IN! THE KILLED THE BIG DRIVE OP RABBITS AT BUTTER CREEK Th Rnctnn Sinn y. ill I Are you thinking of Christmas Presents? f .in prepared to ihow you .in ImmttlK line of Boy's Clothing and Boy's Overcoats From which you can select a Christmas present tint will pIsiM the bO) BA EH cS HALEY Om Price OtothierH, Fufnietten and flatten. Pendleton- MONDAY DRCEMBRR 16, INDIANS FEAR TO TAKE OUT THEIR PATENTS GENERAL NEWS OhJDMM tlnw ilil- i in i init'ii bimm uralnlai -1 1 1 1 Mllaace arrived In Norfolk. Vu . ironi a foreign crulae. The NO KPPttntlcM on board art r -( r t l well. Tin Provealr, of Cnrteguia under '.it ol DwMBllMI s iMitilln a stronc article liKainxt th' conduct or the Piv ama Itallronil companj dttriBf t li ft cent iMhmlan events. The Jur In tin COM or Alii. I.ola iiin Hi nr Bonis, charged with the iininli'i of JajMt Ayren. Jr.. In the Kentnore hnt.-l . on the nlitht or May 18. returned n verOict of not guilty. a uawni ii taking ihajTt awtffni tin npOfl and lriliorl houses engaged III (rani Alt!. China to m i up nam liberal trmtBX at loi chanti and other vh t. in tin Hritmi. tnairc out or a i latlon ol neatly 4 , about or I Ml than OMtffcttl ol Hrltlsli hlrth or descent, nearly Bra liuii-Hi Itlnli w it 1 1 1 nun. and roiored rare number :U.uom. Ki PW UMf ROM OB), o! Itidl auu Introduced two measures design ! to l ine thi extradition of ex (iovernoi Taylor or Kentuck from In. liana what In Is to be so journing, to KeattMk) from Indiana wln-ri- In jt1 wauleii In .on ueet Ion with ih. (io. liel tragt-ih LMHU Iliillion. UM rttBll iiirnuan Ion of lien Kllpatrlek, the Montana train robber impact who was yester day lonvlited ot having In his possex lion forced National bank uotea. wait nter., . i I'nlt. ,! ItStea Dlutrlet Judge Adams to ftvi rAfa' imprison ment in tin fodi Ml prison at Leaven worth Kan Ml i oun an MO tha PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS Th. I'urtun.i i:ih: attended the Synagogue In u body. The services War or IB lal mtereat. Mrs Mai' Ktt.t Hkalfe widow of John Skalfi- died in Salem Hundsy. ' i. I eased had resided In Marlon county lnce 1853. The Portland city Jail hai- sheltered n an average of in hobos and va KinuiJ- for th. past two months, al though H would crowd tin iIIdkv Quart rt. Mro Blag TalalJI died suddenly i In Portland at 4:. to o'clock at the BOOM i Ml Horace V Thlelsen. . 16 North Twenty-flrat street. She was in hi i usual k ! health In tin- morn Ing. Victor M.-nien. u French sailor, who had been confined in the city jtll I'ortland. since November 21, without tiutlioilt. i.i war. icbisii! ironi custody by Judge cieland on a writ of ha i i i orpua A BMating of I'ortland lovers of rosed, which was held to organize a rose club wa one of the best attend ed of any of a purely public spirited nieetin.. that has beet, held in Fort land for many days. The Fulton holdup artist has re turaod from his trip of profit and i -ure into Clack a m a county, and introduced himself to Koad Hupervl 01 I A Moses, on the -Marquain hill road leading from Sixth street. A 11. Frame, of I'ortland, will pre si nt ti. the H.:ker City council through his attorneys, Olmstead & Miller, a petition for a franchise to furnish electric light and power to tho city and residents ot Maker City for a period of 30 years. Workmen started grading for the new railroad in he built by the Klam ath Lake Hallroad company from Lain! station on the Southern Pacific railroad two miles south of Klamath river, In Siskiyou county, to Poke Kama, in Klamath county near the California boundary 1 i n John Koppel was shot at his homo near Hubbard by Thurston Orirnni and died from the effects of his wound Doth men are farmers and (irimni is a life-long resident of Ma rion county. Grimm came to Salem immediately after the shooting and surrendered himself to the sheriff Reason is that they Think it will Com pel them to Pay Taxes Want to yo to Washington. Paul Bnowawai ami othai laflatn t tit I Indians on the I'matllln reservn Hon have thus fai refused to take theli patents from Agent Wllhins. and thai den-lore lit out then In the gale ol the agent excepting In the case ol' a t"W whii took them when sen! ffon Washington I var or two age The rattOB flu Indians