East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 19, 1901, Image 1

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l .1 P' "liiri"
" b, rarrler t
P (5c A WEEK.
COSt IBU.liuu. '
nd p. it., Tost " a
TS, CnU'tr. V HWf
HtpbBftv of
tbi house a
n! the Nlca
Ion for pnr
d CitRta Rica
' ,i 'lialcand
at.ai and the
I " S RlCB
of tin raua
cudert Tar. ft Bill.
19-Tho Philip
pas,;!' b) tin limine
pri Mlti he sn-
. VI r. l l.i. V
........ a at m e si iT Ki
INHter Committer Will Do
.Inter ' : itet in Appro-
.i.t ' ":iic , a
r. n of 1
In t'n . r.t In
ngs to
h oaal
illg BO
Watt Trial Begins.
ib ma I tuiiiiN on
lite in tin rob
Uona! 'tank Tills
hearing th- au-irant'-n
a re trial
lotted net (i tb-
aj wi f m N'a
of tie most dai
e. Mi, north
HftV Mgo Iaat
i allegod HtrpK4l
tigasii the raHh
At Me httllle
obtain, i! .i large
A short tim- afte'
sar tad John Collins
Thr lett-: was ion
V Serviuj: a '. rni ot
'n Valla .'niteii
B - Th-
one.! lalioi,
B otb-r
tSS laVII.L' on of I i ri.ki.,
ssaas s,,a m .. ....i
at il mmmt
"0l hr.,., .w.
M Clsfgy
null LU,
J w '! c ,
the John Jav
rluh of Kausa-
anal.. Mn-ntp
1 T""
....-ion Pnt.'mris1 of Schlev's Onnonent is Not in
ISiniliUJ" r i -j - r -
yncle Sam. Good Health.
Dr. Rixey Issues a Statement Saying
that the Rear-Admiral's Health
Gives Him Great Concern.
Washington. Doc 19. Dr. Rixey
said this morning that he rondltion
of Rear-Admiral Sampson I very
Reviving Vtce-Admirai.
Washington. loc. 19. A bill pro
viding for the revival of the grade ot
i in udnurai and lor the appointment
'1 Sampson Srhley and Captain
Dark bp vii-e-admirala for special
Tin' gallantry in service was Introum td
f 1 f?o.. in the senate by Penroae, of i'ennsyl
inia. i'be i. ill asks that the actlre
rvlce of the men iu'tlt lone! bt ex
. MM 10 years.
Had a P.iot and Eleven Were Arrested
One Man Proposed an Attack or,
Chamberlain, tne Secretary.
Ilcrti:::iglmm. Mr l!i As a result
of a riot at a pro-floor meeting .hat
night, llwaj persons arc arrested,
'avid l.loyd George, who was not prr
ruttl il to Malta Ms lldnsM hi which
be proposed an ..t'.a t; on Chanl."i
laln went to London this morning on
: l.i .-.nil. ':!!, : I. mu.'.. .!:
PrOMt Vanderbilt Will Have a Confer
ence Concerning the Establishment
of a Federal Bank in New York.
Met York. taM, 1H. -A dinner will
:"r Saturday night by Frank
'.'uiidcrldlt. vli'o-presldent of the Nn-
i ul City Hank, whlrh will eclipse
ithrr in the amoutit of wealth
M teOB&ed by ib. d'tit-rs (lage w'll
the guest of honor. Heads of
'nets bans pi oidents and chiefs 'if
other laaarbil natttnUoaa win i...
it- Tin piiroac of the dinner M
i discuss thr estali'irhnii'iit ot a fed
rat banking luatintion In Now York
To Sell the Old Mint.
