IS. m in CLASSIFIED ADS. , ()t!NT BKVKN WORDS TO THE LINK. I,,,,, or mon, per week, el the rateol IV par line. . ,, i.i irjwrjnmilliitUiej(j4 TWO m I time III I time Wr RUmee ..ate llir 'i eitra tneertlon. 144111"'"" tlou VOIR LINKS i ii'u 2! , MW n mlilltlonul ... I'll run USE 1 time 10c ' 1 1 iii .- 40c .timet sac nc esr'i a1 Itlonel Inaertlnn RIX LINE i thne ate .' tlini" . . .Vrp limes 0c UK- each Id Il lona insertion COMMERCE -TRADE TRADE IS BRISK WITH GRANT COUNTY POINTS. ,. , v (fKIOK IN .ll'DO fDnn- ' . i DKFIUri RBAR t . . "" lr ESlTH "i!"K OVER THE ittlc h'""' ' ,, v n HOME' PATH Oar In JiuM b.u u,i K l'liV.-li:lAN AND l1 11 ... ,. 'mill bllllillllS. 0" ,M ' ..7.i ...... II.. mm I - n i - THK KARMKR'P BANK OF WK8TON. WnaUin. Orpfnu Doe "ii. r.. banking rinalnp KI'Iiiirp honsht end ioM. ( ol Irrtlonn iirnniptlT MtMM to. Alrelr In moi' psppIIpiii connUlnn, and an rrporUM lr lt-ell(sttmi eorr.mitteeiif renontblr pltlaenr. nHri! R. Jameeon. nrealdnnt: ileo. W I'rrralMMl. Tire ,reldni C. M r'rrce cshlp' J R Ktlla-nr. attant n.--i ilirertor 0. A. Hartman. M It Jnlini. T J. Price. O. I' raw. J. F. Kllif'" '. H hTt letneeon. 0. Proebslal. FIRST NATIONAL HANK OK 1'KNM.K. Capital I7U.O0O: orpins, li.(Hi Trat.. eul r eenrral banking nninpa rTtrhanri n1 tpprarihlr trenalpra anld on tJliirmRo. Si: Frmni'U.n. New York and nrlnrlnel point 'r the Ncrthwest Dratt Drawn on Thine, lepa and Europe Makes eollerttnni on reeaenebll term : 'T Ankenv. president: W. K Mello, rlpepreelrtent . 0. B Wade, raabler: H C Mnernarr rultant one hi it . - , , I'll yhi:ian Ann J ... Hunk, hullitlne ;k. m I' ii:.--iain hum:k ' llil', I'llBTIUll i n.'rln. BWMM Led Mr r-lrei ti ve error. E K "M I" AJWM ''A- Ttlep'"1' i u . " ItHI' I'HYSIOIAHB, MIW. ATTORNKVS. K Bl.AKKal.Ktt, DHBOEIO u i'imvu.'' ' 1 .iim''"'- "i wtnan Main ?t.. l eiiJle- ItTBLT '.Ml HIMLDERS. trim, , iii utTBirr and hi; L -r an t reliahl. Kttii'd.i.p' i cut Moair. i i'olK ' 'S rilACTOttf AMI I.iiiv,.. uibril on nori m Lj,!, . rfomw trTTice lil'..i iip' '"' "" lONTRAOTOtt AMI) I nil all kUMta o' .' wall, eli'. Or ' (1 tf.i'ilai' oIBpp CAKTKR A RAI.KY. ATTORNEYS AT Lew. (iBIoe In Herlnir Bank BulldlnR. hkan'a LOWKI.I.. ATTORNKYr A'l Lew Room ' Aaeocletlon Block Hcndlt' ton OroKou T.O.HA1LKY LAWYER. OFFICE IN .ludd Biilldlnt) PMnHeton, OreRnn. N BERKELEY ATTORNEY AT . . v ofllpp In Aeocltion Rlwk K. I. HOYII ATI'"RNKYAT LAW. Ill Court 8i. I.. II. REEDRR, ATTORNEY AT LAW I'i'IhIIpUiii. Orufon. JAMES A. FEK. LAW OFFICE IN JVIW Bulldlni. HTI I.I.MAN A nittCtt. ATTORNEYS et lew Mr.Ktillmnii lia beeu admitted I' preetlev In I'nlted Mtete patent nrflpea end make puolalt)r ol I'atunl Low RiNiin 10, H 3 and U AewH latinn hliirk. " BOM A S . KN TIB T. Or-f'.. i ill m MM IIKVTI'ir H AHS'XMA f ii I'le .'"in on -e JIKTZLKIt 1'K.NTIST. 