DAILY EVENING EDITION 1NG EDITION Eastern Oregon Weather fZL hv run n ' te A WEEK. I'KMUJTON. I'M A TILL A COVNTY, ORE-RON, TTE8DAY, DECEMBER IT. 1001 o. UIOll ARE SAWING MUCH WOOD HERE TODAY nun the 1 n Business Men Decorate Elaborate windows in Honor of the Woodmen-Portrait of Hea Consul is Everywhere. Bftaial the won... 1 forward t.. h UM tat city of Pendiowm. . .-.Menu-nts ha'-" he"" Lrrtbind was In dlnea Pr . Ik. n. oi Hon of I or u" I riHwnhtirg " :" ; w'r confuting ' ' ft Cooper, of IM'-rinnn; ijlir ueorxe rv A Murhmori editor of ( Reatt . ni'ii CJtir. of Pomero: tiud ktko """' ' " "' iWilwn. oi Pullman, nnd I tt Ml wDI CM fitown has bei i turned kfc fcononn P'n lUll COMl"' III IB lirtdt of the wooa i nop i in (rum tin adjoinina. ittfhburini- ' iWM l) ih thl pwt ' vent blch a-oiir or tni' Km' i En Ort'on. HU haw show i Hi' iv in .1.1. u'luwimt'i t'li hm lA.tutildl fliitlSI lltlfl M 1 bntlu Hi'1' windows in pill tuiug nianm wiiii ii K mltora thai lhJ arc LgU'-it their visit ii Poll BtTV'i ft lilt'' ' mo i Warehouse Wari'hoiih. window "Welcome w linen' mtrnt. aver a picture of Fillciiliiirg with the Itrtf. iniiirul tin picture, Iht of wood lylns. in tho ItW pu am! wedges I at let ami a saw lying it either nl oi the log ana dretm-i! in overalls imi Hit red bandanna tied ttKkl tTilral 01 'In ""II Wafer, ami all around an Mtu ol a! red In . fcrh of thMc Ignran Iiuh an haii.'. shew Im: that her of Jin great nigun c u maklnir Its-It' pop u world. A cheerful Hi I b!a. Jteartment Store larjit window bus M white am! black, tor cowed with croon fiUeabnrn V picture standing In tho rantol 01 the window with a white dovo suspend' d over his lioad with outspread wings, emblem ttn of the ordor. At cither end In a lug with the hark on and a stump In tho middle with axoR. aawa nnd vi'dgoH. and tJM floor In covered with doad loavoH 1 1 lira till! a roal wood land Boene. W. J. Clark A Co. W. J Clark OOn tho hard war.' Ml on Court Htreot. havo In tholr window a plno log RtumpH, liruah anil saw dual Hoattorod around, with an ax. wodgo and lioetlo. typical of the order of which It Ih In honor, heglde tho snwH and the dead leavon with a MtufTed hlrd Hitting on the log giving It more of the roaemhlance of a wild mountain acene. T. C. Taylor. T. C. Taylor, the luudwan iiiuu on Main Htreot haa an hk Ii In IiIh wln ilow lraHd in white, with rod odgoH and the wonlw "WatoOtM W. O V " for the background. Suapondod he nonth thla arch Ih a Htlck of wood with the ax and hoetle stuck In the log. with the handles croHBod and a white bird Hitting on the huudUm. ChipH. llnMJ and saw dust are scattered around promiNciiniisly and the figure of u man Ih riding a goat with the In Brrtptto8 "Woodmen (ioat" on It and another RfJBJN Ih Htaiiillng with a pipe In his mouth sawing wood. The figure is operating the huw, and h tepee nni! stpiHW art shown III the display. The St. Joe Store. Tlir decorations -in the St. .loc store mi Court st roe' are all made of ma tctlul from tho stun A photograph of Head Consul Falkeulnii-g framed and draped with white luce. Ih loaning agninat a Ktiiiup ami the ax. hectic and m le all draped with white, are tin it These oWoVBHOBI are not ao eluiiorate as Home of the n ut, hut for lieauM and simplicity arc noticeable. Then Ih nothing but white in the large window except a bow of FC4 while and blue ribbon on the coiner of 'In picture frame Cleaver Broa' Dry Good Cleaver liroH. dry goods store Iiuh the pietuii' of Mr Kttlkenhnrg in MM wimlow. with a red. whin ami black ' bow of rlbbona on the corner of the name, while in the other window are alio the colorn on t hi- ax. mallet uuu wedge, with a draped log in the hack ground 4 B'' fifek tWaQjkaaBMaaBVHejfAUahAa Ba, W SSL j3 LaaaV' mM . mBPI Nh .LVaflaaaaal fnui h! F A. Falkenburg, Head Consul. Father of Woodcraft." TO PL ATT. W. H. WHITE IS PERSONA NON GRATA New York Senator laaues Ultimatum to Rough Rider Colonel. Washington, Dec. 17 Senator Piatt of New York sailed on the njSMld n' this morning in quest of the rcalp 01 Wm. Allen White, one of tbe presi dent's wurniost personal friends. White who is a Kansas editor, recent" ly printed a iMfaMItt sketcli oi Mr Piatt in which he said that Piatt never