bun lOOB LINKS I tllBO J 1 times J I tltn ci i . . i ,.'ii additional insertion rHYl".IAN3. IN ll'JIl) tn . I to 8 in. IB to i. k nr. a R it sun in to 11 OVBH THK fsieshsi n r h t Sank. 'IMK bleel PA1 H t-, haM 7.1: real "ll.l'C. , III i V. kMD In. Id biiilillnK I! I Poildl'toll 1 1 I A AND ear, homo and Hank biilMinK AIM BliOOX. hies, la'arriial -lint. Has UBMMll. ralrtincr ul i or-ll , (ten. '1 '"' "' Hf" 11 4KB8KBB, OHRjONIIl , , '. ,1 i Ol wilfii . tr 'ml Mlllll UCit' fv t r. RD li-1"' ; AN ! Mi--id reliatilc (III rll V 01 CO itltTT. COU, I ON I H kIT0M ANP kfi IHilTlll' ' " , Venrk rfeCtalll I'roiapl ei rvice TOR ANJl nn all klndii ol i. etc. Or 1 X tl . fl" r . ftfftt' tlf't l I'I' DVNTI i i QUA ! AMERICAN PLAN. t Bin and I p wards m I t' Bi ,r one line r mri I nr. 1 '' ... j BBT 10 H I LA Nl), DKHQUN kl. . .- m L." 0 CSalt.rn l. pc.iple iiioi'ium travelers 'L.,ii 1 1 t.nunnu t rma Ii i I a, .. a ana iuu uriuary ui-gaus of ail iiupaiiucr. cuiad by He Vl - 4 O., A C CLASSIFIED ADS. TWO LINKS. I time IV timei 90c si time X 10c each etra Inaortlon. OPNT 8IVBN WORDS TO TH K LINK . or more, per wook, at the rate of fir per lino. i m'.re, per mnn'li, at tin- ran- nf in. pel line. FIVK LINKS 1 time 30c Mimes Mb a time 50c A- each ad Itlonel Inn'-rtloii MX LINK." I time 3Ac J llinea fc t timet ie ic use h additional tnarrllon. THK K lIMr.H e HANK OF WB8TON. Wcmu, Oregon. -Doo gennral bsnklm biiPlncn. Kx uiif Ixftulit mi. I nolrt. Hoi 1 ua prom I'll i- slMndudta. Affnirn in mic excellent ron.11. Inn. and eo reoortod ntann b' 111 rtgstton 0 -m mi tier of reannnstble ritlfrn (MReeril K la-nesnu, president; Uen w I'rtv'twtei rice pratMtnlin, M Iteret. omhle J K K:iUori'. si-auiaul sethler: director1 l';trtiep. M M.'ohns. T. .1. Price ( I Hrvs I K JiMlror-' Heber' Je.naenn, 0 w :- r.- Intel FI'tfVT NATIONAL BAN I OK DKNIM.l ton Otpttal. f-y.ono: surplus. MO.00O. Trail.. Mb icnr-, i tnkliiir ntMtBWI. Exchenc ami leliirre'-Mr tranplem eoi't on f'hlraeti, Hi franr-tapc. iht Yore end nrlnrlpal point I (ho NnMlmett Draft.- Drawn on China, li.- i ftnt Ruro-v , Mak-'-. colic r.v,, on reaaonar.: U'tmt. L' . Anvrriv. prcil't?nl W. T. Matin-1. ricerrprl'icit. ' P. Wa I OMMCfj It rtni rnni aatleiejil osi-htor ATTORNBYS (JAKTBR ,V BAI.KY. ATTORN BYB A1 Law Cfrti'i' In HarlnKn Bank Uulldtn. BB IN A LOWBLL, ATTOBNBY8 A1 li' Room ll Aaetxiation Hlock Heul'" ton, Orecon !'. li.HAIhKY I.AVVKK. OKKICK IN lul R in. Huh I'lKllnton. tirejron N, RRUKBLBY ,TT7)irNKV AT iTilW OnSrctn Aefoclaltnn ItlOOk. R. . HOYD. AT t 'UN K Y AT LAW OMri it. L. B. RKBDBB, ATTOBNBY AT LAW r. mllutoii, OreKou. JAM KB A Bnlldluii K CK. Li W OKKICK IN .ItTliJ) BTILLMAN A PIBROB. ATTOBNBYfl at law Mr. Htillmau haa b-un udmltteil In (ir.u it,'. ,n 1 nluid -i.iii'- inituul i)illi mi'l l:lii Kpri lnlly nl I'ati'll' l.mv Itootlln In. I I n.i eM-lHtlni, itl.vk IIIDSS. PKI.IS AND JUNK. t01 0AM BBT THK. RtOHJMT M A It- kol price lot jour bldea, pelte ami all kind nl Junk, ataek rubber, braaa. copper, lead, line, imc- .in l tMli Iron ol all ktndu h IBeeult) You MO Itiukii rnta worth ol old rutin or in in .'' afortk ol tildea and will rni trt ated In tin tMinu wiiv A have come lifin in ttav iilrnuan rail and rou will be aaiiatK'il I. I i 1 1 V A hi , oMlcr mid ware hnum Tai iirti Ml K.'