do not take Hi. patents Ih that they fear that It will compel them to pay taxes to the state and I ounty which at present law do not. The patent:. i.ien..l an not llnal Ol conn, but an the instrument iMUVil from Hie I. deral laud office at WaahlostoB as evidence ot Lao lad) vlduara light tn obtain Boal pataati when :h n yaan shall bava elapsed Horn the time in ism when the allot n. ut- in MVOnJtJ wen made. These tentative doeiiaMBta are really pat' nt by the federal government to the I'overnnient. us trustees, anil do not alter the status or Um lande. nor hasten the eOMlai of the llnal title to the allotted.. It will be ol fifteen 11 hehire till Ittlllls Will the hi .Hans' in ie. xlmple Arither Washington Jaunt. Several matters an needing at ten tlon, think Die leading Indians, inn., they e.xpei t soon to make a Journey to the national capital There, they will, as upon former occasions, meet The tireat Father,' although our latti da Indians are deplorably lacking lu tin romantic element, ami speak or the president as the praal' dent They will visit the Interior de iiartnu'iit and will - to their satis taction Hint all I, well vlth their af fairs. They may ask the department for the dist ithution Of their funds rklcb nra bald there tor future pay ment Of Deneftt to You. D Mil. lu ll Fnlfotd. Md. ' Dur Ing a kMU illness I was troubled with as, tried DeWltfa witch Haiei Salve and was cured " Cure plies, sores and burns If.'ware of counter U lis Tallmaii ft Co. and Brock it Mi Comas WORK ON THE PHONE LINE Arrangement! Complete for the Event that is Expected to Attract Many Pople. December 29 Is the date set lor the big rabbit drive planned to take place al the mouth or Mutter creMK, and tattcn intercut i balni nanlfoat. The large corral Is now COtnplata, with WlBjn extending out one half mile In length. Into Which the uMtM tl";' rabntta will be ttrtvoti ano then lauaiitarad. A large crowd will go from MfO, both ladles and (Tent I amen, and in rangOBiailta bavi been made to enter tain the ladles, who will be allowed to ' participate In the drive. If they like The crowd will go from hare on the regular uornlna. train, which win stop near the Batter creek bridge where the drive will st.nt about II o'clock. In addition to those who will go from here and the residents ol Hie neighborhood for miles around a ipeclal train will in run ironi Hepp tier, from where 100 or more people are going lo take part In the sport. Aftai the corral was finished. MTer al men concluded to test It to see It i' om capable or holdlni Uw rabbits w hh h would be driven In. The lornied a small drive, with til n Halt people niul corralled 150, proving that the enclosure was per fectly capable or withstanding tin Sort! Of Hie frighten, d BlBNll to ' -.'ape. A small corral win be attached lo tin larger one Into Which some of the radit.M will be driven caught alive, ami brought here by the Pendleton Dun Club who will have .1 live rahhlt hoot on tin hill th. day lollowlng var conrenleaef win he arrange. i iiu thoaa who attend i lunch coantei with ample rafreahateati win be pro rldad. ami those in the lend Of the project give their assurance of n grand tine tot thoee who take' in tin sport. .1. f Rogen lias th. arm Bientl In charge ami will lie Hi. Ii l 1 i Oi the drive. It Is expected that lie K , 'o will iHvc special ratM loi tin .1 caalon, which win be atrn iced later, Health and Beauty. Poor aotaplajtlOB b aaajaJly tfe r - ilt in Irregularity ol the bowels, Da Witfa l.lttb F.uly itisers stimulate the liver regulate fh,. bowels. Tall man A. Co and BlOCl a, McCoaia Farm Land for Sale! For sale. N. W. HOailei I ctl I township i north or range I oa Wlllnmetie DMridMn, 7'i mil. s (row Pendleton. 