sand kirts WW very tast ,!( 1 insuranre. tucolatee ma tlD't "l 'K..TS tale Wade ppsWl i.dker and lrv will t the . rest hes la W gsj U -y to t w aa Sad New Years are not I Mitaw ar the pure and iapriof brands of Callfor jjJWdlss. liii-r at Kline s I Store Court street Ttt C'hriitiMih preaanta. iZ' "' 'bna 9 brought ti Pi r.clietori at J" farallur more 213 opposite opera house lr H.-arrltilevB S IMk. .1 vi. ... '. Man The lee- Olt-r & if K i , ..... u a. . v-.itv0 uu -llipi Wli, im 1111:111.1'.' pint fhiitw.... "ll P huttot! tttd. boxes j"' "ivee Kill They Come . full customers taking advantage of Closing out Prices Dress uoous ni our own price. , I. rpnr will nnti m w gnous at wnoiesaie prices. nver Bros. Dry Goods Co. U m (I FROM BUSINESS Candles by tho ton at button s. Swift premium bacon and bams at Hawley'a. Dutton's Ice rreaw cborolatea have no equal. hoeorated hlna by Alice Woiater. at K H'ppen's pharmaiy. Turkey. IMta, chicken and iteese. seler-ted fowl, at U. Martin a. Olymiiia oysters for "Cbaaer" at The Mare." Ill Court Hreet. Hla assortment of cake, pica am) OOOklW for hrltuia at R Martin' John Paker wa fined $5 In the po- I, Hi . .mrt thl uiornlnn for being drunk. I": , h l n.;. in o m i n bulk, !y the plot or quart, at "The Maze." 111 Court street. - CM, IrM and all kind of Christmas groceries. Alexander Pe ii'imi tit Store. M Mil sVWlfhl I a Mia. 3 for i lal'. '11lnK at S for a quarter. Pat ton citrar More. ilav i,y H-.s. ere civln awav dishes with aL purchase. Call ftM tmi Mai atom It. I In i nr.horttnent of smoking jack t i htifMaJ tra'b Alexander Ivpurtment Store. Olympia oyster cocktail made ba tata Mir . es at "The Ma-." 0. I.. MoCHaStt, proprietor. ,: "- for sale, U''' to 14O0 pound l.afontalne A Oarrlaon John Adams IB i a nl. of OoM sp-lngs. Metaan fratulDR a p.- .al- New .ine of picture mould Ine Riass naorMBta tat trame at C Sharp's. If vim an in a hutry for a grocery order, telephone R. Martin. He la ataklux a e'-lalt of pi 1 livery. F, i talc Id a-res of fine wheat land aOUtta of Adams T. rm MM ea i. helaaee to tilt pun haaer. .lanv You eu't beat Martin on good thlnrs for Christmas. All kinds of vegetables oranges, banana, nuts and candi-1 Thl wek a gold plated ideture frame given with a 50-cent purchase of pfooaar . claaaware and granite ni ut Uk Owl Tea Houae. Wanted, several promising people to buy crMkaTJT and glasware A told tdntd pMure frame given with a l cent purchase at the Owl this We. i Wanted to Miii a small i ullage, in i'leKsant location Small family; ' lal cure taken of the property. Word may be left with Hawley Bros Rev. R. A. Copple. Furl Worth Gazette "The lecture of Dr. Beardaley was one of the ablest cr daUvafad il PWt Worth " Hear the doctor at the Thompson-street M. hureb Friday evening. Dec 20 Follow your nose and you'll couiu to Koeppen drug store to buy your candy Almost everybody knowa "The Paliu" chocolates are be.t and eheap- iiday night, eat: 60 cents pound alao half I'oun ' at 26 centa. What ro Give a Man. atikTill'1' '''' hkr4 for atmie peopW to answer. lak We lis' la-luw Mlii it il 1 not .u.. nna .l.rv Hat marker, Hair brunhee inilitaiy. Htraighi haadla igar -utli ! -Tobacco iarf, Tie elaep, goM, silver, Sliavirij; tiiu, Silvei handled razor Hilk umbrella. Stamp boxea, Silver px;ket knive, and manv niUr h-mI'mI lartirlfri SCHOOLS COIMEO DR. PENHOSE DEFENDS POSITION ON SCHOOLS. Answers Spokesman-Review Editorial Concerning His Pendleton Speech. Dr. 8. R. Penrose send the follow ing regarding an In the Bpakaaaan-tto lew comrnentlng on his Pendleton addn Rl the teachers' convention: Whitman Collccr Walla Walla. Wash.. Dee. If To the Editor of the Spokesman-Review: My attention j baa Just he-, ij i-allcil to the editorial lr. lh Spokesman-Review