ad to Close at the suit lira our u ciock BLTTER HOUSE OF WORSHIP IMPROVEMENT TO BE MADE IN BAPTIST CHURCH COUNCILMAN CLOTON FATHERED REDUCTION to K ., t stock in shape. First day of ssle very successful. $25,000 STOCK wji nit last long at the rate it is goin now. Cleaver Brother-; art tfoinK out of business and the Stock must b told at once. leaver Bros. Dry Goods Co. CASH STORE si : : ,AY, UECKMBEB 7, 1901 BREVITIES. A Howard. Farm loana. ..... . iinu-!irii flro Insurance .. 1.--L.1. .lulls illslics Null n Mte. fall nt tit s linn i- Dili ni i i iim ehocotafM have DutUM'l chocolates Kt styles ami prlcea at Rader'a tun atiir- . ... i lint-la .. v ii. ma lt wHaees , , han Hit $DH ptWahUi at i Firninirt' atore. gd rui'. iiiusiaru. ill1 iiucai ui . i .. ..i. ... w... r . i At Radara, of course. use Tr n Iiemotti. t butt i .nut sweet utiiM elder. quality, at 0 K. Detroit'. Kintlf "i new nuts crackers potatoes n i lie Mannarti. th beat In the grocery line. tt hay delivered. Leave order (on reed Yard. Peter West. ale al i Indl til teal estale. pu Mil'. llll ,1 . M a ..WU. - tad Jobn - rh have len .i imliee aluee the elt iu ilarl tieaa. MM Cleavar Uroe. Dry floaTO! Uros. wll1 lack nttst lie sold. .i of tine wheat Jbjmi lull imri-baaer. Jam-1 sard boi ' IIIX htel lillK hiiX el u pocket IhmiK far tiue until Decemhet '.Mat. at Koep- nrun im. Vim can have then Mi In' Chl ll IIIU8. tuiar am .e l i n urc i in if mIUmi are the pure and inif nperloi liruntla of Callfor a. Iiranili. liquors at Kline s Liquor Btora Court atreet. 11 -uxc I nun .'u to 4o I nn i i... i.u. .- i..... i Koeppenn drill Mora before' aiei K-i .. IiIk discount an Inducement for early ia luiyt-i ' ' ii.i. commenced miir i in niirji i-c ai loaded down with toya. 1 Wan . todl it-atber goods Hi . i khiiik cases, awell III' llln-.- u.l ......... i HB.l. . . ' 'I'll Hit l. usually carried by 1 lu .H.. lunik al.iruii l.i for yourself. I Candles lix the ton at Dutton'a. Pine Hue of toilet aoai juat iu nt Mawley'a. Horses ui reasonable rates at Sen pie's liarn. opposite city I'll. Women's stylish long coata ,'ust i-i by express at the Peoples Warehouse. H Mnrtln for quick delivery an! good goods. Lowest prices in h city. Kutiafut tion in ftftaaa, Rood and delivery. If you buy vour f.'oeerUs of Mnrtln Sniol.ers' delight. La Mia. 3 for ball. selling ut 2 for a quarter Pat ton cigar store. HAW lay Bros. ire kIvIuk awux tllahoi With cash purchased. Call and in. ' out about It. Just one order to trv my delivery system. If you nre n.t satisfied 1 will pay the damage. K Ma tin. Picture framiug a specialty. New .Itie of picture mouldings Mi as twnfWJrta for frames at C. : harp's. Uvt uutl dressed Keese. ducks, chickens, and turkeys can be bad at the Standard, at the lowest prices. The ladies of the christian church Will aem meals at Hendricks hall Tanraday. Daoaaikat ii. from ii a. in. to in p, m. Mrs. Rose Campbell x-ll clnse out her entire winter stock of millinery In the next twenty days. If you want n lntKiiin. sec her. Woman's aaw tailor aitrta suits just received per express at the Peoples Wat .'house Prfon from lt !8 t ) $12. Mi. all sixes. The ladles ui the Christian chur h will oH-n a hnllday shop Thursday Paeaawar in Hendrick s ball, traai II a m to l p m Ootid euouith unil cheap t nough for aaatybodj "Tin- Palm" chocolates. H ceata for half pound box at A. C. KiM-ppeli t Urns s the popular price llrilRKiMtS. If you are uui to ununited. Ret ac Qaalatail with "The Calm" ehutidates. Tic i. if ii peculiar fineness about IBM Ilium! In no olher chocolates at KoappaaVa only A bauilsiiiiu null sldebQBfdi very large one plate glass, three drawers uutl tun compart inents Cost f(i.V Is it.- K I il- lieXX Will sell at $25 Ap- plx at his nftlti Lost, between PeildlettUI a lid No llll. a Wiuebester rifle I,'. 7" Model Ml with M I. Haahrouel engraxeil on (be breach Sultalile rewaid will tie paid for return of same to this office The Peoples WuiehoUBc will Rive ti years' scholarship In the St. Joseph Academy to some . ..Il l in U natl'lf. county, to be selected by the atro' s Of that tiopular store. On the aaiiie ternu it will also confer upon sonic loy a full year's scholarship iu th) I'eotlleton Academy, the boy to b- xoted for by the purchasers of goods at that cbtatdishuieut The offtt Is a lllteral one. and the boy and girl who i.