1001 SUITABLE ARTICLES i CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Beautiful Electric Seal Jacket i mmUt to ko at $2i; regular ISO to go at $21. fur- ill Bty'08) ies win iHMraMnwvi pi ijo. . n.ll 1 1 .. ,1 IT 1 I 1. I VT1- iu.iAi am 1 K , ' 'I 'vtJB unu iiuiiuM'rniM'is, iet k- woarun'l Hes, DrM Skirts nnd Jackets. ,11 to close at retiring from business prices. l) hap Fi; C rfAc f s 11 11.1 m.- k v - - - " -w ' . ..t'i'LMtltn. t 1 !M' 1 IU l'KV" BREVITIES. I Hosirrl. Kara loans. , t Howard, fin- Insurance. . .iik iim II inn chase i iiii . . . - T ,'uiivw w ' nd Duvii- " in; ma 0 WKbM' ...,..l,l. ni 1 1 1 1 nl Si'lli . IVABl'lll' I In .. ft' V- 1. I MIC! ' n"11' iu ' mm. t tin fttasda iwt lln Standard w h' ti you I kind" of leal estate, 1 rountry. B T. Wade ti of eraaberrtas, mt lm in imiII- at Hawloy gr BOH hundkor- fclsSMdOl Depart1 mi of fine dishes, propor M I IllMllllll- ll H.'lil h at urt-asantl ut Hu- fH iok tilt-it. lm you uud t Xou caret tut it Cleaver Uros. Dry Cleavor Hros all' ; nuat lie .old lit, 1X00 to 1400 iKiiiitilM. tt liirrlaon .lull 1 dutns I of Cold HpriiiK" . ut kuIiik mil di llUBI miu- : tan Drr Goods Iton 4rttd seesc duck. km turkey can lie had at It Ibi' limes! itr 1 en lcture tram 11 Klven tt puri'tiahi- n! crockery. ritnniii van al the Owl Hiiuau.! Karlsbad, Koh n . - J - . . ami uiuer cuinu lh UI si nil nwi rea II only tu lusneci aatil immediately to . ... U .k.l . ui nun i iiy new 1, r 1 . rvivmii.uil UUU KOOC1 lm FrofeHtor C B. Hor Met 1 I Ud NV vu 1. . "' on uui imuVr art the .ure and liquors at Kline's ' -w.v, v.uun street. yOU VIM. .I.l .- m. - - 1 ".iuiik 111: P "t then are nu ca- hit ...1. a Mi... .1 . .'"",: 1 ci oi 1 ontu wpiwn'a On,, BU),,. , , m. wc win I u( ih.. I-.... . r.r 1 E -:u.MI BIUM Dui.i'u -l ' lu""Jia -1 roues blanketa """BUI or u. Tim ( undies hy the ton at Dutton'i. Bookl for bayi Rtnl RirlH. Nolf'B. 1 'in ton Ih lieadinuiiters for Xmaa CIlllllllH. A fine Heleetion Ot iniimrted niid do iiHHtli ierHinieH 'il K(ie)ii(n'H. HIk iiHMirtmeiu of rnUen. pice and MOUM for ChrlHtroaH at R. M ait 1 li e I'ltini cliowder in purkaKeh. Home UllBI new and vory flnr at Hawley Itroi ploM, ettnta and all kinds of ('hrlatiuiis RrocerleH. Alexander I partnient Store. Smokora' delight. I.a Mia, 3 for n hull. HelllnK nt 2 f'- ti tittartut. Pat ion eimir Rtore. A flue aHHortnient of biitoklnt; Juck- tu for the holiday trade. Alexandei 1 ' pnit inent Htnre. K. U. Turner nnd wife have hold to Fred Tante for $4i"ih'. 110 aeroa of 1 mil on the Ttitullla. (Hyn plu ovale! ooekUklll made he lm your eyes nt "The Male," C. L. Mi (iinnla. proprietor. I'll tine fiatnliiK a specialty. New ilno of picture niouldliiKi Urnaa lOK iitn f(.r frames at C. ijliarp'a. If you are in u hurry for a nOtMTJI DI I"! teleplitilif It. Murtlu. He la maklai a ipf laity ot qnlok delivery. I'ulin atide:i are Kuuriii teed I iut as kooiI an represented y u -r. yo'ir money hnek ui Koeppen'a lruj atoie. Walter AdatiiH Iuim tunc hatred '12 Heron of land In MOtlM M, towtiahlp I. of Klljah Olbta, pavinit therefore liiotMi Kor nail. 160 a'rea of One wheat land south of Adums Te'nis. f 2u0' a i. hulaiu e In lilt purehaaer. Juiik.m A. Howard. Von eun't Ix-at Martin on Kood tlniiKh for ('hrlstiuaa All kinds of M iteialiles. orauires, hanunas. nuts nnd eaudles. I T