gji Our Block of Holiday Good, is new and complete Prices Right I Quality Right ic peroral redaction Musical nstruaientf, : Brock & McComos Co., )kl(i(ilST. T1 B8DAY DECEMBER Dim. WEBEL1 AHD BEM1-WKBKLI BY TMV Baat Oregronian Publishing Company, riMi:.i r , KI .' N DHU'r- ' yttiil ... I H t. gel - jar 4n tjivt etw r ia ei, ... mi'luiT ejaBecatVT mi, vr OA, vf 6ac.T wt nm.1i Trtl nnn It j I r ft a i . . .i n t Wtelr. MORE THAN A FuE. Hurr Murphy the bright yoiinR ttrtnoulst of the Portiand OtBgajaBsB as n picture In a recent Issue of that ape: representing Oovernnr Vat; am of Minnesota as a Lilliputian atidluv on th hand of a giant ami .1 quota'iot. io i ouipanlea It: Tnat s a valiant lieu that dare vat breakfast on the p of a Hon." nr V vir Murphy's cartoon is well drawn ! Is evidence of th development ,if I turning with whieti the artist ia en wed Hoet-r hn view uf the uk'-nieni the Minneaota governor la not rep entative of tii a- tua! status It la e that thi gopher state executive undertaken a great task. And It rue chut he may rail, lndeeit. that irobable fail in the aenae that he 1 not prevent the merger of the at Nafta -i. am: Northern Pa- il'n failure at thi moment may not frmanent failure If. as many ex-(So- eriior Cm, Sant do not auc 1 In spoiling the plans of the Hill km i. people for the elimination of vay cotbpetltiou. It will but nerve .rouse the American people to a nation of their situation They b urn that some of the warnings oat the growth of the trusts' now as wisely given. And they may eed to demonstrate that the na is greater than any coterie of street financiers, eed auch an arousal or aemti is manifest in the expression by the press of the country, iovernur Van Sant ha- been the imeut which has aroused this ii nt M. if much larger than for be represents the hopes of .an people and the rights of 1 " ' .itaiet- tor liberty and tor all. THE RABBIT DRIVE. December 29 at Butter creek's nee with the Uamtllla river, a of rubblu will take place, io!.' of these animals are to be and slaughtered. It Is the m to make It a picnic occasion, going In a spirit of sport to see bits killed. Tbey will be drlv an Immense corrral and then 'III enter the enclosure and i.i-iii on the heads with stout Hlnud Will flow like It flowwd massacre of Baint Hartholo id anyoue enjoying the sight will remember thai day as he live. one view of the event An this: These rabbits are a great loaa to raucbera, eat- until January lit Ko laks umi I nmerti in. tin uHnlfu am! other food of the livestock and ro'urnlnK nothlnp to TpinsatP for their dWlfTMUN The rnn hers find It necessary to do immOIh to ! onalvil Protn the tlTIIM of the llttl- animals Thev take the point of view of the erpedl nt and do It from a PMUNI of sell pratacttOR It is necessary to rid the range country from the peat of the ratildts and they resort to these drlr to accomplish the dealred end Bat win auyon with feellntrs i hn MBit lahea to w lines inch hloody i.lauchte. puieH from curiosity It tnoie that, the .ivi'tag' person can iiliiprellllii Tli-ae slailKhteih II :lc niint ta. phu N should be MM diiefed without tfuowtna DTei then: .i.'an1 ii. n. than eve. helo lagle 1 niinK physical orKHiiisuiF wen dentrtvi'(l in u THE TAX DJDuLKS. titly tor he tag fen i qui stereo pro Is having an : " at'd th and other M mass i sunt i 1 