I' .'lud.-iphia ! t!'. A largr gi.
that has for Batefcl adorn. -d th. front
if tho old fJaRed S!atiK mini build
iiik and made known to the itai-siug
Otnfal 'hat the bttlldint. and ground
oio tor sale was taken down this
Miointng and shortly afterwards an
auetlouiser'a atand was erected in
tront of the old portiru and other mb
paratloiiK nmilr tor a publii sale The
i . ri, in. in has rorontly rompb-ted
a tjfBj mint at I'hlladelpbia and va
cated the old building at Ctioatuut
and Juniper stioota VeOft the flntt
I'nlted States nuns wore n,iiiu-,l
am! whlrh liar otherwise played au
important part iu the eountry'a bis
tory The old building stands It: the
very heart ot the Itusinoss district and
the alio will probable he purehased
tor the erection uf a lank or other
tiuanclal Institution The letatj '
the sale air to be rash and no bids
of loss than $; noo oon will lie roeaTif
Woolly Coming Home.
Umdon, lMr IX John ft WiMli
r i n . . . : , .. : . . . z. ,
. mo l, in 111 1 l Ol , III' ii ll,ln-i ,, u a,"
IJpOi tb. Hhilippinea, j caudldate for prosideut on the prohi
stpber. EpMoopel I bctlaa ticket at the Iaat alert hal. was
"f elth imnosinB r. auiuna the naaseiieei- sailing for New
o-smubI The edifice Vork todav The trio arroas the At
thr (Jour. Iiikh,u lunrle l th.. Uat mane of a temner-
Hiullt, -.... ! . ik.i w , . A . A
. Mn.- Mill ,411,,- IOIII llini linS e.i.-,,,, ,i niiMiiiu
'OcinLst: together i the world Mr Woolh havlug depart
prominent I ed from the United States a year ago.
r I In M'i i'ii.,n Hi- iiH- Htei. that be has notlred a
-..-.i i .)ikiiii graining lenoeur m inuiHisui im
, .,1,111,1 nil .,,1- e, 1 , I .ell i iiuiiii ii- i.i"
M .,i,t.... , . . ', . M . , v,..
v, ii,, , ai.nwiftti- it... u trii tn.. unhi. i t' exreonoi o
j oj me cugianu aun rconanu iirir i
Lr MBBBptioB ot the drink evil la apparently on the in
John Strain la Cured
Kcbo, IK. 19 -Rerent letters Hon,
hn W Strtln. who baa heen In the
.. . a., .u.. W mnnth.
irjiuui hi raiira. u.e ..i ,
state that he la about cured and ex -i
pecu to I. diacnarged In a fewd.y,
wnen ne win return i- uis
this place
C.liforni.n Get. a Place.
All.-,, anO D 1 :VAV.7.VT. V-77rv of the
-in I. I "1. 'T : ZT a-'... ,
willisana i nUed States legation
ft . flJf
r " -1
Vict.ms I'noweied With Tons of Mol
ten Metal, Cinders and Slag Bodies
Were Cooked Lnfoiturate Men
Held cr to lioof of Furnace. Trying
to Shield Tneiseles From tile
Fury of tne Flames. Uut Were Com
pelled tr Drop Hospitals and
Morgue Filled aVstt Dead and Liv
ing. Piitsbuig. Dte Tru men awn
killed ait'i aiout t v. i that mo in
Jured in a gas e;.ioii in Soho fur
nar, at lo leatt At l.aughlin ste I
works this saoralag Uainagr e tie
plant is about 110.000, The unfortu
nuii no ii vert at tntrl ot 'hi ley $f
the i ii mare ever fetl from the
gioiind and om- Just gettiug ready
to quit work when the gas whi. Ii had
areumulateil in the fanttet exploiiod
and ioiik oi BjoMeB m.tal. slat aud
cinders were thrown over them The
elevator had gone down and thn,
W It P Il,,.-r..
