East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 23, 1901, Image 1

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Eastern Oregon Weather
. Mf WW""1'
Tcnlqlit n
MMM) Coldtl 1 ll kUj .
. I.tii
Other Industrial Lines Have Uaed Up
the Equipment Supply.
Indianapolis. Doc. 23 John Mlteh
II, president, of the United Mine
Workers, says the shortage of coal
throughout the United States la due
almost entirely to lack of cars to
transport the coal from the mines
The great activity in other branches
of Industry has taken many cars, and
ah Hoon as cars can he obtained plen
ty of coal will be furnished.
Experience of Various Cities, as Detailed by Their Engineers, Seems to
Indicate That Vitrified Brick Is One of the Best Pavements Known to
Modern Street-Making Appears to Be Cheap. Lasting. Healthful, Per
mitting Easy Traetion Some Figures Showing Comparative Worth
With Asphalt and Granite Blocks.
53 NUIM";' u' w""
i Who Aspirr to
Leave Jail.
gii Prisoners From Es-
totting Them at the
duelling Them to Sub
Huioind Had Been
Lw i Deputy 6 he riff
Carefully Laid and Al-
tti m 3 General Break.
Si. Fourteen
counh ' ill nti mpt
pu.uvM iircak Unit
w :!; quli k wo ' ol
ot kvtrifl Ki ibc
i n -m i'cMf(u),
it m hlh
'i lill HI-
Compelled to Dealst Further Bending
of Sealed Letter.
London. Ore. 23 A Constantinople
dispatch sny s tht Turkish postofllcc
has Issued a notice that hereafter no
closed letters will" be acceptei for
distribution and that all correspon
dence within the city prcclnc's Bltlal
lie conducted by means of postal
One of Dewey's Officers Weds.
I'liilildelphlu. Dec. ".'!. A numltev
of prominent nnvnl ofllcers were proa
Bl today at the wedding ot Piiymns
tci John It. Martin. V. H. N and
Miss Kathetinc Parker, of this city
The couple will proceed to the Phil
Ippiooa where Paymaster Martin has
been aaelgned to duty. The groom
we with Dewey nt Matlilll. I""lnu Htll
tltnted on the admiral's Itimship
r '
i Ki
arm. Th
ii ,rr met in tile
woman ilii a hig
Itoaerti Number ot En
South Africa.
lit !J kin-liener re-
hikL . ei engagements
II l.ailgehcrg. on
item, aitlfil bjr natives.
Rin r of mounted. In
m w 1 1 inssi'H i wo
i ter. anions lie scri
Al Till' 'hep Ml the
Sn i iKimant s col
Bjml I"" IIih i v under
1st -net. . : i. n' lollnv. . I
lain v i sfsosra killed,
I gst Mlletl and I".
Hivn wttt repulsed
I ll ill i.lri'ctiuti Vt
jafturr.l it,rluiiK f mi
tor TI- lk,.is iidn.it
rt- attackcil In
IN Eliodspniii. killing
NuitiBK two. The Boert
imludinie I'liinniiiii
llM three wounded
To Promote German Immigration.
Itii'tninghnm. Ala.. Dec. 23. A con
vention to promote German inimi
million ol Alulmu.a opened in Birm
ingham today, The monssi of the
ile.nian colonies already eHtalillHbed
in this MOtlOtl lias eueoiiriiged the
pi oiuotei h hi tin Immigration move
II I ' II t to renew I heir efforts OB a more
extensive scab 1 1 1 is ii heretofore.
Iwo Statesmen not Anxious
to Succt'tKl Gage.
In order that the people ol Pudlc
ton mux have the benefit of the ex
perience ot other cities and towns, in
tlie building Of permanent streets, the
Knst p;onlun has oatt4 inquiry to
be in, lib regarding vitrified brick, one
ol tin in 1 int approved methods of Im
proving highways iu cities, and lias
the following Information Mom auth
oritative sources:
"The Improvement of streets is a
matter ot tirst Importance, it is re
ceiving a meat deal of attention, as
experience has convinced everyone of
the great lietiellt to the value of prop
erty. also to the health of all classes
"What is wanted Is a pavement ai
not too great an expenditure for con
trtlCtlon and maintenance, that will
afford ton of traction, freedom from
noise and dust, foothold lor horse,
and facility of pah when torn up
to bet nt the network of pipes, wires.
etc.. Which sc. in tO b unavoidable In
Dttr modern cities.