-ccne them will be luoSi for'uuatH Gives Reason Why he Prepoaed Or dmance Cutting Down Recorder's Salary from $70 to " Since the puhlication of the pro ceadtaaa of the city council in Thur.-. day's KaM Oickonian s great mam have askctl why It was that an ordi nance was latrodacod evttlai Um salai-y Of the eitx recorder from $7" to $26. Councilman F. H. ClOpUlO was the father of this ordinanee. When In tervlewed as to why it was drawn up and introduced he said "It has been the Relicts! undei taadUUJ with the council that the re corder's alary was too much far tin work he was doing, and that the flrrt ol the year it would he cut down Thl WOUM have baaa done earlier had the rattOll had tba power to do It. but the recorder was elected to serve nt a stated salary and we could not cm it down until the veur wns out Earlv last spring a water commission was appointed and they took the work xxhitli heretofore had been on the shoulders of the recorder Hefot then the recorder hatl to act as su porta tendeat, col led the rents, ami kc. p the luniks i he work wa1- wort '1 $7o until this was taken out of hl. bunds, and now all that ha has to do It to act as dark of the council and issue city licenses This ouaht not tn OCOUpy more than fle days of hli tine durlajj the whole month, and WO think tliul BJI Ik aaOBfh for the work In will have to perform If the pres ent recorder does not wish to serve for the salary Indicated in the ordi nance, ii man inn he found that will he slad to do so This move was made simply as a mutter of aooaaBVJ ami xx 111 he a sax ilia to the city o . $5 a year " LINE-UP OF THE TEAMS. Men Who Played in Today's Cams of Football. This afternoon's football gume was so late that it is impossible to gLv any particulars of the Ratio TI" llao up is as foUowo: High School At-attciiix Wxrit k I. K. R PraOBM Bakar U T. H CargiM llurtman L.O. ft Hailey Arnspiger C 8hlck Taylor R.O.L liambl'i Williams R T I KenneJx Milarkex R K I Strand fluid L H R. Sulllvo i M. Carty. R H L. Blusher t upt Wx i ii I Q Pi-nlaud Cm mo V B Cap! Hi. I Substitutes High School Nell I Downey and Wells Academy Raaah and Koaklai Marriage Licenses. Marriage licenses wire issued tb's I forenoon to Klias (ill lis and BilxabeCt Reynolds an I Jesse C Roy OS slid Ida Ruse, all of tins county About $1200 to be Expended Begin ning Next March. The Baptist church people haxc plans drawn nnd are makins arrange mints for the improvement of thei: church. The front will 00 torn out. and farina Alta street, a large fan WladOW will placetl A "T" will ha limit on the west side extending out ttx Johnson street, with 1 toxi. ami entrance In the cornet tin tie east a nine ftot projection will I built for tht- pulpit, baptlstrx and choir The scats will be turiu A around to face the east in a i in ,c ami a furnace xvlll bo put Iteneath I i heat the house. This remodeling will cost ahout $120 ami xvhen flnlshe.l the w ill have just the same as a lie ,x bouse of worship the work will com mence about the first Of March THEY THINK THEY'RE SAPG SOME MORE OF THOSE ANONYMOUS LETTERS. It pays to trasle at the People Warehouse "Not a tiucstlonahle quality here." A Complete Showing of UP-TO-DATE HATS hnshnmls along tin haratofoei strain el HAVE VOUR ANIMALS HERE NEXT MARKET DAY OCCURS DECEMBER 10. Efforts Made to Have Buyers Presert for Horses. The Pendleton Commercial associa tion are making arrangements for tie Beat miiiket day which is to be the 1 0th Inst It Is hoped that this will be more of a success than tornter . f torts, although they have not by an;. BOBBS been a failure and the (MOOCH Hon was very well pltaatd with WBBt they accomplished at the two former market days Letter buxc been sent to horse buyers and investors In till ferent parts m the niuntx iuformlni: thata of lad date of the aaJa ami it is Oipoctad that plenty at buyers will hi hen- lot nil the stock that may be brought in. Hcwavar, the fanaor who brings in horses should roaiomhof thai it is essential that they be In a condi tion to sell ami If the horses that are not iu good condition anil do not find ready sab- It is became the- wer not fit to have been ,. laced on the market. The association hopes tba. the farmers wil! do -ll in their power to help them In inakin.