.'rii ll.iiol. P "ulU'lon, (ir. nil.- K "I ' 0!c Newspapers i l. I Nil HP lA- m ,r. nn ijo: Me, walla, n lot wiupplug nuriKiavt Id near spa pi ra In laryi oniidli i; 'in" hwndrei' ael i i. ii biv.tlr Tim i (.f.ft " i 'i . i . in. ( i P Subscribers to r XOV WANT M. ril II aejiha tn maicniluea au rp i papoi in the 1'i'lujii jajlt M Kuronii. POBUI ii) iHiala1 uotc ni ..i eu I to the Kat Ohkwo tUM tip' net piibllaher' pruM of the publication vim dealrv, abid wr will I 0 and Naiunir all riak r( ,ll I III I I" LTi 4 1 1 . It will law TOO til rial) If you aro a anbecrloei OfllM. f'ttl'.K i ll ,r.iii I l i ibllaliei prlre OKRHOHiAN PIIH. rn fen . Ut0 DAKVbAl'. H blendfltiy Furnished aim Heated l.uruit-ai Mian. Hlock and s half irum depot. Sample Koom In conoectton. Kdoiti Kale SOc, 75c, $1.00 Finest Northwest visiting s-ortlaid. Meadquartern Ii. C BUWBRS, Manager. Hi oi. mm M In the Pacific mm MAltJUaAY am MaaaMaB. P S-S "CUPIOENE' 8 V lj KCO I UKLUiu. .,..v.u, '1 pli bli'.ail, ,... . a . lilii'h r an. Will uuli kiy cur.) yuu uimji ill quickly euro you 1 a kZl Hukaa laaaaisUw 1 bine riat-w ) uuu.iImk lti-Blna. Varlrwvlr auail ( aailiaaUaa, '"'i wbl, rsvua, inukiiiMof diaclnirjfi'. wulcli If Iiutcueokaa a 1 : 111H Imrruin ol iuip,.teiH'y. llfl nUBi i ciaauaaa ino I I plllk.ll. o." .iUiviu uinlabis?Kui,M90r)4rcvntai trouiil.-d witli FresiatUMe. ns- wiLUnut 1. n upec. :ui. (Vajo u-aLiiunHUila. A. wrltljp I '.v,uuv uiluct u p.. uiauju; uui-e. l.uJ a uyxllur W0, X). tio VII. ate fiaujaukN CL . DKUtitilailB, PBNDLhTON. OltKUoy. COMMERCE-TRADE Local Market Prices. Tin- IoIIowIuk sIiowh the jirlcee puitl on iti. MMU market: TttfBlMi 76c r eaok. I'lirmilps. 7fn- por sack. (teblwff), Ic lb, Own a omoiM pvr dot, Iminilm. 2rr Cheane, pm 1 1 , Mc I Onions, per cwt.. $2. ni i is. nor lit., i ..c. POtS tot, per cwt.. $1.60. Applrs pat ixix. $l. Horse railisli. I2u,c lb, (liirliek. i- III. Swi'i'f potnti" h, ni' pi r II). Smut Ktitnt. ;), ptT Riillon. Pjndlcton Livestock and Poultry. OhlokoM, hens, per dot $:i.5n to $4. ROOCttTB, $8.60 fn $4. TinkeyB, pur ll) 10. , (ii'iM . ,um tlox., $!. upline bblekoni, ptt doz., $.1.50. DiicliH, per iloz., $11.76. PlgtNIM, per dfMt,, jji.6o. IOkrh. :!op In trntle. Butter, 60 tn 60c per roll. Chotcti DMi cuttle, eti f'ows, per liuuilrt'd, $.1.10. BtaMre, 5.1.6H. Hogs, IIyo, 4f4c IIoks, ilreHseil, He. halves, ilresftetl. V ii 8c. Pundletot'. Retail Grocery Prices. Hiiv.iii CaVBI Kl illllllllfeil. best. $' per Nitek; d0 13 lbn. SI: Dttt urailtl lated, I6.7C per BBeki do. II lbs. $1. t offee .vim hit ami Java, best, 40 i"t lb; nexl jtrntle, .'I6e lb: lower Krilllex roffee. jr, to ISc lb: packaRC coffee, 16c lb. Sail Ooaree, l.ll per MBj table Z.20 per 100. Ilbi Hist lieini rlee. lL'ije per lb; MXl Krade, 8 l-3r per lb. Hides and Pelts in Pendleton. No. 1 dry bldea. He per lb No 2 dry hides. 