BEST SELLING SIX THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE i It pays to trade at the People Warehouse. N ot a questionable uallty here." 1001 SUITABLE ARTICLES L CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Beautiful Electric Seal Jacket L.H moIu M I" K l $2!': ri.gular :S5 lo go at tt, FQfV BH si ll"T luno viinii nifimiiinft mi o m n u. i ..,.,1 fliilra. Gloves and Hntidkerchier's Nt-ck- v.-. K)i i . . I I BMrt .,.,,1 I ..,.1. ,,... WQmV 1111(1 I 1WB, iimiio MIU IMWIWi i4o clow nt rati ring from business priests. heaver Bros. Dry Goods Co. 'undies by tin ton at Duttou'a. EpAl PBCBMBBR ii 1901 BREVITIES. A Howard Farm loana. ft Howard tit UiKiii-ance. Xtlt. IUII. ) IOOW, iNOU H. MM'iKt with ever) i purcliaae ultc I'utton's. itlc ami Davis icwing ma tt Wltho L ii wMoniihli' inter, at Sotn lm. opixwlt' eity Mli- H alada of ien1 cstute. tm and country. K .T, Wade hrnl i)l cranberries. Mill to, olives III hull, at Hiiwley In. Dl tun dishes, pioper lor Chlli-tnuis picsents a l Bros pnreK iu ckoeotataf lull- "" I I III - .1 pOllllll. ;U mi drug More. IMClu! Xma I'" as.ints at Ita B1I hold tlu-ni for you anil It:.. Mim- iruj- out at l. iivt r Bras. Ury iCoiitorc Cleaver Hroa wTP Stock must lie Hold. iforiai'. I KM tn Him pounds. Hit It li.irilMil) .lolili Ail. i n,. artti of Colli Snriii Brot. arc koiiih out of luaaa i- krtaloi for Kvcryliody at tin- ' Brw Dry (inoilH store U i pound fin PaJai cumin i tar ( m 7.' i i-iit randy hi Isavt at Kii.'iiiii ii . niilv. aim ami iill i . bought of 111 ..: Will 1)1 In. III. -II ti). Tin Pi iiples WuilllOIISC aW. wo)il -hf i-H . Call at Ik Hnrft wi.mi nPii , i. ai of in tank or R. K Porter Meaoh' and Nam Yeuia are not neither nr.. tl... Hill-.. taitd .i,im Bf SL'lwrii,' I,, .i .i. mA ('..lit . m. brandlf). Hquon at KIlM'l lunuor atop Court street. " buying Christmas pit-unit. 1 tb. oneat in,,, ' f if III lm MU Itttr brmn-ht i, i n..i I ATU ., ,.,,-nill, Ill luuinifla furniture store. 213 oppoaite opera house ..fu .i u.. uiin .. . part of the Jolted Hiajus mates on all Teii- "wlrii Mill r.o.o i.i Wl lOOdl bought of ,,S. Tile 1 -irujui!, lieaduurtrH tor Xman looniH tn tent. Inquire of Ooda at coat Laigar thin year, Uowar Mia. quarter for Pat KUIIK Ol till' HC-B va. Paadlatoa Ii o'eloek. t Cuuui ,i . will gin iMltlon Is eaildloH. four atat Ohrta Hanley. ('IohIur out holiday at I'alluiau & Co'b. Klve tooni eottaRe fiirniHhi'd to rent. baaalra of .1. T. Hlnkle. All kinilM of hookH for ChrlHtnuiH pteoentK at Tallman & (Vb. 111k MaortflMBt of eahuH. plen mid oohii-H for ('hi'lHinius ut H. Martln'a Sulad water, ehoeolate and dluner hi'Ik ery Inu at tin- Owl. Hunm-tH fri'i 'lain i-howder In packaKi'H. Honie thliiK new and very fine at Hawley Broa. Ijli'Hi' Ktoek last ettl yeur. Low prieeH IumI thin yeur. Owl. iMOkafl' dollKht, l.a hull. hi'IIIiik at for u ton eiKar Htore. Don't inibs the Iiim OB, Wal In Will la Xinat.. I'lf miiitly ut Picture tramliiK a speolalty. Now .im- of picture niouldliiKt HraHx DaOfaatl lor frnnu-H at C. iiharp'a. If you are In a hurry for u gfoaarjf order, til.-pliiim i; Slurtin. lie la lliaklliK a Hpeelulty of quick delivery. I.OHt. on Wehli stn i. t. Iietween Him laka'l and Mih OolUa! pin..', four new hookH. Kinder pleoae return to tin. BflUW. For aule. MO uera of One wheat laud Mouth of Aduma. Terina. S0O0 Ba i Imlunce In .up Pttrokaaar, Jam s A. Howard. You can't heat Martin on good (Man tor CliilMttnaK All kluda of veKetuhli-K. maiiKch. Iiuilltliiih. nuU and candles. For aale, 60 vacant Iota. 21 real donee pniportlbb. choice ranches In Camas and Starkey prulrlex Wheat iundu and stock ranehea. E. T. Wade The Standard (Iroeery cuiupauy'h hams iniiht In- extra line, wln-u poo pie will walk past Main Htnct mid ko away up on Court afreet to get theui I.OHt. Iietween I'enillelon aud Vdanih. on Wild Horae toad, pio kage roatalalai ladjr'l dreaa. Color hlue. PiadCT will raoalVf reward hy return iliK hunit lo this office Two Indians and one white man were up before Poltoe Juttf ileum this aaovaiai for bataj drau They were Klven the uhiiuI flue of t- aud in ilefuult of payment went to jull. It hi'Kins to look as though we woulil have to send Kuusiau after Miss Htone. ' Degree of ii , I,,....., .... P. Tllr.i'n, I), , ,11,1, , r Mint arm,ir hall Mllyl.