East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 11, 1901, Image 5

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1 1 pays to trade ot the People Warehouse.
"Not o nuestlonoMe nuallty here ."
u tu v,iut? at
ur O'clock
tt stock in shape. First day of sslc very Successful.
$25,000 STOCK
I ot U long at the rate it is going now. Cleaver
av -,r, tr.iiriL' out of business am! the Stock must
told t OBCB.
d-o nmr n
ver lm us. lm y viuuus vu,
,av n BMBBB 11. Ittl.
Howard Karm loans.
a Hia'(i fire Insurance.
L . . . .11. .1 ..
IMi'll. ' " .
Candies By Baa ton at Dntton's.
Fine line ot toilet aoup Just in
lo you wuiit a doll lor iiotliiiiK"
hi), trail Mm Owl's ad.
Horm-h at r'UHonalv' mien at 8cm
lie's barn, opposite city ili.
K Martin for (iiick delivery an I
Kooil KnodH. l.ow-'Bt pfWM In Ii I
Chocolate lirandy cordliMs, 30 rents
box. 'Tin- Palm" make at Kocpiien
Winl. commenced thin afternoon
acrapiiiK tip and hauling mud off the
SutiHiu. tioii in price' goods and
delivery. II you buy vour rocerl.
.ud l.-vl. aew. ma- "f "' .
Will,,,, ninoheiH 1 1 i i B nn, 101 i
n( B nutH crackers. - 1"er.
,t , he Standard. ton Bt0re.
ft tin Standard when you Hawley lrs ere Rlvlns awuv
l . wi.tl llni. Hinii'T " ' 1 1 i tinii iwiusen. v nil .
' -- I. ...I I ..... . It
. Illlll Will Ul'lfllt II.
..II ' nf lull CHtllt I'.
'.j ,,..,. b- n Wmlc "x "u' r plirchiihi'il lot ! In
ud eowtry. E .t. wade.
ul but iM.uHui.tH at ua f ., $77r, oierefor.
l hold thaaa tot you and
Xaui 11 1 I k . I JbbI "lie order to trv my Icllveiy
1 tPV I system. 11 you are 11.1; HBUKiieti t
MI chocolates have
alit 1
DuttOO'l chocolates
out ut L leaver
Olal out of 1)1181
pa (lie damage, it Ma: tin.
Picture framing a "specialty. New
'.Ine of picture moulding Ilrass
Inn tnr everybody at the, :uorentn for frames at C. bharp s.
rw r:i(ifi Htnm
He acres of tine
of AdaniM
niikv 11111 . inn
v. iinuunn oia
v. hciit
Jam h ;
A" and dressed geese, ducks
chickens ami turkeys ran lie had at
the Standard, at the lowest prices.
Follow your MM and you'll MBM
to Koeppcn's drug store to buy yo:ir
randy. Almost everybody knows "The
Palm" chocolate m iieM and cheat-
. .. r.n ........ ....,,.,1 ..u, l,u r '.1
at -. tits
Sisters will entertain
. - T ... I a .1 1 ... tl... Il.,..lu . 1 ... . .
Hun Hull 011 Friday. le ) "' " 1 f"
l sale tomorrow. Thursday, afternoon
. ' in Mo sample room or (tie ten
11 ' II M M lUH' , ... , , . . . ... ,
. mile in ii t i inin
UK. riH-B K ia til n m
! IW W sai.
and re-1
'hit: a aire rug. rock
If HI Wlltlllg desk? Ha
St lowest prices.
hub a mi iitiiftiiii ill
property two blocks from
A MV seven-room house,
Itnti on, I l.u.l. tl IlKli
W .-w
M iicant lots. 2B resl-:
rtit chuhv ranchoa In
8url.ct lualries. Wheat
o-k ranches. K. T. Wade.
aud Mm Years ore not
DUt u r are tht
ht ni : audi wi Cftllfoi
nnii-h InmnrB at KUd h
Of '(!. ' ,,crl ulr..ul
0oedek. has
Sll kinds of ban bona.
IMttbuttOi cuts. etc. He
"i: lalttes Nice as
orangrr bananas and ;
served from
1 '" tin Itaptist church
Imiidi.. i lii.-l and anion
hi i r i noon
Lunch in i. nerved from aecretary ;
will h
A deluyrd shipment of Km k wood
wore has Just arrived at Kocppen's
pharmaey. Tie uictorx made a ills
count lircauM- of the delay in ship-
n. rnl OOnOOIJtWtlj the goods ate sell
U at about halt the usual price.
Ilcmott h has hot house lettuce, sour
plrkh-B in hulk dill pickles in bulk,
sweet pickles In hulk, saur kraut
wirt ruler, nillice mot In bulk, lamb
tongue, tripe pig feet molasses In
bulk, syrup in hulk, plenty turkeys
ducks and geese.