for Decem ber I. entitled "After All I It Best?" In which yon comment on a recent lecture by me comparing the odtiea t'ortal methods of Oregon with those Prapce and Ocrmany. I am sorry tl at you did not have full Informa tion concerning the nature of my lec ture It as not at all for the pur DOM of discrediting our public school -iiem by showing the general super iortty of th of Fiance and many, bnt iiad for it objict the ntiumlatlnr ti improvement on cer tain apecinc lines. For several yar I have lwtn try ing to Impress the teacheis of the northwest with the need of Improve M in b aching of niathcniatlce. Fuglish and language generally. The comparison which I made between the systems of these three countries Hal to "how that France and Ger nian are suieiir. Mr to show how dlffeient their method of teaching iuathemati( a and language. The foreign boy and girl haa as good and thorough a training In their tatlva language a doe the Araerl eat. U- it. il !. .i!.-ii Int. a fdicign tongue at he at--- of !' or l'V the age when all paycbologlt admit that language can be -most readily acqulr Instead of keeping the Fren h a.vl CetiiMu boy on arithmetic Mlth- 'out a break for six years, as is done in the I'uited States, he iHgins the htndy of ajfementar gemetry and al gebra when he la about 12 years of age. Experience show that the atudv ' thi ie branches of mathematb s not only broaden the mind, but actually makes the acquirement of arithmetic easier and more Intelligible. 1 bell- ve that the chief need of our pub lic schools is Improvement on thene lines. Th scholar will know Kuallsh bftMf If he haa the a! antage . ol I 0Vfo aiiottn-r laiiKiiage. too. and he will I..- .i I.. a: Irlnii. - j. Ian IT he knwwa something mora of mathit-.iat-Ica than merely arithmetic I ilu not wish to make the public at Itool system of this country conform with that of the German gymnaalum or the French 1 ycee." btit 1 believ.' that we can learn some K ssBBl from their . xperien.e. STBPHBN B I PBNfi 8E CHRISTMAS 0"RA Wilbuis Cemng Here While e to Salt Lakt. jte y ra." i next tad oMilns. means a sue- es. The Wil li lval of , run v. I l h 40 y.-arn j out pat tits a mm th paii aooati ith no rasts. Mauagei BMM ' t'inu 0 thia 1 time vlv. .! . and m win . how comic ihsoIu A'.l WiPmr i I istorlcally t or . i : not i t oi--raa which ave lily COsUMN ted I bur. the favorite hat - ini Death of W. H. BUndmg. M i- P. A. Carrier re elved a tele gram tins mcrnlng heailug the sad IntelUgaaee of the death of her father William H. Blaadiag. at bis home at St Croix Falls Win He was 70 years of age and been ill for nome time. Th- immediate ause of death has not been learned. i i t:l Christmas, we will pa post age to un part of the United States and express barges to any railroad fie Hi in (J alt J Stato on all Pe dkatoa Tf onlrg Mill robes blanket aud any goods bought of us. Tue Peoides Warehouse. ..... ,.WJ.eaB. a r'aav rr QUADRUPLE TRAGEDY IN COLUMBUS. OHIO. Authorities Mystified to Account for Finding Four Dead Bodies in Ad joining Rooms in Lodging Housa. Columbus, O.. Dic. 18.-The auth orities here are mystified oei the' quadruple tragedy that was revealed j when the bodies of I.ulu Kline Pearl Wanur. John .tacobs a-d Sherman 1 otthouse were found In connecting' looms in a lodging-house The eoron t says the Warner girl was the last to s'tct umb. As she had been despon dent because she had been reprimand for allowing her w,i - to he gar nlsheed. It is believed by some that she drugged a bottle ot sk) tor the others and partook of it heis.