- will lm v III lir ? . ... ..i.. 1 MM nu.i - ... i.A Li'on 7f i cenu AinniiK the peasants of Turkey most of the doctoring Is done by wo men. Wanted, a home for a little girl 9 yeara old. For further Informati i -uddreaa P. O. box 37. Helix. Ore. Volumes New Yorkera Bought Moat During Last Week. The tlx beat selling hooka of the (week endltiK uecember 4. as especial ' ly reported for the New York Jour nal's Saturday Rariajw b) the lead i Ing booksellers of New York city, ar ranged in the order of demand, and the average based upon the Individual re porta aiven below, were 1. "The Right of Way." 2. 'The Cavalier." 3. "The Crlela." 4. "Marietta." 5. "Kim." 6. "D'rl and I." I ptown -At E. W. Dayton'a t. Sir. Richard Calmady"; 2. "The Cav lief"; 8, "My l.ady Peggy Qoea to Town' . 4. ".Marietta": f,, "The Hone luctress"; I, "Hod Wills It." At John Wtttiamaker'a 1. "The Uiuhi of Way": 2. "The Crlila"; 8. 1 "The Killing Passion"; 4. "The Cava Marietta": ti. "The Bene' Company'a 1. ; 2. "The Crlala"; "Kim"; 5, "The Man from Olen- "The Her"; 6, fuctreaa." At Blegel Coope "The lllght of Way' :i. "idarletta": 4. I'avallet"; ii. "The gurry. At llloomlngdale Mrothers 1 Right of Way"; 2. "The Crlala": 3, "Kim"; 4. "I.a.arre" : I, "Count Han nlha, . "The Killing Passion.' At K H Many & Co. 'a 1. "D'rl ,111111 , . 2. The Cavalier ": .'!. "Kim": I "The Eternal City": ii. "Portion of Labor' ti. "On the Croat Highway.' Downtown-At i. i McBride A I Bon 'a i. "Laaaire"; 2. "The Kight of Way :t "Kim": 4. "Marietta": B. "The Cavalier"; I, "The Uaurper." At I. Jonas A.- Co s lAstor House i I "Count lliinnlbal": 2. "The Klght of Way" I! "The Crisis". 4. "Air. Mun chaUMU"; I, "Marietta": Ii. "Alice of Old Vlncennea." At Henry M Alklns'-I,. "The Klght of Way' 2. "The Crlala"; .1. "Lives of Hunted". I Making of a Marchon ess". a. "Hlgn ol the Prophet"; I',, ' Making nt a Country Home." At Rhode to Haakla'i I "Laaarra"; I, "The Klght of Way I, "The cr. sis"; 4 "Captain lllultt". a. "D'rl aiul I' I, "How to Box." Brooklyn- At Abrahaai i traaa'- t, The Right of Way : 2. "The Cava Her :; "Circumstance"; 4. "D'rl and I"; I, "The Man from Ob-ngurrv": fi. Klin." At D. Matthews Sons" I. "The Cavalier 2. "Marietta" . :;. "The Klght in Way"; 4. "D'rl anil I"; Ii. "The Killing Paaslon" : ti. "Mlenner hasaett." Collection of Menus. Asioi Uhrary, already ruinous the i laintry over lor Km rare hooks and iiiaiiuserlpts. bus Just beeu enriched by a remurkable collection of iin-nus. Theae menus numher more than MQtJ mid ure claaaltled uuder many loads The collection Is the result of the years work conducted by Miss Frances HiiMolph an employe of the library. It Is IM object to secure the melius of all significant dinners mo thai the collection will ultimately b ' lude u souvenir of every Important liuiupn-l or dinner bald Ifl the country. A menu ol the buuqiiet given In hon or of tin opening of the Suez canal shows that tin- collection Is not eon fined to events thut liuve taken place Ii America. There are other exhibits equally lalaraatlag ami the degree or artiHtlc effort illustruted is wonderful. Allied Henry Hart shot unit killed i la bead Japanese of the railway see t li gain' at Wilbur. Hurt had been to the Japanese house when his brother lorn and John Tapp had been .I. inking