Christmas Gifts" FOR HOMES Frazier's Book Store See our Line Before You Purchase WESTWARD HO! MOTTO FOR HUNDREDS OF PEOPl.l Writ Nov. Ik One o' thr Nr.1 Wc have for Christmas Importi'il tims ! I'itiest Wluskv v' sit) bottlM -u labia loi 1 andaome Prawnta Full Quarts of Mcrrimac Clob er Superior article with a Hrfvt Ink not Grassy Creek wlii-ki With A fit hmiiih. h full ijimr for fl 00. i un aoh nictit Sec our Cigar Line idki -1" each LUCKE'8 Rl s m tine an I M POH PB a. IS. 00 dm bos. 1M UF H.W ANA GOODS frffl t- I i Don't Forget the Number. Phone 65 The Exchange Immigration N the Heavy -Talk With .omfn. Thr tide of Immigration which bM sturiiMi frotn the middle and esaterit atatea lust aprlng whea tha railrood rompanlea announced their Bpaclal homeeeekers' rati a, hai not lagged vory much alnce. Tin movement tiiiti aa) hi thfl prsaant lima hi noma thing wonderful, according to railrood man who arc ob the lino betwssn hare nnd Chicago, st. Paul and other cantering points. Many paopla are lanvtnp the bllaaardswepi pmlai and raid climate r t ti- Middle itstaa, for a milder cllmste in Oregon. Washing MjgJ AT MARSTON PARK. Rrmetrntu Mnt and NIOBSWl Commit tee for Christmas Exercise. Maraton Park, Doe II The real; rjonti o iiiis wideawake village met nl ti- home of K. M O'Brien on last Monda) nlghl In nrrangi tot a i hrial nuu tre and appropriate eierclane, m be held on Chrlatmai ere, al the reelrienci of Kdward Morgan The tallowing ollleon ami eommltteal were appointed Chairman ol the owning. Hot, wr?i Johnaon Prtmmiii m iiiTonitions. Myrtle Ditty, nurdan Dtatr . in. Ni rolle Treal Comn O'Brien A cIh fiirnlwl. time x l.lah tor I'lieltlc Coi! mates rr on Every Tram nrx nloiiu tin- 111) to Portland Walla ItStO through tint II Hill i i citj and thai no! ii train thai baa alioaril Mr Rd Morgan, Mrs. Cora l ill! llOlll Maugli johnaon Bthol Ourdane rW. ii chlldrona' rolcan win tuatc, am! a kill) old ival is ospocted X Plret lubmarint cable. win. i wae tnadi from ah ordinary in- insulated i'ii gutta percha waa lid aeroM thi RngMah channel about i . , ill, nit till an Utrt tin pub- y modi daiUYI1 Uy, Subscriptions to (he Daily, Weekly, or SemiWeekly n Saturday, December VT HALF PRIC OIVI I Wilbur Ouera Company. A Cut of 50 per cent, For this one dav only V a La las.2 aai am 4 i ! ,v I "a ar. 1 asrai i 'J 4 I Ills. I ill ill l a . I l l l l l l i' I " " ' " " "BVWBBJ if you uhsirshe on this day. w II be sa mm m A ak A m emi-Weekl) lor $1.00; the week!) ior a a f 1 4 tl k akt ' tii. tiiar aw rit'i i 1 1 1 1 1 r cu wiinwrn ers ho pa subscriptions in advance fr i.u ottihor .xi n iui 1 1 i r n n 1 f;tr r I'WVV-III.'V 1 B'v. - ' - - fc Mil ra'' COMING PLAVb OkHoaStaa Opera Promiaed at tr.e Fraaer Aftarnoor and Evening. A Btrangwr it. a Htrnnif ljnii th- asai anglo-Anwrtcsa comadj thai la i on, u tl the I razor 01, the 13d. Nau's Dyspepsia Cure ha urid theac agfM and it v III MM s "U j m Ohawh LaV trnaiti lias "I llll. ! f" J- '' 1 i-l'-ve