The Pastiim Dancing Club has Issu
ed Invitations fur Its first dance of
the aeason. which will he given in
Armory hall on the evening ot Satur
day. IToOOMbor 14, This cisb was or
ganUed Tuesday evening with u meiu
beiHhlp of tin. No person will be ad
untied without uu liivatation which
must be presented at he door The
officers of the club are as follows:
Arthur J. (Jibaon. presldeut; William
Maker vice-president: J. I.. Sharon
T. H Swearlngeii. treas
Vanoua Opinions of Citiiens as to the
Issue That Is Now Before the Peo
Many oi the business men of Pen
! dleton were Interviewed yesterday
evening on the subject uppermost In
the minds of most of them I. e.. do
ing something to rid the streets of the
mud which Is an abomination to every
man. woman and child who has to
travel them. With one accord, they
say something must be done, but
Rha1 this something will be for the
advanthae to the city, nnd the least
cost. Is thr OQOttloa which Is ogltat
lag the minds of all. Following Is
the expression made In some men
E. M. Lyons.
K. M, l.vens Six Inches of crush
Od rock ought to lie put on Main and
Court, streets in the business portion
of the town 1 will gladly pay my
proportion ot the taxes for this."
O. A. Hartmon.
C. A Hartman - "The only thing I
know to do Is to put on a coat of
crushed rock."
J. v Bentley.
J. M Hcntley To put on crushed
rock or pave would not do away with
the mud. unless the dirt and dust car
rled in during the summer was swept
off before the rainy season comment
ed Mont or this mud is carried in
here on wagon wheels and horses
feet from the country and outside of
E. D. Boyd.
E. I Boyd "I am not In lavor of
crushed rock. Tor I do not think It will
be the benefit some think The
grovel put on the streets some time
M is a detriment to them, as the
mud wns not so bad before. I got
Bttddj then but the water OOttM soak
into the ground anil It soon dried up.
Now It stands on top and cannot soak
In. I think the efficiency of crushed
rock should be thoroughly tested be
lore any expense Is gone to by the
'Ity experimenting."
R. A. Alexander.
R Alexander "I think something
should In done The present condi
tion of th" streets In a disgrace, and I
will M too glad to pay my shore of
the taxes for any Improvement that
will prow lasting."
J. V. Tallman.
J V Tallman "It Is n shame the
way our strets are. The time has
conic when something must be done
J. E. Krause.
J. E. Krause "Thlo ottj ought to do
as they do In small towns In the old
country Set a side a certain portion
ol the taxes lor street paving and es
ti'hllsh a fund for this purpose then
each year os there Is money In this
Mud expend It for paving as tar as it
will go. In a few years considerable
street ran be paved In this way."
Lee Teutsch.
I.ee Teutacll "Whatever Is done
should he permanent. If it costs the
iuoierty a little more while It Is be
ing done that should not be ronsld
Tad, If It Will be the best III the long
run. A committee should be appoint
ed at the expense of the city to Inves
tigate and sec what would prove the
most effective tot the longest time.
The streets really look worse to the
outsider than they are "
Only Local Shooters Are to Compete
Seven Birds to the Man. $5 En
On Sunday, heginulug ut 14 o'clock,
the members ol the Pendleton Sports
men's Association are to have a live
bird shoot abeut eight or nine ef the
local shooters intending m enter the
competition The shoot will he for
seven birds to the man ost ot hirdH
being extra to the t BBtfBBM lee No
outside shooters air expected to i time
this time
In the Spring, the Enterprise Will Be
Taken Up and Success Compe.ied.
M i'l,et day was a failure f OOtTXH)
The Commercial Association have
been trying to establish a rr:-ulsi
monthly market day to aid the i.irni
crs In disposing of anything they ni.iv
have that Is not needed oi waiio c. on
the fsrm. and to this end the OSOOl l i
tlon storted In to have a mark-t dnv
every month. Yesterday was tV" AatS
for the third one, the two former
days having been pat-tin su tiOM
Those who had had th I thlnv. I:i
charge expressed themsrb rs s I dug
well pleased with the good a I Mi
pllshed. They soy that lie faUnn c,
tci-day does not mean that tha ld":
will be abandoned nttrel. but iwlftg
to the rush preparing for the hmldav
trade anil the extra work thnt ttlOM
in charge of arrangements hsd on
hand the market day i:h neglected
and allowed to pass vcsteiday with
little attention Hut It I" not the
Intention of the association to let the
matter go by default. Tiff will let
the matter rest for a month or two.
and then In the spring take It up
again, with a better orgsnUed system
and carry the Idea to a omplete sue
Catherine Murray Asks the Court for
Legal Separation.
