Are you thinking of Christmas Presents? (A M A' A' A DALEY ' 0 tfhiert, Pufuuhtwt and ffaiten. Plmdk TfElAY ld-VKMlsKK 1" GENERAL NEWS ii la rvporttrd that inn Bom intend . satabttab ui Chile Th. DoaslaavUta, CM Uanh M ibtx ol 3 IN The robbafB saSBBs il or. a Imtt'l- a' Th. laaa by borstal ol Hm national tnt h Work, at TVs Moines it ss to re Ml Tern aR.'d 1 U were in metnrter :l .irtt ml- and 4 the i' Ii--: Titer at York, de- ui tu il iMintae the indict- Rotaad B MoUdmux, d" Miss f'ath'rtn for th- murder Adams ajhac i' Fuller a millionaire, and' wlm wan aTljutuii' ii'-neral Ol Illinois troopa during Um drtl war died at hif horn, at Relv! ' r- III used Til ' eU' - a. H Manor wtui ' as an-aasael at Philadelphia lor uttartag a reman should ba shot was released from ' .i 1 i.-iin i.i. - column :i on. lamtoltt Indiu ha ien raldins th- ny th' ll.HlUK to Th' robbari !. hunl. PACIPIC NORTHWEST NEWS Th- ('arloii County Wyoming, itroWt-rii AMHOclatioti has cloned I toojlfBcM with the I'nion Pacific for Um jm of 4 (Mi of to acre of railroad '.ami Ii Um Rod Dotott tar ooatl year Wawborfi new ax-handle taototjr atajflod mj mil Idaat the ftrat of the Mid it now doltiK bNBtMM with a ruah ami whirr It ia equlppad with UB-to4aUa machinery and can turn out herweer. I Sf and 2on handles In a day. 'i-v!i,.-i. w.-ri ' tiled to act aa hjrort In Um cam- ol William Walton uiii i tin m irderett of .lano-s H Morrow and the trial of the case was i on at UM state circuit court II Portland Monday botag heard hy ludga ''Inland assisted hv Judge Sears Tn Hiils-rl(itlon committee of the Portland llhrarv eosmjMaMd of W M I.add hr T L Rlliot Milton W Smith and W. I. Brewster, will begin work right away to raise the fund of ti o necessary to enable the cltl- . i.?- of Portland to have free acces '.c :t. '! ofMi nooks now reserved to mrniiii- of the Library Association Th' .!.. . ' ' munainrh UM '-UKlneer of the O R it N com !an who was killed in the murder ous train wreck a few days ago. was bald Sunday la Portland from the '"bun h of the Immaculate Heart WII-!.am- avenue A large number of frienitH paid tribute to the dead engl neer Interment was it. MoBBl Cil vary cemetery. Il eral hundred horses have been bought In Burns lately for the British government, to be shipped to South Africa The horscr- are smal! weigh mg from 711 to 9So tounds ami the pric paiil per head ranges trom I'll- Ml This Is the first tune that a boyor for the Kngllsh government has BOM to that county to buy horaes We at i- prepared to show yoti a immense line of Boy's Clothing and Boy's Overcoats Pram which yds cap solacl i Cariaunai present thai will pioase tlif DO THE STRANGE THEOi (Mil AN this van saw insane preacher chenoaeth He wii p. o Rfaciung Cali fornia or British Columbia and tr Leave Oregon. H Hnunmarilii' ' who was 111 lW ilWioB durtut. .Monday from hi honif a- ai Beta stated to Mm Baal mint; that ba saw and tull srlOt Um BUtUllOOB MOB) preach.".'. PI ! I Cnenowatll. UM next day aftet I aaeapwn1 from the I'nlon count ihertV oy JumpUaf troM Um wtetfoa ' a tno;l',i: tnt'li tient Nollti. He told ,tr Huitnittnrdttcr that In hiii! ttat BSeapd from thl ofiVft ami that ') v .int. .: to set to California or Hit' Oregon l&oci aid ba did not want .i ii mora i ost to Um state M mild itof to either pf the ahov. i ' plat .