HR 1ST MAS HOPPING .1 .. ,., niul tii(ri'ipRt i if 1 1 1 a freefa in the mimls of your ' ' '' n . tlmt will nriiM a KlAfrieudBhid and good will. Lmiil call Vfiir i tcuwvw .v. Black and Colored SILKS At of all Wndi in dainty and fetching fcrjffw"" ..r ,Tu riii lV for tl' H'tl .U,1K' 7 LEnirit boa, "ilk tien. lancy ranra una roi- EEL U)$2.00. k 18.00 down. tickets, overcoat, ties, scurfr, gloves. k ALEXANDER PARTMENT STORE ther Carload of " T M . ll QJ A.' I U III! .1 Sn:ng Ma T V: . ) Ullllt JldUUdlU dllU rv w s iii in i iinii'sr nun Others from $20 to $30. Dncount for Cash until January (902. oj(irptij, Rugs, Lace and Silk Curtains and Ifaatrrrteu prices for cash. Wall Paper it cost. THE CARPET MAN. The Celebrated of Cooking and Heating Stoves J- CLARKE A CO. pera Houaf Block. Tdv a r?rnc Meal gives them flavor. UUMheli make them solid lc gnt aids digestion Trva p COLESWORTHY, '"y. Grain and Feed. US a a a 'a a a a TOO MANY F PERKV WEST. SON OF PETER WEST, ALLEGED BIGAMIST. In in Jail in Aalln Walla, for Haviny Marred When Me Already Had a Wife. Ptrri West. on u" Hit- wotl-knowo Peter West, attorney and much cai rM raaa of thia etty. is no m Jntl la Walla Walin enaiKeil with bigamy. He WBt. urventeil in UtoastMHl Mon day by leiiily Mii-ilfT 1'ninlet. of Walla ' Walla, wln-rr- h with Mrs. Wi-at No. 2. woi. , iitidnotlnn a restair HUM Parrj Waal ai nantad t a maiu in Wyoastai years nto, where lluy licl linipily a Tew month?, wh. ii hv hei anie lived ol her anil left. ! uiiii tlifti he rum to Walla Walla ami about a year uko married Mint Jennie Kelley. Bister of Arthur Rel it y w ho if In the Salem reform school for killliin his lather. From here tfcej went to ICIlenslnirK and opened a restaurant, and Mrs Kelley. No. 1. found him and the result ix that he now laces the serious eharnc of Ids atu When asked what he had to say In his behalf West replied: "In niie Hcnxe. i .ini Kuilty. and In another 1 tun not I was married to the Wyoming woman and lived with her for some time, when she left me and went away Some time after that 1 i nine away I learned about this time that the marriaae was il legal, and have since supposed It to be so, and did when I married Jennie Kelley In this county. My second wite told me on Icavlna Ellensburn that II the first wli would drop the prosecution on condition that I go back ami live with her to do so. and she would take the business and get alone as well as she could." Pt rry West seems to be following In tin foOratepi of his father. I'eter West who has eleven marriages to his ci edit and has a very checkered matrimonial history, but he has not yet been confronted with the srlous charge ot bigamy, having had better took taaa his sou. West Insists that atlei In ,"tid .Mis. est Nn. 1 had separated, he believ ed that the marriage was illegal, and that he had a parts t right to marry again, and this belief may be his undoing what they plca? for It while the In t( v.! of the law is that the settler should have the land for f-l -.Ti an aero. ECHO MASONS HAVE A NEW LODGE HOME. It Will Coat (2000 and Be a Center of Social Life. Kcho. Ie Is I'matilla l.odgi No 4". A. K and A M . ejected officers In this city Votidav night as follows w m Babfc, W M Wllllan Wil son s W. . M. 0. Kogera J. W.i W. ii Baaa. uaaaaraai h h. BtaaaaM, saerstary ; Albeit MK'arty, s l. : Cloud Sloau. .1 I). Twig Tee! tyb r I'matilla Lodge No. 10, ia in a Hour' labial condition and will hold their iiesi uncling in their hall, which will le completed ami read) lor them to Otra into b) that time Tnis hall, while not an elalxnati aff.iii will cost the Masons fttMO, and i two stories high, with the looms IteM, top floor t lo be hxed toi lodge puiposea. The Mrst is to be ai ranged for dam 1 4 and mtartalaaraata af rarioaa aaturaa, '.inch live a pan