They tried to shield themselves
troiu the fury of the flainrh by hold
I int. on to th. outer rails There they
huux until tons ol molten metal fell
' uiw.n then, and bun'.ed them Unlit Ull
, .. 1 ,hn Hroltlietfl to lb,
iiilint lOUP 1 II" J
,,,,t r,i tb. null feet l low ever)
j iKne in their bodies broken and their
flesh charred Some of the bodies or
the dead aud injured bounded off the
null root and fell to the ground Am
bulances were hurriedly summoued
mill tin victims taken either It the
morgue or the hospitals
Dead Are Unknown
Ijlle Rtalciuellth make the fatalities
nine the intuit.! 14 The victims are
all foreigners and 't
number. Thfet Of tfc '
not re OVer fcye wltn. Bh. k sa 11
-- , uiKln .obt ever seen
was zZa ooU tho
toof -STUSS off
. 1 r..i far below
Over three tous of tlie debris fell into
th. Itreel mettcing tn ,
Baltimore Dec l rire
MulHI. Moser building at raiomgn.
caused IKa-i.fUs-. damage
Hi K . o N . Til Ksi v,
tj t the capital ic animately
fcunrj tne rowing marriage of
as H-len Hay. daughter of the sec-
v cf itat:. and Payne Whitney.
n uf William C. Whitney, ex-aecre-ry
of th navy. No date has yet
n jet for the wedding. On account
'nyh onal standing of the
... . v.. t de. it is believed that
one of the most
Miss Helen Hay
f ti.e year.
qrtat favorite In Washington and
i-i Lcn.-iv Her literary achieve-
! Kavt on her mjch fame in
r-c j ru Europe.
I DiM&tcra Was at Upland,
icy County. California it
iec;ed Tr.at the C'ew of No.
by Mm Station, Having Had
to ttop Some Weie Killed.
Injured, and a Number of
Is Ai
9 Ran
Were Burned and Two Engines
Were Wrecked When the Accident
Shi, Francisco. lJn. 19. A head-on
iHxifteiot orcurrtd this morning be
iween the Southern i'arlfir roaat line
Berth aiii' south bound traius, Nos. 9
tad half a mil.- west from Up
bed, in Monterey rount) The en
. i.e. w,ie wrecked the baggage ear.
i inokei and chair car of No. 9 burnt,
ami the baggage car of No 10 over-j
luraed Mreaiaa fiariand. of San
Franelaeo. waa killed The Injured
aero Basleeei Keaeld, Conductor1
S sills and Kxpreas MesnengtT Maaon
oi No. in. Conduct oi Wllliama. Kng.
aate Coffe. of N. 9. and It is poeai- J
Ml that eigbt or 10 wore burnt in I
the sinokn sal -It xlr in Si al
pease 1, pei h m-ri injured Hospital ie
I'.-i trains are on the srne from Sali
nas, ban l.uls Obtapo tnd Ban l-ran-
ciaco aud 1 vemhli g iKMslblr 's I e-
ing done to relieve the Injured taYt
rescue the d
The disaster was mt t ' S- Uj
1 iinnlig by '' I'OJ Alien tat had 11
dors to wait at Cpland
The aoutb Unind train lelt Salinas
tj minutes late It was crowded with
pataeaBBOl amongst whom were $0 1
discharged soldiers and tbe All
American baseball team en route to
I -or Allgrlcs
Tbe track is completely blockaded
No trains are able to pass today. Tbe
mail car alao was destroyed by the
fire but all mall was saved- Wella
Kaigo's loss Is heav) Tbe car waa
bill lit
The Southern PaeinV haa given out
a later Hat. whleb la: Dead, H C.
Martin, express meoaeuger. Fireman
Oartland. and about SO Injured.
'..iiiTii from Salinas atate that at
least three ar dead, and a dosen fa
tally Injured
DECEMBER 19, 1001.
How Some of the Magnates
Have Less Than They Had,
LOST $190,000,000 VALUE.
Decline Is Since May and for no Ap
parent Reason Rockefeller Bears
One-Third the Slump n Stocks.
New fork, Dee. 19. A drop of K
n share or tarred In Standard till
stock, making the decline more than
ISO a share In a week. brines the to
tal ilutakafi to 1100,000, I in tat
value of these Eremitic since May.
Rockefeller Is credited with holdinr
niji-thild of the stork, so his loss ag
gregate 101,000.000. There la no ap
penal rauofl for the slump.