8A- . iK ' I) UHOKKRU. k KOK Al 1 1 K N A tilt I ' u .iirriiu end ptoftU. i in..! u Doel Id enti "i' ' ' ''')Ui'Pllou f 0. A 1eri, pro jrk. i - mil ' F l- Ber Nr. I !. u at'ltU'it i, - I '. ' INi'S BANK rvrou llrfanlfen Meren 1. lane ft " lllli'fett el i Ki' iiiiii. iNviih' :i. coini Npri'lel et i .iii. rt j , euruien ' ieeAMll T. i HIDES, PELTS AND JUNK. irOUl'AN (JET THE HIGH KMT MAI! ket nrlpe lor your hlilet, poll end ell kind ol Junk, alien a rubi'i iir. i i r . leu.! lnr. ran and bottlee Iron of all kind a im" lahy Yon can lirlnf In iV- eenta worth ol old ran or anlp IH worth ol tilde end will be trtnted In Inp nine v We hare rami' heretotuy (live tu a rail and tou will be atialli'.l 1. 8liank A Co oflli e and wnrp bouee nexl to Kanii'rn lintel. ivnJIetnn. ON Tolepl on. K. il J.' CALL FOR COUNTY WARRANT!. All t'inatllle tMStf warrant rvtrUtered' in H.'plei.ibi'r mid i elolii'r. IHW. will be paid et my nAVe et Hie noun hoiip iiMin preacnta tlou Wilt.-' dat.' of tinbltcatlon Paiidlcliiu. ureiiiiu Di i'PiiiIh r ."i, rul. I K. YATKri, Treaaurerot I'matllU Crontf iF YOf WAN! R W l; terlbe (or uaKailne o iii eiiiaiair. In the Cnlte . Miate or Europe, remit 10 by poalal note, cbei'k o M ud m t tie F.aht "ik... M. t . 1 . i man .I.i mi publlthen riaijazines price w hm l,;,i.i.,..1i..t vim dealre, end we will here II tent to you and aatumi1 all rlk ol tbl moot being lot In ihvmell. Il will aare ror both troiibli' and rlk II tou are e aubarriliei to the Kt Ormkini Ah . in nmiitliiiR you ret dcdnri ten per ami IrtHB Hip iiublih.'r' price Addret KAMI ii' us I AN Pt'M ''O PPTid!. Subscribers Riel SI. Gr MS IB"". ! CJBO. DARVt Al Vn f, t"Kii::!y Farnibbfld diadtn Heated UurnLn Mian. Block and nal' iro-n depot. Sample kom la connection. Rati MK.. 75t. $1.00 itiKICAN PLAN. tr Wj and Upwards. Flneat Hotel In the Pacific Northweat. aftj.jVla.'.l,: . E PORTLAND POHTLAND, ORBOON. I to Hlll.ra IV - i.i., IL.U.i hW4i,UArtl -w wi au 11 iwwwiei Tiaiiiai i-wimmh, Mod ,u,lt travelers. T. C. BOWBKS. Maoagar. AN Hon n ppfiTOPEn uilJi,WJll Jt Ln.',,l'?.'rr'-'Pt'it-t(iuuo iiHi. Ii pbfl reiua w' u. i a nve uraaiia, auc'u mm i .....'' u Nl ' -' Kawlaaloeva, rew m iV: U'.r l .tiKaiUai Urwla. dt lu hi? , y or "'ehiTPreveuuqulckiiaeeol timuluumr, w "CUPIOBHr 1 hln areel V uk-kir cv" yuu I j Caaatiaal .-..i.-... Hililrlt If norcb ".i ..p 1 , .'"""""bUMi end ell the h.,rrura ol liuouieuey. 'lTflUi: J ; til " wbk li I' ii" HI Spite of Conditions of the Roada. Stockmen and Homeateadert Con tinue to Come to Pendleton to Trade. IVndlHiin Iniaiiipa, nu'n eay that In apltat of the cnnrtllion of the roaile Html h of hero, waKona rontinue to MEM out from thn far Interior of thi John iiay ronntry fnr wlntor eupplloe. N't vcr ttpfore alni'P tho country began to Rt'ttlc havo they rnjoyod ne hpalthy ti-ailc OoMttlosfl I'rora that country aa I hoy havt' had this fall A pprmaripnt conimorclnl n-lallon Iirb Iippd lmllt up antl atorkmon. aa far hack