East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 20, 1901, Image 4

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    if .' 1Y- A'
Our I K k of Holiday Good is now and complete
Prices Right
Quality Right
10 per cent reduction until .January tt
on Musical fnBtrumeiiti. Kodaks and CftmsfM.
i Brock & McComos Co.,
p fi :.
r - . " j-,1 1 " " v Mm Of it turn for th toll M iXpCRdl
f """" foV.Vt I T)CtOCSY&J I In tanning It. or In producing fruit, an
j It mas be Btnted brief!) thna: Tin-
FRIDAY. DECEMBER 2. 1901. laml-oWBOt gTOWg richer anil richer.
" !tf more MOpli PttUI t' live ther,
PAHA. WEBKIT ANI SRKI-WnELI T1" ld-wofg:er tl harder comp
-v ti- tit ioiu aiul Inborn under condition
Runt BMOPMlMI fui.Hhtn Company, ,lN tnrl...,,K Hit aUUUOl
n:i 1 1 h oKtv.oM. ini onif at ip. and really attffera
xAi-.' 'm- A.-KirTio'TtATnt from tin i'lMtiiK pyatem of taxation.
a. .-.! .': :S2 Only bjr equalizing the matter by
q - jj ' r "!'.'! ' v pteeini upon thai load its juat ghare
kmi Vi-n. , ol the bun! 'i ot parvfUBMattl biip-
IV- . :f?S I rt eould an lojuetlce l cured,
i a.
a,K ihn a.
Will. : v aim.- 4Tlt . . ....... .
0a.-, . . -4' f LOrtENCE NIGHTINGALfc.
Oa MM Ml Boaibl fj
fnilt 'i. t i. . . .... e
b,vi.i ... af
ii . 'v. MT botne yeaiH ago the tuivlvliiK Hilt
, ' l'",'?rtJ'itt tp 11,0 BUwe of thf Crimean war Ik'IiI
v ' i . Imnquel in London. One of their
we 'i'.',, ! .,,.".. .'-w u-V. ' nnmlier pionoHed til") ihOOld
Ejj . ;,mI ; question, "Whol mum
r connect etl with thl ui will live
'.' " '.i ' !,. '.ir.Keat In buitoryT" vVhun the !.-..'
.:. JJ ... r- coantod la and nchol ' '
-' ...(. ,. ih foi u woMM. nn.t
wtMiKiiiii!n mii when the mum Ptorenee Ktgfatln-
, L i . ,, .i tit ni iitlnioui
- k i UOH ol Um ' ! i i. ran; in
LAND OWNER'S PROFIT. . itn app:..-- in.
eheera Small wondr then 'hrr tM
ttm li a.i opt ill.wtrntlon of the 7""", !t r'"'1 " "
, iv.i.at! .v uln-ji thr iii 1 . I ' it!.
tniUiV' - Inn.l-own. r h mtIomU III 1) ni 13d
rtope the fruitage of tin towing oi yeui
the raptuln oi ui.iiiRtry. i.i.c thert' An tin- pioneer lit the Hteni of
ba MBfMlOf of MflaltiM let it le :;ulu-il letnnli nniHes t. v.ar ami u
fMMtood h.r. that the tern lan.i ,, . VllJ aIi(l ,a8(, lllltol
owner l taken to mean lie who meiv lufferiMJ. Florence Nlchtlncale won
l a. iv an a landlord, owning, hul not Immortality Oil Um Maa4y BoMl of
wori'ing ins inu. He eAo both own. ih'' Crimea, Thin in the more renuub
utd warkJ u traet u, prMtaoUre hu 1 I. 52112 n'1
(auie ol ii ru' e, pe.'llllnr ip-lieaev in
tomliliieH the functions of the owner IAs-,. ,),., ,., ., ,va wtuiam Kd
iM prOiMWi Or eoptalu of iuilutr waul Shor. ,i l.anKei of Sheffield. (u
TP. La tirandi Obaerrei telle or InhertUnj the eatata of klnaman
tm a..- ... -r. a--.- ,; fruit laud In ' NVthtH'mUe h.- wa . on.
