East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 09, 1901, Image 1

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. ..I. - ' tOIir -einnrT-
,i I )." "J
1 3c A WEEK.
PENDLKTOK, I VI A I II I. i in NTV, nlti i,o. mo n . m i km in i; , i '.in i
NO. I ;ii'
V TV v
Eastern Oregon Weather
snow; i-tuvr totcs'it
at Last Before People
r ' "
v w - - -
BS - " D "-
n : -1 1 m . r .
twer raat ana siow-up-
liners aid No American
for Foreign Ship Owned
tun i-
hmbe- o: Mil were Introduc
L them tli' new "hip titibsldjr
bill differ radically from
mbi.! Mil of the put two
It diM' nut provide for
registry for foreign ahlpa
kl aim nuil makes no
I between "1"' Mid faet-gO-
p' a the latter may
U comrai ; It contains no
:or an export
the ground 'hat it would
lattnr, a"' nitd evasion
tie, anil fu thee la tinner-taut-
! I'lhaldy rate It to
an in.pi- ;i--i:ii muat bo ear
ner tn .'. aie loss. The
bei1 v for ul! veaaela la cne
mt -- hundred nautl
L TV prom t building new
els at. ail ' inal allowan-i
k a iiks -on is
year Arv veeael to re
lief! ubldv must cam
t feqnlred ami muat train
hip or T.e'neerlng one
with for each thotissnd
owner mum agree to hold
t th- service of the gov
r-iiir d fnr defense
Executive Committee Hat Arranged
to hold Meeting Here January 20.
A meeting of the executive commit
tee to make arrangement for the arc
ond annual convention of the Knight
of Pythias of Vmatllla county ttt
held In I. B. Recder's office on Sat
urday afternoon and completed plan
tor the occaalon which will ii, th.
I'Oth of January in IaDow Hall of this
Teams from each of the lodgea of
the county will be here and In the af
ternoon then- will be speaking and a
general reception whlleat night the
team will compete In a drill, when
there emTDe actual work to do in the
knight dBgrOa), The lodge which ha
the ltet trained team will receive a
haudoonie Bible and an Allian sword
Thi trophy will he conteted for at
eai-h annual : .- t.t--.i. thereafter and
will be the property of the aucreasl'ul
lodge until won from It liy sonic othri
Damon lodge of Pendleton Pleiades
lodge of Helix. Hercule lodge, of Mil
ton Pythian lodge of Athena and
Stevens lodge of Weeton. will parti
eipetc In the contest, and each lodge
la expected to bring a large dclega
tlon of member bealde grand lodge
m mbeis are experted here from
Washington and Idaho
Thoae of the executive committee
preaent Saturday were 1.. p. Reedet
of Pendleton chairman V H rha
tain of Milton 0. O. Henrv of Athena
and Clark Wood of Veton Th.
Hell delegate waa unable to attend
McLaurin'a Reading Out.
Washington. Dec. 9 -MeleMtia
South Carolina, in a speech In the r
ate this morning, protested acr.li s
his exclusion 'rom the council of th
democratic party,
Figures Verify Lav. son's Re.
cent Charges.
Log and '00 Passenger
nux-ni! 'i. '-'The long
I J. Lot with inn pas
d today after a torn pea"
if 44 day from Alaaka.
as lor o . - ,aid during a
Myp in B'ussel.
A Rruaaela dla-
1 nmred there
I tteyi 'he Oraug-
arrived at Brussels
EVWOr k I) THE Til L
i" ii
rfr.i Roooer of $91,000
MH D.v.d ng It Among
Hidie the central
erpool bank
ttl Kelly, a
Mad for al
"-auds. were
..... police court
' '" i turged
'it that
mt obtaln-
roai tloudie and told
; ' iii.-i n-aii Itook
tad a hav
frtnd of Marka
named .trio
share of the mm
oudie and auceded
SI in HIV nhMLa m
k " , , nn. Ul
P " half v..i .
e alxtb
Loss in Tnoae Stocks During t-c Year
Has Aggregated $100. 750.000 Same
Influence Were Hammering Copper
Today on the New York Stock Ex
change. N'ew York. In..- ;i Tli. first hall
hour of trading on th. Hluck Ex
change tht morning showed that the
same Influence whii i. i-aused the
heavy decline in Amalgamated cop
I r recently still ai. at work. Auialga
nur '! sold at a point and a half
row'-r than Saturday's close Cue
year ajo. AntaUama'- ! sold lor t!3n
u share Therefore. Today's prices cut
the stock In half, ao that the decline
In securities amounts to $10n.7B0.0fH
This loss has fallen on the rich and
the poor indiscriminately'. It has ai
fected the whole market in alT part
of the world
Copper Rose This Afternoon
New York. Dee. 9 This afternoo.i
Amalgamated rose to 67VJ
He-.r . of Otftoera.