In thp In tartot aa 100 mllpa. nnrl somPtlmps fArtbvr, BSBM hcrp for their winter supplies. Thp PenillPton lmalnpss men have ORtsftd especially to the trade of the Interior cattlemen and homoateadPrM this rail and the move has been a winner In hrlnjrlnn In a string; of waeons from Grant county points Which formerly went to Baker Pttjr nnd ItoBBaf. HOLIDAY TRADE IS BRISK. Merchants Say It la Beginning Earlier Than Usual and Promieet to Hold Up Until Chrletmaa. The holiday trad,, has already opt! ed In this city, and those who arc tnti tlna to It especially, say that BVT before has It begun so early and BO briskly as It has this f nil. Caritoes of Christmas goods arrived early and w.i. placd on d Ispla and many Mtlei. have t n the rule This enndl Hon Is very gratifying. When th Mtet begin early they will hp much be.tvier than If most of the buv.-r Hll lltitll a (Ihv oi so before the 1ml Idnys before they begin to buy They will s tin t things as they go along nnd purchase again They nr.' coming Of) from neighboring towns to do their holidnv shopping, for the rpaaon that there is more competition and I 'tger stocks to select from In fact the out-of-town trade hns already far e. ,..,i that of former years. This healthy buying condition l line to the fuel that the crops were ptonttM and the price or wheat has In" ii Rood and farmers and others feel that the eun afford to Indulge their fancy an. I purchase many thlngF which Iii tormer years they considered 1 tut their reach. For thlR reason In fH'niers are happy, the business men at' iinnlly so anil when Christ mas eonies the recipients of the pres et-ts til ing purchased for them bv lov Ing hrteils will also he happy. butcher. $B65IT6.10: nood to choice heavy. $BJ096.lS;rouRh heavy, 16.4) fiSfiB; light. $6.B0TB 8B; hulk of Bales IB .70CTB.M. Sheep-Rpcelpts. 20.000: market sheep, steady, lambs steidy to 10c I nver. good to choice wether. $S t0 ralr to choice mixed, $2 7Bf S5ii; western aheep. $3T4: western lambs. $3ff42B. Hops. Wool. Hides. Pelts. Etc. Portland. Pec 11- RtEfl l10c net pound. Wool Vallpy. nominal. 11 14c eastprn Oregon. Rri24c; mohair. C147 211e Hr pound. Sheepskins Shearings 15 20c; short wool. 2fiff35c: medium wool. "OffMlOp; long wool, f.Oofrll each. Tallow, prime, per pound, 4W4'4jc; No 2 and grease. 2Vsfc. Hides Dry hides. No. 1. 16 pounds .md up. 1Bfff1fHc per pound ;dry VIp. No. 1. 5 to 15 pounds. 1 5c: dry calf No 1. under I pounds, Ifio; dry salted bulls and stag, one third less than dry flint: salted hides, steers, sound ftO pound and over.. ST!r; 50 to 60 pounds "mfSe: tinder fiO pounds and eiivis. 7c; stags and bulls, sound. B4T r.'-tc: kip. sound. IB to 30 pounds. 7o: veal, sound. 10 to 14 pounds. 7c: calf sound., under 10 pounds, 8c; green (tinsalted) 1c per pound less: culls. 