2'i; mllei; from SartUan station, the William Scott pi t c, food house, barn ami .veil, l.atul -ill u uh ultlviitlon F. 0. Mitchell wlti II ocl A M. Comas Co D) l URK A COLD IN ONh GAY ink. laxiitlvu Brotuo imbilno Tsblltl irusni'i" mfaad the anaey lilt tii to ears E. W lrovi Kii.tiuri-ia un earl) tsx Oran I Sale of Toys, Dolls, Games and Fancy Qtffj HRtDERICK N0LF. Butter Creekers Soon Will Have Wire Connection With the World. Work on the Putter creek telephone line Im now at a atanJatlll, owing to th. non-arrival of telephone poles However tin promoters of this line do aot think this will last long ami hop. tn n -mie work again as soon ah the poles arrive, which are expect ed every day. Already one carload consisting of 2' poles, have been aet out from K. ho. and holes have been dug toi tin reception of many more. No wire has yet been atretcbed, but this will begin as soon as the work ' Ota undei headway again, so that the contractors for setting the poles can i keep nut ot the linemen's way. Surprisingly Low Prices at Closing Out Sale. $3 to $5 Ladies' Capes and Jackets. Half PHcc on Children's Jackets, 40c to $1.50, Oi: MM A VTC II -,"",,l!l"'l "8r th um week BsalwH. We must kept, Kr. 'VI II Ail I Zl ...i.i no ... ,r,. A Inl nf aatoo1 uluwiu fti nn KeeP ..HOLIDAY.. III I W I V- 7 1 1 1 1 IICIIIC VMI IIIVIII UIIUIK lfj Ul ,,;i naai ! ;n t.. t9fi OH hJovfll iMM'kwiMir for thfi HHasuii. Pannv i,,,a;A... t I m , i a urmnc iicii.-ih n' ( hl'irt IMIIS I !L1 1( I K ( ' ( ' 1 1 II! S .llMt t nub i.f r " 1 ' 1 1 f i handk rchiefs at l-'' Lai ge and roomy unaerwmr m Handsome ooloiiui ....II Strmlt. I'D l.t liltMluti t Nil Ht Ylftinir 1'niv'-. ntfaAAoi ' I ( 1 II t 1 i M I .......... . - I 1 i Hal ervbody. Have you ieen the new 'rantoura Watch for our Special shirt offer at 2Rc. (r i. ' ( () yf (SI T4TS Of OHIO, CITY or lOLSOOl Ll'C. COCSTV. I Ki ii k J Ciiener luoke. oath tlit .. . -x-iiior lutrtucr of t(i lirui of P. J.l'lienay A Co , loi ux tiutlneu In the ellr of, count)' ml lUlu afureMl.l, aD't that Mi l Hrm will pay lie mini of (in.- Hiiii'lrcl Dollar for each ami urcr) ..mot . .'.arrli that cannot be cured by tn.- uau of ilall'a Catarrh Cure, Hworu lo beforo me aid aubacrlbed In my pretence tbt.Cth da of Urcembtr, A. .... 1 1), la.. ,,tL- J A. W (ILKAWIN. - Noury Public. Hall'. Catarrh Cure 1. taken internally aid aria dlrrr lly on tbe blood in I uucoua auriace. ol ibe nyiiain. Heu.l lor tt-ailmonlala, free. F.J CIIKSKY A to, Toledo Ohio. 8oM bv .lruKgUtii. 7&c. Hall'aFamllr !'HI arc lu.- li f f ( c " If (a f t . (a) f S f 4 hftgic lantrens 6iC u l).4J Tops. 31049c. Tool ciiests 15 to 4.i5. Toy engines 5 u $3 6j Drums, tin tallies, iron wagooi velocepedes, toy pianos, acalei Hiinilrcils of toys. New nuuds Largest assormuent. The Products of I H K MK. INI Til Kl C Jfx m are making Pendleton Famous. Tuesi are the Pendleton hulian Kolwi, the Scotcl Plaid Bhawla, tlie wiul'rful Paodlatoa Blanket! and tin- Indian Shawls. Tin . are all made from Eantern Oregoi ' Wool and the demand for them laeqal 1 he (nesi'iii Hujipi v. rVl B holiday pfoeent, these jjikxIh meet au heart'l desire. They can be had oi all First Class Dealers. ASK THEM. TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. aOaVJISK . a ; ; Boiler for Sale. A 26-liorac-power horizontal tubular boiler, gucranfeed to be in flrat-claaa mndltlon, for aalc at the Donieatlc Laundry, Tin- homlleat man In Pendleton aa well aa tin- handsomest, and others are Invited to call on any drualut Ukd .;t free a trial bottle of Kemp'a balsam for tho throat and lung, a remedy that la guaranteed to cure and relieve all chronic and acute coughs, asthma, bronchitis and con Kumptlon. Price 25c and 60c. For mil.' by Tallman ft Co. aole agents Chimes 5c to $5.g5. Crokiaoie. Carrow, Pltcli-a-ltuiK, Kreba (lenin dozen of new games that will interest fOO, Hcrwp books, blocks, toy i-ralleM, la-ds and springs, doll can iag- les, tri-i-ycles, Uiy wringeiv, lee oraajB freeaern, sad irons, etc. Santa Claus Candy. Mere exclusive at Nolfs, you and tberiaiila Clans, mailt limn puregu gar. (lood to eat and deooiale your tree, lHe a iMiund. Other i-audlea, 10, 1 l--and 16c a isjutid. Try our regu lar Ilk- rreuiiii- bat al Noll fur Toilet sets 46c to album- j to $7.86, cull' and collar Im.xea. fanuy .)erfllle, ttiu- medallion, etc PENDLETON WOOLEN MILLS, t PENDLETON, OREGON. ' f 'ft TRANSFER, TRUC KING. m a .- r2.JJ;2J-i-rL--Tjy, I .... . . ..i CU 5 1UKAIJ E, largast itookin tuts city, it y " ui line. Wc will cive vou estimate t-wtu A Mammoth stock of Furnitur BAKER d F0L Next door to Hostoffice A Bfei w r a V V IX 1 11 CR0WNER & SON. 'HCI.HfHONK MAIN I For Health, Strength and Pleasure Drink Polydore Moens, Proprietor. 1 j