East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 14, 1901, Image 5

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It pays to trade at Hie Peoples Warehouse
"Not a nuestlonable iiuality heir."
he SAUUU Stock
be sold at once. People coming from
part of Umatilla County to take ad-
ge of the low prices made. Stock is
very fast, will not take long to close
i eIi .1 f . ft kli i in v
L' HiM i;i,ifuii, 111 W lU f IIIK.
D -v B w af w -v j-f j-k
ver Dru Lrrv uuuus wu.
yiv DKCKMBKK 14. t'HU.
Howur.: Farm loans.
Howard, fl" insurance.
! ain't Mutton's chocolates
r am! ImvIh hovIuk ma
Wlthf -
n iiximalil)' rates at Bom
opposite ity pill.
i of nuti crseKera.
. .1... ..
... i- i. .... II. ...
ni ft T l II Klinvi;
all kind! "I teal estate,
i xr t urn. i..
ami iiiiiiiii. - ... ........
Li v .... ... KW.
I hiiM than for you and
laai cards.
mi ai I'liitviir Itrofft Ilrv
L .... lleny will
L.I. ...... ft.. mnlA ,
rot .r OlB out of busi
(IIP I'M ' I .......
UB l.i. ....... in nit.!.
klnc nui i waists evenlni:
: . . "
fairs over oilver'a grocery
. IM .i' raa or Ane wheat 1
of Allan Terms S2IIH '
mm . il.. . I.
a holiday Hhop Thursday. :
19 In Hendricks hall, from
o 10 p, in
Cluh dance, vm v ii ill ,
Tfnlnj; Dece..ica. ! i In-
Bum', be i raj ' I .u thu ,
1 1 1 1 Irl Ct'i.lS I
Am ft,..., '- U I ft.
property two blocks from
11' .. .I'll 1(1(1 III IIIMIIC
that "(ii ; 'ti .: i
e's? Yo i But u
purchase of r.um. t
I nun. be. lift.
Vii. ant lota. 2f real
oboioe. rancbea In
prairies Wheat
ranches. E. T. WBde.
lurk bi
Ptss dolls- wbsroT Owl's,
Candies by tin- ton at button's.
All nuns ami toltol SSiS ut Noll's.
Toys, dolls, fam-y dishes. Nolf's.
Hiii' Una oi toilet soap Just III St
I lllwll'V H
Mutton's Ire cream chocolates have
no equal.
Pretty dolls- ami I'm nothlnx Sec
the Owl's regular ait lor particular
It. .Martin (Of Qttloh delivery an 1
good kooiIs. Lowest iirices In h I
HatlHinitinii in priSSS, gnodl anil
ilellverv. If you buy vour ( ocerli s
of Martin.
Hmokeis' delight. I.a Mia. II for i
half, selling st 2 for a quarter. Pat
tun cigar store.
Hswley Hrox ere irlving awav
dishes with i'hkIi purchases, ('all ami
lind out at out It.
Kitwin Rush has sold a QttATtSI Ml
linn oi whsst luml. Ileal Helix to Hot
SOS W alker. Tor $1500(1
Just one order to tr my dellvsi;
system. If you are n it satislleil t
will pin the damage. R. Ma tin
Picture f intuitu- a ipeemlt New
illie of picture mouldings Muihk
ruoreiitH lor frames at C. Sharp's.
I.IV" llllll (IreKSell geese, ducks.
chickens ami turkeys can be bud ut
the Standard ut the lowest prices.
A lady who write a fair und lege
)t hand, would like MMSM OSWflig
to do at lioine Inqulri at Hi office
(iood enough and cheap enough for
everybody, "Tie- Halm" chocolotos.
L'5 cents lor hall pound box ut A. C.
Koeppen K tiros. 's, the popular price
The ladies of the Christian clnirch
will Herve Rood meals in flendrlck's
hall. December 19. from 11 a. m. to
2 p. ni. Chicken dlnin r will lie served
In the eveninc from B to P.
The Iiiiii ia Next Krula l)ei m
ban Nek, Is the lust day to set hull
day goods at u discount at Koeppen is
I'harniacv We still have u fBM as
-ortnn nt of moHt ol the lines.
Ili'lore bnjTtafl Christmuis preseiitb.
inspect the tlnesl line of .lupaueKC
KoimIs ever brought to l' ndleton. ut
C K. 0Danlel's furnltuie store 213
Court street opposite opera house
Itn I ill I'ulm chin ii a!e-
Nesllsr fineness about
In an other chocolntcH t
Venrs are not
Dfitlni in., the pure and
W o brands of Califor
Ibiuors at Kline's
pt'r firnrc I'niirf .IpuaI
ft "I tie lai'ftfi iiliato visas
Gillian (loedeclts's candy
uroai n last niKfit
fclSS B n.-iaon. either acci-
malli louaiy. I
Signals From Wrecked Vessels.
A kite lor siKualliiiK from a SfrSOt
ed vi sbcI, und also to be used as I
tneann of HciidtiiK a line ashore, has
been Inventei! by Caplalii Hrossard de
Corhlnny. of the French naval reserve.