m.m , u, , , !:.! by til. i. tnin ol th- will to as
I ti.'ii onnty for 000, This land .),,. ,UU1U. NtKhtliiale
at made valuable y rettHuu of the . .
pretence of people who demanded the fk, (anilh BOM niu-h time In
produ. :p iroui It. The name land uo ItOl) oM eeOMl MUWhtor WM
uited would brlui: uo auvh prlee. boni In M iv i' Kl in the try ot Flor-
Of .our,- this is t.-ue In tie ca. " vvh" w
. , . .1 " e,l. Sue was U ptecoeious child
of all laud, li lb the pretence of peo- .,,, Mrty lr ,lu. Jf4 Mlvaace
pie who iiuir' li..,. in. id iai.-eii innii mm: n inn i- matheuiatl.H and Ian
it thai Kive value to UM Mil INfM HMPOOfBI t v!lt a hospital
A few yeare ago. tM OMMM ROMV ll" '"M'teKblonabl, girl at onee an
,. .. ... iioini'e.I tun? toii'Mlng wan to he her
allei wa M MMttled MM. WOttO miuloxs ,lft. a,, 8,,t. tyropvei Uo,.
little to anyone, foi the leanou i.r Ntiidlei to learn the art of car-
that there win, More land than MM 'M die kick, At a girl she toiiKlit
aeeUeu for the tuetenance of the 10 ;' lpwe the tanltary rondltlont of
. . in. bi' on is and peasant., about her
Ph dependent upon It. Now. the vai ,., IM.10 ,n Ut.rby8hlrt,
toy i. well gottlvd, and land bgliu to 11. porente to). her to Egypt, but
urow MMM the lunod (row a life of Idleness and
An this condition bOOOOMi MtOMl PMlMUre t- BUIM Aral s In a hoepltul
iM n.e laud tuu. 01 vam. 0,i trT?uZ 'V ! Lf5 SS?-"1!!
hiKi.ty to worK in hotpltaU. whore
n.i ti.. owner ieapH the chief buot. d, ftl, ,Ml. foundation of .1 practical
The worker, hi who labors ami owns training that proved Of itiextlmuhlc
no lam! receive, uot oue dollar more bomBI to mankind foi all euhoaquaat
per yeOJ than did the early ret.deut. 1,1 H!" w,;" ,
, , ' " ' Uledii,-. .n lm.il .ondllcted bv the
indeed. It in claimed tuat people now ProteeUtnl llateri ol Merc) at Kui
eda8 MHMfMMM HW dinViilty in seiwertb on thj Rhine, not far from
aeeurlng 11 Hollar tbau did those who I'uttelUorf, ami took u OMUM of In
lived there m M auy other part of (f Jhell ni.-tbods of ull. v
iiiK distress I nrni tieimiMn she went
th. MMt, during the ploueei day. tl) ProBOe ,., OMMUM wirb.us instill.
It ii... . bound a ademle, eueyclope tiOM in Ml COOMB lim of work,
die, trite, to elte thin ah the fact, yet. lOOB BftOf her return to I OBdon the
it ib rMdb UVttJ Ittue, for It lu- nuu "bl-rtuiiity to undertake Im
u tan; woik. Learning that tin- ban
Yolve the propobltion ol U,e .-e-ma 1Urlni for governesses was laugulab
bb bearing of the oiirden govern u,g for want of proper support . the
aient In this ease, as In all other- voluuieeied h i service free of eott
of like nature the landowner re- 8lu' aUo raiaLtl ,no"" for itu "l'
. , .. Port and put It on u k.'.aI lluancial
...v.-, .mreased beneUt trou. th. a. asls but impaired her health
cretion ol value, cauted by presence
of people, while the worker merely Shortly after the hegluulug of the
maintains the tame status, as ( 1- Crimean war. In the winter of 1BB4
muueration that hat exlated for him KKld was horrified by the graphic
. M 1 .ii. debcrlptioiib of (he suffering of sick
from th. begmnlng. Ui(t woulldd UrltlBll kMU,th Bllt
That this Is a tate perfectly Ulub home by the correapondenl of the
trative of the principle nought to he London Times, afterward known as
eaLabllthed herein, let It further be uun" MMMli, because of his ac
.tated that he purchater of that tract 'Vt ATrfof "uid.g"
of land over lu the Oraade Ronde Val-1 nation went up all through the em
ley has leased It for an annual ren- pire. a.couipauled wltn a demand for
lal of more (ban 3UOP, or H per cent. a 1t'furni Florence Nightingale of-
of the grots valuation at named in hr tervlcet to Sidney Herbert.
