East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 11, 1901, Image 8

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Shoe Sale
In full Matd and will continue until
all our Itook in gOM
Don't miss this chance to buy your
footwear at a big reduction. Every
thing goes.
All goods sold for cash
The Boot and Shoe Hen.
The Date Will be December 28th, 1031.
for the One Day Only.
The Beat Oregoulan propoaea to In
augurate a bargain day. Tbla day will
be December 2Stb. 1901. On this day
subscription.-, to the Eait Oregontan.
dally, weekly or semi-weekly, will be
i 'oniinencing at
..clock i'ii Saturday
Decern btf 14th, we
will :ive a doll with
a 50-eent purchase
ol glassware, erock
erv r uranitewai e.
Tin dolls have natural eyes ami
lull head ol Rembrandt bah
Sonic arc dressed Dollagfg dis
played in window.
Only on- iloll to
a person.
Owl Tea House
The Place for Bargains.
Don't Have Cold Feet
When vou can prevent it by wearing I pair of our
Warm Lined Shoes.
We also have a line assortment ol Felt and Knitted Slippers
in all colors for ladies and children.
645 Main St. The Pendleton Shoe Co
An up to daU Kepair 3hop lo connection with our store.
4 -
taken at half price There will he a
cut of 60 per cent. In the Kast Ore
gonlans subscription price for this
one day only. On this da.- you can ob
tain the dally Kast Oregonlan bv mail
for one year for $3; eeml weekty for
a year for only 1. and the weeklv for
a year for 75 cente. This offer Is
made to old or new subscribers, who
pay subscriptions In advance from Do
comber 28th. 1901. for one year or
more. Don't fall to take advanUK
of the offer Tell your neighbor about
the offer. Send In your name for a
sample copy Remit by bank check,
postal note, money crder or In one
and two cent stamps Address Rai
Orejfonlan. Tendleton. Oregon.
The Owner. Win-r TM, Rart Qf
the County.
JOhli 1 . ('OX. Olle Ol tile MXtellSlM
stock men of the Camas prairie . oaa
try. passed throuKh PtBdlatOB this
BOfBiag on ills wuy to Helix with his
cattle w hen- th. will be jvilltei. .1
Mr Cox says that practically all the
oattl aw out oi that country and on
Hi ii winter raiiKe Tln-y were kept
i ber. hawWWT, from II to 20 dav.
latat than previous years. BVMg to
the warm open ial! He says thai tin
prairie Ma about (our inches of snow
now. wlin b is the Ol Ml ol the season
Meal Ho . attic rosalag out M thai
count iy an- in ko". eonilltlon.
The honiln-st man in Pendleton as
well an the handsomest, and others
jkTtr Invited to call on any druggist
mil get free a trial bottle of Kemps
Ualsam tor the throat and hinjrs I
remedy that is guaranteed to cure
and relieve all chronic and ncite
coughs, asthma, bronchitis and I or
lUimptlon Price 25e and 50c. For
sale by Tallman A Co. sole agents
Crockery for Christmas PfWMtl
Wt show in yreal variety We
liave tlic newest ami neatest in
talm-ware and toiletware, and a
bi assortment of those ornameii
tal pieces that are in sucli populf I
demand for Christmas gifts. Tn'
prices on all these goods are tin
lowest for the quality
Second Case of the Kind During Lr
Than Two Weeks Lots About
This Moral Mi whn C, if Dutton
oum inwn tn opra Hp lit" (ton, he
i omul that aonwtlnie .in: in tin' ntghi
mm inn 1 1 u i baan 111 tha ItOW Mid
robbed It Tiir entrnnct m amde In
ratting a hole in tin panel it thi mi N
door largo enough to admit tin hand
and then by the ni! of n stick. Ihe
latch whh IBlMll on tin' limbic, giving
thr" thief accea to the balldlBj Two
boxes ot chewing tobarro welgfalni W
pounds each, besides MTOTSI plugs,
the or mx pound of wklni tooocco
and something Hhe $'-'!" worth 01 Si
gain air missing. In all. Mr. Iiiifon
says tin total loss Will amount to
ovei f :)). There was I:!'.' In tin till
that was not touched hv thi- thief. It
Himi that he only wanted toba CO
and cigar.- and did not look for any
tiling 'lsi'.
