HRISTMAS SHOPPING jgyi ure the 'nippiest and merrtol of the i kiip fri'Hh in the minds ol von fc J making pwftnti that will be priitd a P '' . , .. ntnl in a (I u ill '-1,11 call vour attention to frar offering of Black and Colored SILKS i. ... all kirn! in dainty and fetching p r i . . . t, i i .... . . . .. ii . lv,'-i- .Hid ai-if i hi i"u?. ovana, t'onar- phM t,.i Hit' ii'tir ivmii Liuri i v mik and run ant. J it . , ,u Km.i:' nous 'wvi iuun uu coi- Hilt PUr-l'v krl ' " I1"1 t ... mi I I ill' K t IS. c. m., n,iur, LHUIS. UK 1 1 .' THE ALEXANDER PARTMENT STORE other Carload of " a ,Zmm, w 1 ' 5fi' in wtt VT"iTin iT,T inn IWAW Hill it jiauuaiw auu Others from $20 to $30. Big Da.-cwt:- kn Cash until Januur 102. : Rub a, and Silk Curti Hgri luced prices fr cash. Wall Papal 'ESSE FMUM3 THF CARPET MAN. FOR THE BOYS c $5 Tool Chests AT W. J. CLARKE &. GO 'S HEADQU KTKKS KOK Rogers I able Cutlery, Caners Skates and Sleds. POULTRY and EGGS laiernatioii.1. Poultry Food makes thru bet! Meal giv-.-s them flavor. CIabmImIIi make them solid Mica grit ti4 diaastioB, Try sample, C F. COLES WORTH Y Hay, Qrain and Peed. AFFAIRS OF THE TWO CENTENNIALS St. Louis Exposition Dedicatory Ceremonies-Lewis and Clark Official Announcement. !THI8 IS ANNIVERSARY OP LOUISIANA PURCHASE Day Wa Observed Throughout the Terntory Included in the Big Trans fer From France to Uncle Sam. ( Unit, Die N . Today t tin uniiiv. ruHiy of tin tmnnf.-i of the Unitataaa territory to tho I'nltoil tatss and in response to the mases iin ni Presldem rrancts, of the i.ou Islaaa Purrbaee Exposition, the .iH was aerod a nllB ,,,. ln Miaacrart braska and other atataa embraced in tin- purchase. ( IO im i. ii . tUatlntrutahed representatives of Mia N raasa Kaunas ArKnn.a. aw otn stiii. s ,.i iha Louittaaa tar mory took pan today in tfet tmnmo m atti ndlaa th, t.ivaKms t pound '"' i'ii- Loiiiniiuia Pareaaaa Bapoal' tion Tin cifaaioaiaa aran oi a ckar ii. ti l batttlat "if iniportaiuo of tho ori'nsion. Thry Won urn-pdoil l n para lc Of rltle and military oi-Ranla Hons in. lulling aotraral troopn of rav atr.v from JHfaraoti BatTM K Tha promaton rorrrHd on Grand avonuo and Llndall boatavardi in tic areatsrn awtloa Of tba rlty. and manhi d to tha world fair alti- In Koroat ParU rbi antlra routa wao alaboratat) dac- oratod with tlaus and Umitins Arilv lai :n Korost Parh tha atari laaa of tin daj arwt opaaod with an addraaa by Mayoi Weill Tin oration of tin- day as dallirarad i rnmraaawaa Janaa A Tav.ncy. of Minm-xota chalmaa of thi' world 'a fair coOMBlttaa of tin boaaa of ii inrantativra Tha cara Bionj of I roakliia ground waa par formed b) fornirr f.ovornor Franrl - flaw ot iiu eapoalUoi, Great Reduction On Clothing We have decided to continue our BPECIAL BALE on Men'i md Boya1 Suita and Otarcoate Our customers know that out prices aif away balow others nt all lineei yet wo are going to beat the record and put then still lowet for a short time want to all half of nur atooh of dothlDg InaMa of thraa araaha" tour to Itiaha room f..r nan iohnIk oonii k m. Mint W9 . ItVl our otwtnmem the extra tnduoamatil of a iitH-ml rarlueikra from our alraady i. prlcm. ao wa can raduoa our xim'k qiilehlj Oar atock of Holiday Ooode la Tary conip'ete ami iur prioiK afaaway rktain. Hae our dtaplay In our SOUTH WINDOW, and note i in. nrtoaa, p.. n t iiut oil i. Hy ing until tha Ini messjanl and mtaa latUntj lint yon want, im cnowai onoa and gvi a bargain. Pendleton's Bin: Bargain Store WHERE ROLLS THE OREGON" THEY WILL BE HONORED Addrett of the Lew., and Clark Centennial Celebration by the Five States Commiaaionr. Have the Watt.-' " Ireaa pn pared by the I Ml immlaaioni n ot tr.o:i Waah Idaho Moataaa and Utah, aria a tul Clark fCxpedltlon, that : . be PacIBi ortt, who lull a Rorernmant i expected to aid by erw tlon of a bWMlai ami by display therein of ohjaeta i lataraaf fit for ueh an oTasion. ractadtai axhlblta from hot n' poaaeaaloni ol Alaaka, Hawaila ami the Phtllpptaa lalniul Wi aum up with the rolkVwIna praam Mi and reaotnttoaa: Whereat and Therefore, ereaa. the exploration of the Ncrthwcat territory by Ltvsn and Clark, in the yeara 1804. 