I to lend more rated for on oftatatea giv. iviii count mmii is tax lit nt he Ve have ver. rti d In others, how have found, when the i ord that it might not mislead in bonie ! tiie experiences or tin let a nnnibei with which the ferrets have iiad to deal. li. ,i count.1 containm-' a populous city was a man who was .tetix:vel eiivagei! ic flu saie of latent rlghtu. He has made a large fortune in the past few years mainly in Indiana and has loaned money to mau .'a:n.crt, and alwaya takes moit gagea to aaaiB the loans Each of these mortgage give the residence ! " ii. a in m-liliurlng state, ami tti ouuli he has lived here for ten years Of mor maktiiK bis home a' aae Srf tin best hotels in the town be BM latMB paid any taxes. Whea the tenor looked up his uiort gages he found that they aggregated a larsv Hum and thar M had never made u tax return to the county He then addressed letter to the county auditor of the county iu which the pateat right man claimed to have his ids residence and learned that he paid no taxes there A request for the tax rate in the county showed that the rate was higher than in the county where the mortgages were recorded Tie lerret then requested an ltitur view with the dodger and allowed him the list of mortgages taken from the books a a -a As ne expected, the dodger said that ) was uot a resident of Indiana and !..: nut have to pay taxes The audi tor of the county was present and told tin capitalist that he would be com pelled to put the mortgages on the tax duplicate for ten years unless be made an affidavit that his residence was in another state and city. The affidavit was made without a protest, and as soon as It was signed the fatte produced ttie letter from the auditor of the county in which the dodger claimed hu residence and showed that he paid no taxes there. He then gave him the alternative of paying the taves In Indiana or having hib affidavit and a list of his mortga Kes sent to the neighboring state aud there placed ou the tax duplicate. As tin- rate there was higher than in the Indiana county, he chose to pay here, and did no lor nil the period thnt In had sequestered his property The niortKarop then wont mi the tax QUO Urate for the current year, and It Is not believed that he will illiilertnUc to hide any more property In Indlnnn behind the nonrtaldDce (todffi CHICAGO'S PHONES. Si months nco Chicago luui telephones Today ubc has 10 MO BBd within the next two years alii install instruments that will bring th total number of subscribers up to I60, oon This may BMB) like MflgUtW prophecy, but as u matter of IBCt(JI isn't prophecy nt all The Hemes Ire based upon solid calculation nr ' W intend to keen our wnrl That in the way thnt PtrCfJtteni John !. Hnhln of tin Chicago TelophOlif ompnny Ipokl about the enor motta Incraate in the nuniber oi ( le phone subscribe h i) r,i ottj The comimny's "campaign of education" entered or sonic time aito In coaaei tion with the raBertnental laataHa ti.tn ot party lines In residences ami MBBll stores, has been to lUCCewaftll that the demand has got beyond the retHMtlfet of the corporation Tea la the directors decided to Issue 3.oi addltloaal stock in the com' Of fear nuking a otal increase In twelV( n nnths of 18,010.000 a a Several thaaaaadi af nnpllcatloni nit tip Mrvtn nri now in the hand t rtie InetaHatlon