East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 23, 1901, Image 6

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    Christmas Gifts flR
Frazier's Book Store
See our Line Before You Purchase
Christmas Wine Free
With every purchase ol Christmas wine of tio
and upwards we will give free a pint bottle of Ml
Howell Vineyard's CabwTltgt,
We sell a strictly high grade of
Port Sherry. Angelica, Tokay. Malaga. PodfO
Jcmina S, interne. Heisiing, Claret. Madina. I t'
m California products.
Bouchard Pere & fils Beaune and Macon
Offlery & Co's Port and Sherry
Thesi' .ire direct importations and beai
.atc to tliat eitect.
our ccrtiri-
Royal Cocktails, the full quart brand.
Whisky, Manhayen. (iin. Maitrni Gtl the lull
quart si.e and you get Royals Ad apt no other
Cigars. See our line before you buy: from .''.i
each, up. up. up.
Don't Forget the Number, Phone 68
The Exchange
Opera Hotisi
20I 'M (.'o ut Sti i 1
Management Claims it it Worth
Seeing by all.
v. Stranger I" a ttfllff Land."
li attracted Ilka a magnet at th.
York .Manhattan theatre for ten
comes tn tin Kra.cr tonight,
ingenuity ' it cutuii' complice
. the novelty of it k theme, anil
trend an. I wholcaoiut duality of
minor. ar' aall to combine to
thin one of tlii' most successful
01 reecnt years. In th' east
licit well wnowu nanus ai. W'il
liriend. Chan Drake. K. J I km
Hairy Honil. B. II Mender Ohat
nm. K. V. tilroux. Cyril Young.
- ma i xlii Wellington Kannle C
Klsi.- Wlllar.l an. I Vein Irs Inn.
I character who live in i i-. The
muttoel tooro, by Qaatav budon naid
embracing thll ty-thrcc number- i
stamped hv iint vernal acclaim as the
niost melodiously tuneful hcanl in
many yearn, anil thone who are fortu
nate enough to hear the acorc will
recognize thai "Tile MurgoniBStci '
hait already achieved wide spread
popularity This taken fh plao Of
"Old .led I'roiitv ." which wan cancel
rata or oato, cm i iolidoi
li'ca ooeon t
Krauk J. Chener make oath thai at - 100
u tiier imrtni r e( tlic firm lit K
lllllllK lllIIK'- III
J hrncv ,v Co.
ol Toledo, eon n IV
ail l tate ainreaal'l, ail I I tin I MM firm will pay
the u in of Oui llunilro'l Dollar for eeidi anil
every can-of t'aiairli (bat i-annt.t b i ured bv
tie- u of llall'i Catarrh Cure,
sworn to befon- me and iubairibe.1 lu inv
- ' i.r.-oeti. i- id., i M i In. ot In-.eiubvr. .
.... I o.
A. W. lil.fcASOS.
Notary I'ubli.
Hall'a Catarrh Cure Is taken IntornaJIv and
acta iliri'rily on tho tloi. and nun nut aurfarei
of the lyatem. Mend for tt-atltnonlaU, free.
F. J. CHKN'tY .. c loledo, oblo.
sold b druMiaH. 74c.
Hall'a Family 1'illa are Ike ti.
id Paaha" and "La Maacotte
UIKel Welti, take.-- il
III ip
Ihlll'e 111
to hi patrons thai he lias
eded In engaging lor Chi 1st ma -
ee ami evening, the Wilbur Kir
I ier a eompany While it is not
nary to say mueli beyond the
innounceineni ol the coming ol
real company vet It is not out
tn make a lew observations
lag tin-, the oldest ami repn
Ive operatic organization id tin
i Tlo Williiu Klrw In Opm
II y lias lieen in existence Itir
me consecutive years. during
time it has not lost a docu pet-'
eea atituroer or winter There
open bow pan) m Awtlw
can duplicate this record
Ulttatflllilll thOWl Hi' eSleelll
h the Wilburs ate held 1 the
i ii theatre -going piildii
Snow Probably Hat Been Taken Oft
by the Chinook.
II K IOaliS, u wtdlkiiown resident
oi iin Hldauay country, is in town
lor a week or more tn spend Chritt
mas witli bla duiiKiitei. Mrs. t'haile-.