secretary of war He bad written her
(he deed of irauefor. He who now lo OBMMl the IflMBUBI of a body of
wn the land will continue to enjoy trained nurses, ami their letters pass
IM no reused benehtb of the added 1,1 othel lu UM mailt.
,aloe whll the e u who worka the " Wtts OI)ly tt few Uaya htstortl UM
aiu, wnue tne man woo worka tne . AllJt;1 of ,h(. Crimeu tUt. Mold,erH
ian. will receive Jett and lets per ohlMtBOed Mitt Nightingale wa, on
to BcuUfl with M tralnil
b tire el.
she waR deoeribod belai at thai
time "a tnll and graceful woman with
Htnall. oft. gyn pathetic brown eyes
ami with a firm. OOttrMfBOOJ expnv-
Ion ..f eotiBtenani e, 1 sin faced a
frightful eoadltlon of chooe bh.i auf
I'nrlng at Scutari. She found 11,000
oldlere dtonbled by ildrneM and
wotrnde, toon being due to the pecenl
battle of InkermoB, she was given
glMool gbMlute gnthorlty. Mow nobl;
s!o did her work Is an old story, and
her name If? a bou Behold WOTd
throughout tb clvlllaed world Bw
reigiH hove tlellphted to honor her.
and her name has a iblBtBg pMOO In
hlatory for all time.
To th. niaiu.ieii god foTeiHitrlcken
ici.;s of the v.ar the gllffhl silent
form that ilitt"ii to alleotly from v an
to word, the gym pathetic (ace that
bent over tin torturing cot. the aweei
vloce that WhWPOr d voids of rom
fort, the gentle hands thai washed
wousdi with ancb delicate touch, ail
were the symbols of Ofl OBfOUc B
Ing whose ministrations were more
more prncioua than dlaraoadi and ru
hies. Mitt Nightingale ami her as
hUOBU not only dragged the ohi
lere' wounds and tare BadlelBM to
the sirk. but they nnb d the lUrgeOBl
in nurnherlet s op ratiooe, though
nevei ..) idoodv and agnnling. Ami
whoa the goidlOM peoohod the conva
lesi ing stat;e the nurses sang the dear
old snngt of home to the wiar!ed
and scarred veterans. Miss Nlghtlti-
oh glaa eatobllghod an invalid's
i Itchen, a Inumlry. u lilnary and a
c hoolroom. She walked day and
nlgjhl In an air laden with ills, as
renin, and amid scenes ami odon
that made atrOBi men turn sick, bit)
i,e-. body galeaoted iy an unyielding
toiil. wm naool ggglnil cholera and
When sin r uirne.l t. LOMtOB In
ugust. lSRi;. a great reoeptlon was
teadorod lor. but woa decliaed
Olieon Victoria would not be refuted
however, ami laghrtod on Mvlni b
as a guest at Hnlnin.fi!. wbOTI tin
Dune was deooratad i.v the baadi u
the sovereign. Th. sultan of Turk)
sent her a handsome present, and tin
Fee m Ii shoveled honors upon her
in obi the jfj of th Britten uoopli
was a nn sent oi $j;,n. hut she d
voted It to Hie establishment of the
NighUoomle Tralfling Bchool foi
ii... ,1 . , . ...
inn ine nevoien wnnxil ulC 11"
ape lln penaltv 01 lief terilldt
nooi oi two yoora
ter reaching boni
tloa, and th.