department every braaeh Of the working force hBs been Increaaed over 2o per cent and tin an1 ... n bare been taken out or the Held Th unsolicited ordeis BloBX i taxiai tht capaalt) ot nantifm turen ol telephone ngaarataa to kht uunoat. one Intareatlng featarc ot tin raah for the service and the dcmaml.4 I: Iuimsmi haa bee tfce oaealag of a-hai practUalh a school tor to w o)ietai or. These nr- being trained to th ll tlutlea as fast nn posslhl-- and gtt t. vlacee at swltchboarda us fea a the) !:. ti ttl d mar .ted. i the 10,1 nee lubtxtlutre se cured dttrhiK the last six ni nrtlis .ooft en people who hart uevjc need he t. lephone at all Tb. intu tl rti have nhvuvs b.'-a ' Hi , 0-' i 1 manding the installation id lad 1 I twltohboarda and internal servici syaten thai frith in tin last lea has beei securei' by some ot tb l id' lag boteti Uoreabli 'phones nr b Ing inetnlted in nil the leading reetaii rants With plugs beside each table. . I, nhttag coat omen to usi the apparatus while eating their meals a a a c ileee! laalg net larea thai tfa oaigaa bus no exeuaet to Make in. the character of tin service it is ot- ring, and kbvh that the most rluld nrvalllane' is constant l i-i ii'ii(i tin- work or the oteratnrs. "We find." he "aid i-ist night, ' that qai ciiipuc . i rnaki w :'hin a fraction i.al a in i : 1 1 1 i, H!t.'beh ii ia thi ai raw- number of mistale i being bare i Bve buadred Wnon, h iobm time nappean, one patron meets with neon tka oae oi theot niistasis i naturally Incensed but our i lalm h that no ctt 'ii the Cnlted Stated cai, hho a betteT telephom r rd 'ban thla. either for repldity of connection or accunie'y. The service is being brought to the greatest deejrei of ur ' tion of win-1, i. mi. .ii tagoanlt) Ii capebh The rati bnalnen intereati we s,-ii demand 'I ' -.I'lni'iit I'bat we are giving It is sufficiently leajsaaatratad iv Oh unparalleled In ' rease in our list ot lubncribof I in tin it-' few months ' It 1 tlo belief of rh o nil nil.'- tnni i. the near future Chicago nil' l .ihle to show ,i K'eater liunilei n epaaaa uhscrihers tor its population than BBS other city in the world Itecoril-Herald BAD CGMPLEXIDNS RED ROUGH HANDS FALLING HAIR PKtilMCO in The must effrotivu bvautifviML' uti m the win jiI. ., aji y pureil aid awnetest fur toilet ball nunwp' It atrike ai the anas aaafplesiaM, red, rough ImimU, ic li.or sad babv bleinihe, vu . ti. kltitated iiill.imed, overwork.-.! ..- - .--t;uli Poo 01 htM '..K.ut-HiuMh aarwl KirfSS O ,i.i I 12.600 for a Prsssplpllon Th iargast sub aver paid for a preacnptiuL cbaugeil uanili in Sao Kranclaeu, Auk ' J. Tb. Baasfej lovolvad In calo u.f MatkllU 6u04l.'snd was paid by a parly of tu(iQ- mi. lor a apaolllc fur Hright'i DiMaar aiel Dlabaiat. titlUeriu lucuratile dlM.au. Tboy comincnitfd the aertoua luvattinallou of lue ipMlfti: Nov. It, IWJU Toay lniorvlaweu corea of tbu eurwl aud tried u a it on lu mar Ita by pulling ovar three doien aajsj UL lUL. traalmi ul aud watching Lvat ITM) aiao got phfaielaua to uauia clir.iiiic, Incurable caaaa, ami ailoiliilfierod It with lie- pbyniclant for ludga. Up Ui Aug , alghty-aaven par cant of Ibe laai uaaa ware altber Well or prugiaa lug favorably Tbara being but tblrtaen per ccui of failures, Ibe parliaa ware aatlsflsd aod cloaeil lua traruJ action Tba proceeding of the Invattigatlng