1c per pound less: horse hides. sa!ted. each I1504J2: dry. each lt)l.Bt! colts' hides, each, 2B50; goat skins common, each, 10r15c; Angora, with wool on, each. 25011. Pelts- Hear skins, as to nl!o. No. 1. each. $5020; cubs. 2fT5 badger each 10ffr40c; wildcat. 25ff30e; house cat. BUflOc; fox. common gray, rteh. .tOfliBOc: do. red. each. $1.500 2: do, cross, each, hif' do. silver and black, pach. $1000 200: fishers, each $5(fiC. lynx, each, $2" :t. mink, strict No i.. each, 30. TT$l 25: martin, (lark Northern. Ifjlf marten Bate pine, ace, I'ik to six" and 'h i l BO Ti 3; rouskrats lar.. each. nJMOc; sl.unk. each. 2B035: civet or ih1p eat, each. B16r: otter, for large with head an1 duws perfect, each. $205 ;rai coon, for large prime, each. 30ffJ35c: wolf, mountain, with head perfect, each $3.50 0 5: wolf, praltie (coyote), with head iierfect. each. 40 060c: wolf, prairie (coyote!, wltheot head, each, 350 60c; wolverine, ea-b. $4ffl7; beaver, per skin, large. tBitTi'i' do. medium. $3(i l; do r tnull. $1 tT ' 50 do kits. r,O07f.. an " I 5?2 V Ol Ltird hv - taMkEBBllaMi With Ittaui ... -,,s" ftiivdy to fum Mriu...ut sTn iuesraiu.iL akaju UBUiamitUiB. A wr Local Market Prices. Tin- following shows the prices paid on the local market: Turnips. 75c per sack Parsnips. 7,rie per bui Cabbage, 2c lb. Oreen onions, per do, bunches. ICc Cheese per lb.. 2'e Onions per ewt.. $1.60 Meets, per lb., llc. Potatoes ,er ,-wi $1 76. Sweet potatoes. 6c per lb. Bauer Kraut. 40c per aallon Apples, per box. 76c. Cucumbers ier doi . 10c Tomatoes, per lb.. 6c. Horse radisb. 1$Hc lb. Oarllck. UtO lb. Houltry: Chickens, bans per lb. $4 to 1. Roosters, per lb., - V Turkeys, per lb., 8e. i Sei ne per dos $10 Bprfaaj chlekaaML it dos., $2 76. Oueks. per doz.. $4. Pigeons, per doi.. $1.60. Kkks. 30c In trade. Mutter, 46 to 60c per roll Choice bee i cattle, etc. Cows, per hundred $8.10. Steers. $3.60 Hogs, live, fi'.jc. Hogs, dressed. 7 c. Calves dressed. 7 to $c. Eastern Livestock. Chicago Dec 1 1 Caf!e- Re eipts 1 8.000 market steady to stiongsi good to prime steers $6.3607.00; poor to medium $4 90 6; stoekRis ud feeders. $20 4 36 : cows and heli era $1 25C5.60: ; cauuers. i 2802 5" bulls. $204.40: calves. $2 5015.50. f !,,i;s Receipts. 55.000 mixed and Portlsnd Purchasers. Portland exporters bought upwards of l.OOO Otm bushels of w heat last Frl day and Sut unlay, says Tuesday's Or egonian. and as some of them were short OR ships before the lust bulge loosened up the wheat, therr was tint q rally renewed activity in freiahts One nillllon bushels of whent will fill about 10 of the nverage ships which i nine to the port, and while a portion of tin- amount bought was for Pugct Sound whliiincnt. the vessels to handle !t are nil chartered in this city. Sail tonnage continues very scarce, and while three or four of the "wind-jam mors" were chartered yesterday BRRwi of the exporters were Obliged to tnke tit tmen nnd at least two Ml steam qoirlen