This Is tin' second robbery of elga i
ston-s in thi' last two weeks. (. Neii-
man IosIiik I cigars the first oi last
wank, which would IndlMta that mum
one was preparing t" start up In tin'
dear bnalMMi As In thi' first case
than is no olav to tka roboary ' st
night but tin officers air of the opii
um that It was a Chinaman.
Whoi'ViM It was. he must have had
a pal . for one man could not have
carried II or I" boxes of duals and M
pounds of tii;u 1 1 1 at one load It is
suggested that wagon was used In
transportinK the plunder
Was a Native of Kentucky and Cross
ed the Plains in 1864.
Milton Dei . II - The funeral ol
Kansoni Wells, who died Kumhu
morning in this place i ..m r;. i. -l
. si.'idav from the home oi bis itauh't
tai Mrs William Shaffei
Mr. Wells was born in OnyMU
COQaty. Kentucky, .lann.i y 16, 111$,
Later he moved to low.i wlni. h
lived lor some years III I M.I. he
crossed the plains with an ox team
ami settled where Mltton BOB stand
when be iuis been a continuous rest
MB) aval nice He was a member in
Komi staiulitiK of Kurelca lOtfgS I (.
O K and was burled by them lie
has affiliated with tin Christian
church since boyhood, and was wtd.
lv known and raagMtad by all lb
I-. ol aighl chlktran, four sons and four
daughtara, all but two ol them no
living in and near Milton Tie are
Mi- h Bowman Mis William Sha
fer. Mrs J. II Wilson. Charb .- Wall
I.. K. Wells. Janus Wells, of Milton
and Mi I.. Wills oi pokBM, and T
It Wells of this city
it ai i is tn :ise eit) rrng
Henry Waul Is in tlsl tt fTOBI Pi
lot Hook.
Charles Chambers, of Baker City Is
In the city.
B, H Clark left yesterday avaalag
ioi Walla Walla
Sain Warnei the Him I. Cic . sheep
man. as in the city yeatardB)
Dr A W Hill is at tin Cohl- ii Hub
hotel from his home In Kreewatei
f M l.ockwood anil wli- oi Ib-Lx
re guests at the Ooldcn Hub' hot! 1
i: I Marshall leu v.-.-i. m.i. u
iut: lor Portland to be gone a few days
Oil bllSille.ss
1, P l ane of tin- '(. I i,
com MA) oi Portlagdi as ragtatered
at Hoi- I Pandlaton last night
Dapatj Hiieiiff Joe Blghtly left . ,
y.sierda evening's O It a. N nain
10. WaatQB, on business connect
with his Ofllce
Mr. and Mis. J H Hgj wuo ba..
MM visiting their ilaugliler, Mis ('
T Panlaad, laft his mi rami foi theli
holm iii Spokane
W I) t'liambei lain b it lln.- MMTS
lag i' i athaag to remain a .lay or two
11. i not leellug well and iuutei to
be hi nettled by the rest
H P, Cox is in IVntllelon all. i a
nionlbs stay in Portland II. recenl
ly sent several days in the vlclalt)
Of Arlington hunting geeaa, Bitli MB
siderahle success.
Hoy Dawn, ot Salem ha. lak.-n the
l-I.e oi slenogiaphei at ha Pendleton
Savings Hank, recently aeai.,l
Hoy Rab y who has koih t. Washlug
ion. D. ,C, lo enter the CoiUBlbls I av
( lotlagi
Kugiiieei Kgan who met an .
Mai in tin- La (riaiuie railroad rard
the other day. was compelled u, ,lu
deigo an opeiatioii lot lb.- ainputalion
of his arm. in the Ht Vincent - hospl
tal. in Portland
J. N. H (ierking of Alheua has re
turned front a trip til Taconia when
In- took a car ot hogs. 77 in number
and delivered them to the buyers He
really sold tliein lor Athena delivery
realising Mail I mbwI on u hoot
ai the home town
Hev W F Cow!i n. ol Taconia. ai
med in Pontile Um on tin awning
train Iran Idaho it. -v itr Uowttan l
general MMHfintattdanl 0( mission
work in tiie northwest ii, will speak
at tin- court house tonighi .-t T;S0.