oomuittac and Iba clinical rau.ru ol the taat caaaa war. pubUbd aud will ba mailed Ire, on applloallon Addraas John J gaiMBQaaj rrv, iju Mautgomary St , San Pranciacu. Ual TSflAP Skin Btuifyim Wheat 50c a bashel Dob'i form t thi promigg W your wife oi i piano Of a!" organ. i othei lig ih pnaBBl ol tJp. .! !: iT.itcd Smitli ,V BarBei piaoog Two hip vliipmcttts tins week Coma in and gat cur prices op. pianot gftd organ, oca half down thu fall und balance next (all $ mn to chooaa from Wakefield & Failing I.O AI aad l 1.1 VI (III CATARRH V.lllllU i'llt 1" .1 rvsjMd .. si sng o ,-llninli will i''ir CATARRH. The Spselttc Is Ely's Cream B.1H1 COLD 'n HEAD .S.i ! IKI w -f. :. HARPER KENTUCKY WHISKEY icr (itiKlt-nieri 'ln ciierish Viuliix ! ay JOHN ( KMIl'l The I otivre Saloon nmouno) oaaflog The Place to Bu : : : : I wliere vou cmii uet K' oda lUick Still ciieai ince. Beet line nt Lttipbajr, LsUi, Hbinglei, Build iui: pat 'hi . Tar tnijM r.I.iiiic un oanrat, Pioketi PUaler, Brick. Stand, Moulding BertM ii l kran a Windowi BmI & h e .!' - 1 BTf Ootta Pipe twBdtm Raihg IB anil Laker rani P. FORSUR. - Proprietor. a jTi He ib well pleased with ins imeii and you will be if ou take vt.nr laundry to The Domestic Laundry. The Know their Btutaftaj SEAL S Notc.ry and Corporation ".l-t Skli I,. tC 1,1 ' aa-a- W a f 1. I ' "v. alto soliclU).! I AST OR BOOM I AH H7B.GD TWO BE9T WHISKEYS.... on B arth Old Jas. E. Pepper Old Henry Clay Have bam tin Standard since 1780 Btpecially adapted for fare n gad medicinal purposes. Ever bottle guaranteed. The Off ioe BD HESTHOKN. Prop. Kj Main St 7 7. .. THE I .1. II . , J. rr- n riClltll RCMdUldlll Yon get Ct)5Y ROOHS eii and it'HIli Hete,l Best 25 cent Meals In the City. EXTRAS Frag Laaa Raatani and Olympia ( vMer. OPEN DAY and NIGHT ' Ul'S I.AFONTAIN. PMBX lAf i mm H0NES1 WORK ... i. ,t: hettsei PfMSJI r,' what v,. liar w- ita vr knul uf i-srrlsga repair work aae we aesverj Had well w. do um eurk a- ereaipllj i wefg can be dona a an- ahvav, leadg, When you have any kind ot n pair work ii. 'lo. sad it here- ft will l gatM rlyht NCAGLE BROS. You gtt What you buy from ua. Hi i 5tuck of WOOD, COAL, SAND & BRICK. .MWa do... Trucking & I ransferring. Laatz Bros. t I i.e Oalj flate on can gel A Lunch in Pendleton lmportrrd bwis6 and Liniticrger Ghees'!. . lmpurtcd double Stout Horter, Schliti Atlas. Beer THE MAZEPPA 821 Main OD mam 1 r I a U w III U BF a " I a I . ar a. Aajfcaa. IU ear k. a, M M ui iiii i a nx mil hi 1 1 i w am Hrw. Wafbw. P ua.. ' J ''rea Waiisjra, Hroprtarter. '-parity Dubarrauaoay. Flour agenangad lor wii.i bui, Mil. Kaad t-boppeu Pee, ate., an LUMBE Line,' Cement, Plaster, Brick, and Sand. We hav. HBBJ 'nr hlrm aJ , " aiMi 11 Oregon Lata Alta St.. Good Beer.. TT I IHI Vfill il tii T ui INK PILSN BEER. iuurantml uot cause headache dizzimw AhL for it. Schultz Brewing BARGAIN REAL ESTATE for I-' II nt lieu - 'fill "Ic Hi-re imr IVml .11.11 herei. liesr nil '.ci. - Mem wm in :ia Hen mar PIW 1 1M mitm. lil I BO Herw wlirst ICO ai-rvs wlirst HO aervt. wheat ItS ttcre wheat Kill Hern, wlirst Hili uere. whrst flOW t te V itiilra from Six New Houses N. Berke THE REAL ESTATE nu HIKP if" iai...., I. L. Hay ft arataas vn, ' and Grain i.e uaab or on muv M.. Vurk Stock wnMv . , Cblcagv Bear g? waBB LOANS armr i J gJ A T I . A At lowel Bw ie nana Heodretou