Holiday Christmas Gifts THE Frazier,Book Man. Successor to ..Elegant Souvenirs lii.1l. Dolla of BYary daaorlption from Ulrrnrc Kiegnnt Pnmota plate julr UU1I3 5c to 6.(M Dolb ii-'Hii- Mini I'llliui rors.easel minor and triple extras ofj.ll kliidj. j catee. Just the thing for your drenaer. lapaneso Gowk ?TAlX$&i wmm Z dollar .nil. handkerchief and Klove fliJMH? fcrent alburn- at vnrioie. tiww, mil pap it Mat- mat ami prices. Ywi cannot imp hang pmmmb all klmft of novelties. Cues SSJRaSSlJS Stationery &tfc?SSZ tuanl.aml other popular game, evar exhibited u the city. Ip'ltlw Lililll Iati ami irt'iitlf )j..,,m,e Heniitiful pictures framed LUUIU UUUU5 nwn'i Una inx-ket 1 1( IUU lnl unframad, bhwk and hooks and anl MM of the latent w,t Hll,j j,, eolOfB. Mint Ml MM l designs. lie appreciated. Killlk A"u !?lcV "),-vr"'h' Hovs wagons, sled and coaler M'IV N,,k- H.Mkrnfpn.H-.j.H-trv Xndball- and return 11!.: ,,, humor. Bmjmi t s f. u-in , M w .UB, ,. , loth and leather. ( hllrtrei. - hooks hrushe-. eom. etc., etc. that are mi re In pit-aft Select them now and have them laid away. You will thus avoid the rush of the moments. feast (vefova WKONESDAY. DECEMBER 11. 1901 JUSTICES DECIDE TWO CASES SUPREME COURT DECISIONS AFFECTING EASTERN OREGON. Myers, Reap.. v. Melqulst. Applt., For rrer Opinion Affirmed Wright at al., Appits. vs. Craig et al.. Resps.. Umatilla County Circuit Court Re versed. Supi't.'nit i nun decisions Bava I ii handed down a follow, t uples of the opinion having been IBOMvad hy peputv Supreme Court Clerk Lit Monrhoose. at Pondleton: .lubri .Moycra, respondent, vs John Plllon and Charlea Mellrptlst. appt'l lant. front t'nlon county, on NMaT Ins ornrmed August 6. JMli former opinion adhered to; opinion by Chief Justice Hean W T Wright and 8. O. Swaettham f am .Hunts, w A. C. Craig and Amelia A Craig, respondents, from Vnlon eomty: w U Ellin Judge r n. ...j Opinion by Justice Wolver ton This was a suit to set aside a ton Teyant e of a 'raft of land having n hotel building thereon, executed bv A C. Craig tit his wife on tha alleg ed ground that (I was voluntary and mailt- for tlit- purpose of dofraudliiK creditor In November. 1M8 plaintiff- ami defendants MMMM Wftlw on a note of J B Katon. Jr . to the Flint National Hani; of Tnlon. To in dents If Umm. Eaton itavt- Swackham er a niortajff. to foreHose whh'h th bank instituted a suit and nlttalti d I de mc aaaliitt the makers of tha BOta. The prot. tds el tli llltittaaKe were tpnllad in aaymaM M I note, and tin bslajMM wu.s iaiii by MWami aura- tiee f'rai-- iiavmi; imtliliiK Hlx share wa coDttibUlad bj Ul plaintiffs, who did so to avoid Ittvy and sale of their pro partji undar execution Plaintiffs O0 Itlfa to enforce contribution of tht note, ami execution was lsaueil on certain property owned by f'ralK In the meantime Craic transferred the hotel propertj to hit wife for a consideration of $1 f'rala held that tin consideration Matad in tin toad tliti not linlicaie the actual Bellini! priea at tka pf ovartir ! that in will- In piirchuslUK the hotel assumed the payment of two mort gages aBRrenating $lon. whieh she ubaequently discharged The tofaa ' ants won in the lower court, from lb Makethe Hair Grow wuii jrm ibiini-KM of Omooaa goaa "ti liuui Urwtiut. ol urieeaa, pareMei na Ueut skio curea. Tin. irealiiii-ui al once Stv f a! 1 1 lit.' ri-iiiovN craslSi (calu. ud dati'lrufl, suuiiitu irnuied, ui-biug llirfssaai ituuulatei Uu lun loilicia. supiilm. ibe root with saergy ami nourisbmeiit, ud ruakon Ibc luir get akea all t.- laila. ,i imtMif boalU' riil l"iial lip., Sw.. 1 jju . BkIoii "Uav lu UateUMuWul Ui:'."nai Goods. Max Baer. for Christmas Tide judgment of which plaintiffs appealed The supreme court holds that, inas nun I: as the transfer of the property by Craig to his wife practically ren dered him insolvent and without M0BJM to illscharRt' his legal obliga tions. It made a prima facie case of fraud and It therefore devolved upon the wile to show that slu- took the miveyunci In entire good fnfth. with out purpose oi deraudltiR tin creditors ol Craig. Mrs. Craig failed to aatah llsh tht fact that she paid an aib; uuate price for the property, whieh is valued at $inn to llO.OOo. The decree of the lower court Is modified ami tha toad Of conveyance from CralR to his wife Is get aside ami the sale of the property Is ordered to satisfy tha plaintiffs' demand subject to the actual oiishleratlon paid bv Mrs. CralR at K per cent, pot annum from the date of the payment Tin- iir greeate of the sums nald by Mrs CralR is $toui'.'