F",n "' 'he Modern
a",', '--year..
aw. "Clin n
t .' T .T Dun
t ' sodium I :
p e watchman Rob
I Wii
av. manager tor
rean and t t
wo rH
tdlt On. I
lV I Th. nf
t th. it mi . .
lof tu. ""r,y. "a
hi,. ' nun issue
Ity of viiv,i ,,
.. ""Bu Many
SSI.- r,,i,ji.i.j Zi
Ii., ln ai te
J h he flood f cor,
.' tn the
iir from
The Man Took $300 That Had Been
Collected to Give the Poor a Christ
mas Dinner.
Seattle. Dec ' A W r':. . ad
iniaut of th.- Salvation Army, has
skipped with a woman Beatrice John'
MM, also a Salvationist He lea i
wlfa and children destitute MU
took $S0i eollef ted for a ' rli
dinner for the poor.
Manufacturer Meeting.
Chicago Dei-. 9 The Illinois Mann
facturera' association holds Its annu
al buainess meeting and banquet at
th. Auditorium Hotel tonight The
amoke queatiou corporations and
tax.-h and the Southeastern freight
problem are some of the aubjecii
scheduled for diacuaelon
Fire in Wisconsin.
Khinelander Wla.. Dec . The
plant of the Wabash Screen company
with all of the company's lumber
vards. burned last nigh The ioa la
I4f)0 0on
Incriminating Evidence That Has Been Found by the Rail
road Company.
Editor of th Chronicle Told the East Oregoman Today. Over the Phone,
That the Evidence is Strong to Tits Effect Question as to Guilt of
Thoae Held Under Suspicion Being Carefully Investigated Pinkerton
Detectives in Charge of the Matter $" 000 Reward Has Been Offered
by President Mohler for Arrest and Conviction of the Criminal Who
Perpet'ated the Ghastly Deed Some of the Evidence.
In i "ir-ersatlon over the telephone
this afternoon, the editor of The
Dalles Chronicle atated to the Kas:
"It Is believed here ihat the O. R
A N. train was sent Into the ditch on
Friday near Celtlo by wreckera. Tht
evidence Hlnt strongly toward
such s conclusion, and the majority
of pi opto who have given attention to
t!" matter decided that someone plar"
ed on the trail the nut that apparently
caused the disaster, with the desire to
throw the train off the track. At this
time, the Investigation has not pro-
teal far enough to give further par
ticulars Captain Nerlns. In charge
oi the PtnkertoB detivtive agency In
Portland with one of hi men. I here
in charge of the case. In company
with two rtaHag officer they have
gone In a social train to tin aeajM oi
fh' accident, and will not return Horn
tb , heiore evening They took with
tb . the negro who atated that he
heard two of the Ave suapeets saylnii
that they proposed to aecure revenge
tin Ii.ing tlirosn tragi the freight
tra'n o the morning of the day of
i lie wreck
"A m matter of course, the people
hereabout are Indignant, and arc
anxious for the matter to In probed
to the bottom. The engineer who
lost his life. Mr, Cavanaugh, waa pop
ular here, and his death Intensifies the
toetlagi against those who wracked
the train, whoever they may be "
Reported by I. L. Ray A Co., Pendle
ton, Chicago Board of Trade and
New York Stock Exchange Brokers
New York. IVc. P Wln-al I timed
"i '"tiK asaln todav after a lower open
lug. ami Advanced two cents from the
low point. The Wall street crowd
have gone Into wheat heavily, influ
enced ly the cnormivi export demand
and the prospect of Argentine being
able to iurnlsh hut a small amount
tot expoii Th.- latest rcorts from
there say that threshing returns are
disappoint not and quality poor Add
td to this, their corn crop I nearly
a total failure. I.lverpixd opaaad this
morning one penny higher. 6 1,
New York opened at 8fS. and after
touching MM advanced to tsn flil
i aco i owned SiS. old off to 81 and
advened to grit, at the close The
visible npilv thoWf an Increase for
the u. .-l 1' s 41.000. making total
fd M MO, OA mpared with l.494.t00
at thla date last year Stock are
higher Money 4S per cent. Wo be
lleve provision and wheat will go
Close yesterday h."i7.