It Is collapsible and readily packed
when not needed tm HM When fiown
In the air It can be deflected at an
unj?lc of ir deKrucH from the direction
of tin wind. Hy this meum. a line
may be flown over almost a. desired
spot. The line Ik dropped hy sending
uloft u little cuttinK device, which
truvels along the cord and Is put Into
operation automatically when It
touchee the kite.
He Finds That Crushed Rocks Has
Been a Good Thing Advises Pen
dleton to Investigate.
Miiyor-elcct T. O. Haley llfiasd
jrsstsrtlgj evcnliiK from Atlicna when
he Inspected the Main Strati ol thai
town, which watt treated to a layer
ii crushed rocks Inst summer. Reforo
this wan done, for months at a time
during the rainy schsoii wagons would
nilre to the MOSS In the mud on Main
street, and it way no unusual sight
to sec wagons and teams stuck In the
mud und the drivers unable to Ml
them out until unload S his rig. The
entei nrlslng people of this little burc
held a i.iass motlng ntul came to the
'onclnslon thai this condition of at
fairs WM I ureal dtuMback to tin
growth and apbvJMlag of the place
and raised such a row that the city
purchased a rach crusher and last
summer pot on a six-inch coat of
cruahed rod When utod what he
thought Of s similar plan to the om
ndopted In Athena Icing tried here
said :
Inspected the streets as
as possible for the time
and talked to mauv bus
lis to what i bey thought
well pleated with
said It had helped
Mr Hallev
Well. 1
I was there
ItleHS men
SbOUt It All were
ths epcrlmenf and
'lo. out Woll'!eytlll AphoUL'll there
Is some little mud In the center of
the street that has been carried in
on wagon wheels horses' hoofs, etc
tralRl ll rood MSB pared with what It
Was bsrara this whs done and several
that I talked with said this conditio!!
rauld i partly eradicated by makinr
the stratas asMttla non oval in shaps
so that the water and slush would run
oH i fonnd that be cost or plactai
this layer ol rock- on the street war
Mil) about 7e cents per llneH foot ror
the proper! -holder reaihlng out to
the middle of the street
The Cost.
To count the cost of the rod
rusher In with this the whole would
run up to about Itn cents. This is
rorjf moderate and I think the same
method COUld b used here to great
advantage However. I would suggest
that If such Improvement for the
trsstl of Pendleton is contemplated
that it not be done without due delil.
ration and that ths different hinds ol
StrSSl paving met Irids calculated to
Improve it mats ami rid them or mud
lie InVSSttgStSd and it be dStVUBltasd
what would prove the most bonsBclsl
in the long run ll the property hold
an along Main nmi Court straots o(
I'etidleton could ret streeta that
would only last tor a few years, tin y
WOUM In Iter pax LM or even more
it necessary to get streets that will
be permanent and lust lot many cats.
I am in favor ol MSSSthhBS lielug done
to get rid of this mud. but am not In
favor oi making any definite steps
until we know what we are dotal und
what will he the best lor the buiitcst
time "
1 lie Most Widely Read Newspaper
In America.
Time I. as demonstrated that the
I'hrlce-aWeel; World stands atom In
'i- 'lass 'Jtber patai.- have luntat
sd its form hut not its lurjQSSI This
Is because It tells all the lew all
the time and tells It impartially,
whnthei thut news lie pidi'.eal or oth
erwise It is in fact almost a dally
at the price of a wekly and you can
not aff rd to In- It bout it.
Ilepiiuucan ami daSMOtUl alike can
rsad the Thrtua a Wash World with
absolute eontldence In truth.
In addition to SOWS It publishes
tirst-class aerial stores ami other
features suited to the hoini ai.d tin
The Thrlce-aWeek World's regulai
subscription price is oi . fl.00 per
.ear and thla paya for 166 papers.
We offer tins unequalled newspaper
and the weekly K.i ''e.;onniu tc
lthsr for 12. .u.
Of Benefit to You.
D. S Mitchell. Fulfurd. Md ' Dur
lug a luu illness I was troubled with
ad ores, li t. d DeWitt s Witch Hasel
Salve and was cured Ourss pllea
ores and hums Hewure of counter
felts Tallman h Co.
Ill St
Crewa Busy Preparing for Active Op
erations Nest Spring Camas Val
ley Notes.
1'klah, Dec. 14.--The Oriental com
PSUJ Is now working 3n men and
kiep one team constantly hauling
! applies from here. They will let most
at this winter's work bv a Struct lash
t lark. of Alba, has a contract for dig
;:ing a mile of ditch, ami want Over
with a crew of nun this week W.irk
on the main ditch cannot bog - until
s saw mill can be put In next spring.
The ditches which will be dug this
winter will he used to ..induct water
into a lew small bars, which will he
worked in the early spring. About
Si) the present force will be cmplm. !
tht re this winti r
Various Mentions.
Mrs Clarence Moore quite
her home near Uklah.
f'ktah Is to have a genuine
faahlonad Christmas tree.
iulte a number of people in this vl-
mtty are suffering from la grippe.
All the cases arc in a mild form, how
ever. A couple of Inches of snow Is still
OS tin ground ami the OStttantOti ate
nil feeding their herds.
