East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 11, 1901, Image 1

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    MEDIUM 7 X
Eastern Oregon Weather
T. utfhl SI
1 Olltltill.' I ri
1 1 v .'..tut .
NO. :tiM
1 r a m B BX. . x K
hp fc-v se m v i v k-k - -v y-w -w av . wnw mbi
ii hi' jftj-.' -BBa. - v a. a. "v v - .gaaw
of Crime of Murder
First Degree.
jam B. Morrow on No-
WHIM Latter Wii Being
B Hirr and Wade Lat
I TnmnrrDW.
I 1 ' -
p,.. William H. Dal
. . i i i . . .InifHUlB lift
it aj rnuim I" th(' nn"
H Morrow. The
- II,,' ' Ik Ulh
I I"' 111.11'.'." ...w.. -
On while be-
by Dalton and Jack Wade
mni" tomorrow.
Company Says It Ha Not Proponed
Armitice With the Rio Linton Con
No York, Dec. 11.-Amalanma:ed
OOUper still wan the "inline fcaturi Of
tli' stock market thai morning It
fluctuated quickly aroond 170, last
i closing prior. The Ania'.ga
mated company made an emphatic (!
nlal ot the London d)tpatch that It
had approached the Rio Linton com
paiiy with a view to an I vine at an
agreement to support the prior of cop
per. Victim of the Warfare.
New York. Deo. 11 Hneh Sm li ft
Co.. hrokera. suspended thjs BVWI
lug nwine to lOMM in Atnalc.iiiiHleil
cupper They are the first victim "i
the e.eat financial liattle now ni. u
L . laMAM U.
Kiovement to Coaleace
-I . . Mnrth
la DUUICb v . - . -
1 A uu.uillll fill Of
. .. - I.. ........ I., ., 1...I.I
i . i iko mnva.
i i . il. I ...! i. . .
DMBK - rot the ooalos
commercial bodies In the
lk.H. . . it..... Mlki'l I. 1111
las ImstMM wan trans-
lun ur LDUn
Council Propose to Concil
ia !' ; !. - Tile report
Uti. i iii u' :! w uk present
Mi.n i ISSMIOII of the con
h. Hnarlran Federation of
r. Tin Iat' President Mr
eatocbu d anil It recotu
t a direct appropriation to
BJ BeBloi i. I Hind lie made
"ratloii Passage by eon-
anti-injunction and Chi
ton ' tH waa reoommend
MBMil regret that efforts
tain pant of 'he weat
lab n movements
MBdl (oat nieiilttera Ol the
M-nt o t . . tventloii
n f ' itl iii of Mln ;
limine ahout bar
r & mm i i
" ucx uneni me iinneie
II I ii. report of
lonei to China
with 1 1 resent
a) It aaya the
ughoti ucteii with
'lie t otlllleH fill-
ntnrcak (mMOtSi
lorbltanl demauda
"t.Me.l uia.Ut In"
fi" .' leaden und in other
W i I. iia and the
iiai! Krievancts co-ordi
lie I'Mlcd States
Hi i
Wooster University's Los.
Wooater. MaHH.. leo. 11.- The main
hulldlne "t the I'nlveraity of Wikih
tel hurtled this niornlne The entln :1
ed Iohh Ir a nuarfer of a million.
"nirnjioN MYSTERY.
Doani, tfvas Still Uncon
0u Tint Morning.
...... i.iiidii uantiiiii
iii". nine The oollee
-"tll'"l tll'W U Lilt.
la motive t.u. the crime
U - It r. . , r .,
' "i nuiiniivil.
Aia ti . M .
" -' ' !'". " ' vlf
bafQI noil i She
" annaulted her but did
Shi i.dicated linn
would be 'ouud in her
i hi polli .- ay th
' the iiiok' ..-ii .itlenal
na! annals of Wjahtia-
Million Friuvi Tuaa
T. nah la coutl
to will have not leaa than
"l"'1' t..i World's Fair
'fJ'W Sayera' office la
' It',"'r'1 ahowing the wide
t In the matter, and he
Plxiin' linn, , .(,mnilaalHi
th.- mate tor aubscrlp-fund
Tempeiance Ticket Won Out in the
East End Town.
Milton. Dae II -Milton Is atlll a
dry town" and hlda .air to remain
Muh mi the aval two year. The
metnhera temperance tlehet
were al acted in OBM hj narrow
miu eina.
