East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 18, 1901, Image 6

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    Christmas Gifts
Frazier's Book Store
Woodmen whose
'Concluded )
U)l t i 11 - r ti
and wl
through every camp unanimousi .
See our Line Before You Purchase
enmn will keep them for ynu (,
ami "V- r win. Neighbor. I rougrat- ,tl
ithm vim am! m . 'h r 1'dnng" ',,
We have for Christmas
Imported jugs oi Finest Wluk
Novelty bottles suitable lor
Handsome PfWIDtl
Full Quarts of
Merrimac Club
A very Superior article with a erfrvt lio)Ue'.
Grassy Creek
I whisky with a tlit MM, k full tlMf M? f 1 .).
We arc sole agent
Sec our Cigar Line
LUCRE'S ROLLS, tin cool smoke for 2fv each
IMI'OKTS at .W per l.ox.
PUB! HA NA i.i I. fmti f.'.as box up.
Don't Forget the Number, Phone 66
The Exchange
Opeia House Block
aot aoj Court Stm
It lias
Of the
hen on Dec 23. "A Stranger in a
Strange Land" Dec 27. Old Jed
(l- Olson. lioiK'Ht good-natured
nole-hearted Hiniple hut true am.
ivalrous a a Bayard, has long re
met! a ttrm giasp on tin affections
theater-goers and has urvived
ough years uf continuous preaeuta
n to warrant the placing of thin de
htful character creation In the
on- category' which holdi
nkle "l'in U Josh Whli
ier uf that oopttlar
a Is a haji'v blending of
'.hue and a truthful del
devi-lonon-nt of the
teas. The
humor ami
neatluD uf
the honest
tlzeu. Ah
Prouty' should M soothing and com
mrtlng. A Stranger in a Strands Land."
Hav. you seen the Indian the real
i m simon-pure North American In
iliau with au Anglo-American setting"
H- is coming with A Stranger In a
s-raiiK. 1-ind.' on Iei This Is
tiie same Indian who tor week mad
all Nw York roar and howl and
aiiriMI wltli laughter at tin Manhattan
. heater. The Indian of "A Stranger
in a Strange Land" is not a nohl- or
barofc omMWB and there isn't a hit
romance about him Thin creatine
is faithful to nature. It Is a play de
ieil in- niirthtul purposes only and
Hi. r.-allwm Is faithful It was evolv
ed l Hasjejn Sidn Wllnier and
U nite- Vinc nt am! it grea re. oni
iii-mlatloii Is the fact that It li pure
and clean no gallicisms in It and pat
tumiiei than th- Freiiehiest o: French
fanes without a shadow of offense to
tuste or healthfu! morals The cast
introduce some of the I. cm actor in
profeaaion. Including William
Priand. Charles Drake Harry Bond F
J Donnell). E H Bender Charier N
l.um. E. V Oirouv Cyril Yonag L It
Williams Misses Aniainis Wellington
Elsie Wlllard Fannie c Ferris and
at worthy of patronage A special
iir ui the performance is the
ting t the Swedish ladies quai
A nnnitie: ot bright specialties
' to eullveu the development Of
story and all in all the comedy
I deserved the popularity which It
ys Ole comes to 'he Ole-ru house
Old Jed Prout '
bare is oiiHiiieiuiiic ...-maun in.
a fui tin engagement of Kichard
len in "Old Jed Prouty." on Dec.
TkJt engagement is a moat im
am olie Sir Golden I.- re. oi;ni
.s one of Mi- leading actors of the
Titan stage Tin play m wlllcli
elll appear "Old .led Prouty." is
of the lew rural dramas which
elljo-ci! oiintan' -ll -.-- nltl-i
dea of ixirtraying rural life on the
has been in vogue "Old Jed
ty" furnishes a picture of Sew
and life which is said to be true
n every detail pertect There is
pathos nea humor and Instead
mg dragged, is given a aeries of
ing incidents To a man with
eas cares am! high wrought iu a
git Mi (iulden in "Old Jed
ii- ad and
11 Dyspepsia Cure
Mas mrcd theac caaes
It will cure mi
Exposure to a sudden
hang, produces cold in h.
atarrh Ik apt to follow
witn gflj s ' ream Ualiu. you are arm
ed against nasal catarrh Price BO
- u at druggists, or El) Brotheis 61
Warren street. New Y- will vast'. If
Tin Kami cures artUKW! inin. doea
not Irritate or cause suee ing It
spreads Itaelf over an Irritated and
angry surface, relieving immediately
the painful inflammation, cleanses aud
urea Cran. Halm quickW cures the
Notice to Contractors.
