East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 13, 1901, Image 8

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Shoe Sale
In full IdaM ami will continue until
till our Itook i gOM,
Don't miss this chance to buy your
footwear at a big reduction. Every
thing goes.
All goods sold for cash
The Boot and Shoe Tien.
fhiday. ni:ci:.Mfu:ii 1
The Mott Widely Read Newspaper
In America.
Time has demonstrated thai the
Thrlce-aWeek World stands alone lu
Its class. OthM papers have lmltat
il Its form but not Its success. This
Is because It tells all the new all
it U
o'clock on Sat nn
1 li.eai 1 1 , I ki . I- 1 It li
will live a doll witl
S1. a
: .iiici-ut nurcnusi
uf rimmit. crock
ery or uranitnwan;
'1 he dolls have natural eyes ami
lull head ol Kcmhrdiuli hair
Some an: dressed. Dolls arc dis
played in window
Only out
i person.
doll to
Owl Tea House
The Place for Bargains.
Don't Have
When you can prevent it by wearing a pair of our
Warm Lined Shoes.
We also have ' &IU assortment of Felt and Knitted Slippers
in all colors for ladies and children
45 Main St. The Pendleton Shoe Co.
An up to date Repair Shop In connection with our store
the time and tells It impartial
whether that news be political or otli
erwlse. It Is In tact almost a dallv
at the price of a wekly and you can
not aftrd to bo without It.
stofMMiOM and democrat alike can
read the Tim. e-a-Week World with
absolute contldence In wi truth.
In addition to nows It publishes
first-class serial stories and other
features suited to the home and lire
The ihrlcciiU eel, WorldV regular
subscription price Is only $1.00 per
e;n and thlH pays Tor ISf. papers
We offer this unequalled newspaper
nnd the weekly East Oregonlan t
Kether for t:iu.
He Is a Picture Enlarging Man and
Offended a Prospective Customer.
A younK man slvlnx his uuine -John
Doe. was fined $ln this niorn.n
for assault on the person of Mrs Jul.:,
handler. Doe Is a picture enlarKlni
man ait yesfrdav allernoon he .-in
ed at the home of Mrs. Chandler, on
West Webb street, and while talklnu
to her. laouHod net bj ptMtai bis
hands on her face and I ) nvi a i
Iiik In an iniKentlemanly way toward
hei She hsd hlm arrested and this
ninriilnn he was allowed to plead
K'HIt to attempted assault and tlnod
I. imrt mem No. I, lu Cortland, of
the state circuit court, was crowded
to suffocation with persons anxious to
hear the trial of William II Dalian
for the murder ot James it. Morrow.
About twenty-five women were anions
tie- number.
Swift's premium bscon and hams st
Cold Feet
Crockery for Christmas Presents
We show in great variety We
have the newest and neatest in
tableware and toiletware, ami
im assortment ot those ornamen
tal pieces that are in such popular
demand for Christmas gifts The
prices on all these goods are the
lowest for the quality.
Urges That Fertile Umatilla Orn.inizr
to Make Annual 8how of Products
in Creditable Manner.
To Die ICdltor: Thai person- COO
templat.Bg rabncrtbini to the fund
that I am trying to raise lor the pin
pose ot MCOrhsg to out ounty it pel
tnatieiit am iciiltural enunciation iiiiin
he advlseil us to the manner In which
the said association Is betBg project
ed. I would he plnitse.l II on publish
this statement and relieve me ol' the
neceeelty i "puinplaii hid air" into
mob of our citizen as appear Inter
.sted III the prOCt, but Who. helnr.
from Missouri, request me to "show
them" baton pledging tfeatr support
Form of Organization.
My idea Is to serine pledge ol
10,1 share- of stock of $1 oacli.
which stork Is to be paid for only
when the full amount has been sub
crlbed nnd i board at directors has
boon dot) elected from raboeribera to
said Stock to collect and expend tin
That Hie whole county may he In
tereeted In the association. It Is
thought advisable to have the dtflet
ent Sections Of the COUnt) represented
in the management say. one from
Camas prairie one from Athena. Wes
ton or Milton one from the north and
Others from He ho and Pendleton.