The villus- lll i out inn. to own tlx
own elcetilc heht and water hywt' iiih
I'lie qilenlii.li to fell rh- WBtel Work
and th. heht plant wax aVafsJMai by
an oxerw helnune majoiit.i. Thorn
elected Were:
Mayor S A Miller, iixh'p. ndeiit
candidate, no oiipoaltlon lit.
Recorder-g. w lagta, taapatssna,
!. majority n
Tieasurer N. A lavis temperance
IK, no opiioaitlon
Counollmen- E. ToMa, taapar
i.nee. niajority I!'. Mm Kra.ler.
temperance IT. niajontj . C I
ip'i-ry. temperance. K; nmlorlt'. !; M
K. HudHon. Umpanuwa s" majority
William Talhert ttWpatMM s
majorlty 19.
Tor eat. thlh plac ha Ween a
temperance town, ami .ill those who
have applied for licenses to sell intox
leatlni llQtion have baas refused,
8or.cn Went Strongly Against Them
ai d MM State Was Not to Their
!:ii;.ton. live 11. --The ileinonuis
ronipleli ly nv. iwhelmod Mi. " puhlt
ann in the . itv elections Tin la
General Patrick A. Collins heme elect
,.,! M;,voi Th.iu.io N H.i. :
lareeat plurality in a quartet of a ten
Miry liemocrutr- likewise olitaln
d control of hoth tiranches of Mm
oltj fioriraaiaat alaoUaj tkali atraat
eomtnissionei and pru' teally all tlielt
UieaillUtes tor school I OUlinisMoUel
As usual the city voted h'h.i.uI' i.
favor of license.
Tin result ol the cam a MM
us much of a aurpnse to the den..
ruts us to tin "i mHaniaali Tin a
satiRiiiii. .Limxrati. preiMa. I'"'
ntcbt onlv eave 7000 yK that plural
ity wus nearly tripled Two years
.pa Mayor Hart defeate i General '.l
lips by MW Mtes iioiime aoaathlt
over -iu.iMiu This eur th totu! M
puhlican VOt for mayor w as a trifle
over tt.OOO, It is the smallest tjlvaa
,i reiullicaii candidate for mayor
sii.ee lk:t. despite the fact that the
reelatratlon is almost 0" er cent
larger than then.
Yet General Collins received r.i mhi
votes, the largest in the hlatory m th.
. 1 1 and lo cat Med of the
wards Republican leaders ere In
.lined to blame th. sraatnei bttl this
dues not aeooutit for tin ti .o lid III
earns made by democrats In repin.li
can wards
Republicans all over Massachusetts
were not quite as successful ,u the 1
city elections held as they Vei. in
the foui held last week
Taken of Smith African Trans- President of a Transportation
vaal by a Governor. Combine Has a Say.
IctueE Proclamation Calling for Con- Hold fie Club of Railway Power
tributions to the Transvaal Fund Over ts Hrads of Buamess Men in
That Chicago and the State will the M nneaota Metropolis to Compel
Raiae A Boer Make a Statement Governor Van Suit to Cease Oppo-
Regardmg the Condition in South aition to the Merger of the Rail
Man and Woman Arrested in Omaha
for Portland Robbery.
Omaha. Due. 11 Harry Wooda ai'l
a woniun companion K" '"'' "n"'
as True lolmaon were arrested here
todav for alleged complicity In the
u.l.I.ery of $10.0041 worth of diamonds
from Albert Kreudenthal at PortUad.
Or Three tbouaand dollars worth of
gems were found In their rooma
Chicago. Dee. 1 1 .-Governor Yates
issued a Mi. lamatlou yesterday cal
ling upon the people of the state of
Illinois to oontriliiite mon.y loud
and clothes for the use of tion comhat
ants MM fined hi NWti African pris
ons The con.mlftee named to re
eeiie the contrihiitlous consists ol
JttdM Kdwar.l F Dutitie Mayor Car
ter H. Harrison and Peter YanVlls
slnsen fieasnr-i o) the Chicago
branch ot the American Transvaal
This is the first time that official
' Munition has been taken In the
Dotted states or the destitute tad
helpless condition of the thousands
o: I loci women and children confined
In llrltlah prisons The blighting
conditions and high death rate pre
vailing in the reooncentratlon camps
waa depicted recently to Governor
Yat.-s hy numbers ot the American
Ti.iiisvaal League In this city and It
Bf thM that he promised to Issue
the pro lamatlou which ha Just ap
Test of Proclamation.