was unlimited by kindly or patriotic motive. Piatt told Koosevelt that If Ik- cunt Iniios to regard White as a friend In- will lose the regard of the New York senator The Senate Committees. Washington, Dee 17 The house committer on Interstate comnierc in day took up Pacific cable hill and de cided to glvi a public hearing on January 11. A caucus of republican emton to day decided the republican represen tation on the senate committees. Mo Ijiiirin, democrat and Wellington, re publican, were provided with places on unimportant committee- Appropriation Allison, chairman. Aldrich. oi Itituucc. CiiHnm. of foreign relations. Kre. of commerce. Ilonr. of JuilieiaiN . lUiwIcv. of military Hale of naval and Pacific Islands ; Fntukei of Philippines: Lodge of pensions; Oaliiiger ol post office; Mason of tor ritorles; llevcridge. of Immigration. Pentose, of Indians Stewart of mines: Boot! oi interstate commerce. Trouble at Soldiera' Home. Itath. N. V., lo 17. The bnard of trustees of the xtnti Bold lra' Home met lodA) to nOaMMw the charges against Mr Hurdlck surgeon in chief ot the Institution Tin- charges against Mr Hurdlck are preierred by Ool A ml I MhUiIkoii the comuiaml ant. and contain twonty flo specific allegations hMabordlaMtkra boiuv tile principal complaint Mr Hurdlck huu mmAmtmmd m m t it. .to ifiiinul aitH it. teliilx to vlgorousl) cintest tin efforts hat thf woodmen win oppbb this hveninu rov1 tnm ,,H ' iiuh nit hi s irizcon nt i- e MMt4 TO 7:45. K 2. of the Wonien i will have eharar nf in. P held at the Odd Feb to 7:45 p. m The Wi, decorated. Mm Mt will be there to see "Ktivtd and introduced fnj mm, the rea' father " tne west T PARADE H form Mt 7-a. of the Odd Fol :weo to Main . c Court tn Tt,. I" hack to Cotton- 5"t: down r.it. '"trano. During the JJhn, 18.00C s'nota. nd I'QhU will be at !Q the lm rti - - - wt tiurgn. J" "arch of the Wood- " Of WonrirrO ...11. n veil. mm will .urpnue the FORMATION. " the American """tfleton Can,p No. f.M, C. C Van van Irfh circle. No. 2. '".Plne Cirri.. K1- o - negtee 6 Visiting neighbors and others. 9 Real live choppers. 10 Members of Pendleton Camp. No. 41. THEATER PROGRAM. Local chairman. A. D 8tillman. 1 Overture by Kirkman's orches tra (seven pieces.) 2 Pendleton Camp's double quar tette. 3 Delivery of keys of city by the mayor. 4 Overture by Kirkman's orches tra. 5 Pendleton's Camp double quar tette. 6 Freedom of the grand guardian's office to head consul by Mrs. C C. Van Orsdall. 7 Reply by F. A. Faulkenburg. head consul. BALL IN MUSIC HALL. After the theater program a pretty aouvenir will be aiven to each person present, which will be a paaaport to the ball room in La Dow Muaic Hail, where Kirkman's orcheatra will charm away the remaining few hours for toe dancers at the muaic hall. At the re ception, Pendleton camp No. 41, will preaent to the head consul 50 applica tions as their tribute to the jubilee meeting. It is deaired that all who wish be preaent at the reception. strangers as wall as neighbors of both crafts and it u the wiah of the com mitteee that each member Invite his 1 f rienda. Uniform Tax Rate. Paris Texas. Doc. Hi. -Ill response in tl all of County Judges a conter . nee of the county judges, coniiuls Mont is and lav associations of North Texas meets hen todav to consider the practicability of classifying the agricultural, pasture ami timber lands nt this section, with a view to adopt lag a uniform basis oi taxation It la COB tended that us Um state tux is paid on the same basis as the county tax It is unjuir tor land owners ot one county to have to pay under a higher assessment than tin taxpayer ol an other county France Wants to Learn. Paris. DM), id. The French govern ment has ieclfMfl to make a special In' vostiKation of American trusts. La" nare Weiller councillor of foreign commerce and Maurice 1 Ootellelro. au engineer, have been intrusted with the mission They sailed on the Kieiich line steamer l a Havole today and upon their arrival in the United States tliev will make an extensive tour of investigation of economic, fts cal and social cunsoquenceb which the trust system may have to Europe and especially to France nTT0T lllinoi, Mil u au' Z Modern Woodmen eejsMI opeM