Has On? Third Subscribed
I R0ttld fttfthor say that up to tin
preeent time i have seen red pledges
for over MOO shares of steel, nnd
gather from conversation with sub
scribers thereto that the fottowtag I
practically the plan n nmlnrltv nl
stockholders will advocate-
t'pon the due election of directors
and collection of sin scrlpllons. a tract
of land, the most desirable in tin
Imlirmenf of the din dors will l
purchased properly feni ed and suita
ble building stock pens etc.. erected
with conveniences for fecit Inn nnd
Watering stock that Will attract own
eis of trainable animals.
Our Favored Oregon.
It does appear to nn- that If in other
States, less fnvorciljn soil ami climate"
the township fair can tx lucceeafull)
conducted, our county, with Its won
derful wealth of fertile oii and envia
ble climate, should put up annuallv an
animal ami vegetable show that would
reflect honor and credit on the whole
To Those Interested.
Al I claim no more interest in the
leveiejooeat of our section ihnn an
other, ami have si read j contributed
much time to soliciting subscription':
toward the fund. I would request that
all poraoSM desirous of advnncini; n
nod cause call god express tholi good
will by subscribing for such stocl
as thai may feel to he their tint to
assume in advancing a public eutct
prion N RIBRKRLKY lit
A r Dillon an Reho toehmon, is
iii Pendleton
Itepreaeatatlvs T ' Kirk is in town
from Athena.
J. W Klmhrell , ft this niorninc he
I'cho to be absent a dav
J. W. OqIIIm and (' A lais mtt
in tin city vesterdny from Pilot Rock
District Attorney Thus (i. Halh .
i.ii tins nsncalgg tor Athena on
l.el Allkeny Is registered a) th,.
Qolden ituh from his borne In Wnlla
I ester S Wilson It I fl .til. II
naj a' Wai;.i vTaUa, In registered si
Hotel Peadk ton
i k Keiiy repreoentlai fie Thorn
Irpenettlng machine, is at Hotel Pen
dleton from San Krancl no
Marriagsi license was innusd m the
COUri house to , c Anderson and
Annie Nelson both ot this county
Mrs Annie l.ndis. state tooretarj
ot tin Pioaeeve, rtottod the lodge ben
vVedneadav niKht Hat hone is m Tn'
Word i Dines from Athena that
t'ount Clerk w i). Chamberlain is
confined to In.-, Pe with la grippe nl
the home of his sister
Mis.. Myrtle Smith returned renter
day from lone, when! she hao p
to visit the place which she has tiled
on in that neighborhood She Hays
there is foui Inches of suov, around
& 1 Kowler, supreme OHjaalaOl loi
(he Order of Pendo was reglntort
Hotel (ndleton last nlaht on his r.
turn to Portland alter Visiting man:
of the hiral lodaeH in this state mid
Tliomas A Purdy and wue who
have eOOn Vtsltine relatives heie the
past week, left this moruluK for
Atheua. Where they will stop a few
days before returnltiK to their home
in HpOKaile
W. T Q hnotaOi, biothti ol H CUest
nut, with his family, arrived In the
city this mornhiK from Taylor conn
ty. Iowa, to visit a while and look
over the country with a view of locat
inn Is suited
Theodora T Davis mayor ol Pull
man. and proprietor of the Palace ho
tal of that city, was In Pendleton last
niKht the Kuest ot his father In HW
Madison Jones, of Kasl Court street
Mr. Davis la quit, weii known ben
havliiK Hed here in peart ago ami
was connected with the banking husl
uoas lu Weston for soveral years be
fore Koinx to Pullman
Unamended Came to Vote on Propo
titlon to Give Him $50 Instead of
At the POUndl BteOtlni Wednesday
night, in the absence ol ktajror m
cent, Councilman Clopton noted ns
i bnlrmnn.