The text oi the proclaiiiat ,iii Is as
i id lows :
' Win i as BOVarnl thousand cltUons
ot the state of Illinois have called my
attention to the destitute and helpless-
condition of the womcii children
and othm noniomliatunts now .otilhi
ed In tin' aallltnry prisons of South Af'
ilea, ami hu reouest. d me to make
known h public pro lumatlon the de.
iiiorahie altnnttnn of these aefonee
less outcast., and to call lor Hiiheerlp.
tlnns of money, clnth.es. u.edlclnes
and food to le us. d tut the m. Mora
tlon ol then .('trillion and
"Whereas The euoi mo;s . I . h r 1 1 rate
prevalllne In these MBMM InUentM
Mist the prtaonen must h sutT. rlng
Modi a war. I Bj :l.e aeeanattlea Of life.
Now the re fere. I, Rlcterd Yates
governor of the atate of Illinois do
hereby in the name of humanity call
Upon all the charitably inclined and
humane etttn aa of 'bis stat. t eon
tri ati money, meeirlne, rlothuj
:n,.l rood for the uae of lien and need
irlaoneta in the South African camps
Ami I hen b nominate Ju Igi IMward
f Dwan. Marvor f'art-t H. Harri
son ami Peter VnnVlfaalnMii as a
ooninMMee stnl otbet pernow to le
anranfter daalgnaterl . ail
tich colli I : Inn loll: hi osit tin i
to their credit ill tin t'o'ti Kxcbange
Bnah "i Chicago a blefa has volunteer'
ad to recetvi and hold roes mnds ainl
imi out nri thellf order
"And I perebj requeel the public
areas of th. state or lllinola to mai
known 'Ms pro. Ian. a' on lo the peo
ple of the state."
As Boer Saw It.
liegarding the conditions w he Ii
now exist in the coin-cut rut 'on "BIB pi
of South Africa the . ominirt . hoaen
to i. . civ fin ds consisting of Messrs
Dunne Harrison and VanVlissingen
sul.nut tin following graphic descrip
tion from I'otiiinandant W h Sny
man (oraaerl) a in. Hila r ol the Cap"
Colony unrttaojenl and Intel) an aid
oi flea Chrtatlna Da Baet'i -t..ff ho
is now in 'his conniry He.ently be
said :
"The death rat- in the . amps ia in
comparably worse than anything else
that Asia or Africa eau ahow There
ia nothing to mat. b It. even lu the
mortality figure ot the Ir.-llan fani
IB where cholera and otln-' epidem
ics have had to he contended with
A laige proportion of the soiinu
and children or the two colonic cov
ering an area ot far exceeding that of
lie British Isles, have perforce been
sw.pt awav out of their homes and
collected Into large rampa. where
the) have entirely to depend for main
Lena net upon the military authori
ties whose hands and resource are
alreedv fully occupied with the neoes
sarv provision of the troop Of
tbene circumstances it has been an
Ini viteble consequence that their
hardships have hecomc terrible
Death by asphyxiation waa the fate
or James McGMl an old soldier, ot
Leavenworth Kanaaa
St Pa a I Dot 11- .lames J Hill has
tin. atoned to tnakt the Twin Cities
but more aa pet' hilly St Paul, pav dear
for tin- opposition which has boon
shown to his plans foi controllllng the
Northern Pacific and Oieat Northern
unless the pr.sent avltatloti Is stop,
He Is understood to have written to
one or more prominent business men
in St Paul to that effect.
He stated specifically that unless
opposition to his plans wus withdraw n
ami the S' Caul in -. spapers swum:
into UjN In- vvould remove his railway
shops from St Paul and would not
bttUd the big shops he has so long
Repotted by I. L. Ray A Co.. Tandlc
ton, Chicago Board of Trade and
New York Stock Exchange Broker
(ten Vot!. Doc 11 There was
henvi liquidation In w heat t04B .
which continued right up to life close
Liverpool opln il at r' 2 and clns
ed ! I Now York opened at XT',
the high point of the day and riOOed
at Sa1. the low Chi. ago opened at
s;i and closed 0'v There has boon
a break ot over throe cents In two
days in wheat and wo think It safe to
buy it Stocks lower Mnnev ".'4 er
t 'lose j esterday. xT 1
liattgo todav V, 'v ii xT's
Close today MM
Corn. To.
Pork. Ilti.r.:.
Suae 1. IL'u
Slot I Pi V
St Paul. 1 :!'
Dalnn I'aoitie. 4g7.
Wheat In Chicago.
CMrnfB Dnt 11 Wh. at. 7 i ?'..