-. hi would ! satisfied i! would not ea-t Ii he wif ncatr at tu Um Inaaaa asylum Ha eiaim to have served in Um aajrlBBt a Vn and nlso Ir California and do' t bsaltate to tall it. CtaoftOWOUl has not baal heard Ol ica he eraied from Um eoBStBtek t'i.lah a few" ilavn aftst thin am! srbai'aalmuli Is ntlll a nivsterv Of Benefit to You. T S Mltehell. Fnlford. Md "Dor Inc a Ion. Illness I vo trookMd win hod ion- tried DtWlttl Witch Hnr-' Salve and 'an cured " Curo nili orcii and htirna Pewarc of conn-1 'lt Tallmar. & Co BRIGHT PATE POR WALL'JLU Joe Mercnant Thinks Puture Bring Railroad Importance. uti bttorrtow afitfc d l . t ': U'al'a tt'ollti lie OBiMOMod hiniHii a rta'n nf M r 'iti ml M to a Maifio!i of lmtortan'- th.- cutoff to run in ami the rlvM In lin. ! certaliiK tic aad "! I'matllli a railroad town that the 0. at. 4 rompooy will not long continue I hi S inconvenience of their arrangement M Horbtinb Walltllo hac every uilvutitng. of Ii catii relnt've to the main and th laTBOtib Itnw! ot the road besides- H aiuantager n eOMMOUOi Vttb the W at C. R and UM X P. In addltinn ti Um teatui.-n its situation on UM Ol lumbia river would tend to attract u i. - or. account of possible ear! rival rraftV Entertained Noted Painter. '.i informal reception was Biven a IBM taohMBCI Bi Mrs J P Wattle ITS Arthur street. Thuraday after M 'i m honor of John Ivey. th. mite iiuiiite- who hat- been vialtim-' 'be intnt .-.! ir ("alilo'liia Th. do lerPnt apurtmenti- were prettily de orated with leriir uml clusters ic OrafJBB ttraix-s Imring the recei iug hour a large number of promincir pejopM called and all greatly appr elatad Um opportunity to groat Hm distinguished artist Telegrani Health and Beauty. Hoor ou.plexlon is usually the re suit of irregularity of the bowels !" Witt's 1. It tu- Early Risers atimulate the liver regulate the bowels Tall man at Co Notice to Contractors. Saled proposals will be receved a' the office of T F Howard. ni-hltef up to 12 o'clock noon of Friday. TV nth 1901. for the buiUlLg of an a i dltlm to the Field acboolhouse i West Pendleton, according to plan prepared for the same by T. F Ho ard. architect. The right Is reserve1 to reject an and all bids for ti wo'V December 2 1101 TO CURB A COLD IN 0MB CAT Takt laxative Brnnii. guliilM Tblu A'l IrusgKin rwiuiel Ibe iiin If u UIU ii l ine B W lirove'i ilf nature nun eacli bni : The immigration restriction bill which excludes from Australia all pot OBf win. cauuot sak a arOBassg language paasetl the commonwealth senate HE'S KEEPING VER QUIET STATEMENT OP J. N. WIU LIAMSONS POSITION. Pnneville Politician Adopts s Polic of Obviating Pnction His C.inrl' dacy to be Determined Latn Mr Bcflbor says that J. W W liamsoii. f Princvtllc hi everywhert spoken o( as one of tbt I otntlii BtBl men Ol Oregon H has withdrawn his candldacj foi the poaltlon a n rotary of state To have rontlnuexl ::. tin rave might bavr U deal oi frtctlon. and Wlllhimaon I that kind of a pollttcian Thr peo pie of his own and nelgl . own tics insist iiimi his bciomim tt -' didate for t (ingress ami he ma) ron - -itt But he is not uti aaata) n Moody and will not onnoaa him utt ! there is evidence nl di ilwl weakness in his Dampalgo M Man. son Is a man o( th lieonle and can afford to hide his tltm lA tiramb Ohronlcla The alove. as far as It relates tn Mr. Williamson dsacrtbe. tbt ill afion more correctly thnn anything yet given out by any t oBI srelldn lormeii" roatoiBporgrtaa Um Oi ioi inn Included Th. Chroolch saj m own pBraowal kaowledgi Mi WII . BUMM lias BsTfOT noon B nils ' out "olts rand'. dnt to: tin secretary si: of stati He has never