Wade has u special iiuun. In a residence property two hlork from Main street A new seven room house, atone inundation and bath, flbUO. For sale, 0(1 vm-nnt Iota, 2f resi dence properties, choice ranches In i 'amas and Hturkey prairies. Wheal lauds aud stock ranches. K. T. Wi-.de Wanted, several promlsloK people to tiuy iTiH'kery and Klussware. A Kold plated picture frauie given with a fjo cent purchase at the owl this w eek 'I'he Htaudard (Irocei) company V hams must lie extra fine, when peo ple will wulk past Muln street and no Bway up on 'ourt street to get them. The ladles ot tin hiisllau church v. Ill continue then sale of fancy work at reduced prices alt day Haturdty. hceember II at the home of Mrs Ken nedy. 404 Webb street. Hofore buyiug t'hristmae preamts. Inspect the finest line of Japanese goods ever brought to Pendleton, at Q, R. O'Danlel's furniture store. 213 Court street, opposite opera houe block. SUBURBAN LETTER WEEKLY GIST OF NEWS FROM TUTUILLA. Correspondent Mentions Everyone ot That Vicinity Who Has Done Any thing Worth Mentioning. Tutullltt, Dec. 20. Charles Esles and John Thorpe were Tut uilla visit ors on Sunday. William Connerly has sold his 1901 crop of mule colls for $40 a head. Roscoe ltrouson is down from Gllli land today with a hand of horses to winter In Ttitullla pastures. John Thorp has rented the Roach place from Ifupg Brothers for a win tar pasture. George DiiR(;nn. who hns been a res" Idatll of Tutullla the past summcr stnrted last week for a visit to friends In Illinois. He exports to return In May. sun Atkins has returned from n visit to Portland. Temple & Wilcox have something new In the shape of 0 disk plow, with which they experimented before a crowd ol critical farmers on Saturday. The plow seems to do the work all right, turning a furrow 22 Inches wide and eight Inches deep, pulled by three kOfMI Sum, of DM points of super iority claimed for the plow and which the trial on Sal in-day seemed to bear out. Is that It will pul the ground In a better state or cultivation nt a mm li e i nditiire ol horse flesh than the old Style of plow. Kd Atnrehend, the well driller, has lit. 'idtcd bis work here for the present and letinned to 1,1s home In Yakima. The North TtltuJUl wheat market, srhlct bud been In a somewhat coma tose condition, strongly resemhllns paralysis, for some time, was given a Jar n week ago by a wicked carpet bagger from I'tah. who came along and offered M ceuts for several lots and piled the price up to that figure generally. I'he gentleman I rein I'tah may COW again Charles Hamilton's outf'.i cume down from Thorn Hollow to hl Tutu Ilia farm ou Saturday. William Caldwell, Jr., .i Pendleton. whh n Tutnilla visitor on Sunday. Charles ro.aer. ex-mayor of (Mill land, wns down from that burg on Saturday. Om ol the Immediate aud pri kmii ne i! nt 1 1 ! ! lila li' i- a nickel ill the alOt I 1 1 t , lit . Wli' l: U cltli.cn of (iillllaud. yearns to buck the tiger he has to come all the way to Pen, lie too iii it li tin mayor. John feebler is pill chasing stock cattle. Walt! QlUvtl and famil. have men i d to Kcho lm tht winter, w. P. Fork) ol Ritter, inn. moved h';- buntljr out to McKay creek for the winter, aud kal W turned to the John Day to bring out his stock, feed not bOlBi 'oo pMBtlfal in that country. Piwd Webber