Wheat in San Francisco.
San PranclarOi PJee II Wheat.
mitj I07M
Van Sant not Daunted.
Chlaieo Dec 11. Minnesota's em
ernor. Van Sant, Is here today Ask
ad uboul the status of the quarrel to
da l.e said :
"I am hen- to attend the stock show
and tin nothing else snd I have little
time at my disposal The period of
talk Is past: the period t action lias
arrived We will act In Minnesota
He sine ot that I have not called a
special session of the legislature and
catniot say now when that will be
done 01 whether or not II will he done
at all W. will folio the trail that
seems to plollllse tile best results
W shall not statu! still
"This proposed combine III. nils loh
ht 11 There is no other thing to lie
said about It Our people are opisised
to It. Our law Is plain aeainst It
My oath oi offb . . ouipels uiv course
What I bav' BOMB has bSSB
done from a sense of duty
and right, what I shall do will bo
dictated hy right could .assume no
other position, limine j view the
satu'tltv of ni) oath I understand
that the movers In this project sav
that there is in. law against it ami
that thev will sue.. .d Well the
'ant do il. They will not make on
tluMe parallel and BBBmpetlai Hues,
obviating iheii uat.nal nvalrv and
fixing vvroueful rales not while I am
'ov . rnor.
No Offer of Compromise.
"I have not been appi "ached with
an offei oi compromise I have luaid
ot no DOMPNBasaa So far ms I know
theie lias been no thought ol roiiipro
mis. x-rtaluly not by thus.- who
have the aafetv and w.-M heme ol Mm
I.. . ota ill their charge We think
that we see our way clear and we
hall follow that way "
"We have three ways of reaching
thesi men and if necessary overs
way will he tried Our Railroad and
Warehouse Commission lias power to
ti tales It ma. 11 It si-os fit enact
a prohibit ory tariff on all . lasses of
loodj and tori.- the coiublners to do
legitimate business
W- have a law win. h vpn s. ly
prohibits the combination 'it jiarallel
Hues The Northern Pacitn ami tin
Gnat Northern are paiall.i G.sid
lawyers seem to question the scop, ol
this law I shall consult with the
Minnesota attorney general alsiut it
If be holds it to Ire good I shall spare
00 effort to enforce It If he is doubt
lul about il I shall call the legialature
ill extra session and thai body can
make a law which will tit that part h 11
lar Instam-e of attempted robbery
Within the siaii- lines of Minnesota
the Northern Pa.irlo-Grcal North, mi
int. tests mill not weld."
Mrs. Bonine Case Argument Before
Jury Today.
Washington. Dec II. Arguuieuts
n the Bonine trial began today The
proaccutlne. attorney in bis address
to the jury arraigned Mrs Hontue
11.' 1 c'leasly , and at every BWtBaV I
ast reflections upon her motive in
going to Ay res room He placed es
pecial emphasis 011 th. ia t that after
Ayree had aaked her to go to his room
sin . lothed herself in clean liueu He
closed by saying ahe killed Ay res lu
. old blood
Senate Again Take Up the Hay
Pauncefote Treaty.
Washington. Ike II. Senator Hnr
lows ol Michigan, Introduced In the
senate to.iav a Joint resolution ohaug
lug tb' date ol Inaugural day lo I In
Inst Thursday lu April. A niimhei ol
llnpol taut bills w ere hit i nduced, and
then the senate Weill llllu executive
session for the consld.'i at lou of IBB
I lav PaUBI efotf treaty
Tbe Smith Ahum IcStl Republics
Arm For thr Conflict.
Peace I Not Certain - Indeed. Both
Countries Arc Buying Warship and
Preparing for Possible Complica
tions in the Near Future.
Valparaiso. Dec. 11. Tin- wai i mU
hanging OTVT Chill and Argentine la
etowlne more threatening The sec
retary tor foreign alTalrs and thr' Ar
BOMIne minister held another fiult
less conference on Monday ovei ihe
ponding boundary dispute. It waa
soon alter this failure to agioe that
the tncrntnr) declnrnd in Mm senate
that as Argentine was pu-chasing
warships Chill had do-bled to I'UJT
Mvnrnl s. that siie bsbM bo itrepnrnd
for emergcnolcs. Advices from Ar
gentine sav the fever there Is grow
BnOBOl vies Dec II I'clslsteUt
rnporl is in etronhMJon that the gov-
1 niiient is about to recall the Areen
tine minister from Chill.