1805 and ifcOn. was one of the moat important event in the history of our country a. nee it lea to the extenaion of the aovcieiqnty of the United State to t"e Pacific, gave the nation the Ore gon country, now the scat of many ttatra. and paved the way to the as auia.tion o' California and Alaska. Therefore. It is the sense of the eepective cc nmiasioncre of the var ious states here represented, that tins memorable should be properly celebrated In 1905. as the Lewis and Clark Centennial: and be it Resoled. In oidei to give proper sjgniftsanaa to th. gieat natlanai Ivent that t"e government of the 1 mted State be ased to make such aoeuurte appropriation for the proper building and for the disp'ay of the products o our newly acquired pos essont. as will show to the world their and prospective fu tare progress. Further be it Resolved, that the senators and rep resentatives of the state along the 'Out traversed and explored when a wilderness by Lewis and Clark, be and hereby are requested to use all ansrable means to secure such yen 'Ots appropriation from the gene Sj?v.rrnment aj Wfil test'fy our ap preciation of ths foresight of Presi rnt Jeffr-rson knd the heroic devo tlen of these pioneer explorers, and t-c m pMtance of tneir achievement. M V CORHKTT r ' BE I I.IKCBR KDW r : 1 K RRBTT VOUNO. H r nki:nv Btati i '..11.11. .hsiiuit r tin 1 h'eaon CRANK J PARKER M RANDf tV W, TO! I. MAN i t. MKUI.ER p Where Whole PsUBitea can Trad 1 HE FAIR Frazcr Opera House Oestiheh Leasee aaS Masafai la. B arkh,1 IMaa tai Monday flight. Duo iiili ? 23, Mt'SMts. Tli;ill a Konnedy preaeni Wm A. Brad) and Jo- R, Oiamai i production A STRANGER IN A STRANGE LAND. PricfM 5': 75 and ?r HEATING STOVES Di iora purchasing owe sod io"k "v r i -a larga and on pit 'o ll!, l (if 'll ItltIK -loves i bit I wi an st llinn .it I W r low figure . ... HANSF iRU Sl THOMPSON, Th Loatii-rrj Hardwarn Nlnn. ullty ( 1 . I. Minimi I II RICHARDS THOMAS KIltliY R W JOHNSON Ststs Commlsslonera s T HAVaBR Stat- I in HI -: ll HOVT BHBRMAM HIRAM CLAUftOM I W BHURTLirr Sih'i ('(itniiilshlnli Waahlniti Idiih James A. Howard Hi ... CSTATK PROKCR. Court St. near Flrat Nat. Batik I 1. I I S L .. Hab Rea Estate Foi Sale See Here: Stiickei, 1 hIh X WAS Trttb ARE TO EE PLEN r L L IN ATHENA Thraa Will Bt Anangeo for Center Villi Voungster Ot' er Matter. For the Holidays A I kl. INK'S Family Liquor Store Hornet ippaars la thi S'.ii;.iio 'ir..j .i M BmltB ruturaed Wi hi as ol th' iiin for htoni ... BpriiiKilalf tnitiiiii: 'listi'lot lu naton Mr. Inltb ir lecrstary rtuxdaii C i im i Ulalaa eoatsa antUei ol Athens Woodaaas at- thi rhopplns Pr'tidlftrin hi urn' ratai n i with a" rtk m ol royal ised 'in.' A Poor Millionaire. ,.Htl. , atarvi ki fjeaftoa . ' on!'! '- h I m of Dr Klnfi Hw Ufa " .in. 1 1.' ? hl. aiii rtisWi0". Pr0" ,i Improea apne'ite. Mon"v bark if sot satis .. k : ) drac UpOfl I.UUUS 1MB 'i'ftSt N , York iU() Hhlladt-! vould h ii th- i inoti u I'riif 1 You f ind The Best The Cheapest The Purest I he UftPgOti Stock Of Wines, Whiskies, Brand tes and Gins of All Kinds, Both 360 a' res o' choice wheat land, about ten milea northeast of Pendle ion. This ia one of the finest improv ed farma in the county and has good I advantages. Will sal' for caeh or trade for equal value in unimproved land. Eight fine Iota m Pendleton at $100 on easy terms. 60 acrea of wheat land south of Pendleton, $800 acrea choice fruit and garder. land near Milton. Ona-half of tract In bearing fruit tree , 7 acres alfal fa. All under Irrigation. Finely Im proved. '20 acres on McKay Creek, 20 acrea al botton land under irrigation, jalance good wheat land, well Im proved. 6C acre good wheat land, in a cody. four milea from Pendleton, ten half caah balance oo time to suit pure' aaer at 6' per ent in tereet Hllil Ci I'M i I 1 lor i ri u, on uiailiift Nr tork Stoch I iilianajc. i Mi a siiuk i irhsaga Chltafu lloar l r Trade. Hi,... eeel)iwi You w (iood Beer. LOANS on Wlitin von drink PILSNER BEER. Foreign and Domestic WHKAT LANDS At lowest ran t. J. K. DICKSON, Heat Orcgonlao Hulldtoc tliult Sfm Co. tiuaraiiUd not to rutiM' haHaufsehe ot liz.innhH Ar-k fot ll uri Street. "vEm! Ana Street Pendleton Otegoi I