hr. i nut uaad hTsa'i Dj ipagaii I me I uii not aHva ha sftta fan a bsMasaonai Naihai r'al B'laWi Jlaii. .vh: "I sslbsaal mi ft in fuuii manj mlh I but n aun MWafg your " ptgj aat b Tillman & Ui . and a'l firt class drujiflt, at nend In f rank N,u, Hortlaitd hotel I'liarmatv, ort land '-refin ' rue Si a battel or 6 Sotti.:. lor $3 exrreaa prepaid tsndssd ' onnaii haa kuio alonK , aft.'r vrar with no chand'- In uianagtnint. am. u aoSMtaMg la i iik baah m ount Von an got man for your naoni in a Wllimr i" Tiorman than am Othi oompSS ii America aw iv At i-ai i. am! i-very porformanr'r. u eoaaplati prodat tlm of aramlard or romi opoi aril bi kivti ih- lam oui Wllbui innmhaa will ha pfnaaal ti ainl hiKi' I'laak vaudHvllle. Old Jed Prouty '' old;n t. 'flld JVd l'roui which onus to tin PrsaOf on th L'7th ri'l. Ii haral-r and r, alilj ro nod hi b'i bMt loompllah sal n. goga not (ail in the baal psthatli kucldgala whlag if brtal ar. all tin- mm. tHilinic. and tlo thsrp Vanke. wit la goBvofsd ak if It VSK outsttt o ia Tlo pia n-.itea a tory that aiwcaln to the orows, a! though bli vorkmaaahJp hi far from I tin: a mild villainy ia trite I IU Jad Prouty' bad Ita In ng, tlmr liav. l(.'-n othar rural plays too that have approached It in It. iiuer-atl!it.' reflection of ohafaotsr This will In- the iaat tune Mr Gold ,11 will In- Keen here In "Old Jed I'routy Tin , ompany ih the Harm aa when Uhi hSfft vin 'I 7 SAVES LIFE Wlliard. 111 . Aum'k hU I ni tr ba' aii i '.fti vpruiK uuid u pro ani, i h'. laaav - In a. ll Uir. linBah Mlllksa , a iii wurk and aan !,. . his n i iMliava MX ull ' ' 1 l 1.IPH Un lUOl UAVIO It u mtU that womn m Rkan paUcni Uun men t'tw mn cuuld bear tlx bltur ni the tt(ony and duirot thai women tndurt Trwuuiidi ol wumen luv umi lu luH uuon aul j a duly ol Masgj tex. Hui IMn are maic ualaacaj ol Uni iwroh. lortituik wtUOi WINEo'CARDll now nadtn iMMaouaary omen need no longer tufler for mwdein taac. watt al Lerdui ormat relief to BoeSlI women In the pfivatv ol tiiea homaa Many ol uu beji honxi in this city arc never without Um ertat meilUiMe. It curei whiui and laMag ol the womb and tumpletos eredl caiet meat dragging periodica, pe nt Mn Uavu cure ihowi vm MOchl lively what you may expect I' you loliow her example nd take wine ol Cardui Thcdlord'i UUck breugnt aUt Wine at ' m,.. bv reguieting the ftonucti and boweU. When you nk y.iur druggiit lor Ihete mduiiM4. at ture you get them. II wt Hum ul Card., MM Thtdlufd'i Black Uraught that ved Mn fUvii' life Nevtr lake t tuoim iU tot art'. -- rw . 1.T41 '! . tllw iieaartuiral riw llalKfuga at lM uaitai..' , t l(laot) 1 Don't faU to take advantage of it. Tell youi- Neighbor about this otter wv ay j - w-- dh av a. aa hv am 1 m aiui XVI S aaaMMrw l kemember this offer is Rood for H ONE DAY ONLY, Ci4e.Miai., riAnm Kf Zni d j ,i i a a a . . I . . . I flihtf U . J . at W. - . I iUAl' m la. Til 11111 g order, express order or in one ar cent stamps. Address EAST ORE00NIAN. PI NDI ETON, OREOC