"A autteble foundation for a brick
pavement, thai win answer nil re-
unit! on nt. where the question of
o.m ii considered, depends upon the
nearness of the town to the Quarries
and the distance from the brick In
(lush .
"When the traffic la extra heavy, a
concrete toondstlou bus been found
to Ii 1 lie mosl siiecessl'ul. as it is also
tht noel expensive, and Its use. or
Cannot Arrange cn Short Notice to
Leave His Duties and Business to
Go to Washington.
Washington. Dec. 23. ll was an
nonnood at he white BOuas this
BftOrnOQU that tiovernoi Crane, ot
MnnnaclniHetts, hah deculed not to ac
cept the treaaur) portfolio.
Phe governors mother is very old.
ttliit. out ot defereuce to her wish not
to remove to Washington. Crnuo is
aid to have ret used to accept t'le
IHntti. But In Not
HNtaJlf Sick
I - Thr 1 tin-. . ,,l
kf no means ac-i
sseHj 1. sulfeilng
' ' l'l. Till 'leel
'Jfer, 1 1 1 m
'" Of I.-, Htnle U
Crane Tells Why.
ItoHton. Dec t. Governor 1'iaue
Kmc out a siiiiciiieui tint, afternoeju
in which he said he wus obliged in
decline the treasury portfolio, 011 m
count 01 Illness In tamlly and ina
btllt) to ariiitlge business .ilT.iii -
such short notice
its thlckneae, If used. Hhouid be uv
nrned bj tht local conditions of sub
soil, etc.
"If teacudani or brnkcti ItOOS tOM
ila'lon i used the interspaces should
lie wi ll lllleil willi dry sand well
brushed In. or a thin COBtlni Of sand
and celiu lit could lie lined in older to
bold tin nnd cnahlon in place.
lirlci, puveiueiit Nteii laid upon
a suitable foundation, wherever tin
brici, used are thoroughly vitrified
iDiitlllttch smooth imriiiu the In. of a
pnvemont, Ollmnte lias no effect up
on a brbl paveineut. The brick, be
nut 1 1 1 1 1 ou;lil itrlll'd. alisorli no
motitun and ennnot therefore be ef
fected by lieai or cold Bonlrea ami
large eoiitluKintloiis have no effect,
whatever nor do we tlnd an evb
denoe of the oraeklag of the pave
incut as may be nahl of other kinds
of paving either from heat or cold
Ease and Cheapness of Repairs.
"As to this, the brick pavement
eaailx ranks tirst because it is more
durable and needs less repair, and be
cans, en) ordinary workman can
make tin repairs In takintt up fur
wal'-l pipes, etc. the above ix very
(Jood vitrified brick are
oils to water: the space
'fcp'oru Conditions.
11. In 11,., ....1
F"a Hit' iu.i ,. ,. 1 ..... 1
all. !,
I " I"' m ilieu 10
M.-iions iraetlnni
PW lh. u.i.i ... . ... i
ol.M(.s ann
L-T-'"" '"nversinii of
m mm ciiuroh
Pf Office Building.
C mny "' the
"'M"Hi In tbi 1:1 cat
',b" ate Ii ;
s atlnj bum in
r?n " Paaaen
k 7" up ami ,
ii i7;.. . """
1 "i-'iiiinnn the
atttldlng will
tan v '" 01 - 1
am,-"""! Steel llr.
an..T.' et of
t. ' r ,f' lare
flMfiii f ,narl'lp
. ZmVzr or oon'
LZh ' 1)0 -in ployed
He, However, Prefers to Expatriate
iHmself Than Live in Waahiny
WasbiiiKiou. Dee. J .)ion T,
I'errlok, ol Olevekuul, now will be
U adored the treasury portfolio, it is
said, but he may also decline, as Ii I
has been offered the ambassadorship
to Italy and preters to live .iborad
Toasts by Statesmen.
I'liiladeipbia Dec 0J, i'laus on an
elaborate scab have been completed
101 the annual bsVnQOOl ol the N w
Hnclend Society of Pennaylvnnla,
ivhlch Is to take place tonight at Boi
tloultural Hail The folloarlni well
uown men will reaond to toasts:
Juatloe David J, Brewer of the United
Btntee supreme court; Minister Wu
Ting Fang. Hon. David .1. Hill. Piral
iaal lanl Secretary oi Stutc Hon. W
Bourke Cookrnn, ol New York, and
Rev. Rockwell H Porter ol Hnrtford,
Chili and Argentina Both Have Ap
pealed to Him.