Hohimaii and other nTHlhif wlm i
side in I'endleton When he left 'it
mas prairie there was lour IroJiM ol
snow all nut tlie valley lint tile pic
talliUK Chinook has iiudotihteilly dis
paten. ' It, lie r6 porta thai oattle
Inim lii n led loi In days this winter
the hi ..e weatlier in the mountains
malum this nrcsaary Stock inter
aata ar. in , ve. Ileut Hhapi and slot I,
men an ineiaie.l tor any kind of
M eat llel
The Burgomatter."
orthOOtttlU eliKUti I. lent al I lie
Ol "Tl,. iiniKomastei on the
III fJOUbtlaU he hailed with
f ileliaht hy the count lean r
itre-aoers This p a lieiloiTii
iose t;raliiess lias been pro
file lenutli and breadth ol tie-
bi book by Frank PisltJ ta
mo rati ami loiarttatlng, i -
sseasitiK that I'lUOBI Ot bJaV
ecuracv in its Lntroductto'i of
Dyspepsia Cure
I curo.1 these caaea
I tt a ill tore you
lnircli, l.alirunile, lite., iy -.,
l for li years, and bOtUotW
used Nan i Dyapopalt Cure
ot Ih' alie to wine vim a
Kalk, liolw Idaho. ays: "I
r years tHlltff many reliefa
iioopf yourx."
by Tatlman & Co.. auJ all
iruggiats, or aend to Hrank
aod Hotel Pharmacy , fort
in. Price $i a bottle or 6
Js expreaa prepaid.
At liedtiun- I t a k a i ieiisai t hfi
Mink, the nevt I mini 1 to. ! brlithl
and my oinplevion i.- better My
doctor aays it acta gently ot. the
match liver ar.il lUtlneyx and la a
plaooani latatlve. It It made from
Btrbti ami is prepared as easily as
lea. It is callc-l I.aiie s Medieine.
Lane's Fatntly Medicine moves the
bowels each div Price
For sale hy Talln.an
and One.
Co.. sole
Farms Briny Good Pi ices Front
20O0 to $5300.
Weston. Ilec. ft Heal estati is
moving very will in tbjl vicinity. The
lollowlli.-. sales were nutiie lasl week.
loiui k Daviaon to k. a. Wllltami
III'1 acres, tlnee iniler sottlli nl Wes
ton PrltH llniin
C C IbuOrWOy to Alva and Aniey
Shiimway. Din acres. situated on
Cot . creek. miles noithvvest of
. .in Price. $2011"
Robert I'rice Mil. I his farm ol 101
CNN two MlMM wt-sl ol Weslon. to
John K. iJorlaon. Price. M0.
Protestor H. E. French, University of
Moscow, Telle the East Oregonnn
About Them.
H ft, French, head of the experi
ment station connei-ted with the ! m
vcrsity of Idaho. Moscow, was in Pi It'
diet Ot) last week.
PrOfl ssoi French Is an advoeat" ol
the modern farmers' clubs, and It.
Iii vis thnt. In these days of cotnbinn
Hon in all other lines. It Is not inly
benellclal. lint ahsolutely essential,
tliat the agricultural people net ro
Itthtr and work In unison for the pro
tection of their rlshts and hcttei sell
Itm mid btljbjaf of eommodlties
Formed Like Michigan Clubs.
The eliilis that are in existent i
; and near Moscow are formed on the
general plan followed in Michigan, the
I old one In Van Huron county, that
i state, having been used as a model.
Prof aOf French was sent thcr- to
look into the Idea, and to gi t data to
! guide the Idaho flMMfl In their imit
ations He was instrumental in or
anfalnafoar rlttba oot at Moscow m
to member; one at i.eiaiui m HI m m
Iters one h' Viola of Iin members; anil
one at the Merry school house If ':o
members. These i lulls meet regit I ir
jy, and work along eooptnttlrs lines
They buy as iniich together as i'iev
can. ami, lu so far as they are aide,
thev sell together Tills plan ol fJO
operation tOtble them to OOlWUBd j
prices lower in buying ami I.UhtV in
selling, than under the oMHuary
regime, so that they reap benefit from
both ends of their deals during the
past season these clubs secured twine
tin instance, al I reduction ot II t cnl
a pound from In to In or II Til -n
when thev gt this lower price. Ol II i
formers not moat ban had a ntnlttl
bom li' ami got their twine al about I 1
cents, iii I cents a pound savin
reason of the existence of the clu
Businesslike Methods.
"The affairs of tin clubs arc i
dm ted lu a businesslike matinei
Professor French. lor BTCUrttl
count Is bop) oi all HMttOI pertaining
to selling ami buying Tin- creiary.
who Is the business agetil ol the I lull
has printed blanks, on one sbTe of
which is a space in which the form t
may write the things lu- has to -ell.
ami space for lists of what he wants
to buy. These lists are collected and
the operation-, of the club are Iwtod
upon them It tacllltatcs the bring
lug togetbci oi tin DMmbOTI Itir mil
tual exchange of the things they i.tv.
for sab ami expedites the detcrti'in
mil- oi what method shall bt tsODloyad
tn illstatse of the surplus products to
the general market In tact. It tmrhl
well, and mil 0M of the members
would give up bis relatloothlp lu .he
club under any elnmaWtOOOOt,
Hold Farmers' School.