III th. Crimen
A i
then Hum a
008 fell
OUd continued to be more or leM Ol
an Invalid all the o t a bei llfi She
wote a number of erorka for the dl
rvctlon of anraM and othara tti in
for th. alol lb i "Not. s on Hoeplt
uls" appeared in i".i. and had ; large
circulatloB. li was approved bj the
:' I'!- I. V' .11 ,lep.,i Miii ' in,, u.,., u...l
by ll a I. . l book. lOiil'S hi-iii;; sell!
i" ever boapltoj. "Note- oa Nurs
'ui:'hail ciruB lotion ol H'" top
IM. and "Observation.' on the Sani
tary State of (In Army in India"
proved a valuable work. At the re
inns' Hi the war denortmenl gh pre
pared a voluminous report on the
working oi th. army Madlcol depart,
meni during ihe Orimeai arm which
reoulted in wan j reform sin- also
brottgjhi moo) improvomeflti in Um
onltory regukUlooa oi the roinn
inn hot gdvlai boa oftM bom
in bj tM arm aMoiali for
many VOOM past ghe ba:- ItvM .pilei
b in th. oh! lamllv MBMM lint'-, g
Derbyahlre - Record-Herald
v, ,e
Still the wootlt
The MBVM MtB 'raft of bound.
And Mured the lamp across the sin
Cthting its halo round:
When suddenly Mfore mi oil i
Against the. glass, s thin,
grant moth dartinv to th. light
! 'might bravely go get lu.
I M MM soul when freed froM
Kind heaven in this wise."
Se light frOM sum. immortal bOOrtfa
And 'gainst the wlndOB lis.
llllluled ly tome far reaehlng gh-am
Like this poor forest gnome
When oiit from llfe'M uiieerlaln dn-ain
(oil eaiis m gpiril borne T
Kmest MeOoCe)
ll is a siugiilar coincidence that
th" three llrltish naval vesteis named
att. r snakex met with disuster The
Se.-pent. a torpedo boat OMlroyei
was lost with 173 Uvea in 18;.. ,,1;
Cape Vilauo a sister hoat to th-
OohM was lost
Channel islands
wis tiiih autumn
has gone io( he
ill the log off (be
during the MOBOU
ami now the Cobra
bottom with nixtv
wven men aboard
tuuiplala Katoriutl aud luUiuaj
TmUomuI O) I M
CuuiilatluM.o(CllTlcliliAb.iAI-lttc J,Ujcleuc
Uic -kin of 1 i uU au.l ,'!, C'UTICUtA Una
uitiil (Sue ), to tlU lu lling ami auuUn ami
llCtl.llUiil.'UTICUMA KlWOI.VkSI u ; lucuol
aud , li-auBd Uiu blood. A ntuglv a( U ufwo
ufUiii'iit lo curetliu cvrrval huiuut
Soia euvu4kuui iii wwfiu. rvTaK u,., u . , fta
0u . I''t . Boatvi. 'Bathaiiiu., 11 .,
lui wit.
. 1 1
Health .'ind ENWaM
i lllujlutfil In lh Sth. Pkj. I
iimw fiction of s healthy bah
igajaBlgj Fi 2 iuew B dually
itftrl nf Km dandki'!T OBRMS
thjt r dlroylii ik." hir mat
Ontray the ! yu mmm
BM effect.
No Daadraffi no MBag inir. eo
ljldn.-., 11 you kill BU ftrm with
for Slc hv gH DrngWb
ran $1.00
w, , 1 m
for CmtlomcD
win 1 dntrMn
t.il.1 ly IOHN HI.UM1UT
Tlu LOUVTS ioon
pgnntJROM oggfloi
The Ptec? to Buy : : :
is where vou can ret g'nsin
quleb gnd H mi i rl . .
Botl line nl
Lumber, LaUi
hiiiL'i,u Build
iiiu Dl I r. Ttt
pftmr,Lira and
oenenl . Pit ketc
I'lfiHte' Bri '
Sand M tiding
Hornet! 1 1 h ri a
VVindoirg, Saul 1
v& Doora, Thitb
Opttt Pipe.
Ptadkton Planing )
Lunbei Van!
R. FORSTER, - Proprietor,
Liko Ghriatmaa know
1-to. c.ior of the ahlrta, eoUnra and
audi that an done up at Um Doaieetk
Uuinari Banla Llaut kuowt a good
thing wlien lie mdk it, and tut fuilltlei
baniity of Um ttneo bntudoted Item ii!
excite UU adMlMtkHli as Well ux the
man wholovM to dnmi well oud bovi
hi. In.. 1. gjjgfgol in eol.u ami lukh
J. F. IhibiiiMin, I'rop.
Notary and
$3.50 to $5 Delivered
Onler of ua aaU tave money
Ordera for Kubber rtuuin
aieo aollcited.