8 2-3r per lb. Qreen Halted hiiieH, " per lb. Oreeej aneeJted bides. B$ per lb. Sheep pelts, short wool. 25c each. Slu eppets. medltim wool. S.'ie each Sheep pelts, lon; wool, 6oc each. No. I tallow :!je per lb. No. 2 tailow, 2c per . Pendleton Flour. Feed. Hay. Etc. Flour. 52.5H per hid. Kran. $19 pei ton. Short, $15 per ton. BaM Ii y. retail, 75r per WO, Ryt . retail 10c per lot. Oats, n tall, 51 l" per 100. Woo IS N to $;. ('Ik. i bill n' 5 1 ? par ton. ll;i Loom rhoat. $io ton: baled wheat. 11; timothy baled, $IS: nl (alta. looee $10; baled, $i&: rye nay mi raaeh, $5 to ,: Eastern Livestock. Chicai.o Dec. J.l. Cattle Ueccipts 20.000 head, Markel staady to 101 lower: joinl lo priiin steers. $6.25(i.' f.80; 1 oor 10 medium 5:i.8oii; stock- nml 1 Btlers, $i"i I.IK: cows ami heifers, 1$6.16; Banners, $1472; bulbli 1 1 It l.nii : 1 -dives,. $2.50 jt 5.75 llo. R - ipts toda . 4 s.o 1 head. loaaorroB (aatltnated), $0,000; left over 'ii.uii; market steady to 5c low Sr mixed ami butchers, $5.85 ft 6.50: Mini' to choice heavy. $1, 30i 6.70 , rough hoary, 11.1049$. 10; light, 8JM '" 1 :"'. hulk ol sales. $5.S5496.4(. si p Racaiptai MJMM bead; mai kat, stead) to I6c lower: good to choice wethers. 18.75494.40; rah to 1 holci mix. it. $2.81)493.50; Western sheep. :I Western lambs, $2 1.25. Portland Hidea Portlaad, Dec $ and Pelts. Hops sni in, pel pound. Wool Valley nominal. 114914c ptohdlr. .ualni-ti ( renin. -',:'' ,c :' I Ji 'J I 1 je per pound Sheepskins ShcaniiKS, 164i20c, short wool. 25f3&e; nietlluui wool. ::u(fi60c; Ioiik wool. 60c49$l each. Tallow, prime, per pound, 4494V6c; No J and mease, 2V-j3e. Hides Dry hides. No. 1, 16 pounds .111. 1 up. lr.i I n'-.. c per pound .ury kip. No. 1. 6 to 16 pounds, I6e;tlry calf No. 1, under 5 pounds. 16c; dry salted hulls and stags, one third less thai', dry flint: salted hides steers, sound tin pounds and over,. 8499c; 60 to 60 pounds 7Mt49$c; under 60 pounds and cows, 7c; stSKs and bulls, sound, 649 r, ijc: kip, sound. 15 to 30 pounds, 7c; veal sound. II to 14 pounds, 7c; cair souiid,. under 10 pounds. 8c; green (UBsaltadl le per pound less: culls. c per pound less: hurse hides, salted, each $l.502: dry. each $14fi.5o colts' hides, each. 254950; goat skins, common, each. 10015c; Angora, with wool on, each. 254911. Pelts Prices. Celts Bear skins, as to Bice. No. 1. each 114910; cubs, tiftf. badger each 10fj)40c; wildcat. 