!7 which Is declared h lien on the premises In favor of Mrs CralR superior in rlRht and prior In tlnm to tha plaintiff' demand The plaintiffs are to recover their costs In both courts. A Rarpny. Roaring Flood VfMktd down a telenraph line whieh Charlea C. Ellis or Uabon. la. had to repair "StandliiK waist duep In ley water." he writes. "Rave me a terrible old and ouk" It Krow worse dally Finally the best doctors In Oa: land. Ntli Slonx Clt and Omaha aald I hail consumption and could not II v. Then I began iisIuk Br. Klnn's New Dlacoverv ami wa wholly curetl b) ill bottles." Positively Riiaranteed im i niiRhs. eoldf and all throat ami luni; troubles hv Tnllman Co Prlce . BOc. THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR WILL INSTITUTE COMMANDERV Emminent Commander. W. T. Wright, to be Prssent Charter will be Gtv en tlie Pendleton Orgamzation. I his evening, at Masonic IV iid W. T Wright ol I'nioi gran-! fin lent CommandiM of th. Oregon Oraml CoaaauuKWry, Kalghta TegaplaT will lormallv institutt- the I'eidletoi. OOM mandei It has BaraUilON BOThoil BOOOr a dispensation NBMgftol I la tabave Its permanent chart r. The member of the Templar degi-' ol Mason i v will meet at he Taaapl loi this Uaaortaal function, and attt - th elaborate ceremonies, a bgagBOt will ' Isr HiTVwl In the ball O'her pii'i:.!-in-lit Templars are cxpe- ;io t" at" frOM otusiiii- citiea. Those who have arrived are: W liavi ol Cnioii ol the Oregon Holler Mills Bd Kidtoll. of Island City of tin I'loiie. i Kloui lug Mil'- Mr I mis of Eugene: Dr. .lessup. ol Salem ar. ban Others expected are: John Matheson BT Molllter. ol I.a Grande and F. s Stanley, or Pjrry. Health and Beauty. Poor complexion is usually the re Milt of Irregularity of the bowels. Be Witt s I. lull Karh Hibers siiniulati tiie liver, regulate the bowels. Tall ma n Co A MTVloa iu liiumory of tha JttMian toldlera or the King, who have fallen in South A.rlca. was held In tin BOB tral synagogue or London. Sunday VBBing. Two thousand Jews have lough' in the BOOT war. and 32". have Bgurad in the casuallty list. Tin- Newton county safe, at Dei a tin Miss . was robbed or $4000 In pen siou warrants, a large quantity al i , niters' warrants $2260 In i.heck a number or uoatofflce money ordei , :tid a ipiantity of lamps and ovei I IK00 In cash AXMEN HOLD FORTH ELABORATE PREPARATIONS FOR WOODMAN RECEPTION Head Consul Falkonburo will be Here On December 17 What Spokane is Doing In the same Line The Order is Booming. The Woodmen of Pondlotoo are maklUR extensive preparation to Mtra the baad consul, f, a. Fmlken Mtri a splendid rei eptlon on tha even ing of Tnratiay, Nov. i". it han been six or seven years since Hand Con sul KalkenburR Icavt visited the neigh bora at Pandlaum, and since thai tiun tha I'acltli Jurisdiction, has BMda woadarful irowtb, both In point of membership and In the accumatatlon oi raaarve htoda. Paadlatoi Conp, No II that at that time aumbared ahooi ido aihata, has new tyar KM) wtdl on the way toward MO m Bt and fully expects to pass the " 10 mark before tha flrnt ol the yeai Spokam lias Riven over the List ilavs of this week to a Woodman loR roUtni and reception. DttriBl Th:rs ,Iiin J-'ridav and Saturday Spokane will in is Daaam rataaMaraa, In pi n tit ally in the hands M the hands ol the Woodmen Some ttw or six thOBBBad M the neighbors in in eastern Washington will asemide. and tha BBWaMoaBl new Bpnkaai thaal Oil bO In their hands m Tliursdiiy and Friday magnllltent iret step op (lean entertainments will ba given ami on the evening of those day in itials oi thai ramott world's famous masterpiece. "The