Open todav. s.
Kunge todav sxt
i".ic today. UK.
.laniiarv pork 111 N
May corn. 72 .
Sugar. 122
st Paul. lfir!
Cnlon Pacific, ion'4.
in Chicago.
.Wheat. 78W979.
Chicago Dei-
Wheat In
San Francisc
lovi, -,i ini
Within Limita of te Town. North
Bound Overland Leaves Track. Kil
ling Fireman Fiah and Fatally In
juring Engineer Whits Thought to
be tn; Work of Wreckers.
Snl. ni Dec '. The wreck ul the S
P. northbound overland bete at .". p
in Saturday evening Is thought to be
th. work ot wreckers. The event lias
u'.n.s.-d k,"at in dignatlon to the ex
t.nt that It is believed It was inten
tional wrecking. The affair occurred
W ithin th. . Ity limit ol Salem, al
i p. m. Saturday occurred the
viu t v r. i i. cxperietieiid on a rail
road In Marlon county since the noted
l ake Ijihish disaster on Now n.'.. r 12.
IttO and resulting In the d ath of
Fu eniati Fish and tarkMM If )."t fa
n. "t-; - t., Kng'iu- i Win White.
The northbound overland ptaaMaV
get train No 11 due at 4:34 ap
proachiux the Soul h. in Iu ifl- pas
sepger station and ran Into
he miti-h al-oiil IBI leu ataatk "I
sta' 'ii and about feet Miuth of
Mill creek, th- Mgbjfl ji:iiii.d the
track, and plunged into the creek on
the south aide of the trestle the tend
er fallllig between the engine and the
lii 1. If while the mall car anl aqgj
:HKgage and express car
thrown partially down the em
lianknu-ni. one nd oi ca h 1.1.1111- on
til'- hottnlll below tin I lllliMllhlllfUt
The dav coach mini' I ' n the rear
of the baggagi car also '..-it tin track
and some of the other coaches alao
left the tail '"it iiniu .inn turned
over or even thiuvvn on the side
Bank Increases Capital.
N'.-w York Dei '.- -Stockholders of
the National CI t liana' Hank met to
day to authori.i the increase 01 near
ly a million dollars in the capital
stock dei ul. . 1 upon some lime inee.
The larrialtr l tin- direct result of the
more by which the control of the bank
'aim into tht hands of thv National
Cttjr Hank which Institution during
th- past two years has obtained con
trol ol half a AoaW large banks Id
.v. w for)
Leas Gram Handled at Montreal.
.Montreal Dec H Statistics Jual
compiled ahow that the grain shipped
lorn the port of Montreal during the
iiaat segkoii amounted to nearly t 'ion
"on bushels leas than last year There
wa likewise a corresponding 4
crease in corn shipments. The board
of trade and others interested an en
deavorlng to ascertain the tin. .a',
of thla remarkable falling off in busl-
Dumcnt Not to Wed.
Paris Dec. 9.- Santos Dumont. the
famous aeronaut denies the report
that he Is engaged to marry Miss Pow
era. an American girl.
No Second Bonin Trial.
Washington Dec !. Before the
Bo nine trial was resumed this morn
ing, it waa learned from an autnorlta
tive source that the government will
quash the Indictment should the Jury
disagree thus precluding the posalbll
Ify of another trial
Messenger Boy Strme.
San Francis. .. Dec. The Weet
er Union and A. D T. delivery boys
went out 011 a atrlke today They de
mand higher wage
He Dici'e Methods of Disposing
of the Tramp Nuisance, and Advo-
. cate the Enactment of a Law. Mak
mg the Riding on Train by "Bum''
a Misdemeanor.