ol the social Ufa anion-, lie young p ople ot thU little low ii during the winter season. m bit et Pendleton, OtefOB. CHRONICLES VIEW. Danes Pepcr hi Another aay Anent the Land Question. ioeriior (Jeer and certain eateem ed oonteniiorariek. says the Dalles Chronicle hav raised lotisiderable of an ado baoaUSI the Kast Oiegouian and this paper hav. had the inipu- iaaaa tfl MMaal thai ther, might ba some i iflukedness in the management of the state land office when It la Im possible for a pel son to purchase lieu lands at a prtat fend h Iht state This per made the charge ami re peats It that settlers are obliged to pay $4 to $5 an acre for lauds for which the state get only 11.26. The Chronic!. could ! mulsh scores of MBMS ot Mich purchasers ami would do ao were it not that the pBBHaB tion it. unneeeasary. The governor and his apologists talk ot mineral lieu lauds, and aloug this line made a good case tor the slat. officials But the Chronicle wasn't thinking of mineral lieu lands and never used the word niineial In thi connection It was thinking of tlii tact that when a tier of townships in this coiintv ol Wasco was added aboui a year ago to the foreat reserva tton. ami immediately after, when rea idents of the county applied to the state laud depart ineut for the right to pm chase lamb in lieu of lauds in tortious H and N in the townships jtiM rocivcd they wen told that ev civ -are ol tlioe lands uuuil" iing MMM S. ai res, were already lu ihe hands ot private partleh In point of lad the lands In nueation had all BBM purchased lioni the state belore they w.i. deOafed a pan oi iio raaerva tioi ftnJrpuiel,aBed ai a time when without the uroapaet oi their availabil ity as base lauds they wen not worth a'nickle an acre The OhrOBlcIa is willing to believe that all this has Iwen done uuder strict form of law hut cannot help wondering how tin state land depart ment If It were as anxious to conserve the interests of the people as Gover nor Ceer ami his aiKjloglsts would LTm .is believe, allowed this land to b. thus appropriated by men -in point 0l fact bv one man -who now charge OH. BE ARDSLEY'S LECTURE. Right He tin "Phlloroph) of Living" Friday Evening. nr. aaaraaiay, arao ha a Sfartd wide rcpntatlon as a lecturer along; ei'mcatlounl lines, and who talks to his audiences In a way that they will be Instructed and amused at the same tin.. . will deliver an SOtUaas in the Thotnpson stiei t M. F,. church, of this city. Fildny evening. H's uhieet will he the "Fhllosotihy of Right Living." tt aaaiaa highly raooaiawndal as a I ctuivt of no small merit ind every one who can should hear hltn It is tree but n QftllaCltOB will be taken to Aafrav tha axpomoa of the doctor. t runk J. t'brni v innk tli ilmt lie to the senior lisrttier "if the Arm ef r I Cheney A Srava aa oara, ctrt tiniro i 1 ...... C...W.. . icnej nf lh tiff biinm w in the eii ef lultnln. eoiiiev mid ntste fureMi'l imd Him umil Irm w ill sy the seal ai One Hundred Dollars loe each ana every esse of ( stitrth tlmt naMOt he cured by the use of Msll'i ( mnrrh I'urr. Sworn to baatfa stni Mbeerikta in my prc"niT n,. Slh .ln of Is comber, A. .... ( K MM i ,AL I A. W (.1 BA80N, NoUry Publlr. Hull' i ninrrli Cure in taken luteronlly und seta illrei r.r on the blood and uiucoti urfsecf ol the nyntein. Semi for toatlmuhlftl, free. f J. CHKNKY A CO.. ToU-lo Ohio, Sold by itniKHI"" We ll , rDiiTy I'l II lire Ihe lt INSANE. BUT HARMLESS "Nigger Henry" Taken Into Custody by the Officer. "Nigger Henry," a well known col on.! character on the streets of Pen dlutoii. was arrested this morning and lodged lu the connty jail for acting In a daft manner. He is a sort of hnrtuless fellow and was not raising a disturbance or attempting violence to anyone, but was talking and act ing lu a simple way when arretted