Messiah' M wall trained voices swelling the ebon h. This rendition will ba given hv Ibe Rpokane oratorio loatatjr, whloh is a WoodBMll ni ganlz ulon ami has won a high reputation In wtstern mus'cal circles. President vnill Touch the Betton Friday evening will In taken up !n pohaaa with an IflUBaaat atraat n tBth ' which brass hand. Mr arorfca float, military teams tlamheau clubs transparencies and enthusiasm and in which prominent ofluiala oi that! stati will appear. Satuidav tip' Rreat el ts oi i now members will he Initiated InU) the order at tin- Spokam- theatre, hi tin presence of the head consul I Falkenbllrg. the head haulier C V Cooper Gem ral organlei llogei end D. Htlllman. chairman ot tin- hoarn ol bahd managers one unique faaturs of u - irograai in Spokane In lhat the en'ertainn i in the theater will In started and the bouse illuminated bv Preeldeni Theo ton Koosevelt Hitting e tli Wi ll. House p will start p motion tht else trie entrant that win ma!e kane theatre a blaxe or light sad . er ill the Jllhlle. The Pendleton R-ception. Han in Pendleton on vt Xii" avaalai tha WoMtaMM Bill hoi I i lormai raeaptlon lii their loggt ' in tin Odd Fellows' I ui i urn .nil seven oeloet until algtii Al tlghi o'clock the magllltleent street i will tut in on Main stn- am! mtli h to tin i-ourt house. Win d ial '1 by graal tiisplay ol Ira a iu light At about a quartnr peai algbl tii program at the court no Use 111 is eoninp need, which will Include the address of welcome and tin formal presentation oi tin kojra II the i Hv hv the mayor, -o th at consul and address bv i r ' h -dull exieiplijig tin Ii , n.ii i 0 tha head officers of the w.,, Woodcraft, and the haarl h talk from the head i-umuI, sho, Is recognized as one of the real o frg tt-rual orators. If. Iinleed doI the Kt-eatest At the Court Haii Ml Those who atteml th. wo' il tin court house will he sltoltted Ii to the splendid ball and .hat dl he given at Mush hall The liiMlUess house il I'eud'tdOII Will Ifeognt. the i HID Ing : caption anil their display ism. , emblematic or Wootoraft will rival each other. T C Taylor in th bard' wan- line praBBBBi to t ! 1 a i i:m in tha way Of an emblaiaatu Wraid man window that can produce 1 in the hardware line. The Peoples Warehouse K All u. del ami the St Joe Store HBd till Hi others are each Intel .'nig to pro duce the best emblematic window (n then- lines It Is sale lo stv thai Tuesday will be WooiIp in li Pendleton. Managei Johnson or the I'ostal Tel graph eompatiy Ills son ami a ae gro driver, wen- killed near Newlou Misx li a falling tree ik I BARGAIN DAY! 1 Subscriptions to the Daily, Weekly, or SemiWeekly n i n a w i i r i- i : t i i i it ii; i d Ufl i UGLGIIIUDI LUMs AT. HALF PRICE A Cut of 50 per cent, For this one day only At this rate, the Daily East Oregonian, i l. Rav if you subscribe on this day, will be sent bv mail to you for one year for $3.00; the a a ar Semi-Weekly for $1.00; the weekly for 75c. This offer is made to old or new subscrib ers who pay subscriptions in advance from December 28th, IM0I for one year or more. Don't fail to take advantage of it. Tell yotir Neighbor about this Send for a Remember this offer ONE DAY Saturday, December 28th. Remit by bank check, postal note, money order, express order or in one and two cent stamps. Address EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON. jt. rl nn issarr.- t t r i r -w t w i ri w lis rttmi . . - !'iiiiiiiiis m m nan " m Pric$ 25 CtS. rvjna- offer, in your name Sample Copy is good for the ONLY, fa fiU FUrv n w i al ia.. ' tg if Jver ID Fante oJ r 'ww Bsuiu r Wtoga special -eire BT gfca, I Lam.. ' hfM . 'MM1 sfjyT, Ma. 7il171 ml ik. . tsle City , asm Tit ay gJMM 4 M rsuis aoouT i THE BOOK THAT IN EVERY IN EVERY r riisH. .... LvrKT AMr a . i. aw v vnLU - . w koagj StockH, In aaab ar M New Vrk 3Mfc i hi, at. bterk win. i' - - urt t, Mil ncil EVIA jse ( tat tit aeaa aiafj l.JI Mi l. ? ! I 131 atro J i trm MB ini ma la J3 ... ..!. isa 1-JJ Mm m gg k nan n i m Six New a T II . sa bb as a . a 1 US'' .. asa ,111 . ' ii i; aT turn B, a 111 J.B.e- cat