Men's and Boy's Overcoats. See Reductions in Price All of our $12.50 coals will ro at $ 9.00 All of our $14 00 coats will go al $10.01) All of our $15 00 coats will (p at $11 50 Boy's Overcoats. All of our $2 50 ove oais go at $1.75 All of our 3.00 ovfercoata .o v 2 25 AH of our 3.50 overcoat- go at 2 75 Every Overcoat In the home has b.v i reduce com.' e fly at id yt your pick. BAER $ DALEY One Price Chillier, fitrnukers mi l Hatter. Pendleton. MONDAY DKCBMUKH 23 If" U1 H ISlIS AFFAIRS GENERAL NEWS IN rtj Belmont was a rue In a led by lbs democrats ol (fun Tort MvMtfl Coniii ihkIobI district tO MWCMd CoBgrsnumon Ntcholui Mnltor. re iRncii Montague Laos tei mi now runted bj tiii' r publics u M Lima I'oru excitement prevails Cablegrams from Hmuo V. re- re port thai tin Argentina governmenl bai- ordered tiw Argentine minister to retire it Chile main ition aba has asi ii appeal to ROOSSVSH ' Islon anil If tu iii il i a . entire, may (! i (Concluded.) lit? i the ! ynoti "i tin- t Ions ami dlnnei ROWOS IM hoiim- of tbe i iunx crested especially for this wnmoii ure bewildering In tbc ex mi at .-' tnln t ii chlei ana I n -' may th. t tin KOi eminent (lit '. i r ' .1 its 'lalma tin The most oi thaw arc developed iti nil! in very Manly finished clotha Then is a revival ol tin- olil hIIKh tin' inoKt in it n ' id being tin armure ' i These silks, oi course. 1 11 IMCC with tin' I'Minvrtuaiici- nl the la ko art- not cheap, hut tbtn Is 'Mm ho novel gbout the srmure ground with Its ttripod or elaborately flowered designs, thai it is "Irrialatl 1 i iltariMfl " ns Jerome K. Jeronu ITOUM 111 T It. rtblng i chit "a sappliin 'n tsffets trimmt t with unlit luce. The nUrt ami lower s . 1 1 of tin I ! In an- mil' In effect, clliniitm ami 1 1 ' i ranged oi lib. ami I (i in H I ll Mad Mitiunfar hi III which gppeUt tp i " r ni that fit it rprctotlon of tl given jn Preside i . the It'.n- i n MimiiIi ixa iii towakj arer-mialatei In ax Crasl dent Oreapo'a eablnet rebelled Thura igj ngjUunl President Custrn mot I La VMarli The revolution! eta reached faun on the way to Villa d ClirOi WbOM their nirtlsans had con I eeutretcd from all the surrounding f 1 1 1 . Mlnlatet Pieldhng, of the , Dil Inn nvi i mucin, telegraphed to Mai. . : from ' ttnu offorlnK him In j tobgll of tin Canadian cabinet, every facility for STOUtlng win-leas telo- j . i .i ; !. i ,t ! - mi t ' Nova Si-ut i i ii lag hop id makliiK him moat cm our axing propositions, aesurrlua him thgl then wn no obstacle- in the i way ei carrying oat his experiments I in Cuiiiiili in territory, ami inviting him t Ottawa to discuss the am : i mi ol the propogltkwg ; in colbii gnd very pointed revere tin iivshi an covered at lbs 'lno r an Inch er more .ii!i dellcste el olil tbrcaii The larve coat i . Bg on i i t ' hgnda ami at in pomis. a i I gre (Old lace At tin from the bell to line of lame (, mi I he outer SeliniH edged wit tin- limit line Is n bnttona I' Cloves Tiom Spider Silk. iu Ik. Dec, ' -Tbe laic.t auclet) fgi la to possssa i noli i glovea o trun spltb r sub. a precnl U . Preach hosier atatca thai SS milch ax two hiimlrcil fgagSN bj vuli Kgntl helm oahi b) lendsra oi i'u i -urn for a pair of glovea niaile rom i in oi mi glib it is Intsrsstlng to eb aervs tltai oin Hi ui caU ulate that it requires 1,300.