KAH-1 (KKfH)NlAN PI K (:
Pendleton Ukiah Stage Line
HveUo Car My, Prop'..
Leave Pendleton every day at 7 o'clock
eacept bunday, for Pilot Wk $7
Hidge, Alba and Ukiah. UoUl lc
commodationt. BOOaoooble freight and
gOMai ger ratee
toCrity omc l T"",U,J m
on earth
Old .las. E. Pepper
id Henry Clay
Have boon ti" Stntuiartl since
Bapecinlly adapted for fatr-
I) and modioJnnl purposes. ' We h"v, " j" ito,, 0(
Ever) bottle Ruarantuejd,
The Office
70s Main St.
French Restaurant
cosy Roorts
Well Llglued Hint BUauu Bontod,
Best 25 cent Meals REAL estate k
In the City.
Prog Leg haatern anil Olympla
l i. lint
1:1,1 .. prleai hu- wbtt w
Mlfwai repair
i'-K nie: ,i, 1,1 w.-ii. ,vo 1 III.
' tod uark oaa be .1..11.
Ij m hen vou auvc ani
1 .in i.uil 1 1 uete. II
nlll M feat rljiut.
Vou get
What vou buy
from its.
Ill 1 Mock of
M,ayg it
rrucklng & Transferrin!:.
Laatz Bros.
fbe Only i'iace yog can gel
A l.unch - in.V Pendlefon
Imported Swias. and
LunbOffM Cheeb:. ..
Imported double
Stout Horter, Schlitz
Atlas Beer
THE MAZEPPA..821 Mniji
faN . ' " 'aaMlB C
Farmers Custom Mill
Prog Waiter , Proprietor
'aiMMiiij uv btuniM a day.
floor BaMOBgM lot vaaau
too., ami oteppM ra, agK ghnoj
fit band
nJ olhf build
M barn. t(i i
Oregon Lumber
, A,tft 5 Ohgfl 1
M m
uiu hi
tal m
lao ar
W ai
Teh tlanr l.n.
Tf I iiiu 1- !'. , p
Ml limr rMflj
near 1'eodW
ret miii MM u
1 ID)
I Ml
Fioin 1
HlT, ul,., LJ
- - v ww i nu mm
u.'r.., ..I. . 1
t'TI Wllf-St
II' Tm wIimi
iierva , I .... : 1.
BPIM BrhaM hi
lo U BUM 1MB
Six New Houses
N. Be rke
Mm 1,,,, 1 1 . i, l 11.1,1 1 aj
1 z-:
I 1U Lllli I liLUr
fa a a
uver iu.u
' quld anu 1 iu
x:if , 11 rrj
M '
MBBMBM of Um (Mltad
1MB Alxiul thru
;iiat. Orfanld
I Mtir loloa. Tit
TratU. UalM
I CWMAW. Mwar Utile
Mi Miami-un uaa,
a,U lb Ha,4ta'f
tola Traalltt WU
ureal llrtlaln. Thill
I laUuaa ol Cttt WM
I iba OnlUd Hla. TV
BmBobmi Amn-
can KapabOa i Ba
til, nl Maxln. Tb.
llOir BUUtllo
lal Thia BBMBf -
' paaajt 0
l rial Nivlaaliua to M. T
MuuHlpal Utactll al INI.
AUaajaacturat. flarMM
BPaaarr airvnir tu 1 oar-i
aanJfcJpnlBjMl en.nBaOMMnaBBta
M n r 1 . v 111 MM
mum mmmw Via. I mmm
Toy ORLD AaVnarfag.
The First National
dk poniJfa
Bi a neuttti UbBUVf
tfachonae tnU UMHZT
oa Ban KraucuH.-o, "
OH A Kin drawu 011 l
tavkaw uolleottoua uu
v' iT iTt'OTW""
Doily Boat Oregon!" H
only 1- ct it