with them. O I Ui tr M w -I a B UJ 0- IU I p UJ IT UJ in D O I UJ IX If) UI -I a o UJ a. UJ I I- Only One Day More For Christmas Buying Tlir- chances an you don't realize that sour time is limited to do your Christmas shopping-. We wish to impress upon you the fact that 0UI stot is fairly abloom with everything that is suitable (or hrialltlM gitt. We ask vou to COna in no mattet whether you wish to buy or just to look You will not be ured to purchase. buyers we propose to make a re For the d action benefit of late of JO PER CENT. on all Smoking coats. Lounging and Note the reductions below Batl ling rooes. $- ao Smoking iats. now fa j x 7s Smoking coats, now 6.85 10 o Smoking coats, now 7 5 20 ix Imported Lounging robes, now . 14 (s 15.00 Imported Lounging robes, now It.tjo i 50 Imported Lounging robes, now .... i 90 Hath and Lounging robes, now 7.50 . I I T I I 7.50 nam aim i.oiiuginK roues, now 3yO ninging rolifs, now ... 5 15 now 3 95 BOW, i, 45 cT lo Hath and Ll on Hath lobes. 3.50 Hath robes. Overcoats and Suits. Perhaps you conldn't ph ase Father, Hrothci or Son. better than to give htm a gift of that sortt Overcoats and suits here $7 S to $25.0, , and lots of prices in between Our Furnishing Goods Department c bava ly far tin largest stock of full dreaa suit cases traveling bags valises, hand satchels, umbrellas, mufflers. Back Wear, hosiery, collars and cufls, Indian robes. steamer nigs. etc. 1 very article priced to tempt the most economical. A Few Minutes Pxpended at our store this evening and tomorrow 11. ay sav 1 hours of indefinite tin 11 king and may lead to sa ings that will put money in y'OUt puise PEOPLES WAREHOUSE. Wl L Ha THE PFOPLES WAREHOUSE THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE The QfagOa delegation has united in indorsing M J. MucMahon. of Port hind for a foreign diplomatic up poiatgMat, uud he uImo has strong sumiort from Wisconsin Illinois uud Mlehlgaa He wai praaentad to the pti-sldent by Senator Mitchell The Mouiunu Idiibo Mining ,v Coin inreclal company bus purchaaed the c l ed Creek placer mloee. in the Dixie camp, in Idaho and also the Mile town site from K If Slmtuuua m Just Four Days HofS Tor you to do holida 'buying. Do your buying this week, while t lie stuck in still well assorted. Come Early and Avoid the Rush. :is Mon. lav arol Tuesday our store will be ciowdvd. Tin'-'- .mm, is uoike lovely presents Silk Waists Umbrellas Handkerchiefs Kid Gloves Neckwear Purses Silk Mittens Furs Silk Hose Belts Silk Undershirts Silk Boas i The Columbia Lodging House NEWLI H UNIHHKD Ii A It I N CONNKtmON IN CENTKKOP BLOCK BET ALT A a WKIiHHTH P. X. SCHEMPP, lrop. 3 See W. C. Miunis for Wood and Coal Ksjit-ciull y Fine Jrades and Thomas Mow man about $100,000 The price la Soul I. Us for 1 arolina now raises tea that $ I. per pound THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE. Htammiiiiiinmmiiiitnmimnuiiiimii1 N x door lo L eei s liakety Mam Slreel s) ()s:'4)S fj i i(0!! C, (b. C9 W '. Glance over the following t- why ymi oannot buy your Christinas Clocks .If weir s-. Watclles t",lai. Solid Silverwear, Silver j. late wan . iWi Koer8 plate ware. Wl" Koveltiai. Bbonv Toilet ware, 1 Wdlwtiokl in yolrj )lute and bioii.c . Wttei .ind rjnna ii,,.! sUnnaiM f - '3MHMK s. m3k r atgggr"TTJggggHgggggglgggff a. aw v 'KllIITIIIt v - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 w ii aMgw -U5t f , fin ,; 4.) THE LEADING JEWELER. Heiuember you gt( i baMkM OA a 100.(K) Bolid (ojld Watch ami Chain with every $1.(10 pur hane made in our Htore bafon .ianuaiy 1 MXJ2. LOUIS MMfD UIILIIN Lll to to) to to I to) to) to) to to) f (a, i to) to) to, to, 4 ra o a r m ca 9 ra 5 c ca m H I ra o m I -4 Z ra v ra O 0 m II . r- (si q a) " ' 4.-s.e- vvewa . . - . . . f. s s a -n i sfek a. a a y-rv r, ,i , , . a