254930c;, house eat. 64910c; fox. common gray, each. 304950c; do, red. each. $1.604J3; do, cross, each. 1MT"' do. silver and black, each. $100(9200: fishers, each. $54x6; lynx, each, $2 8; mink strict ly No. 1 . each. 30 fi$l 25: martin, dark Northern. '' I. marten, pale pine, BBC ' I'Bg IB si" and clei $1 at) 01; inuskrats. lar- each. I & 10c; skunk, each. 26035; civet or pole cat each. 5010c: otter, tor large with head and claws perfect, each $205; raccoon, for large prime, each, 30035c; wolf, mountain, with bead perfect, each $3.6006: woir. prairie (coyote), with head perfect, each, 40 0o: wolf, prairie (coyote) without head each 35r50, ; wolverine, each S4fi7: beaver, per skin, large. f5d do medium. $3 4: do kits. 50075 do small. $it?'.60 The BBarnBBl wants blacksmiths and horscshoeis 101 duo in the Phil lies at '' p- i inoatl WALLA WALLA BANKS HAVE GOOD SHOWINGS. rirst mationai Mas Million and a Half of Deposits. aiia Walla, Dae, n, Daaplte the slow movement of wheat from this Valley anil the conuennenl Hcnrcitx nt raadr oaah, business in this city shows lip well, as will he seen from the statements of the two national banks, just publish..,: The First Na tional and the BafcaMloyer banks published their resitlar reports Sat urday, in which the roll owing excel lent ihoWtng is made: Loans. $'i67. due Irorn banks ami reserre nxenti ?64,894.i)B; cmn on hand, $166,688: depoelti subject to check $1.6u0,SIM.4l, This showing of a mil lion nnd n half of deposits In two of the three banki tH the eltj at this season nnde preaeni aondltloas. is cow Irtered unueual ami Yen ta tie rs ciory, Bui little if soy ni the stos ev from last crop ol itraln Is sccoaat' ed for in the statatnaitt, ns tmi a very sinnll portion ol the crop has been moved. In addition to the deposit Subject to cheek, time deposits have been nimlc to the amount of $21".- 816.66 Walla Walla Waiia Walla, Dec Iff Keys started charge of John isit ter. two mere lads itati rafortn school Incorrigible. Today sitcr tot Obahaiis in ami Andrew Nut committed to the The CBMS ante up before Judge Brants on Bsturdaj and I hi order was made after a se- ren lectun v grran to the parents ol the lads. School Walut, Attendance. Pee. 2.'l. Tin ulla n port ol llie otty School! for tin month end oik December 20 shows an enroll nenl Of Wil with but 7!) cases ol trie iiiin-ss. Tin Rverage dallj attend unci wns IMI, Thirty-two teachers are 1 nployed In the schools. Rev. Mr. Bard in Germany. Walla Walla. Dec. 23.--Rev An dreas Hard, rector of St. Paul's BpUV copal church, who has been in the east lor several months has gOBC lo his old home In Ocrmnny to speml the holidays He expects to arrive in this sit) January 11. direct Iroi f Jermanv John Justice's Funeral. Walla Walla. Dec!. $$.