Catharine Murray has sued for dl
rorOO from her husband. William Mur
ray. alleging that for the past OOTM
vears he has made life burdensome
for her by choking and otherwise
abusing her and that many times sin
has been driven frouj their home on
the icscrtation when her husband, In"
toxlcated. threatened to take her life
There are no children. Bhe prays
that thr court award her hall of all
the property owned by them.
Wear Demonstrates the
.Serviceability of otir Clothing.
THI- W I I K . otfn
And we are prepared to show the largest ami
iiioHt varied assortment of fashionable op
parel for men that lias i i MM displayed in
tlni slate. We want MM t" St, now, llo
' MBMW collection of Men's Swell Multsaiul
$7.50 to $25
Our garment- Include every fashionable
shape that Is nnole this season try thr most
rvctuslve tailors; tliey an' cut trom rigidly
te-tnl Mini luxuriously warm falnic hand
Miliiely liueil ami pctfii t tilling
Prop In ami take a glance at em Suits ami
Overcoat. Weil ml our gue If MB'fl
not templet!
We show the latest tiptoilate abajMO and
colors In list- Isith -dill ami soft at '-', i' ami
Up to v
Schimmel Pianos-
, . . Anvoiic desning to select uselul as well as an urnatnenl.il luist
Mis Jane I.. Stantord executed and ' i . i , ,,
delivered to the board of trustees of mas pres. tit can !o no better than b Im.sihk a Sch.n.tiiel PtiBO.
the U-land Stanford. Jr.. university Tlicse are a standard and IhkIi ndB make ol piano, highls polished
two deeds of gront and one deed of and fully guaranteed and retail Bverywherc Jor I4.S0 ' handle these
gift The aggregate value of property pianos JirCet from the factory and can aril them at two thirds of the
' . 1110 lei red s S" 1 1 -n 1 . .1 j u
refill! price. Call and inspect these pianos and get a bargain.
The colonel's licpiest i tl t 1 'he .tenth
or Kmmsllne Dale, the child of Kll.n
lieth Howe Dale, of Moboken. N. .1 .
resulted lu a verdict of accidental
death from pulBonlng.
fOl 1.114 Mam Street, Pendleton.
'jboOOSodboboo s JiiMiiiiJ s o o a s o s s b s 00 jo oTTTTl nmi'
Holiday Presents.
Tliif staptjn ire hav' taken pertiottlar pim .wiih our
Holiday Goods
S We have the IfjMMl letflrtnieill in the city. Sow in
sj tin- time tn set- thrHc imh iinii have first choice.
Fur and Silk Boas
Our line of Bom Ii Domplete, priced $ ,fl0 t $lt.xj S
Tlie rint'st line of neckwear we have ever ihoWB,
Pfleta from 2.V to $L'..r)(i
ur Milk and linen handkerchief can't he leat; prleeaj
frm oc to $.'(.76.
B Gloves, Silk MittenB, Purses, Umbrellas, Belts, etc.,
At except tonally low jiricew.
So theue ooiIh on displtj at
The Columbia
LodinK House
F. X. SCHiiMPP. Prop.
W M V ' raBt or Interest V
A London 0OfTMBSM)BBl iai the
ciirihtma.- Ilallad for Ciiiopean lioys
and Silifl" l Kdmiind RoHtand. is re
KMiiled as a paraphrahi- of lying and
cruel talet. about tin- South African
com nitration ramps
2 Honie Co-Operdlive Company
Will build you a hum fur
...SS.&O par Blonth...
111 f 1 r ij 1 ti ou Hi moosy 16
! uff yteir iimiigKni. ii buy a
iiuais la auy luellty, bb! Ub
t"j is yssrs saw rr.,.af "
r H bsi-k si lbs rals 1. tA 4
r aluiilu, wlluvul laMrsal la
(BMufllMltl Ol 11,1.1 IIimi.,,,,.
clBSr deait will be gT,
aui.'ssi lavMiialluu i-uurud
B. A 00KB.
PssmB44m, 0V.
1 i WbiiImJ Bvrywbrr.
Help or Situation
C F.Cook's Employment Ajpcy
Uuruar Main aud All Hlrvat.
. . vj
c s- ft) (s to) i s 1
to) to
to)-t 1 '
Rich Cut Glass
Mob more appropriate for holiday gifts
hi il liunt oul trlauH. Our new oatterns
'U I he tle.-iioih are all new and hv
N like myriad little mum and prices will
Itif ' V I Dim iluwiim art all tiuiu uml ttv
uiUKe. We
51 ,
BvvU, Champagne Glasses,
Bon. Water Glasses,
.Mav- a sf- . m
ouxan, wniaxy uiuiea,
dret Pitchers, Decanters,
Claret Glasses, Etc., Etc.
If A.