Sup. 1 nit. nd.-tit James P i Mil. 11
accompanied by Assistant Siiperiu
ti 111I1 mt M. J Mm kl'-y, ul the Hunt
ington l'i mil. ton division, were in the
city this morning, eu route to BtJtM
City. They were directly from the
tin nt tin- wreck at Celllo. and gave
sonic intcrcsiiim laets Said Mr.
1 Bi last
"The wreck 011 Fiiday om the Hie
it a valuable and respected ngiueei
COa4 the l it. A N .ompaiiy about
t i.isi'i ii.i.ter m nously Intertering
with 1 raffle, passenger and freight
We si.- now unit.- firmly convinced
that there was Intentional V racking
oi th. train last Friday afternoon, and
"in ot Ibi (Stunt ut evident, is tins
A three gnai t.-i nut or bun was found
tn-ar the rail where the train bit th-
trgflh on a curve. The nut simw.-ii
Mo. 111 . s oi having bend nm OWM
the engine and cars and also the steel
rail has tu It au iBttoBtBtlOl plaiuly
u.aiked. as much so as thought om
had plai ed it IkgN and siiuck it with
a heavy sledge hammer
"Tli- ' 1 another nut was found upon
ike oiitsiiie rail a short distance in
ymid the place where the first nut was
"i 1 In- tiaik Tin presence of these
I wo nuts itKin the rails, at points
hei. no children had been playiag
ate evidence t llSXl someone intended
to wreck that train
"'If course other Item of evidence
iiaie in eu found and the ompauy is
1 1 aallglllll th.- matier very careful
lv The men an- today In the sweat
box In The dalles who were ai rested
and held Bgssl suspicion of having per
formed the act from desire for re
r nge or of knowing something about
the caae."
Propose Tramp Remedy.
Wb. 11 asked what 111 his opinion
would b. effective means to eradicate
the holm evil as related to rallr.iad
oiopaule iti Oregon Supi intemleui
OOrlea said to the Kasi Oregonlan
"It la slmyle Pass a law making
it a miktleiueanor to steal ride uMn
the trains. This Is done In many east
ern atates and prove to be effective
It renders It Impossible for. tramps to
go from place to place without work
ing to earn faies and w hen they om I
licroinc industrious they cease to be
hobo and lofcc their holm Inutile ts
Our conductor and braken,. n
have much trouble with tram tie
Kvery few days some crew ha a
fight with a gang of those bums and
.onetimes are in duger of their lives
..any of these Instances do not conn
10 the knowledge of the public but
they are frequent The tramp mils
au e could be abated by proper leg!
1st ion and once the railroad i-omuan
ies are freed from their preaence. It
mean that every town along the line
of the roads will have the aame free
dom "
During the Work That Has
Just Begun.
Executive Session Will Be Held Each
Day Until the Convention Ha Been
Disposed of The House Will Ad
journ From Tomorrow Until Friday
A Report or Two Ma Be Re
Washington l. . ' business lu
the senate this Week will be i oil hind
almost exclusively ;o 1 onsld' t ittlou of
the Hgy-Pattaecfote tragi?, it I
expected that executive m-m -lot will
lie hell) every day until I he deal lias
been disposed of. The flrat speech on
ll will be dcllvcicit tomorrow by Sen
ator Lodge.
The house Hill not Meet Until to
MHTOW, U I, . in. 1 any leglalallon will
lie dlst linseil In Ihat boil) this Week
d"x-iids on wh.-thei the ways and
means committee will (..- ready to re
poit t . bill foi a tariff on goods 1 om
Ing in from th. Philippine, it
aoaalMi the appropriation committee
ma) repoii the pi prion appropriation
bill and have it passed this week The
house piohahly will adjourn 9T91 from
loaaorron to Friday
Engineer Cooper Dead Also Un
know Fireman Other Injured.
North Yakima Dec t. A head on
collision on the Northern Pacific ol
two fielght o. cured .ail this morn
lug Kngflieei foopei was killed and
a fin man whose name 1 unknown
Two firemen and two brakemen wen
injured Three engine and S3 eais
w ei e destroyed
In the Compensation for Ore
RON Public Servants,
Secretary Gage to Spak.