- this mark daj a success for it will take their operation lo make it s r Writers Send Them Agstn and Exhibit Greater Confidence. Those who thought the auonyiuou i letter xx liters had left the Held and stoppetl annoying the good people of Pendleton, were far wrong, for again In the last two or three days the b" ban have bobbed up as serenely B ex ei ami are again busy Informing wives of the things their hax e been lining Theae last letters arc saOM line as that ol tBOBO sent and carry the same thought IhroiiKh them oalf that they come out with holder statements, .f possible, than formerly, showing th.t the writers arc getting more conf daaet IhaamOITOl and that they think Ihatr identity Is not known and cannot be found out No company that we have ever heard of has ever come to this city with such favorable comments as "A Wise Woman " Tiny have the iinan imotts Indorsement of the press, and this you may rest aaBBfad will he your only chance to sec this superior company as they make but few stops suing from New York to San Ktbii Cisco We baxe no doubt of their sue cess here. For Fall and Winter 1902 ggweift effort!, W.- put them forth to ploiwe yu Ibis Nffjoa in bati il prioiw ntvtf befbw tqiMlltd i.t.ok alatwbrf, Tin- more you mm of other ton I styles ami prices, the hetter you like this ttore, ( Joint in tnd see the "IVERNIA" Shown only at THE PEOPLtiS WAREHOUSE. New Furniture 1 liave just raeaivad I (arload of the latest ami must Up tO date styles in furniture ever shown in IVmlle ton. Jf you want tsMtMthiafl new in the (umitura line call in and inspect M) new goodl ami tin- tn t s are always fight JOE BASLER Main Street, I't-ntllctnn 'If TTS'tf JTB'BTf o"B'0 dTfl BlfTTiy 0"B"'sTrlTf'O'tf B ITB 9 J Tit s" t HALF PRICE FOR - t FRIDAY and SATURDAY I We bftvn'l saitl muofa of late concerning our tlresn efot.ds and we have hail good reason for it, we limply couM not kaop up with the ddmard; you olaorod the oounton 10 quickly v ery timi we idvortiMd. But we liavo eauglit uj tgwD ami Iff 0001 BlOft rea'iy for all 0 niers. s Here's for Friday and Saturday A line of black and colored Dress Goods, prices range from 25c to $2.50, will be cut in two. HALF PRICE. Al-oa Um Oi All Wool QtihoJOffO Mad 1'igen, hlaek ami ooloftd, regular price 350, nale price. 22 cents I ur wool niiotinfl aiel Kienih Flannele are also told 3 at large reduction! 3 3 THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE, i l$$ItIltaitxAAOJUtlJtAlJta8lalMajlilflAjLltiaa.AaaJ The Columbia aA House NEWLV Kl K. i -1 1 1 1 1 li. K I N i i M s hi TION INOKN'I t H "I- i.i tn K Bl r. A 1,'I'A A WKItH H TH P. X. SCHEMPP, Prop. WHY ''" " "r ln rcstp MSN I HS H Home ( o-Operdtivc ( omptn Will bud J you a home fur ..15.5Q uor Wonth... flttllltli OU lr Uiui" In nay off yoor atertasi bar bom in sny i... .".i, sad ... you 1 mis ami i uii.uihs ui lf II bi B SI lh ran- ,,l -imi unci I. illemi iiiism.i In Base ef dealt m leial ii.i.iiu, inar l.t will b Slrlt-tssi Inrrallssllou iuurls.1 ft. 4. UOIIM. i'. ..,11. I.... Or.. OOOSl V(eits WiaulMl Kvairy wliatrv. Help or Situation Wanted. C. F.Cook's Hiiipliijfiiieiil Agency Oaraai Mala aad aim ntrH. PIMOLJtTOJI t,Kriio.N OOftf'SooOOOOS)) 000090OOOa)?) I iliitfa i i' s i ' t t &. c 'u t (mi a s) a. EBONY EBONY Uin I bony Toilet ware now on display at our r I !e-8e gooda are Genuine Ebony all the r through, not half booiy and OMM other kind Wtl'ii lint tnaS a ol.,i...l - . Moi on puneii amor. "e Imitation is in town but we do not keep it. II We .julr ... f .. : : 1 al..... . -a uor lB IOI I HI I 1 I I s M t " I 1 1 I II UIHI UICII "pariMu, iUlfj vou ,.an ,ea(JiJy 8W4j where the bony is loeated. " OFiLs! dTL MllJ . " av..V i i i i wm m sssbsssw 'iaiiSlttnatlt OOtO louis ne, THE LEADING JEWELER. I 1 . 0;