Mr. Cowden is a man ot national rail
utation. it will pay vou to hear him
During the Week. 100.000 Bushels
Have Been Taken in the County.
Another large sale Of wheat has
been reported by K. W. l .Collins, rep
reeentlBI the Northwestern Wine
hens, company. In havliii: purchased
a lot of Tri.'i"11 bushels. paying fin
cents per bushel. This Is the only
deal that amount- in much since Hat
m lay, it is eetlmated that all told
100,000 bushels has been disposed of
b fanners In rmatilla county this
Week Tin priie remain- at 50 cents,
but dealers an i-lucluni to pay this,
a- local markets are somewhat weak
er than last week
Bank Representative Arrested.
Austin Crate general mine ami n al
estate promoter representative ol the
Bank oi Sumptei. stage agent, city re
cordei ami postmaster of the town of
Whitney, was arrested Monday on the
charge m larcanj hi bailee, the em-
lieu le meal of funds entrusted to htm
for nnothei purpose He was taken to
Bunptei where In was admitted to
ball In tin sum oi iL'nnn pending his
prallninar examination The bank
officials rafnaad to state the extent of
tin defalcation in advance of tin pre
llBtlnarj hearing The an est caused
a bin sensation In both Whitney and
All I lin. linOWtBg themselves in
debted to ClMVet Urns . ari requested
to -i tti' at once
( oiotli i .lame, .n naieii iwemn
r . inn ti, partmeni oy
Texai was retired are
Swlfs premluni bacon and hams -i
She put her
Foot in it.
and .aid there' that f
tin soltest. nicest rMh
in hoot I have had on
tor a long Unit. I will
tike that pair How
nun ii are thc '
for a tine kit). Mi lined,
stylish ladies" walking
i -i
oiiie harjpj it cost n ithlng to vote
-oni, mri' it ooats nothlna to von-
iVopies Warehouse
The Most Complete
Ever Shown in Pendleton. The New Desif
f.HDKTM A v mere mat ...... i.wh-si rihablt
winvuiiTino vill
They Will Soon
Show You the Line.
The Leading hriitfgints.
I .lilt- CYa
We are Slamrhtpr.
o--nig ipjj
Our Clearance Sale Is in jLt.
U .. ...... tlw. I a ...
" , V K ""' Ulllile 'e
A in I an' Knocking Down the p' :
Come and See if This Is gf
Itemember Largest slock .
County to select fr ami ,c Jl!"
ever befor. as we must r,c,. tilp ?
January 1st. 1002. Very truly! b-
gettinff one or our new ityle dining nmm
of choice (lenitm and finiwli mil idle n.aJ..ji
ii unci' lower man ever hUm-i. b.r u-oi, :.
nni ions hi Hieiu, inri Hie Wliritl 11, eVl'll U vnrj
tend purchaHing. tiur new ghipmentl incluoe
L'nule novelties. Come in anyhow and m
CHANCE on the 00.00 premium
( 'oi lier
Main and VVell Htreel?
lew h iVW h-iW I L
I J A A 11 k. r 1 J 1 v. ") I I At
lo make inssl bread tie llvem' Hut Klmir IttAiiM
praalnn at tbe Chicago world'i Kair ortrtllswattV
on. an. I gives oxciil lent satcMai'liou Whrw a
Kyerr ssi-s is gtiHrsnte.1 We hsvr to hat hi
Kolleil BnihWi Ke Hv,. .in,! KeanllsM Barter.
m a.-,m. as a'i km. l i : t u
W. S. BTERS, I'roprictor
I bav a full line of the celebrated
Wood and coal stove guar.uUl to
le absolutely air tight. None0-
heut is wasted and the stove to
Have ONE H M K of your fuel M
I also have a full li.ie of cast cook stoves n.I"l
I'ricea are the lowest. iuality conndtw
C. TAYLOR, the Harris
7ii Mam ire, i I'e.wllctM. I
of Fancy
be on Display. We WiU UM
Ml A Dan
iff. M. nan