(KH) janl- ot iugl- apl mi cail ti make om Hiiar yanl ni kiii. Miitahie tor dreea guterisl Tin thrcail varies in tkfctkgtSM trum .i thoasnndth to tin- foer thonsnndth part ot an inch, am! will betr a u.'lL'iit ot t;o mains PACIFIC NORTHWEST NF.WS Si u.itoi Mitchell ha hctned an al kiWSDve ni 4O0 pel annum lor aidli tionai eJert hue at lbs Whitney, Or. i pottoflot The bos) oi jonspb Kolbt) th' Bbv leg anglneci m the wevtui n m-ight i i.ii. wrOSbed near Weston Waiih ni the Northern Pacific was found bnried gggVM the wreck , Tbl bonthhoiiml tagc Lyt(Mi.lli ami Willits was half u mile gboTS the latt A registi.-reil pouch ami tin NEW YORK LETTER. Ni'u York Wee J.'l The lajst eel, was a reeurd breaker for ObriStghBI slnippers Today ami Tueaday will probably see the heavieat ol the hoi iila trade The streets are filled with a congSOOOUtnn crowd, and, us tin atorea arc open cveninga until af ter Chriatmas the tin hoik lit a res In i in sliopplitK ulatrlct arc not cleared until a lad- hour ciot for napeM flsslgni lined at tbe W hite House, gnd lino ordered lowni of tine embroidered linen for herself and Mlaa AHee RoOSSTOlt The impels Includea tsbls scarfs, novsni and doilies and bad linen Kach arti cle is to in worked with the American monogram U. s. and win have the words white House" In rnlli 1 stn , broidery In tbe cnntni New Yoi ken an greatly htt reel I ui compnrtson ol the rwllee forcea ;.v nii"oi the Isrge metroimlll m ii wi i papt is. This eomimrtson showa thai the number ol police of Lonitoni i v, In n romph t '! thi' w Bt. John the nivim. Ill in t his i ounti ' with tbe the oapltol ,n Washington hundred ft 1 1 shore tin h , rnt site ill addition rot nee sia will glee it i prominence, Work bos bt reaa on the cathedral for and it is not enpected to be completed ,rtr frtilv-rivi. man Tin- cost will be between robbed f place pies.-. bOI wen- taken A man named Ivans gag been gffOStOd Al (ieKon City l.'laikamas couu ly t- iali.-Ts met and efftcted a pM' BjMOnl party organization hy elect mi; ii OOUBt) central i oiumittci . Kred Meindl as elected ebalrnasn ami William Heard seeretar t'hii Jimtici H. S lt-an ot the Ore gag supreme court, has been appoint ed by tin president Ol the American itai Association to represent Oregon at a gntberina ol lawyers at the Lou isiana Bgpusitlon ai Hi Louis In I tbl The I run peals have been so de struens ni tin Inland Ktupirc during the aeanui just closed that a united effort la to In made ly fruitgrower! and the faculty of the Washington Agricultural College to devise iotas enna of extennlnnileg tbi At t 'oi ucliiis. tr . Mi .- Kaiinie Theodosla Hockney, who died at her noine had resided In thai section sine. 1 871 sin- wni born In ggf land in ll'1 lb was emanied to Obnrl Verp Hockney at l,aceb) i a .land .lanuarv i ISII In IKSu' tin .M.I , ai le to the Hatted states it' ii h in Wisconsin. In I a mnvi a'Sa made to Oregon. mi in pin live I ".i Nc Tenr'a dnj will see the mien lug oi the Children's court which wsa n gted b) i'u n ', i hartt r some tin ago. At this court youthftll offendei a iii be plat ed tot trhil Instead i ao ui; before tbe dlfferenl mnglstratei onus with othei crlmtnnla Und tin present conditions nil boyi mil uiii- grrented thranghoui tbe rtt) gnd Infming to lie undei sixteen r irn old ate setii to tbe ofllee ni th el rnn's society, where (be) are ie!il until lh opening ol court A'ol in tiianv years in lad ml ilnce the fnmoui Bradley Martin 1 ill which marketl Mr. and Mrs Brudlej Martins lenvstnMng of then native land- ha any iiterinlntin in l n mi much discussed as Mrs Pierre i or lllsrd'a hail Thai tot lety exph aurprfse puts it mffdTy Mw I i lard has I ti in retire men I ft mi - ami ln n her husband, the well known llorneman gnd mnnn(i tnwt died last July, It was iteiterallx thoMnht ii her t'ia:i acq nalntancea that, nltbough their mgtrtmonlal car reel had gel been ii pleasant one she WOSl I mourn fOl him Bt leant a ) I Br while tin grown son Bird daughter of Mrs. Uorillnrd were cown I In aomhre hlrtek or hah monrning, ahe srenra hrmht coh'i'H inn1 atunnlny hat and I til. 1 1 inn hi In! illat'it DON'T N EG I. EC WEDNESDAY IS CHRIST! AT i j?r - ar Boston Sto P. S.