Washington Dec. ConsulUcu
"ial Wilson, at BmUbCO, Argentina,
bus cabled the state department that
all diplomatic resources between Ar
m nt Ina and f'hlli seem to have been
exhausted and that Argentina has ap
pealed to King Kdwurd to arbitrate.
'bill claims this Is exactly the course
he adopted two weeks ago
Import I"
bef ecu
these buck is small, and when well
tilled with sand, will turn water
There are no interspaces to retain
tilth and bleed disease Or James K
Koove. late president of I he American
Public Health Association, says:
From a sanitar point of view, brick
pavements are absolutel faultless,
and no oilier material used can com
pare with them for cleanllneaa.'
"In this reaped it is far ahead of
any other kind of pavement. It af
fords a foothold for horses, enabling
them to move a load that could not
be started on any other kind of pave-
nt Brick are not more slippery
WhOI wet than dry. L W Rundlett
city cukI r oi si Paul, says as to
this l.uas told thai buck made a
vlipiMr) pavement, but find this Is not
true I drove a horse at top speed on
a wet pavement and have watchet.
teams hauling heavv louds to di, i
mine this and am satisfied with the
"Under thla bead we will examine
the experience of ol hers Tile OhlCO-
no Blirllnftotl & Qulncy Railroad
company, at their Chicago freight
yards experimented with all kinds of
pavements, finally using brick as the
best They found that, after a ton
nage of 1I.M0 tons had passed over
it daily for four years but one brick
had been broken.
"From Baltimore, Md I wota 1
letter from Cantab) Jones Talbot
Merits of
The comparative merit;
classified by Engineer D. W
First cost
Host of maintenance
Facility of repair
Durability under traffic
Freedom from dust
from nolae
from decay
from absorption
for horses
who has charge "' Chase's wharl,
where hear traffic is continually car
riad on He says: In 1KH1!, 3500
yards Of vitrified BTlCb pavements
Were labl OB the wharf. As ht'ii
loads as are hauled in Haltlmore pass
over it. and It as yet shows no bad
effects iii Baltimore, there bus been
general satisfaction with brick pave
From the Chicago Intel Ocean.
March I. IX!u;: "It may be said that
the short, street pa ved with brick run
ning from Madison to Washington, on
l.a Halle street, has had a harder
test than any street runniu.' parallel
with it. as Its smoothness BjaJrea it
sealer for heavy loads to be drawn
ami teamsters will go a bl 1 !; out of
their way to take that advantage
Yet the pavement shows little wi.:
These facta are worthy of notice. an"
in the future contracts (or pavements
should be selected that show these
results " Then follow s a
opinions obtained by th
from th, property owners
1 1 n et. all expu Msing th
'ion with the street.
a. w. cooi.. uplef engineer, depari
men! ol public works Chicago, In a
lettci atrittea Kos !. ISM, says. In
regard to portion i Lake avenue,
bl:' with brick three years before:
"i have examined the pavement ra
nently, nnd Mini that It has w n list !
tin- hi a i traffic esoellently. 1 do
not bealtnta to any that, if the fonn4a
lion is properll prepared and care
taken In the selection of the brick. I
see no reason Wli it stiouiil HOI 1111. 1
granite blocks on 0111
traffic is the beevieot,
has proved expenalve
unbearable to the real
w.l 1 1 de
as It Is rnphlly
Reported b I. L. Ray A. Co.. Pendle
ton, Chicago Board of Trade and
New York Stork Exchange Brokers
New York Dec. 23. - The wheat
was- strong today, influenced by high
St cables and good foreign buying
at Chicago and St. Louis. Liverpool
opened at fs S alu ilosed I 3.
New York opened at MM and closed
at ST', Chicago opened at si', and
closed at SI'S The visible supply
shows a decrease for the week of
MO, Dm pared Wtth an increase
of ::tl.ooo for the same week last
year. There will be no session of
tin F.nstern exchanges Tuesday or
Wednesday. Dec. L't and M,
Closed Saturday, St
Opened today, 8fl4.
Range today. Ri'4 h s: '
Closed today, ST'k
Sugar. 109V.
Steel. 4L'-,.
St Paul. 1.1S.
Dnton Pacific. 101.
Wheat in Chicago.
Chicago. Dec 23. Wheat Ru . fj
Wheat In Ban Kranciaco.
San rraactaco, Dee, 23. win at
ioK'4 n .
How the Festival Preparationa
Busy Many Places.
long list ot
ilr reporters
along thi
Ir sallsfae-
Alger in Better Health.