were chartered, both with the option of loading at either Portland or Tacoma the rate paid being In the vlelnllv of 3fis 3d The sailers taken were fixed nt rates varvlng from SB shillings April up to 37s 6d for Jan uarv loading Walla Walla Flour Is Up. Walla Walla T 1 1 - Flour has taken n sudden rise of 40 cents a bar rel In this city the price now being $3.60 for patent. This Is the highest urlce made In several months and Is a full dollar higher than the price dining the war last fall HOTEL ARRIVALS. The Pendleton. , l Lane. Oeorge Harris. I'm Hand, Andrew Nylatiih'i Portland. M. IV Walker New York. S.'inshi .im i I'orllantl Thomas Hum an San Kram isco. Sol Harris. Portland. Mart Hope. Tacoma. I lllian Hannuli. The Dulles. P I Wallae. tentervllle. W W liwn. Sun Francisco. .1. J. Hums Portland. K. W Jackson New York. 8. Henberg. San Francisco. RJ, R Harris Spokune Colin Y Dynient. Wallu Walla. T. W Juckson Portland. The Golden Rule. J Farrln. Portland. M Hrlsto. city. R. A I bee Pilot Rock F. it l.ockwood and wlf, Helix M H I'atton. Spokane s Mitchell. Spokane. IV J Negve RjMikanc. AauA Rush. Hells. Rflltton S. Tsylor. Moro. W. H Taylor. Moro. W. M. Murray, city Maul Cuep. Farmington. Mrs Floak and tamlly Weston. Mrs T. M. Reed and daughter Wes ton. Kd Peterson Starhuck. James Smith. Starhuck. H Connell I'matllla W. J Moore. Sxkane. Roe Parton, dty. f.lnu Rothrock, Adams. Maud Jarrett. Adams A C Rothrock. Wild Horse. 4 J. R Olaaacock. city R. A Watson, city c M Druse Friend Neb Cut Grain, Pnmfc, eater Rly K. Allen. Dorchester James (Irani Dorchester Henry Nelson. Dorchester. Andrew Nelson Dorchester. Charles Miller Maker Myron Miller Dorchester. C. I.. Lacox and wife. Salem. J N B Oerklng Athena Dr. A. W Hill Freewater. I.. Cunningham. Portland Spencer Carter city The entire business portion of Gob lea. Mich., was burned Loss shout $100.00). Wheat 50c a bushel Llon't l i, i i the promise to your wife ol a piano or an organ Another Mg shipment ol the celebrated Smith & Barnes pianos. Two lug shipn:ent tins Meek. Come iii and get 0461 pines on pianos and organs, one half down this fall and balance next fall. 52 makes to ( house Horn. Wakefield & Failing AROUND AN UNHEALTHY HAIR MNDRlft FALLING HAIR HNALiY BALDNESS Dtttroy the dim, yes remeve the (Meet. Kill the Dandruff Germ WITH NEWBRO'S HERRICIDE Thr only prrparation that will 4(roy the, ptrailttt. .EXCCLLF.NT HAIR DRESSING... For Self by all DrjtliU. pru r si 00 aeWTTiT'i am OREGON Shout Line HOTEL PENDLETON VAN DRAN BROS., Props. The Best Hotel tn Pendleton and as good as anv . no l!NtON PACIFIC BBrs at Time schedule eetvs Pal reem l e dtston , renei "clili-afo- Ball Im IHmver, Fl Purtlaiiil Worth. Omaha. Kali special eaiCUy.Rt Loels, rat . ' a m reaoaml Beat. vie Hunt Ingtnu hj.