Notice la hereby given that the
common council of the city of Handle
ton will receive blda for the grading
of Turner street, betwea the weat line
of Mission street and the eaatern
boundar) of the city of Pendleton
All bids to state the price par cubic
yard. Grading to be done In accord
ance with the profile now on file In
the city recorder's office
Bids must 19 filed with the city
recorder on or before the 19th day of
December. 1901. The successful bid
der to look to the property -owners fo
his pay The common council reaerva
n- right to reject any or alt blda
Dated this Mb day of December
By order of the common counci
Attaat J. E. BEAM
. Uiltircli, Ij(tiuu, Ore., aaya
lered for 20 years, ami iwlieve
iot used Nan's Dvtte.it ure
I not be alive to write you a
an Falk. Boise. Idaho, says ' I
I fo' years; found many reliefs
ure cxirepl yours. "
si by Tallmat! A Cu , and all
as rfruggfets, or send tu Frank
rtland Motel Pharmacy, "ort
egun Hrtce Si a boric or 6
lor $5 express prepaid
Stepped Into Live Coale
"When a child I burned my foot
fiiKhtfull) " writes W H Eads. of
Junesvllle Va . "which caused horn
hie leg sort s for 30 yeata, but Buck
l'-u's Arnica Salve wholly curad me
after everything else failed " lnfalli
hie for i urns acalds. cuts, sores
hrulaea and piles Sold by Tallman at
Co., 26.
At The Dalles speculation Is rife as
tu who will receive tin tluOu reward
offered by the Oregon Railroad A
Navigation company for the arrest
ami conviction of the person or per
sons who wrecked tin train near C-li
li December 9.
irvtcd History of Both Woodmen
ind Women of Woodcraft.
nri ol Woodcraft.
am ven prmnl ol tin task com
nilrtcd to mi tonight to extend to
our aalaataafl head OOMMl and honor
ed guest, on behalf' of the grand elr
cli am! the Women of Woodcraft of
Pendleton n very hearty greeting
With your indly Indulgence 1 wish
to recite a hit of ancient history -the
only ancient thing women as a
rile care for.
'tine upon a tlun- ni to In accurate
lu !SSm. there was a grent human
need In the nine state of the Pacific
coast. This tii'i'i' was the protection
of the honn s and wives nin! children
of these states against the accidents
of sickness, misfortune and death.
This need required for Its hlMllaMBl
an order, having within It the pe
culiar genius, the mental hreml-h am'.
th. Virile lntcgtit ol the jcreot west
It required of the order which should
conn to fill It. that stralghtforwun!
honest, democratic government that
plain hut broad and efficient business
OOWMMMMt, which had trausforniei!
tin barren desert oi the west Into an
empire of homes It required also, as
Its moving stdrlt. that sort of ready
practical ami a- tiennin philanthropy
with substantial sympathy first, and
Tin- ueed was Inu-e ami in ictuy to
the need, the man was raised up H-als-nvs
is. am! he Is alw-ays th- riglif
nit n for Vnte. unlike i.nv. is Id MB
i.liml This mat. wus t Palkm
burg familiarly known nowadays to
TT.oimi chopiiera, aa "Falky." the
Fath-t o Woodcraft"
He carried with him a porch nan!
of potential important) ranfarftal
on him the tln-i empty tlth nf Him'
OoojmI I'acifii Jvrtwllctloa Wood
M i" tin Wnild.' The long tlth at
that time emliracei! om mm ogg
eflt certificate some sage brush sotn
Inriiaus. a bit of alkali as a touch a)
varle'y to tin niugnlft' en' ilistam M
ami 'he prOOpOOttl chopper vet te
be maulft! and split nnd howaa! Into
the real artlclt
It was a big Mod ISIOtVlOJ a big
task, ami luiviuc asjearW Iron fat.