Detroit, Dec. 23- A bulletin is Is-
sued by OeneraJ Alger's physicians
this morning that says be Is bright
and his condition satisfactory.
At noon a bulletin said Alger's
chances for recovery are favorable.
Paper Works
WamlltftBj v. Dec,
pica Coated Paper
nun I ' omph tew i
this morning. Loss
H Tht Chanf
Works w. re al
stroyed by flro
is WO,000,
Cold in England.
London. Dec. 2;; Kxccptional cold
(feather prevails throughout Kngland
and some provincial villages arc com
pletely Isolated by snow.
White House Has Them Costly,
Unique. With Some on the Fresh
Order Varied in Character and in
Great Numbers for the Chief Exec
utive and His Estimable Wife.
Washington. DOC, L'.".. Cluistiu.ts
precepts are arrlvtai in reat nun
befl at tin White i louse, coming from
relntlvea, personal friends and -Irera
of the Rooaevelta, The char-
act. r of the tftS Is varied. Some are
coStly, others ItnlqOe, and not a few
on the freak order, They come not
only from the slates, but from
West Indies nnd the far Fast. Fi
the president's friends in the
West are sent inf resting reminders'
of the chase, nnd from the Philip-line-
come tunny curios. Tropical
fruits. Including crate- of pineapple
oranges and bauanes, have been re
reived at the anecntlve mansion, and
turkeys, ha "is of apples ami wild
name come from friends iu many
of the country.
i oin
the place of
street- where
as the latter
and the noise
dents iiIoiik the Improvements In T . . .
nj opinion the time is not igr Ala I he bchlPy-oaillS0ii
lain lU'll lu opei i ow liei v
iniiiid brick pavement.
(rowing in favor "
iics sisiilwoather chlel anghseer
oi lleatphla, Tenn., says: "Wa have
no pavement that for appearnee. sol
Idltv. nnd ease of traction is equal to
C N Seabrlght of Wheellug. W
Va says "We think that there is
no better or cheaper pavement
Frank 11 Hamilton, city agsjtgaev
Springfield, in., under date of lean
ary 11 1K9K. writes "There Is In
this city 2M.,' miles ol pavement as
follows: L'l miles of brick. 7.f miles
of cedar block, and I mile of 'n.r
dam. Hiick pavements have been
laitl in this city for tin- past Id ears
and at present Is the only kind of
paw-ment wi are laying. The brick
are laid either on a concrete or brick
foundation, and both of these foi 1 s
have proven VOT) BUOCOOSfnl, bs Bgva
mcnts which haxe been down for scv
eral pfeajn show er little wear. I
would, however advise a concrete
brick pavement In
my opinion, brick
best and gives the
for the amount Of
Aspbaltiiin has
foundation for a
most eases. In
pavement is the
best satisfaction
money expended
never heeii used as a paving material
In this city, the principal reason be
1 UK the difference in cost in the two
oat omenta "
Peoria. III.. Uses It.
George w Wlihtaaaa aHy engin
i ei' of Peoria. Ill sas "We have In
brlca pavements tin combined good
qualities of the granite block, the ma
cad m the Ashlar, the edar block, the
coldde stone, the gravel and the as
phalt. without a single one of their
objectionable features, and this. too.
at a coat only a trifle in advance of,
the cheapest pavement named."
Therefore we Bay a brick pavement
Is a clean pavement
Can be washed and sprinkled with
out Injury.
A brick pavement Is a smooth nave
neat: not slippery: yet affords a
good foothold for horses.
A brick pavement Is healthful
A brick pavement Is very easily re 1
paired by ordinary workmen.
pavement is a durable
Feels Keenly the Rebuke
Him by Secretary Long,
New York, Dec. 2H. fieucral Miles,
who Is here today refused to dlscuaa
the public reprimand for expressing
his opinion on the Schley Sampson
control ersy, but the Incident is not
closed In answer to a question, he
said he didn't see any reason why
he should resign. His Ii lends say his
rebuke is keenly fell and that be may
asl, tor a court ot inquiry
Maclay Refuses to Resign.
New York, Dec 23 Kdwaid Ma
clay, the historian, today answered
President Roosevelt's demand for res
iguatlou Me refused to resign, say
ing he had broken no rule that In
i, new oi and be thought that charges
should be preferred before he was
But He Must Go.