- This alter noon ocourred the ruaaral ol John Justice a ptoneei 11 thts city, The fuaeral was in charge of the looal Masoalr fraternlt the ore depart raenl stti sdlai In a body, John Jus tics died inte Bsturdsy night, aftei a shun llhe-ss a. d 6". years He was a plOBear ol the coast. ItavInK laaded in Csllfornla in IMS. in 1x1:7 he CBRte to tb's city and entered bust II ss llle I . Ki-IV, AL3. The Pendleton. J, Jaeobi Ni bruttawlck, 1 Johnson, Chicago, 0. II Mitchell SI PUl K M. Allen. Si. i'uul P, S Olson. Mllwanl ' HlrSChOald, New York. II. J Bhlittl Hcho WllllBgi Mahei. C M Smith B, R. Harris B$tOkBBe, N Berkle) nnd rWi 1 i t W B, Woods Weston T Olsoi; Mike McKce The Golden Rule. Di Perkins uud 1. nn' city. I.. K. HBBBBBi Helix , M VIcNamaia. Walla Walla a. c. hash olt) B, B. Hope Portlaad 1. Kichurdeon Huron 'i .1 Kirk Athena. W F. Kyle, Caldwell tv w Watan Palonae William Curtis ami wile llm 1 is btirg Bosi Hi labors, Milton ,' 'I' Kdwaiib. Austin Frank Hopkins. Spokane Bp, k HBBBBahar, Bpokaai C I. Dowm-i Spokane K. T. Burns I'ortlatul II. KhcrlihK, .Memphis Sam I.e. Spokane. Ii W Bradley Athena I v Oartsy, 'iiisiui S M Doit, r and wile Pilot J. D, Beckuieyer, tMarks. Oliv. i ll.eis and wlte Siileui W, F. Woodstock, Noliu. II Sparks. Pllol ROBk. flsorgS WhllJOCki Bacon D Powers. Fiuatilla Ruaaall Hausc rmatiliu I a Brtdgsr, Portktad f .1. Qardnsr, PnrtlnBd c. w. BfoCormlek. Obloago. James (llblion Alta. K II ThOtBpaOB. I'ortlaud. J. S. Udwards. Adams. Mrs. M Austin. Austin Mrs. Murray. Milton. w c. ChMMBffBtMBi Portland James Kickanl Weston C D Bicker Spokane o. D. bailey. Portland P. D Thompson. Vancycb Philip I.. 1 .ma: Spokane JBBJISS Bamlonl and laiully. Bocb Dot I land Minn Maiufonl Portland Mark CreSBB, Portland W 11 Blthcy olt) W I Snow olt) W s Cairigall Buttei Creak J. li Saylor. Kcho, Dran Gerklng, Athens One ol the most promlBBBl BBBg tin s said that Schiev a as already as ttood as ntMnlnalad by tin- democrats and that the Atnerli an people u.-ic It', ey to vindicate him at the polls BO lliattei what other Issues ueu brnilghl on in the camiaUgn. Miles air. ai!y populi outside ol Wash HOTEL PENDLETON VAN DRAN BR, Props. The Best Hotel in Pendleton end as good s 1 1 P3aPw?' & Sia' iaSMBBSSSSSSSsB aaaaaasBjjtK-iHlWsf lflPjaSB m Si Dl BHSBSSaHsS U Hc.idqiurtcrs for Travcliug Men. Cornmodious Sample Rooms. Rates $2 per day. Special ratrs by week or mouth. Rxcllent Cuisine, Hvery 'odern Cat venlcnce B.ir and Billiard Room ka Connection Only Three BiOCBJ from Depot. GOLDEN IDLE HOTEJ . I'nrii r Court Afld J,ilinnn Strprta. I'eiidii'tuii, oregeBi M. F. Kelly, h Proprietor. I I; 1 i:D HY STBAjH. I I'JIiThD Bv BLBC I 'RIO 1 N A mi Knr Bus "Vet- all i ralua Commercial Vadc oliciied Fine Sample Puptns Srfiial .itli'iilioii v:ivt'iiOniiurv IfHk Have you seen them WHO? Why the New Lumbermen WHERE? Opposite w. & C. I lepot. PKNDIiK.I'ON, OBKlioN tay' Huto loiiniKTtial Co., W. j ShWELL, nil Manager BO YEARS' EXP-rHltNCt n mm ira'ji. Marks OCBIQNC Copv RIGHTS Ac Anyone aeinltna a akatrh anil doarriuti. n may quickly aaoavtaiu .ui ...i.h .i ff..i f)Ntuai ai. llifantinn i protahly ,nc.oiii ili.e l .11.11,111.111, : i' ,i.s aio, ' ly 1 niiOauutiai. 