by Policeman CofTmnn. lie had been drinking freely and it is thought this was the cause of his condition, which may only be temporary. He has been adjudged insane before and served in the asylum at Salem. Great Reduction On Clothing Wa have decided to continue am SPECIAL s.l B eu Men" and Boya' Suit ami Overcoete. Our i aatomari know thai aui prieai .ire away beta athen al all liim'!". jrel wa an Rolng to baal the reeorrl nd put Ihem tii! lower for ihori time. Wo want to sail half of oar atoek ot ohrthloi IttakU of throe week' thna to maha mora Ibr uow aooda oonhia in. and wo oti'er our oostarxtors tha oxtra tridaootnoai of llhoral raduntlon fnm our already too prioaa, so ao oaa rodaoo our sus-k qutokly. Oar stock of Holiday Moode Is vary eootploto and our prioaa an- away down. He. out display In our HOI Til W I N I OW , and note the prices Don'l put oil buying until the ;;,.i moment mid tnl-s getting what you want, Imt ootttaal once and get a bargain Pendleton's Bill Bargain Store ggT Where Whole Families can Trade I HE ies can Trade s)W FAIR Health and Beauty. Poor 'iniplevlon ia usually the re sult of irregularity of the bowels. De Wltt's Little Early Hlsera stimulate the liver, regulate the bowels. Tall man Co and Hrock & McComas . Boiler for Sale. A 6 horse power horizontal tubular bollt r. gucranteed to be in first class condition, for sale at the Domeatlc Laundry. V itl, oo food save a morsel ot dry lour, Martin o'Conner formerly of II cattle, and tVO companions, wander ed three days through the Upper Tau ai a valley. Advices were received lu attle giving th" story of this Jour ney cans, 'I by the bin ning of the imiiv's cabin on 'lie Cheona river, at ihe headwaters of the Tanana BUY THE Best Babbitt Metal IN 10 POUND BARS. Kor line shafting ami all bearings of machinery of the mill or factory it cannot he surpassed : : : Made from Type Metal. East Oregonian Office, rendieto.i, or. For the Holidays HEATING STOVES AT KICK'S Family Liquor Store You will I ind The Best The Cheapest The Purest I he Largest Stock Of Wines, Whiskies, Brand tea and Gins of All Kinds, Both - Foreign and - -- - Domestic No. 17, Court Street. J. J. Oliver Before purchasing sosst aifi look over ":r large and com pleti; line of licating; stov gfhid we art: selling at a v 1 low Tii'iire 1 HANSFORD A THOMPSON, Tha Leading Hardware Men. James A. Howard REAL ESTATE BROKER. Court St. near Flrot Nal. Bank I L. Whv Co.. Has Real Estate for Sale aaj mt ... StOOlce). Horida See Here: 160 acrea of choica wheat land, about tan mliaa northeast of Pandla ton. Thia ia ona of tha finest improv ed farma In tha county and haa good School advantages. Will sell for caaO or trade for equal value In unimproved land. Eight flna lota in Pendleton at 100 each, on aaay terms. 160 acraa of whaat land south of Pendlaton, SHOO it acraa choica fruit and garden land ntr Milton. Ona-half of tract in bearing fruit tree , 7 acres alfal fa. All undar Irrigation. Flnaty Im proved. 120 acraa on McKay Creak, SB acraa a1 batten land under irrigation, balance good whaat land, wail lm proved. 660 acrea good whaat land, In 0 bedy, four milee from Pendlaton; tan .a half caeh balance on time ta cult purcheeer at t per cent In-Uree. Mini .mill for iuIi ui ou lOArflua NOW York Stock I .change Chicago Stock I !ac bangs Chicago Hoard of Trade. aeari WW You get Good Beer. ll Kii i iii 61 LOANS on When you drink PILSNER BEER. WHKAT LAND8 A pueitive ture. Yuil biiodI.I iry t lla: curml rtmit a bare ti. phvaician laiiad. Kor aale by At lowest rates Badley & Zahner J R- DICKSON. 71 1 Main Ot., 1'ainiietun. Oreguu. wrooartaTA ataiaaai ef waiia vaJia, Mrr tti-iit-ral u.. 1.1- f.i tliU luedMne Kaat Oregooiaa Bwlldieg.i I'rndlctuo, Oregon iuarantl not to causr headachb or .liina Auk for it. Schultz Brewing o.