-CL0SING OUT & OY DRY GOODS. IS EAR EROM sioan nearly much lo tin lal clrch of W f Wbltt ) loon whose mother 'Inn nt immediately , i on i rom M r. H nn will add 1 1 ot Oct ha ml at wot))" are mad from wool ra's ami old eooltn rm fblankeU lulian robwf, hIimiiht nii;- ami shawl? QnUI ' -ale oi Tins EHtls, t temee atui Pmkj ( FREDERICK NOLF. Ii'splte this rush, however, tin week has had its sensations, and tin sinait set has furnished its share ot material foi gossip Koine of the young men in society have lornied a ..nt m secret ('ommittei of Fifteen" im the apforssntnnt of certain very ueeessary tiiics and regulations, not tin least oi which Is an early cloalug These men claim that owing to tin lots hour at which various aoclal tune non.- gre DVOI " is impossible to get auSClent rest and they are therefore until for DUglnesa the uext day. The OVOSMBl has already met with some sitciess as nearly all the fashionable dunning ClaSMS have arranged for midnight closing, and it is promised thai at tin- large receptions to be giv en later BUPpei ill he served earlier ami the cotillion Mulshed bafOK two o clock. gfggta lautren-- 6u lo i j s Tops. , In i,' TlJO! ell St- , (,, I $4.1. Toy IMUUOI ,3 to $,.i ij Druius, t tibles. .run wagon'fc, 1 vcloit-peiles, toy piano- -i i . ' lliiiititeils ol toys. New goodf I a ;i:st assorumcnt ftbih "Minsj. of Hew gailic- Aiiiong the uio-l i'centl orgauued societies ul CiolliaUl Is out whose ob ecl in prOOMtS the industry ol flue ueedli work amoug Porto Itican wo men II hi doubtful It any institution has met with so much success from th. ti tinning SS has tbia society ami SUM oi Ms patrons ale amo'ig the list ni the land. Indeed, while Mrs Roosevsll was hero not many days ago doing her Christmas shopping, slu placed n ku - order wMh tin- ac Games 5c to $5.05. I'roKiuolc. Carlo w ivrelat tienii, dueeua that will interest you. SJg! books, bio k.- to) urndlee, begs ami springs, doll varriagea aleUa, lii-cycles toy wringer, ice ereein I'reeaer ui? i 1 01 is, etc. dantaClau) Caudy. Here exclusive at Null -, you tbcHaiita Ulnue, uiailb frooi uun u gar. (iootl 10 eat ami deooroia your tree, bfl a fiouiid. Olber ivauiiies, In, 1 1-li ami Lie a poUIML Try our rtgu lor -iih nrnsuii here ai Molfa for Ho, Toilet sets 46,' t. 10,96, hL, iiiis l e loT.H0 eull'auii collar boxea, fauoy uerfUUlSs, line iiielgUkuiele. The Pendleton Woolen Mi ARE iii ARANTEED TO BE ; Strictly Pure Fleece Wool Direct Fi the Sheep's Back. 1 1 his accounts for the Superior Finish and Appearan their product. I PHNDLKTON WOOLEN MIL PENDLETON. OREGON. ....... ;;.A...Uit.'..i..ggaAUU ..CARPET! I . ,s . If . ...ant 3 i ilDt't all i in- larfsi siock in tno cuy. ii you a... t ntl lain line. We will give you estimates seweu au i A Mammoth stock of Furnitur BAKER d FOL! Next door to Po5toffic. TRA NSFER, UC K I NG, ST OR AG K. CROWNTR & SON. TKI CPiKINK AS l or Health, Strength and Pleasure Drink ::::::: Polydore Hoens, Proprietor. 1 J