- I A Hen He Iflelt talks, i vii.ft, ft. Exprpe Worth. Hinahe, Ken Mii e. m ess Otlt, at loui. 1 Ui 11 is p a. Tie llin. I 1 age enA Knt ttigtiiti SI Paul Walle Welle. lewUli rsetMell 1 1 lAs. m. men, Mfnaeapeiie, si :ar rls Paul, l'lilnth, Mlleau Spokane k.-.v I'tucego end Eeal. Ocean and Kiver Siihedule. rHOM I'OKTLAND. All aelllna dalee nbeel i" liange I 10 i in For San Fniti.'liro 1 p si. Hail every I deya. "T)eTl7T I ppt lolumbla River Snoifajr p - p in I s .turi ami A'ajt riuiHlaf Selnpiujr lending. 10 p. SI. I I Willamette River Ileal, leave PwHlesS dell, pxiept Sinntay. (lav ol Maipr M'rinilllnii foi IllSmettS nnd Tsaihtll iiivpi pelBta treve j I .par klpatia Snake Hlver ' wltnm iiim m. m. Haiti Klperla I't t'Wl'loii Dallv Bi pi VI, 111 lEtcpl Men ) I e AMSI KV, AgrUI I . 11 ll.-tou Washington & Columbia River Railroad Headquarters. for Traveling Men. Commodious Sample Rooms. Rates $2 per day. Special rates by week or month. 1 . licni Cuisine, Fiver v flodern Convenience Bar and Billiard Room in Connection Only Three Blocks from Depot. GOLDEN RULE HOTEL. Corner 1 hum end Jubnxiu Htrepte, I'ea.tlrUni. urefim, M. F. Kelly. Proprietor. fi A 1 1 l BV 6TEAAi. UQNTifl bv BlEctuiciiv Amarluui Pleu. rale Il id to I. uu a day. Eufupeeu pleu, tsc, Tec, II UO Spetiel relee Ur week er muolh l ake this route tor Kor t 'hli'SK", tU PaMel Ht: LeWeRi RRat aas CUyr FH, Joe, 1 hnahti ami All Points Cast and South in 1 lend end points on the Sound TIME CARD I , im' . Km ilall. pf ppt -"in i ai ii;hi i,m Arrl.p I , 11. Iii ton atoii, lav Wrrluvadai end Frliley II Sat am Arnp rwadlstse rueedey, lliui.ijr a4 Salunlay '.i' W am . ISStS rVelle "alia itail . .t I, 'iiml i":(ipm Arrive Nalla Vtalla ilanjr we.l H4M41 '4at Rat Inlorinalluii ri.lni rate aul a4 i "iu. l.alloli. l all oe aililrraa W ADAMS. Afunl. Peadleton, -iregiiu H B. CAl DKIl II KA I), 0. . A . Vialle WelU. Waata. NORTHERN -PACIFIC PwllaWIIM Sleeping Car-., EleRiiut DiuiiiK I'curiMt Sleeping an 1 IT, PAUL I MINNKAI'OI.M I.I II Ml VaBAO T il.liAM) ITORII lOOKMK).N I HKI I N A t Hl-ITK 62 1 Ml Free Hue Oeets ell 1 reins. Cecaesercuil Trede Solicited Mne Sawnple Rowais Special atteution ivu (ountrv Tradf Have you seen them WHO? Why the New Lumbermen WHERE? Opposite W. k C. K. Depot. I'Kmm.i ion ORIKKNf, iiU'n riCKEii IfK AOO WAHIHNU'l-ON rilll.ADKI.I'HIA NEW VOItK HOKIUN anil all im,IhU Kastt ami Hoiitli lUlwUsfe Hi-kola 10 Japan aad OblaW. IJ iM.jma and Noribaru lruln. HipmaSI, ns aud Aiuarlcau Hue lies CMROULR. I rain leer feudleloa del 1 7 anapi Sou lar et a Ul p u For luilliar liiloraeellon, lime cerde ruaee Jud lUkete, eell on or wrlu. W Ailauu, PeS' lauis. Urafou. er A. O I'll A KlTiial , TkIM and Murrlave SU . Purllaavd Ore. See C. W. MinniM for Wood and Coal KiptcitUy Kiim Iridii OMIi I ( ir'. Iliil., . 1 l , .11 1 1 11., 1 , i 1 1 P.. urnja naiuoi uhhiikiimi vu., Nex, lloai Ul ,,, ,, llakel W. J SI Wi-LL, t Maiisuer Main Sm , 1 ... uaiJUHiii!). rmi avx-c au vkiw.-.. II lil 1