Reported b I. L. Ray 4 Co.. Pendle
ton, Chicago Board of Trade ane
New York Stock Exchange Brokers
N. sj York. DM 19 - The wheat
market was of a holiday ehafBfcttr
today tad iriotl held within a half
rent range all day. I Ivtrpool oprn d
14 and closed 1. Now York
opened Mfi and MM down to
nun hark to hf at th- l OM
go opened and closed T..
Stock k
steady. Money 4 por cent
OlOMd yesterday, 84' i
0bMM4 today. n,
iiange today. R4ti(rR4,.
t'liise todajf
Sugar 120.
Stvi. 41,
St. Paul. 11.
rnloti Pacific, ion,
Whea in San rrancisco.
Sa:i Kianrlnro. Dec 10, Vft
0 149100
Wheat in Chicago.
Chirac, i If IVfceal
ft 1.
Holiday Adjournment
Washington. I)e-. 19 . Winn tea
n adjonrned toda It was lor the
l.iiliilay rteaM whlrh lasin till Janu
ary '. Man) ol the meinbeis aie
prepartai to go to Uatif toa for
bolldtya, hut he far tat larser
tunbei bavt rHtahiih"ii theetaelvae
' gloij for the wintri and will
tpead thr hoUdaya here, in a soriai
way tin ' inning two weeks will bt
full ol lirili.i i.t i.jiiiM-i. notwlth
..tHndiug the fart thai the u.i'.iotial
iiioutuing proi Imlea elaborate - nler-
being guru at the White
for Wrestling Champions!) p.
I- it laud. Ore., Doc. 19. -Th.- Wrttl
ling championship of thr Parifl.
northwool is to be determinrd by a
touraatteai to tt held in 1'oiiiami to-
ttaht umlei tbe auspices of tbe Mult
totatll club It Is the Hist time
sin b a tournai iciif has BeOB held In
Mils section ol the '-ountry and much
late reel is betao tsaalftttad It the rt
ault. '1 he particianta will im hide
the tttat amateur wiestlera of Oregon,
Washington. Idaho and Montana Tin
winners will challenge the amateur
wrest Ins of ''allfuruia to deride the
rhampionship of the I'acinc roast
Pern and Columbia to Meet.
Philadelphia Dee 19 The alar
athletes of a numebt of colleges and
ttlTBTtltstt Will be seen Bt their Isest
tonight at tlie A. A. V. IndiMir chain
plolmlllpB to be given In rollllr. Hull
with the sMrtsmans' show. Tbe chief
features on the progiam Is a two mile
Ii 1 i , . -i, r .pi , h, niai I V i-s 111
Columbia uuiveissty and the lnlver
alt of l'eiiusylauia
To Dedicate McKinley Hail.
Masslllon. O Dec 19 Arrange
, m.-nts have been completed for tne
1 dedicatory exorcises this eveulng f
William M. Kiuley ball, the new ad
dlttou to tbe atate hospital here The
tveei will be attended by a number of
atate officials and Othet guests of
Georgia M. E. Conference
Fitzgerald. Oa Dec 19 The
Georgia conference of the M K
church began bore today and will
continue through tbe remainder of
tbe week All ui, usual large attend
am-e of prominent church and lay
members are present
Soutnern California Foresters
I .os Augeles Cal . liec 19. The or
der of Koreatera In Boutheru Cali
fornia began a well-attended dtatrlci
convention in I -or Angelea today.
Prominent among those paeaenl are
John W Heeuan. grand chief ranger;
tii and Sub Ranger K J. Wolfe and
firatid Treasurer Frank Conklln
Eastern Oregon Weather
TxnltrM and tt.'n. iWMttllf ''
ontiiitlod rool
NO. 1811
Still Cannot Be Found in the
Windy City.
Mystery nem.ilos Unsolved tn Chica
go Ptlice He Spent $5000 During
Last Two Weeks Had Letter From
Chicago, I'rc 19. Vn trace It
found i i JtRIM Nolan rh r.iK.nlnna,
t'al.. broker who Bjraterlouily dlaap
"i trad fmm hort toon nfter hit
hasty n.airiam to Itilen Koch, a wo-
Batfl he had lea own only a few hourt.