Washington. DOS It, D sjdte Ills
torian Maclay s decision to refuse to
leslgn he can only postpout Ills dik
missal from (be service for a few
days. He catlliot be removed, except
lor "just cause aud reasons given In
writing.' nd must be given an op
porluuity to make an explanation
Then lxng would have the SUthorlt)
to declare his explanation unsatisfae
lory and could summarily dismiss
him "tor tin- good of the service."
Schley Will Soon Decide.
Washington lire. ZZ Schley Willi
io New York this morning to obtain
n-st before deciding upon what action
to take in his effort to secure vindi
A brick
Different Pavings.
of Bgvini materials
Mead as follOWS:
Bron and Belknap Not Asked.
WSilllllgton Dai It, SeeletaO
Long said thib morning that Rear Ad
nilrnls Brows and Belknap, retired
had not been aski d to c , plain their
lutorvlews ol similar Import to thai
oi Mil. s.
for Phlcauo ii.t.c 'ecu
Rase of
Asphalt Brick Hlock.
5 4 fi
4 1 2
fi 2 3
4 1 2
1 2 3
3 4 5
5 1 2
1 2 I
6 4 2
1 2 5
3fi 28 83
Said Hitchcock Has Resigned.
Washington, Dec. 23. -It is rumor
ad that Bert rotary Hitchcock: tendered
his resignation this morning, from
ihe interior department
Horses for South Africa.
St. John, N. B., Dec. S3. A lot of
H00 horses intended for the use of the
llritsih soldiers in South Africa were
shipped from here on the Huroua to
day. Several othei large shipments
of hoi now being purchased by
remount officers in the western par'
of the Dominion wil be made within a
few months.
London Preparing foi Holidays.
London, Dec Z.. I (Union's Christ
mas rejoicing began today ami will
continue until Friday. Trade, traffic.
i)i ordinary routine and activities oi
in, have ail been abandoned for the
rollicklnga oi yuletlde. for in no quar
ter of tin world is CJlllstmaS more
religiously observed tbuti in Kngland
Society, though somewhat under a
blight because ot tlie court mourning
and the coutlniiaiici of the war. will
aeverthslaaa Indulge in i round ol
elaborate entertainment During the
Hell two dins the Church services
will be aumeraus ami elaborate, "Th
Ueaslnh'1 wji be performed in bun
dreds of it.ff'T, nt places while metro
ixilltaii aud provincial plav houses by
the score Will he the scene of allegu
ileal pantomimes picturing foi child
Ish Britain the storied gloriea of Cla
derilla." "Alice In Wonderland" anu
Dick Wblttlngtoii " Wednesday
SUOh sauctuaries as Ht Paul's and
Westminster Abbey will ring aftta
song and ceremouv svmbolb ot the
Opera Season to Open.
New York, De, 23 Dot bam . an
ii us I season ol grand opera opens al
the Metropolitan Opera House Is
night, and judging from the advanc
sale of seats and the names of tht
buxholdeis the season will be h sue
cess siM'ially and financially, as wel
as tram an artistic standpoint Th
season will consist of 44 perform
ancea The company is the name thai
has just concluded a successful tour
of the largcui cities wltli the addltlot
of several prominent artists who have
arrived 'ore from Buropt tines the
n t ent tour began at San Francisco.
Including somi ot tin- aumhat art
Liniiia Karnes. Siianne Adams. Km
ma Ogive Siliyl Sanderson. Johanna
(iadskl, Marcella Membrlcb. Man
ehuasana Helak Kmest Van Dy v
and Kdoiiard de Kesxke
Going Home for Christmas
Chicago, Ike 23 The holiday
fates have increased tin business ol
tie railioads to i c, ord breaking lis
Srsg and all ol to. line.-, iiiuuing into
Chicago have added spi i ial tialns te
their Schedules in order to accoiumu
data th, surprialagl) large number
ol trawlers Tile city Is filled with
Strangers from points far aud near
who have oOgsS l0 Chicago to mak,
their Christmas pitrehasi s Depart
mg traius also carry thousands of
ChieagoiaaS who are returning to
their old hollies to Spend the liol.
Christmas Gowns Seen in Gotham lf
a Fashion WriUr.
New York. liec. 28. With Chrisi
IBM only two days off. the tasblona
ble woman of Uothaii' think.-, mainly
of the holiday leeeptions and parties
and the gowns which will lie wora
thereat. Christmas gifts are all pur
chased labelled and ready to be de
livered in many cases already ship
p d so BOW her inlud is free to dwell
upon the joys that await her. Orlg
f Concluded on page two.)