author: livtnf l"'ing to say ho wns a candidate rot aaythtaa bbm Matt) ol his baai n-iids have advised him that I hi -nt lac rat an raaaot ! dafeatel ior roaoattaattaa ami Mr flllhunsoi is not disposed to press a ( lain 'hat aroutd tindotibtedh cans' mop or less friction annuo, pavtl-- thai TI and ought to be friends DalHM t'hlOtlll I' PROHIBITION ISTS TICKET. State Organnatior Puts Porte Citnd. dates for Coming Campaion The prohibitionists' BBVC BOBtllUMed i.. following state ticket For C.ovcnio' lt" A .1 HUBaaka ol Yamhill count) For Tteasti": T I McDanh Pot tuperlntendent ol Pi ruction -IT W K'ls.' m Yu For State Print": W It i or Atiorn." ii ie OH in s ol TtUBBsOf) Kmi OoaaTBgBann Be F It Spaulding ol Wai . i. ui.. i t .... 1 1. lie. in.- ii.1 lib.'-' U''l m m) tin. S. ta ot Is Gr.i ml Hi'lii'.ii' I 'isp.a ( i.ifnes 1 iolla. Sleds. . v.uur. , ivmv uuai ' V I - i , I'rUIIlK '!( 11. 1'ell . . .i wood toys ft, in and I A cent,- uuujii lanleriis, 4.V to 3..'i siaaui tn n. -to m.'i: .leda aud et'.'(rrs , veloclierte iron wagaos Lank- (rum . K- e HiiihIiimIv ,,r games.,i oisun new oim, fa-Ui 6. Uolls ami doll heads tluilietise llle In rln Ton, Useful and I anc Qifts Manicure sets in aaliulold ami auoti) wood, work taiaes ami i,k. i tt liuins, jewell cae ..,Ur .mi ouf U.s, leutlier KOtxis. iiuihi, : Iu,r mirrors, ate. Special at Noll's Indies aiidyenu. nue i -SSc to M6. ryiluiaii Triple Parfurues I s aae to l 66 'Prae orimmen's i, u,. jlu,.,lh, books, in one syllable easy , rod Bl lowext prlOHl Hoc Madalllons IW- to S.U6 for llllllieusr line of line iiieOalluilis new subots, naw frames Christmas candies nun, and tre candles at loweet price . , O rederick Mi it 1 itt Ibbhbi" "TI DAaAAM B I 1119 liUa.UII 9 aui Ji - 4 f 1 1 viuiii uui oaie, $3 to $5 Ladies' Capes and Jackets Half Price on Children's Jackets, 40c to$J.$j PPiAT In BDundanee twthfjflmt week's um. We iU TlllliN I J 9l,lc Bb vy go. A lot t ladies' si j gn Interesting items Sti t ens, S .)( to SL'.i.lKI " . nil'. i si i-,-n iiiir. . . ... . i . ; ... 1 .11- I UK' 1(11 II - 1-3' i.M't' . , strifes oweaxt rs to i - (-. I nibreliaf ana versntM?s. tiinves in tmarl. havaiu and -1- roervltodv Have yu Watch tor our Special shirt offer at 2S The Products of THE PENDLETON WOOLEN are making Pendleton Famous, TTTTa TF T -"--' x . v V w w w w w w w w W TRANSFER, TRUCKING. . : I II . 1 I I I., V7 1 J 1 r. -..-.-xw. Ck0WNER & SON. TBl.KeHIINK MAIN i For Health, Strength and Pleasure Drink ::::::: Polydore Moens, Proprietor. C(nrtcinnr i a r . 6 rrices net net (tti Ci ..HOLIDAY.. of real merit suitable for No fl MffkWflir for the SHadi. lr. . . ... . .. I ancv llMBM it iin jr i a (iki ill : I ' T s .1 nut it. . i i ...! e , I , . 'it in iiiiui-iwcm ni IlHIlilsoms inn we inosi exariiii' liny s overcoiu m-ph the mw "lantoura"' These uiv t!ie Pt-uUlutoii Imlian Holies, the 8c teli Plaid Bhawla, the irouderfa IVu'lletou B tuki - and the Indian Bhtirk. y ar- all made froni Eastern (rejjon I W e!, and the dfinami for them isfqalu the present supply. V- holiday prtMIlt, these nutis uiwt au iitvirt desire. The can be had of all First Class Dealers. ASK FOR THEM. TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE- - vbit wrT TT'rVT lWITTIX PENDLETON, OREGON. ... . v N . . . W W W M WS''s'v (AlPEl ..Vrtivi ,, .... ...t a carsS! ...ri'i-'.t . Ill k 111 IIIK II -" -, . .... mates IsW-! ne. we win give w - A aa i I. ninrl Air f T1HIIIII1UII1 l"V" aj a r tn PoatOlIf j eateaii