I'atent Leather Slim-, lies!
made for men ... .. i
liuhber l;..oi- fin 'ihe-sniall
Isi.v U
Peoples Warehouse
Th East Oregontan is Eastern Ors
gon's rsprsssntstive paper. It lead,
and the people appreciate It and show
it by their liberal patronage. It is the
advertising medium of this section.
in make , mi bread use livers' Ibit Klour. It took 6ret
nremmm .it the Chicago World's Fair over sll com pet I
llOBi tnd fi e , client satisfaction whersrer nsed.
Kvery -. imaranteed. We have the liert Stssm
kolleil liailev, ei'ii Byv am! Hen'dles Psrley.
W. S. BYERS, Proprietor.
-v '
I have a full line of the celebrated
Wood and coal stoves guaranteed to
le absolutely air tight. None of the
heat is wasted and the stoves will
save ONE HALF of your fuel bill.
1 also have a full line of cast took stoves and steel risKej
Prices are the lowest, quality considered
T C TAVI f0 iLA M-4ss aro M
s . i a Lvvn iiiv a -
7-tl Main stnre.t. Pnncfleinn. Oreaon.
Closing out X-mas goods
at cost and lesi
Get our prices. We mean
Dolls, nc to $2 00. Albums, BO to $4J
Toilet Cases at your own price.
Collar and Cuff, Clove and Handkerchief and
Work Boxes.
W. OVa Mil you I hrienta dglirM at les., than Portland prices. IW1
overlook thttc orioM Our books are the latest and prices right. e
have the goods and . an MVe you money.
The Leading Druggists. - Pendleton, Or