1 1 in.ll.mk nu I'atai.ta aunt frta iildaat aiai.. ,a u.iiaiita. Paututa taJmn tl.c-unn Mum. A ' 1. apagav faatpia. altSjuat wuush. p n. Scientific Jlmerican. A bafi(lB4ftuelv llluatr oil wearily fr.ist olr ru)4hti4Jb of awiy iei,:idi lt.uriii Tctim $3 m 1 4S4BT : four noritm $' b4ldL.yjtM a H.li!tJsr. MJWCn York Branch j.' i-. ( . PILES i Ulf Illl. .,1 III, rillu., llvl.l... 11. . 7 lld IISli,( 3l itianrba tt.,- luun al in ... ,,,,, ., , .a a i i.ultlia' aive I 1 X lil iH DILI. i UK.HT u un- r.n salo bv ' ailn.tn it I c , P.MiUlelor 1 It 1 1 i aaaT j i j , n OREGON Shot Line IMON PACIFIC lime srhndut t rem f dleton i m FIJ Kill jtkv. IVnrer. rt onh. (inmlia. ham a city, at iMUi: Chi-ia no a raenand Real. tianti.- I- l.ak! . Denver, ri fTjn ,. "erMl, oinnha. Kan a m aa." Ity. Ht l4.iula.i-bi hi It) p. via limit ra. ' and Kaal liifTton. I J Ht Paul Wnlle Wai'a. I.owiatoi Phi Mail litokane.WallBoe.Pall- - a in nn,,,. M iiittintpolla, Ml. la I'm ii 1 . Dulutti. Ullwau Mpokanr i keo, I'll. as. i and Kaa' :.1i i. Ocean and Riwr SthcdBlc. PROM POMTLAMBi Ol aalllnc datra auBel tia;i- Per Ha Hanclaco le ui Sail rv-r Java. ill f Hi Dallv BPBBI BBBtfa) k p. m HAinmav i" p in 1 nlumbla River I MSfiB and ay l.an.litiKa. 4pm snuday Wlllamatta H'ver Ileal- lriie Piirtlainl .tat 1 1 . . , pi s'lintay, fatasv of water permltllai lul WlllaatotM and 1 a rainlilli Clvi 1 inim-4. Laavv Ulparia tflV a in Dall Kcii Mult la-KVl-Irf laioi, til) a ia. Dallv ' ICBl Mon Sii,.ka H'ver Rlparta to Uewtaaaa. II - A S KV. All-lit. I i-nd i-lon NORTHERN PACIFIC Kl S I til 111. wj Slcwpiilkt GBIfs El ia.nl I 11114 Jrs. ' 'in i t Btetpla C n I HI. DAT I. MINNRA POLIM DITLITTH I h'ARCJO o (1H vM HiKKH IttKlKHTON "A IN.VKPKt. Ml I K v and , BUTTK. I 'If Kill (ill 1 ICKtTS ( ii II At id WASHINGTON I'i 1 1 I V I H 1,1'HIA Nl-.w YOUK Ht )Mt uN BBSj all points Bajd and Houtl) imtifc-b ketl IS Japan u.l China ma and N'nru.irn I'hi'iSi' Straiiabip n " Oa. TIMU SI HHOULN. I rama leave feaSieUafl dally ei I UtUP p 111 pl ni. u.l ay for hiiliir. nlm mation, '1 'ue i-aida. and neketa, eall 01, "i ,ui , a, lama. Pea dleton iiregou r n i iiAkl.ToR. ihlrd nn i MuiiiMiu Sia . Portlaud. lira washinsion & Columbia River airad lake thfs route for Fur 1 'lilcago, siks City, Paul, ML I,., 10- Kan Joe. Oiiialia. and All Points haht and South i ..i 1 laud and points on the sound hub OABBi . luii, dally steii Suudayi at Ideate it .ia- um Arrive rsaSISlOB Friday ll M au. Arjite i'alidiauli Saturday v ..'' an, . Uuuday, Wedneaiiay aatd I ... ala j l oureSay aavk Nan alia walla daily , i aat bound KiJSi aa Arrive Walls Walla dally weal houud f SB aat Kui lufocmaiiou regarding ratea sad aueaaaa wudatloua. tall .,u or addruaa W AUAMS, Aaetu. i anoieiou, u B O I A I-1 - f. K II f. A li li. T. A., Walla Wall. Weak NEW KINK To and from the Solid liains N W Fquipuicot W ide Vcsitibulea Unqaira ageut O. K. A N. Co.. or B. H. TMJMBUI.I.. Oom'l, Ageut, 141 Third si.. Portland. Or. rCaslr)