at L Wl '.uiunue ,a opei,llK ses sion this morning the visitors were arelooned by Major C W. Hawee. The roapoBM wan by Ralph K Johnaou At the afternoon session the meeting took up the discussion of plans for improving the deputy system of. the order. Jerome on Raines Law. Koehestor. N Y.. Dec 17. Some notable speakers are to be beard this evening at the unnual banquet of the Rochester chamber of commerce. At tbe bead of the list is Justice William Travers Jerome of New York, who will discuss the proposed amendment to the Raines law in order to bring about the closing of saloons on Sun day Other men of note who have accepted invitations to addreaa the bauquot arl Governor Voorheea of Nev Jeraey and Job Hedges, deputy attorney general of New York state Mrs. C. C. Van Orsdall. Grand Guar dian. Women of Woodcraft. CAPITAL AND LA BOH WILL TRY ARBITRATION Committee Representing all Interests to be Formed. New York. Dec. 17. --The plans of the representatives of capital and la Mf who are to meet here to bring about a closer feeling ol harmony Is to appoint an tSttUtlve committee to arbitrate all differences The com mittee will consist m J" members, composed equnlly of employs ami IB' plovers and men who arc neutral. This committee will be a sort of su MIM court for the peaceful settle ments ot all labor disputes m magnl nul. Labor rcprescniailvcH had the fhsir at today's session. Secretary Furand, ot tin United States Industrial Com mission, preceded with a brief talk. He Hald ho found general local organ ization among capitalists and favored strong organisation on both sides. This would effect complete fulfillment of any contracts made Frank Ser geant, grand master of the Brother h(M)d of Ixwoinotlve kVemon. tcsik ex ceptions to sonic statements made yesterday by Schwab, ami said the latter would not be In control ot his millions It It were not for labor. Sam ii. Uompcrs said he objected to tin trusts Interfering with political work, am' especially with the judiciary. GENERAL CHAFFEE FEARS GENERAL NATIVE UPRISING. Hence. Secretaiy Root Will Not Re duce tbe Military Forcea Now in tbe Philippine Islands. Washington. Mc 17 Among the ofllclals at Hie war department no surprise is evinced at the reports mun Manila that OtreJ 'buffet fears a g. tie-al uprising ot the natives and lias apprised the war iiepartimtn of this possible coni Ingency As a re sult of Chance's roirts am! informa tion obtained from returning army officers Secretary Root lias decided not to reduce the Torres now under Chaffee ooaMBMd HARRIET MURPHY. PITTSBURG SOCIETY WOMAN, MURDERED. Burglar billed Her to Get Funda Col lected for Charity. Which She Kept in Her 4toom. Plttaburg, Dtc 17 Harriet Murphy a prominent youug socletv woman, was murdered In her room by a burg lar early this morning She was shot through the neck When discovered, the condition M her room showed that a terrific struggle bad taken place. Mlaa Murphy was treasurer of tbe charity fund and kept the collections In her room This money is missing RUS8IA WAS PLOTTING AGAINST THE WHCPC8 Advises Japan to Exclude American and English Misaionariea. Vienna. Dec 17. Die Information states that during the recent visit of the Marquis Ito to 8t Petersburg tin chief procurator of the Holy 8y nod on behalf of the Russian govern ment urged the expulsion of American am! Itritish missionaries from Japan SPANIARDS AND CUBANS ARM FOR CONFLICT Down in the South they Appear to be Hoetile. Tampa, Fla , Dec. 17. As a result ot the ambushing of two Hpanlarda by a party of Cubans both sldea are arming and a batt' la feared. The police force has been increased Tariff Bill Up. Washington, Dec. 17 The bouse to day began considering tbe Philippines tariff bill. In the eenate Cullom In 1 1 educed a blM for the retirement of Hawaiian coinage and currency SAMPSON WILL GET INTO THE SCHLEY CASE, IF HE CAN DOSO Hp Will Claim that Ho Was Within Signalling Distance, and Therefore is the Real Hero of the "Battle Of Santiago, July Third, 1898, Washington. Dec. 17- It wnn ad inlttcd at the nnvv department toda that Satnpaon's attorneys have notlfl od the department of their Intention to flic a formal protest against the Mewcy opinion that Schley