"At l.eland. or ilu inemhers rave
pledged themselves to attend a farm
ers' school, at which this wind i taojf
will hear discussed many topioa poi
tainiug to the farm, orchard and ive
stock, all proceedings being based up
on practice and experlem .
"1 regard these clubs are better than
Ho- liraugc. although I belong to aliat.
holding a membership in a Grange at
Corvallis. Oregon, as I have for sev
era I years."
Professor French icll of tin sale oi
a crop oi apples on tin tNMM Hy a
truitralser named OlOBMMJM MBI Mo
cow, tin li' i acre ctop bi iugllin t)0ll
Fruit ti s thcie are ireer from pests
than lu most other places scarcely
any OOjdlHj moth being fOtWd SprOJ
Ing Is general among orcbardiht- in. I
tin benefit- are ohviollS
! and the dam mlaht is well not have
been constructed.
I Hen- in Pendleton are something
like four doxen men who are rea l to
assist the state fish warden In any
ma nn (i conducive to the permanent
Interests ol that Industry, and yi I thev
are al I loss to understand iusl why
llsh rack.- and dams are built and
then allowed to go without attention.
A gentleman whose home Is tl the
rack, stated recently to the Fast Ore
gonltll (hat the salmon wen there so
thick that the water was black with
them No one was permitted to ati'li
them, and everyone observed the law
carefully Be vera I times he repaired
the dam. and yet saw no paitteulai
good coming from the work and, It is
understood abandoned further etTarti
to keep II In repair, work which he
had been doing without compensation
and pun l.v a I an nccomniodation to
the local men who are Interested In
the preservation and propagation of
i ou-till
Saves Two From Death.
"Oar utile daughter had an tlmotl
fatal attack ' I Whooping cough and
brOBOhltlt." writes Mrs W. ,K. Ilnvl
land. 01 Armonk, V V.. "bnl when all
other remedies railed, are tared her
life with l'i King's New Miscovciv
Our eject who had Con mi nipt Ion in
an advanced Stage. tJOO used this
wonderful medicine, ami today she is
perfect!) welL" Deapernta throat
and IttBI dltoatet rleld to Dl King's
New Mlseiiverv as to no othei medl
cine on earth. Infallible tor coughs
and colds noc mid $1 .00 hollies guar
anleed hy Tallinnn K Co. Trial hot
ties free
Although Horses Show Some Siqns of
Scab or Other Diaeaae.
i. Duma, a stockman living in the
Heat creek country, who was In lown
aturdt) said
"As a general rub . stock b In the
best slniie thev hav. been in tliat
country tin years Although Ilu fall
wii backward and range wti little
thoti dining th. earlv lall mouths
the bile warm mills have beoUghl out
the rang, wonderfully and most of
tin BtOCS will enter the vvlntei food
yard tat and sleek This has been
an v unusual fall for the stockman
We have noi had to I I any yt t
something tliat can rarely lie said al
Christmas tluu I said most ol tin
stock was in good condition I have
only noticed a few horses and no cat
th- except what were looking well
There are a few head of horses In
mv neighborhood Hun have sum.
thlna tin matte! with them i do not
know what scab is. bill the ytnptOM
i CM mid. What I have heard about
this disease ll thev are not looked
after at once, the will not pass
through the winiei There is soma
deer file hills ai'OIIUil tile 1111. 1 lilts
ol grouse ami pheasants man can
go out any day and kill all of the lat
let- In wants to carrv home "
dakuaiin day
Subscriptions by mail to the
or SemhWeekly
il II I I
uo oaturday,
A 1 S I
Saved Hit Life.
"I owe my life to Kodol Dyspepsia
'inc." writes II. C. Cbesteraon lla
lield, Minn. "For three years 1 had
dvspepala so had that I could hold
nothing on mv stomach.
i could not live, i read your
tlsement on Kodol Dyspepsia Crue
and coniemnced its use. Now I am
cured ami recommend It to all." Tall
man d Co. and Brock A McComas.
A Cut of 50 per cent,
on Mail Subscriptions
For this one day only
i a i i iiiki aval m m m m av . araa a w mm. a vaaaaajat
w 7 mmmmm oFVMI J ... v. i.WHIU
I I faffed, al . a i m . . It , , . . . . 1 mm aaasaai ...Sll aL -
111 II III! I 1 I I V 1 L ; I Will 111--
al - - -w- m - - . - w t a a w sJW
w '
vi Wl , to .... I.... ...... ...... . . . If J 1111. a
A a a h li. ..... (Tl mi. h... 1. 1.. e ??
w w
' a ' O at a at at ' - .J
i ill unci i ni;tiit' iii mil iir new s dm r
.... ...La . C I I
" r
DXrtaaid December 28th, IQOI, for one year or
your adver- w
Newspaperdcm Comments Upon the
East OrtgOOlaa la It Present
The luitowlui Is from Newspaper
Uom published III New ,.
mi Oregooiaa, Poudleton, jr.