In lore his marriage tu her The po
llr- are looking for Ihe last man scoa
In Nolan'r rorupan.v Thr tnlsslng
amii had a largi sun of nosey with
him. It is Itaraed this morning that
dutlnu thr tWO v. ekl wtny here No-
inn peal ortr lioofj Two Itttan
awall him at ho Palmer house, one
from India, the other ft.ini S:inl,nne,
sont by persona signing "R." The
tdd eea ;i the tTalopt of the latter
In "11o9 .Tarkson avimite. Spokane"
The Auc -a Tragedy Ends With an
Uncracked Neck.
Saloni. Pi,. Mi Thurston Urlm
was illsrharvi d u:t,i th. pn llniinary
exaaalaaUoB on tat eaarsa ol killing
John Roppel at Aurora.
A Boatreveray arose last Ootohtf
" n i regardiai tat ooarat
and width ol the old road, which waa
esttbllthed about 10 ... in i Thlt
road It the boaadtry of land brinng
lug to Roppel, tad its preeenl width
It i" feeL Th.. count) coatailtttoBtrt'
cottrl dtoided thai the propei width
Of the road Is ,;" Ii . I and da lai. ,1
thai ii i" i hanged in thai width. Oris
waa working out hla poll tax Iaat
week under the diin tloil nl tbo Bit
, iviaor. wim tetlaa thai tat sialics
which mnrked tin- oorreel UiaJtt of
the road ha. i beta reteovtd frotn
Roppel's land, arnt Orlm lo rtpllfO
th in Ii i ' old that Oiim takel
that some one els,, in mi ni but finally
Hleri! to ,'o. While nieUh.lilliu the
road bt art oreen i i- stop b nop-
pit, and a iiuainl (allowed, In whlrh
It l ttllegeil , n il nia i liie.! : Mir suotl
:it tin other, iioin of theai takiun of
feel except one Bred by frrln, whtol
hiiurk lib- antagonist In the bit able
tad PBaWed entlreh Ihrougt ihe body
killing him
Panic ned From the
Walla Walla Dec II
s, i . log lone In ins nr the
TWO 'n.'B
'tulr peril
lentier) etn raieatcd
Ii iday
ai i. i ins. n t, pardon t hey were
Han M lb ai .1 Jam. Uoblnson.
both taavloted Of murdei
Robinson was m, iiIi m od from Sno
homish cfinntv tor tlaeteen yean ff
killing a Btlghbor tu a iuarnl Ha
Btl inurder in tin -.ei nn! .b ee mrl
his two sons wen- OOevicttd ol on,
pllclty, Baefe served a ti rm here an!
on- was parobd and later marie hit,
cs-ape. was recaptured and sent hark
RnhlBBBB is nearlv TO v.-ars of age,
and verv gray
Hairy Mlllci was sent up
I'len e county for 20 yer.rs for
del in the second degree He
made an excellent record at tin
oil ond on Ibis arrount Ills llberlv
.sine a year earlier than It would had
he been reoulred to serve his full
Walla Walla
Marbb' works
ed In this city
Works Moved
Dtt l! The Vinson
which has been local
for main years Is to
be removed to I., wision Idaho, short
ly. In order lo develop the granite
' quarry recently discovered there A
Urn deposit of granite haa keen un
covered on Snake river several car
! loada having been aent here for manu
, fai lure Freight rates are prohlbl
tlve and th move is made In order
la do the business ttf the rpiair) aud
save freights Mr A. Vlnaou owna
the i.ranlte dejioalt and haa Interest
ed a number of prominent Seattle
tapltallsta In th. plan Lo Bred a mod
ern plant and do a large business Ib
competition with Vermont granite
Russia Proclaims Martial Law
St Petersburg ficr 10 Owing ta
the widespread revolutionary activity
and bread riots the government has
.na lalmed martial law ov. i a wide
area of Kuropean Kussla
Portuguese Ship Wrecked.
l-lsbou, Dee 19 During a heary
gale Iaat night, a Portuguese shla
waa wrecked In the harbr.r here ant
15 were drowned