Citnens Will Show Resource of the
State at the World Fair Newtpa
per Men Decide That They Will En
courage and Promote the Enter
prise. 8t. Louis. Dec. II. The enterprhi
ne Cltleiia ol Wyoming bav. detcnii
kaed to show the rich ami varied n
BOnrCBB ol that state at tin I OttlBtBBB
pnrohnni BnpoalUnn la an tteneiva
At Clu eiil.. in August last, tin Ld
ilorial Aasoriatiou began the worl ol
organisation lor a proper i.-preaeuta
lion ot the statu at the Si lxiuis
World s Klir lu IPH i In i. uloiiul
Aasisiatlon adopted a resolution do
laiiug tor a convention to t a'
i.atuu.ie on DBOBgebni 11 ami I-. to
be known as the Wyoming ImluetrtSl
eouveullou. to . olisulcr among ('III' I
things the adequute it pi senlatioii o.
the slal' at tin- World's Kali A 141111
untie, composed of Gov DeKorest
Kichaids. ehninnnai 0 Obbbbbi
at i retari i w. n, Hoillday, hX a sia. a
and W. Chaplain was gppolBMd Ifl
issue the call foi the convention The
call Is out The ri pi.-seiitatlon lo Um
BOBVenUOB '.' '" 'en iii. -elites at
lame I mm e.o b count! in UM BMMB In
In bchcted as the UewspUM-r edllols
in each i utility seal ma dlreii, leu
-n !' gales to b appointed by each
' inayoi oi an Incorporate n n town
U u d legntee io i aaaaed i the BretT
idem oi eai h Hoard of Trade or husl
less linns organisation ami eveiy u.
tin aevapnper man in tin stale will
Ire a "it legate ex oltliio Tin- co-oper
ation of every oltixen of Wyoming la
BMBd lu the call
An invitation has been i cone. I at
the World'M Kalr headquarters in St
I urn i eqiii-sl nig that a lepreeentatlve
oi tin- Louisiana Purchase Kxpoaltlon
attend tin convention and (be request
w in i.e . aaapMod Mb
Suit Brought in Oavi Defalcation of
Land Money.
Salem De II fudge RonM sus
lained the (leunirn-i in the suit of Ihe
late vs lln BChOul Isud Iniarrl for the
Davie iefnbatioa Hi- hoMa the board
Is not ri-swinalblr- for the i lerk
Seem to Be Willing That Absconder
Fleishman Go Scott Free.
Los Vngeles Dec II A eiowlug
opinion Is held here that the bank of
fl' iuls do not want Fleishman arrest
ed, and that bis whereabouts are
Known to them Private detectives
iiiueh ai the offet of reword and re
fuse to touch tile case
Jo Blackburn Married.
Washington Dec II Tin- inar-
i iage oi .1.1 Maekbura lo Mrs. Mary
BlaekhBra wlnoa ol tin senator
nephew, occurred this afternoon iinly
two or thine Witnesses attended Kvi-u
tils two daughters were not (here
Building for San Franciaco.
Washington. Dec II A hill pro
viding for a puhlli bull. ling for Kan
Francisco, was iBtfOdltOOd by Senator
I'crklii today.
Boers Were Captured.
Ixiudou Dec II An oillr lav J ilia
patch from Hlandoltrn says the col
umn under General Urine Hamilton
baa captured practically all th Hetbel
. ominando at Trb hardsfontein Tbe
Hoer loasea were seven kilted and till
taken prisoner
Thousand Mil Mark Paaaed.
New York. Deo II The thousand
mile aril, in the six day bicycle race
was pass..! this morning five teams
were still i mining neck and neck In
the long grlud. Coudltiona of the rid
era waa excellent.
'I lu- clitfcrcru c- In
en t !. twecu .hi alum
h-ikinjjr, powtkr and
t li c 1 ighcif -i l a 1 1
t icim l tartar bale
i,' powocr w tull nut
amounl for a family 'i
uj-plv tp one iltfllai
o vc ir.
Of. Price'i ii the
standard vrt am oi tar
tar baking powder 1 1
makes flic torn! tic
lit ion i ami I it'ii 1 1 liiul.
Not..- Nun ..moot, ii vou
Value g.MMl be,, lib, .iflolll lo
use i lu low-grade, alum
balfUie p 'U.lii-. liny are
aid io -p(,.i ih. i i , ile i lo
. I uigi r II.. I ..III. All
pbysM ialHi w ill till i"u .hat
alum iu loot! ii th Ii n't aie.