was up from his sheep camps at Nolin mi Satin day. uud ha got his sheep out of the mountains In good shape. Some feeding has al read l ii dime M lielng found better economy to feed moderately now. rutir er than have to feed heavily utter a while to regain what is lost. Joe Connelly pur-seil Tutullla on his wui from the mountains to his winter range mar I'matilla last week Joe tin t a snow storm In the mountains lost Ms noises aud wandered arouud through a foot of suow until he dual ly gut out all right. A horse which disappeared mysteriously from his IMMtUN uhejut tin- time of the saloon hold-up in Pendleton, was found over in tin Juniper couutry sud returned home hint week. .to. Kucas. of .'.lcKa. was a Tutuil la visitor yesterday aud purchased a borne from L H, Wiekersham. Mrs. William Yobnka. a former les kk in or Tutullla. Is b. rioiiHly 111 with typhoid pneumonia on upper McKay '. W. Orrlck. u former rwldMM of Tutullla hsi Jusi leiurnid iroui a trip to Idaho. William tiiihSfiuuu. I, Clove and K S McComus have just returned fiom u hunting trip to Swlt.ler's Isluud The Island hud a narrow escape, but is still m the ling. and Cottonwood streets, where ho ex pects to put In an up-to-date line of farming implements to be opened about the 16th of next month. Mr. Sloan has built an addition on the north side of the shop Into which he will remove .lis blacksmith shop. Mr. Kunkle will live In the house on the corner of Jackson and Hush Erects, In north Pcndletm. MOTT GIVEN 30 DAYS IN THE COUNTY JAiL. Someone Stole Hams Fron. Standard Grocery The Court Says He Did It. Wednesday night when Frank (XJara. proprietor of the Standard grocery, went to take in his display of irOOMiM whic h he Is In the habit of nutting out on the sidewalk II front Of his store on Conit street, he ills oveiod that thr.'e nice hams were missing. Ho asked the clerks If they knew where they had gone, and none of them could enlighten him as to heir whereabouts. Yesterday, he con cluded that he would trap the man who was borrowing them without first asking his permission, so he got an i lectric battery and attached a wire to the bum on the outside so that when the ham was touched the bell would ring. Nothing happened until about 5 O'clock, when (ho bell b. can to ring and Mr. O'Uara ran out at the front lOOf ami DajrttM Hainhurt ran out at the side. Just as Mr. llarnbnrt step ped out onto the sidewalk a man came by and he nailed him. He gave his name as Frank Mott. but says he knowf nothing about who had hold of the hum that caused the rattling of 'be bell. Mott clsims to belong to the W. & C. R. railroad work train whLh " !- ii the city yesterday. He was ar rOatOd and this afternoon brought be lor, Judge Fits Gerald. He was given days In the county Jail. It appears that the MUM man was found &Tttnh by the chief of police and ordered out of town recently. It pays to trade at the Peoples Warehouse. "Not a questionable quality here." YOU DON'T NEED GLASSES To nnd the vfthMi at thit ttort. Everything shown is worth the prirjeatkod, You've tome thing to buy in the noxt few days, and we've a lot of goodi thai :in always labeled by the one who gets them "Weleonnv" Otir Gent's Famishing Department. Oontaine everything of an aMo4he-tiinei nature, many of which will be of interest to you. We've the most complete assortment of Bathing Kolvs, Lounging Etobeet Smoking ( 'nnts, Sleeping Bobes, Dress .Slit ('uses, Traveling Bugs and Valises. Priced from 8.o0, 600, &7 "o. 9.00, $10.00, $12.00, $15.00 to Urifvoo. Gentlemen's Neckwear In several styles of Koiir-in-hainl, Teoke, Band Bows, Imperials and Eng. Squares from 'J"e t ?! 50, THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE. Scbimmel Pianos Mictiigan to Piay Stanford. Ann Arbor. Mick Dec ?n Thv ' tally ot Michigan footbnll team leaven today for Pasmb na. California, where a game is to be played with the Standord University on New Yenr's clay. A game with the University of Washington Is also contemplated, but this part ol the program Ml I ut out owing to the dlHt'ii"! tn Seattle. Andrew Canicgii has offered !0, iMfii for a public library .it OSByM ('It v. Ohio. AoyoiM dusirinK to select u oMft as well il an ornainent.il C hrist mas present can do no tietter than by buying a Schiininel 1'iano These; are a standard and high Rrade make nl piaii". hihh polished and fully guaranteed and retail everywhere for fy I handle these pianos direct from the fac tory and can sell them :it two thirds of the regular ptice. Call and inspect thesis pianos and i;et a bargain. JOE BASLrER 602 'in. Main Street, PefldlotOI, I rtnnroTf rmr rrv n o I o-o-xtbi VWWV if i LOCATE8 IN PENDLETON. A. Kunkrl Brings His Family Here From 8pokane. A. Kuukle aud family arrived yestei day from Spokuue and w ll make their permanent honi, here Mr Kuukle has leased H. M. Sloan's blacksmith shop building ou the corner of Alta Just Four Days Ifore for you to do holiday buying. Do your buying this week, while the stuek in still well assorted. Come Early and Avoid the Rush. as Monday and Tuesday nnr store will be crowded. These goodl make lovely presents. Silk Waists Umbrellas Handkerchiefs Kid Gloves Neckwear Purses Silk Mittens Furs Silk Hose Belts Silk Undershirts Silk Boas 3 The Columbia Lodging Mouse NKWI.V KURNIHHRU HA U IN t ONNKtTION IN CKNTKJt Of KMX'K BET. ALTA x W K.ltlt HTH P. X. SCIIfcMPB, lrop. Wl IY rav rrnt "' '"'eri KtJ W II i ' I P o Home ( o-Operative Company Will I. u bi vuu a home (or ...f5.SQ nnr month ... VA'1 larnlS yuu Ibi iaout iu TT en) nil jour luurll or buv uoiiic In any lomliiy, ami gy juu In jeaia aii.t nimillii lo 'MV II bark al II. r SM el & SO mi BMBtb, win, in, i laisrasl in i'a ul ilea Hi ,,i ii.iui iluabllliy SMU di-ail will be ftvsa Slrlcloai luve(tl(atluu curt4 K. A. 1)011 H, IViidleloil, Or a. I ivla II W, 111, h, in It aulliKiltnl lo icwlva r for luana liooU AkkiiIk M'muIimI I vnrywliun-. 2 Help or Situation Wanted. THE PEOFLES WAREHOUSE. 3 C F. CiHk-s Kinplojinent Agency itmmiitHiiiiiiHiiimn imnnini 'I Dimm'nU"1 A'U Httfi.'- It What to Give your fc, Sweetheart or Sister. Cjuf'kl!,iUcn '"""J for some ueopU to aiuswer. Iok -- (l , an Uiii onnj k win nivu Killi-B F" chain. Brooehes. ' 'bat ilaine pint, Nelete, ThlmVlae, Toilel Sets, Pursew, Umbrellas, Silver plated ware, Diamond Ring", ('hinaware. and mauv other useful artieles CtiU8S 'Iveriuu.. Clock, Hicb, a'ttt)o i K mei liber you get a ebance on a $100.00 Solid Mold Watch and Chain with every $1(10 pur- babe made in our store befoie Jannarv 1 I '.ft rj. L HUNZIKER, THE LEADING JEWELER. w a a a f a a a a we)ae)ae)aaaaaaaaa aa a a t e t aaa aaaa t d a aattej