dcservi credit for the victory of Santiago Demand a House Inveatigation. Washington. Dec 17 -Congressman Wheeler, democrat, of Kentucky, to day Introduced In the house a reso lution for the Investigation by the house committee on naval affairs the conduct of S hley before and during tbe battle of Santiago. Ho said his reason for Introducing this measure was th- pciststence of Sampson In pressing th declaration that Dewey sgreed with the majority of tho court In Montj ot its timlings ami that Mm minority report mount nothing. "I i!i sire Mewey to go on the stand and give his Inti rprotHtlon of his report." deelsred WMSMff Sampeon Now Protests v.Vashlu,ti h DtC 17 A new ele" Meal was Injected Into the S. hley controversy today by reason of the re ported iutentlou of Sampson to file a protest against the Iftortt' n i ort ol MevM-v Sampson still contends he was w ithin signalling distant c and therefor, was really In command WESTERN WEATHER MILDER AWFUL STEAMER DISASTER WYOMING STORMS HAVE PARTLY SEASED. But Death Will Be Very Large, Unpre cedented. Cheyenne. Dec. 17.- The big storm that has been raging in Wyoming for six days has subsided. Ten nunc men arc reKirted missing today I'nless they arc found, the death rate will be larger than in any previous storm In the history of the state LIVES LOST AND MUCH PROPERTY IS DESTROYED FRENCH SHIP LOST WITH ALL ON BOARD. Feared She Cannot Be Saved The Lifeboats Failed. Mm.-' Ill' s, Met . 17 -CompagtlU', a nuns Atlantic strnmcr from Kit tier w as wrecked at the mouth of Hie Rhine todav Attempts of life boats to reav in- the passenger were uusuccoM ful as the seas an running too high it is reared mi win he lost. THE STEAMER RUTH SUNK IN TLi FEET OF WATER. New England's Experience with Flood King and Jack Frost. Ronton, Hoc. 17- Reports hum tin storm stricken districts of Nm Kng land are coming in this moiulng They show vast damage done So far it is learned that three Uvea were lost and millions of dollars worth of prop erty wire destroyed. She Was Snaaged Near Corvalhe With Produce Cargo. Saicm Dot 17 The steainei Kuth, of tbe O It ii N lino sunk near Cor vallis at I o'clock this morning in ton leet of watiM Slu had a cargo of prunes ami Inn Sin- was snag ged THE NEW YORK MARKET TRIALS AND TRIBULATIONS OF THE AMALGAMATED Copper Shows up Again in a Specta cular Manner. New York. Inc. 17. A weak copper market In London, together with the reported failure of a big firm in the copper trade in Knglaud is ieHonsi hie lor the low mark in Amalgamated hood after tin opening this nmriilng The stock rapidly broke to sixty one MRS BONINE RE8TORED TO LIST OF ELIGIBLES She had Been Suspended Prior to the Murder Trial. Washington Mec 17 The civil ser vice commission this morning formal ly restored the name of Mrs Ida lio nine, recently acquitted of the murder of James Ayers. to the eligible list of civil service applicuuts, from which she was susjiended prloi to Hie trial Bonny for Oil. Eugene Is. 17 The (ireat West Oil and Coal company began drilling for oil at Springfield this afternoon Roseburg, Or., Dec. IT. Tbe Ump pua Valley Oil company began boring the first well on Myrtle creek today Geologists pronounce the prospects for success good Reported b I. L. Ray A Co., Pendle ton, Chicago Board of Trade and New York Stock Exchange Brokers New nrk Meo 17 The wheat market was at ranger today ami closed near tin high point Liverpool wan f lo wt i 2'-t New York opened at ami advaucori steadily to HB, closing M'fc ('lib ago opened 71 uml dosed 7!'ixii Com was ' cent higln r 71 Stocks MgjMM Money t -r cent ('lost ll v est, I dtl) Mt t Opened today, 8 44 Range toda - i . n H( Close today sits Sugar Steel, 41 St Paul 1TV Data pacific, loov Wheat In Chicago. Chicago Me. 17. Wheat. C'vii 0. Wheat in Ban Francleco. iSan Kranclsio In, I? Wheat I wo uuu are dea.l and two others at the natal of death at lietrerly. Mass, I rum tn. effects or drinking wood alcohol The military special, with 870 wean . in. is on their way to South Africa, left Winnipeg. The Royal Baking Powder costs only a fair price per pound, and is cheaper and better at its price than any similar article in the world. It makes more, better and more healthful food.