the big man. 'lie result Is a matti-t
Bovon years passed 1'housainls oi
ooilnn,ll had lieeu nieHSiirei' by tin
stumiMi and found fit Then anothei
need aroae. growing ool of tin ful.
flllnient tif the first neeil Tin- W. o.i
men of tha Worh! riochifl oul hul
of the family The other and better
half It ilhl not reach
To nice' this n ! I main
people, equal 111 tin ti.-L" d
about the on who met the first, wen
caught bji the cant-hook ot Fan ajii
pulled Into a hia task that of found
ing an order whici: rtrauM axti
tin Womer oi Woodcraft Usi -in;.
mean- of protecting tln-u hoim -their
husbands had in tin . amp
Tin pi-isillai OOBdlUOM IIBdi
which tin Women of Wmideraft was
orgunixeti i TOOtod many aoowlku dif
ficulties, clnef amoug which wen- tln
bltter opptMltlon in high nlaces. tin
m-KatM- opposition i an auxiliary
in the local camps am! tin bitospoi
leliee ol those called UMI1 to lead
Our cm urn s MM niau ami stront
out triemls were few. ami all the nun.
precious for that reason
So long- us 1 live I shall oevi
Bet the first time I met Head Coiisiii
Falkenlmrg. I expect to cam tin
memor of that meeting with in- I -vund
the border as one of tin i
precious poxsi mhIoiis of w hli-li di a't:
cannot rob nu
It was in April. IHf, in Puniaml 1
was young then and green and pan.
fullv bashful I had ahead- tasted
uf the bitterness of malicious opposi
Hon I had been in Salem not a- .1
guest at an uf the state Institutions
although my enemies had about con
vinced me that one of two of OfOOjM I
in.iins for the uniortunate was tin
proMi place for me I wanti-d to sc.
the head consul very badly, an. thai
again I didn't want to set him a'
' all. If you cannot understand this
paradox I haven't tun. to explain it
I spent one hour and tvtMrtj Minutes
at my hotel screwing up n,t , .
tn tin stii km )oin ami final U . on
ing in tin i oiii-lusion that thi uesi
wa to get rid ol u dose ot nn iln m.
whs to taki- it I wunt; I saw. ami i
was conquered. The liiendwliip ami
bog I) good will which met the dis
oil raged head of a struggling cxperi
nn nt from tin- Ing man at tin head of
the big order we were seeking to lui
itate put the rum-age into my heart
that made the Women of Woodcraft
w hat It Is today
I was ready to give up anil was
dis ouraged and heartsick unit worn
out But. when the head eooaajl said
m in, -You will win Your fight is
righteuus I am your friend an ' .
will see yon to the end of It.' nn
said this as onlv . -nn Woodman
aaya those thlni.-s well I nave up all
Idea of ffoiim hack to Salen i i .
Hint.- s ifii.-sl right there
So Inn. us tin Women of Wood
craft stands then- will be held sacred
The wny has not been May, there
have bttn hills to climb, difficulties to
fan iii.i! I. si i 'ii of DhUMtN and cour
age to h arn That t have OCOOM
pllshed these tusks ami learm-d these
MM is dm. In a large measure
than the IMttberthtp reallxes. to the
friendship and em ouiagement of the
head consul am! the big-hearted and
hlg-ln aii' ! Ml "ii his council.
So. out o: tin depth of I i:.atoful
heart, am! M behal: o( the second
great, s- I-:". -i. a' m h' ot.'-T In tin
world i extend to gOO Head Consul
rVtlttanburg wotcome to Pondietoa
Wi- lni. a I Mil t try hut our people
are broail-gnugi tl big m head and
big Of heart Wc lev. big men am!
big orders ami big movements. We
hav. bif farms am! big hills and big
trees, and bll Boekj and Ids Indians
am! bit Kuns even in our little coin-
Subscriptions to the
or SemiWeekly
feL (
A a J
love are
so th i
wok oi
of u city
tants. It
men of
I not
oi tin
! wi. have nin!
night As no
"figures on th
ss of hospital!
measured .y th
numbers of Its it
token. Pendleton'
mi we
is not
dial "
y and
ecember I
Roger Talk.