The ordinance for reducing the re
rorder'a salar) Iron T0 to Ml woo
read for the second time nnd nn
i ndmi i" offered to malic It read
ISn Instead ol - This wns brought
a ,, rote, nnd Hnrtman, Bommervllio,
Krai let nnd Wells voted In the aiim
ntlve while Olopton, Johnson, Roooe
veil nnd Hwltler voted In the ncaa
in, Tin vote balSJ tnr
nmendmem was lost nut the or-.ll
nance still stands as Hist Introiluced
n ordlnnnce to chnnge the grade
ot Washington itreet between Main
nnd Monroe nod setabllsb a new grade
was tad fOI the Mist time and laid
on tin' table.
a petition h tin residents of I H
i, th street wns preeonted, asUitiK that
,i sldewnlk be laid on the west side
from Webl. to railroad street.
An ordinance to determine ami es
tablish tin grade Ot Monroe street lie-
. ii Jackson and Washington, wns
read nnd laid on tin tabic
Tin report or u. J, Irrechevllle on
the l.c Hoi mine, which had been look'
ed forward to with the keenest Inter
est. has been made public. Mr.
Prcchevllle'a report shows that the
aross value of the ore in sluht Is
Mtt nnd that there Is enough ore
now In sift"ht OB plv,- a net profit of
tl.ttWOOO, .
Wanted, a home for a little girl '.'
rears old PVw further Informal!.'
address P. O. bo 37 Helix, Ore.
John Meiers
R. R. Shoe
for Men
Lai g o' Congraoi
i in Ragulai pro i
3 v Iui! lor tin
balane ol the wool
' me
) at
Warm Slippers
Ever Shown in Pendleton. The New Designs I
CHRISTMAS GIFTS for I90I are Indescribable.
They Will Soon be on Display. We WiH Cheer
Show You the Line.
1 he Leading Urujfgists. . . - hendleto.
We are
Our Clearance Sale Is in
We urc the loiiu MormintiU i..,
. m v - -- - met
A ml m o Knookii.fr I)(MV ih, pj,
Come and See if This Is
KemomborLargent stock 0f ff0od. 1
County to -elect fro,,, Bnd Dri "
rv. r bafore, uh we t,mt rn,i,... " m
January 1st, 1H02. Very truly
getting one of our new style dining room
" onoioej i8ipi and nniBii, solitllv madeand
ii uriw iuwox wwd evur Detore for bupIi
A 1 1. i A.I ,L . . " S
,.um iot)K at t mini, iney am worth it, even if von
tend DurcliaBinu. ( hut new el., i.iJ
- ' mi. l i t-
-nidp iioveineB. t,tnif in unvlinw and & ,
nam i tn uie vtT.uu irnnuni.
( ' truer
Main ami VYttMi itretti.
Fn nnhe ftsxl breed use ltv,, ' Hnt Klonr. it Vok let
preiniiini at the (ylncMKo World's Kstr 0TWtlleSBSS
.ion. mid it ' ve-H excellent satislsctlon wbfNwr mL
i v-ry sack is irunratitseil. W.. have th best Bern
nolle., tJatlev, Meet! Kve an.: Itsanllesr Hrlt.
W. S. BYKRS. Proprietor.
i havf a full line ol tht celebrated
W uimI and cual ntves uuraiiteed lu
be abeolutely air linlit Nouefth
h1 in wantftl and the 8lovec fill
ave ONE HALF of vmir fuel p
I ,1... I. ...... - I.. 1 1 I' .. ..I ...... .....L nul anil 4IN.
i .-,' t lllll II. II. Ul I il.ll e.t.r 3.v'i.-
Price?, are the lowest, iiialtt ronstdem.
C. TAYLOR, the Hardware
7ir NTani street Penilleton. OnMP
of Fancy
1 1
m it Din
s-mn nnnif