Hick I SSinhs, an old time resld"ut
of the prairie, has return, .i irter a
t i ; t s' absence.
'la. is not over plentiful n thll vaV
bjj and the atocknteii gru hoping for
I Itght winter. An unusiialU SOVOI
Met here would be a had I.I vv on
t be I attlemen.
John He. sei Is hav ing a tine resl
dunos erected on his ranch Iron miles
east of tJIdah,
Alba win oalahrat' OhristauM hp a
shooting mstdi and a masquerade
Quite a number of t'kiaites will go
to I.a i rootle taring the holidays OH
land business.
The Log Rolling.
There are thousands of people on
the streets of Spokane today, attract.
d h the WiHidmi n "Log Rolling'
There will In- an immense crowd gat)-
red tonight to listen to the address
of Head Consul Kh I ken burg Mi
Pfctlhaaburi win ha la walla wall i
on Monday SftSrUOOS and HaallUt.
and will be grecied by u vety large
crowd There will he an excursion
from Pendtotoa to Walla Walla on
Monday, Bwcambat I Round trip
$1.40. ii n it S Ticket Oflct
We Please Par tictilar People
Our holiday lines tit Hfl'ctei with ditcrimlrJAitoQi
iur prices make them popular.
for thoti who Ml aHfUiHiiiH their gift prohlem
Heati rarel'tillv the list Mow
Louugrln Hohas . H.OOtolsUfO
Malbing Itiihen ..... Ml to M.00
sie. ping Rabss M I" M
fhmihlni CUsitg von to M.O0
Indttna BtsBhshs. Ml to IMI
Mieaiiter Hugs ." hs lo ist
Hr.. Holt t as. 2 (Ut to HvVJ
Traveling Kag . Mill IMI
V alises N to Ift.tSi
Fancy Kiiajienilers Jl to J. Mi
ItaS linen ami silk liamlkercliiefs 10 to I MI
Fine etnlsMseil silk MufRwni Ml In Ml
Fancy Hlilrt . . .AO to i.tki
Full iri'ss Shirts I .Ml to MO
Fancy LfoSSBn . . IA to I 1
hdndrtdi of other aieful Mid ftpprnpriittf artiolet
suitahle for llulidav PretOOtl,
Schimmcl Pianos
Anvone ilcMimn Id scln t a list till .is wi ll .is an i t n.iiuent.i I ( lmM
mas present can do no In ttet than In hiiyin a Si limitncl I'tano
'I'lli'sc arc a standard and he' . i . . I make ut pi.iuu. Inglilv puhslii'd
and fully guarantied and tct.ul ev ei v w licre Im I4S" I handle these
p. inns d 1 ret 1 limn the (a( ton and can sell them at twn tlutds n tin
tcRulat price. Call and inspcti these pianos and jjiM bargain.
fin.' 50d Main Street, I'cndleton.
Suitable X'mas Gifts
Silk Hoas
Pillow Shams
Kid Gloves
Fur Hoas
Silk Undershirt
Kihhon Girdles
Silk Hose
Silk Waists
Silk Mitts
The Above Goods are all new, and at prices that 3
bear your investigation.
Tur nrrtm re uinrnnnrtr :
1 nc rcurLto If AncnuUDC. a
luuinmniimtmmitii miumI
The Columbia
Lodging House
I . SCNEMPP, Prop.
WHY Py " "' ur InUrcstp
Home Co-Optrativc ( ompanv
Will build you a home for
...05.50 per Month...
YV'" Isralsto 1111 lb uinnri Ut
lr oS finxt niuiti I.nr
DOOM In tMir liM sllly anil (U
feu IK ymf and nnnih. in
1 It 1... si ths ri ol s 4.
ymi stun IS wiihout In Kiwi I..
ismuIiImo. ... satal dtsaMlllf
I'laar iImi! will (lru
Sirlrtwt lo.sslitsiiuu iwdrusl
PttltiMi. it. a,
ii.i. 11 Mi Hrotiin U suthurutsl In ri.sln
v a. lur .......
Ouui v. (.! waiiitMi Beasp wtMB.
Help or Situation
(. F.WsliiiiplojfiiH'nl Anry
t.orm.r Main ami A Us Mtrawl.
pknoi prfrii 1 ik vtHM
I Of) ID i) 0
(hfcfliBU)U,f)t)000000000 0
The Prince of
hu ctmac nnccch TC
8till the Oold Watch.
BliowiDg heautiful seleotioo t SOLIO
V and HKjH (iKADK (iOLl
I' I III II HVI.. NllI il . I Mil .1
irutini; them.
r rill., 1 ( 'a8ej, Hre aK l,eautitul a Solid
l:meinber you ei u rJlMlit on a $100.00 Solid
Gold WaUh and Chain with every $1 00 pur
liase made in our Hture before Jainnnv 1 H)J
aud are nuaranteud to wear for 20 and 86
Any iimveniHiit von nlu&He.
IH 110.00 and up.
K 1014
OI.$e$$$$9fiAA9fig0$$0 .M . ..,. OOOftOOIr00000000000000000000sVa