In- I-- at.. I. .i
of fraternal insur
"I Mint
the co t
'It. who
'touched th
I for
UN ami at
unit th. M
jubilees are
' Mini Mr
tllO' '
in Wi
up gra
m. ml.
proooat members proud "
Tne Pendleton Camp
tliu' makes all
'" iu.vs i i sluing, ami ui
accounted one ot tin- best bj tha in
ner It is working lor first pla. .
and ii tin present indications show
what la - oniing it will attain Its aim
The . amp is in excellent financial con
dition ami has among its mam bera
MM. oi h. nioht prominent Wood
m : lg tin- tird.-r A D Stlllinaii nn.
ot fh-m is chairman m the buuril of
MM MlMjail ami takes a IomUm
iarf in the affairs ot the central bod
Brief History of Woodcraft.
in Woodmen oi the World was oi
MB Md by JOBOpfe I'nllei, Ht and F
ralkeiihurg .Inn. : u,.),. , ,,lna
M Ne.
Thjart is p., mhai iruternal hemtfli
M40r lg tin l ulled Mutes that Had
MM .n.o.n. BMkafkj MMMMI wl,. "
MM ol age though doing busin.-hs
"ei th. emir, countrj Th. Paxifl
Jurisdiction Of this order lT.
....--, s niaKing it though von
doling in years the fourth la- -. -,t ,,.
Mmt than lie ... has MoB paid
this Jurlsd.ct.nn ah,.,.- .,,,
U.mm Calculating l
iii u montn and luisinei.
in a
' """ BMMbOH in goott siandiiig
the MUM membership exceeds 140
A Cut of 50 per cent,
For this one day only
At this rate, the Daily hast Oregonia
If I ! . J
um -ii 'ci nt iiiir uai. v 1 1 tic sc
V , .
L I e l ju 1 1
v mai in inr one vpr tf lr v :
W fV
Trim ww t t a ' i i i r hi iii- i ii jv a k i i 1 1 1 1 j
i ni orTer is mmu tu n IU nr id-u suhscri
m mm m m 1
tv v nil nf viirKi rmiinnc in (inv ;i n k r i
a i t A v II 1 -k. I Ill KM blb U IlkV 111'
w w r
I k i - j , . , .
iiri fiiiiiti r rs f ri i vii i r imp t ri r fir
Don't iail to take
advantage of it
Send in yotir nai
for a Sample Cop
Remember this offer is good for the
Saturday, December 28tl
Remit by bank check, postal note, mi
order, exnrpss nrsW ,.r in imp and n
"te uuiioi nold to thi dt r- ui uvi vsi
cent stamps. Address
I'ciiueiu ()es of ileceas.ll
vert minute
Tiicn base n. en but i bansa,
SSS P'"1' i'Ti-diction o, Z
tin World in 11 years
' 1 l i is. ....I
lit II. . i kkal sa
order ..-. .i, '"i mt
. aM or nothing On IV-
3! the hnancai condm
th, weater,, jurisdiction will 1 mo'M'
Mrt &bita. 88hhu '
and m. debts wl.aten i .,.rv
MMM Ii ,h. okata that an hUSLZ
MM insurance oriie. ,,, ". , , '
n.aiicnt.t wltho rovl(h J goMl hard
America, tlollars in tm wat ,,f r"
ami M Miy ho BUt ttatt ta
mu for an onler to ! a a re
Mrve " BUI have a sumcle,,, Z
SS H'-""-'" Fa! Fa I ken
Woodmen oi
aud 1 nave
laim 1 go on the
lyon's French Periodical Di
eLc.liLeUule.J''iectly harmless, aure to ml7
f siKCU KtSULT. Greatest knowu lewaic f
Ss"!"! eo,lPlrfslu and lailuiuuo..
tijS. iif.i Ml:1'." 'JCmnire uu .11U
11 VL mas m i.o., DMUOOtlTsl. PtUtWUW
r '"J