-u The coroner, however is Una in the . that the quartet while Intoxi cated, entered lata nn ao I leal to commit suicide FATHER DIDN'T LIKE IT. Cora Reavla Married John Wiley Whde Woodmen Celebrated In Walla Walla. W. H. Rcavl. of Presrott. came to Hie Woodmen gathering yesterday; so did his daughter. Cora; and also came one John Wllev. Rcavis cer tainly eanie to the great mooting; the daughter ostensibly came for that purpose, but It seems that Wiley came for matrimony. While Mr. Reavls was assisting to welcome the head officers at Wood men hall. John Wiley and Cora Hea is were making arrang nient for t' wedding. Rev. O. W F'-nder per tornied the cermon. and later in the evening Mr. Reavis ascertained the tme nature of the visit of hi daughter and Wiley. Rear is did not I a It some, but will make the Pest of It. P t FORM SCHOOL LOST $20,000 BY FIRE. Industrial Building and Water To act Destroyed Latter in Falling. Ex tinguished the Flames. Salem. Dec. 18. The industrial luiildlng and water tower of the re form school but tied ibis morning. The wall stand, t.os I $20, OH, The water tank fell and extinguished the fire. The inmates were orderly. The Ibilgarlan minister ha resign-1 d. owing to the hostility of the So hranje to the ptopoaala fur a new loan. Suitable X'mas Gifts 1 Silk Boa Pillow Shams L1 mbrellas Handkerchiefs Kid Gloves Belts Fur lioas Fans Sik Undershirts Ribbon Girdles Silk Hon j i'u rses Silk Waists Silk Alltts Neckwea r to ra s s S The Above Goods are all new, and at prices that bear your investigation. THE PEOPLES v.igifltMft8aaixgiiiaitaflflayfiBt9ss,opp e v ; a .1aaHamHaaKav9ak. , It pay to trade at the People Warehouse. "Not a questionable ipiallty here." YOU DON'T NEED GLASSES To liml the VIlMI at this store. Everything shown is worth the price asked. You've some thine; t boy to the next few dayx, and we've a lot of goodl that are ;t!vavs lahclcd by the one wlio gttl them " Welei-nnv" Our Gent's Farnishing Department. Contain averythini of an np-to-tho-tinu s nature, many of which will he of interest to yon. We've the mst complete assortment of Bathing Kobe-, Lounging Robat, Bmoating Coata, Slaapiog Robes, Dress Suit Catat, Travoling Bagl and Valise. Prioad From 13.60, o.00, 7.80, '..tH), I0.(K), 112.60, l" tX) to J'iiVoo. Gentlemen's Neckwear In several Stylet Kour-in-hatel, Teoks, Band Hows. Imperials and Eng. Bquarei from 20c t- fl B0. THE PEOPLES Schtmmel Pianos Anyone desiring to m lei i .1 u- tul as well .1- an ornamental I linst mas prcM'tit an do mi hcttct than l luimn 1 ScIiiiihih I Piano These are a standard and lup;!i rade make of piano, hi;lil polished I0d fttlljT fttftrantecd and retail e eryw here for I450 I handle these pianrs direct front the factory and can sell then .it two thiol-, ol ihe n filial price Call and inspect these pianos and ljo .1 bargain, FOE WAREHOUSE, a i v ti aaa a.aJlJLgJj R memler you rjfl liaiw e on a $100 00 Solid Gold Watch and hain with every $t00 pur liahe made in OUT Htore bafort .lanuaiy L 190'J. LOUIS HUNZIKER, THE LEADING JEWELER. WAREHOUSE. 1 1ASL-ER 60a (104 Main Street, Pendleton. The Columbia Lodging House MWI.V KI'ltMHHKH MA U IN oVM t TION IN l N i l II OK HMM'K III I. I A WF.ItlislM I SCHEMPP, Prop. WHY ,,By r ut "' 'nl,;ri ", ? "in ' TIIS HOfM Co-0p6ffltiV8 COMfMA) Will 1 11 M you a home for ...$5.5Q nor Month... Will lunilah jnii I tie Uiiiia-y lit i) off jmif WSflsss I ' 1 buy a 1. 1 1 11 111 any hs slily. sml glye yuii li 1. art aiel ii.untt. !! jwy It bael al ti r lalo ul ') H jier mini Hi ariiheui iBtarast lu 1 aw ul Mali Of leial illaablllly a i 1 1. 1 1 .1 will Imi Ibo rtirli tel liivvtiigaliun iMiuitad C A. 1)011 K, Pendleton, Ore. Inn H Mi llrmiii, I. nullii.riml to rrusly I l lestious I- koaai I..H..I u, nin WhiiIim! Kiurywbmi-. Help or Situation Wanted. i'. Rtw-ks kmiihuiwui Anqr 0',ir,er Main ami AU Htreet. Hh H 01 I rOM - OKKOOM - 9a(99a)cAaa I --wi 1 tr 0od' fneraved with initialt) free of charge "Oil..... a a. III I I