Waaalagtoa, Dec. Bsc rotary of
Hi. Tnasuiy (lege is to be the gueal
ol honor at the drat annual dinner of
tin- Washington Danker' Association
thla evening It ia understood thai
he will make au important addreaa on
financial topics fl the line of his an
liual report A arKe numlier of other
government financial people and
jiiomlnent barkers of New York and
.lb. 1 eltle will attend the dinner
Contend That Official Put on Salary
Bat. With No Fee. Would Effect
Saving for the Commonwealth of
$f0.000 Dm ing Four Year. Fee to
Go Into the State Treasury.
Salem, Or., Dec. $. The Capitol
IgBllial publishes detailed statement
fioin oflli I is 1 soin.es lodnv showing
the amount of the lary under the
constitution ami salaries on bonrda.
and commission and fee received by
en eh slate official torn t her with leg
Ulstlve appropriation for i nch ot the
live departments ol state Kovemtueiit,
ss follows:
Foi governor's salan f I I'M)
Annual uppropi latlotiH im n
ecillhe depaitnient 6.B60
For siipeiinteiiiient ot mi hoot
salaries UN
Annual appropriation I .'
I'm slat.- treasurer, salaries K.tll
Appioprlatiou tor clerks lirtfl
For secieiai v of -.tale. alarie . RRO
K.ck aatlngtad pat year for
i.corils I 1 r.43
Appi .prlalloii foi dei leal aerv-
ice ... g.DSI
Fees 1 ut in d oral to tieasiier. 4,111
For stale printing h'k 1
fxH state printing 101 I $01 .3 ;t
Annual . nm lot each ofh l
iiovernor I 'i.'.'M
state tragaiiraf 1,111
Xtate Supt of schools I J, $17
Been tarv or $aia II 1 12
Stale ptinlct and binder .. . 1 :t i
Total $M w1
The JOMraBl contends that all th
officials eoilM be i .1 , t on a fair (alary
ami effei i a HBvlnir of al leat all MM
n ragf '"' the next fowl veais all fees
shove a fixed salaiv in each off to
he put In the Mini. 1 1 . nui v
Many Watched Biker Race.
New York Dec More than five
tliot.Fand people remained In Madison
guare; Garden Uirougaotil the night
tn watch the all ilavs" bikers re
All th- men win i-lnsi logethel at
daylight but behind Ibe ri-cord Thre
team Were hum bed for the le.id at
k o'clock
Over Gueation of Use of Machinery In
Making Cigara.
Hei anion Pa. De. I The real
noil of the convention of the Feiler
ttiOB of I ul.oi began thla moruliig.
A great slot m was raised when a rea
oluiion proleailug agalnsl the employ'
ment of women . hildn n and ins Ion-
ry In th. manufacture ol cigars, waa
reported tevofnJsli but with the . t
machinery ellinlnated The rafsMI
was adopleil aflei a Intra del. at.
Hi Plan ia to Buy an Island in the
Pacific to be Owned by All Civluid
Nation of the World, Where Bomb
Ttnower May be Sent for Safe
keeping. WeahniKioii I. & oai Intro
duied lu I he senate today a resolution
'lu-.tllig Ih- president to ,ter Into
in goiiatioiiH with foielgn
.mi 1 1 i. i for the purpose
aside aagag laland in (he
wiii h anaichlsls ma, i,e
n. i. wa an uinisiiaily large repre
senialloii at the opening of the senate
tht morning
of selling
Pacific lo
deport Hd.
Mrs. Frank Leslie III.
New York. Dec & liarones Deba
to (Mr Prank Iealle) I serlouaU
III with a complication of dlaeaaaa
Aadrea Mu. khauaer. the non union
inaihlnisi who killed FonJiband 'iiap
a union picket at the A Ilia Chalmers
i.laut Chicago waa held lo the grand
"iry oa the charge of murder.
Mclntoah and Potts are the Men Who
Robbed Lawton In hi Office
The Dalles, On Dot The man
s ho held up uiid robbed lu hi office
the IgagJ painter lawton last week
have been brought here and are now
in Jail They give tbeii namea
Poiis, tin principal Mclaioah, (be
" ' ""'I Hi i Mi J awton (delitlflea
Uicui a the men who performed the