For a town oi .'.nun people you an
pobllihlag a remarkable paper lu
fact, there ore papers published lu
' nn - "i la, thai are not i mm kei
notnptred to von. publico ttou ri
aarda quantlt) of news and advertli
ing and make-up. The lal
luti ih n Mvc.iliimn elghtpa
and carries on an average II
oi idvertialnt. Pendtotou -on
the Umatilla rlvei n
of Portland ami :'ii initoi
Bpokam The count) al
eontalUN Iht.Oiai people and
oalan is the on I) dail) pal
the count v I hav e but mi.
t eminent to offer thai tin
the editor or owner be later!
W here.
New York bus been the seem- 01 oo
in. mv ralluav achievement of an or
del nut of tho ordinary rooogtl) that
II is itcll I to take new develop
incuts rail almly. Tin great power
' n- 01 Hi Manhattan Klevated
Ballwaj which has just been com plel
ad however is not to be orei looked,
Min e. hen it is fully iusialle I will
be able III generate Iihi.uiiii horse pow
er, or i wici as much as the Nltaart
Falls plant
Health and Beauty.
Moor inmplexion is usually the re
sult of Iriegularit.v of the bowels he
Witt's Little Ka,lv Itlsera stimulate
the liver, regvlata the bowels. Tail
nan Co ami Brock & McComa .
An Evan.jelnt's Story.
suffered ft.i years with a Inim.
chlai troaMe tn' .1 raol obtain r net
until l oommeoi ' One Alnnte Cough
wi les it.. v. .I.imes Kirkmati
raogellei of Betle Rlvar, DL Oaa
llnutt ugh Cute r.ffortls relief for
II throal and l'in troubles For
eroni I is nnenuale ' T illman Ai- Co.
'rock & McComaa.
I iplOl,
ii yet rip
1 lUMM
Of Benefit to You.
D S. Mileliell. Fullord. Md.: "Dur
Igg a Ion. illness I waa troubled with
bod f ores, tried DoWitt't Witch Hazel
Salve and was cured " Cures plies,
sores and hums. Heware of counter
feits Tall titan H Co. and Hrock A
No Rebults Have Been Attained,
though Thousands of Salute v.
at the Dam.
Pendleton members 01 m.. ore
rlsti ami tiaiiii Aasm -latne, m.l
members ul the Memlleion dpoiti
men'l Association, both strong igi 'i
i..uioiis an- wooderiaa why tbi
rack was built Hire.- miles below
in the I nialllla river, ami why It w e
that the salmon were stopped at the
dam. only to In- hut to their own 'or
tunes. it semes 10 have oaan itouthi thai
some good WOOld acein u ..
lish laitereeta. ami iiiai thai vw wh)
the rack and dam were pnj 1 j; ,t
when tbe fish cam i up ii. river, and
were reported to be ttieio, by 'lu thou
.-and- BOthlgg cam oi 1 lie euti'iplil
Poi v o'ir w:ie .11
le ol MOJO
lii-ii was t
lau I t r will
VglUi l" tUU Hill Will
mora haODinaaj at I ...
tlian Biythittl VOU uiav lm .
W will gall von
it s- 1 1 1 j 1 1 1 j Nt - t
onorod baiora in this octiffffi
l'ifiv-tvyi) ngkfM ol pianoi id
v nooae irutu
carload lots
Wakefield & Failing
Don't fail to take
advantage of it.
Tell your Neighbor
about this offer
Send in your nai
r ae a aV .
ior a sample iop
Remember this offer is good for the
Saturday Hprprnhpr 28t
j , pWVgeWawra.w.
lat - A I a O at at A I 0 mut
I linill M a 1 V at i ai w I . L. .1 - - . . . 1 - a i miTL lllllll
order, express order or in one and t
cent stamps. Address
r. lit 'C.I I
i)r: iii i i i iv ntri ui
r lit 1. Wi'i vriv
Schimmel Pianos-
A oyoaa
(lesiline t,, . i..l 1 1 .... .... , .riiallicnlil
'ii'is iiu.-seiii .an tin on .. n.., il,. I... I :i cumi'"-' -
1 II lantlartl ami mtfh irade make of Miano. liighl)
ami fully uuuranteeil ami retail .vervwhsn: for tsv
pianos direi I from the fa. tor anil can sell them at ttffl
regular price. Call and inspect these pigjioi tad j?e(
r .
i .a
,. i. , r i"
thirds ot
....... t4,; mreet, Hendlei
tea Mam btffet,