N 10 Per cent reduction on Musical Instruments Kodaks and Cameras If. m ar Tii- - -in bargain yon skew Id no) overlook. w Invite Ike InspoBtkm of oar iioihiuy taolndlm Toilet Sets. Perfume atomizer!. Ladle' PHM Hunks, cut iia Cxtract Bottle, u.d.i t'en I O'attM Palmar 's f:in t'erfumes ait J koei A Oa'l t. lmp"rt''il livtract. BROCK & WcJOMAS CO -ATI' .Y. OKCEMBER itajl. MILL WEEKLY UTD SEMI-WEttL. Kntl OrcgonlAtt FENDLETCN, I uLliitLlnK AT- Couipnnv, OKH.ON. . l -ril.'S a On I V t w I' Ki llk. v mi i . a. g ao. ' l if If r:i vci -tar. f f. .s"... A CENTRAL BANK. Si i'I ''till I.H' - I'! OM" II I 'I tra federal hank with ranilUcuinoi. In all imrtr. oi the country, is not new It :i truv that liar -u threshc., ovai in nan' gnnsratioai However, a relate to tin- prsaont times, it is new ami coaling just bow, wheti eon traksntion la no piovnlsiil it is ggpai tally aiKnithuiii Wkeg "in aad res Jackson defsati i secti u pjaa, it mm iimuiii tin k-oii wers ' loyal to tin nl'-a ot i ml i villi juu in Indus. try lnan"S ami in all the " la- oiih oi this lit-. Bach a thiol aa a tnut MM aaknows a essnhi a 1 as an n un i l l. thiuK oi Dm (ntnto. and st?r'i old Amlri'w Jackiion aquelched flM ponon wiin propoaod Iks oratral hank u ha aonld annsld Um etpv who glided among tin psopii to xtint; thni t" dsnth id- rssnrdod tin aninitw tin- oSBtnl hank a. i-uutalninK tin- Vl ms that wmthl ioinon the lmle;eml- m mi tii- nation ami plare It iadoi hondaKi to tin MstJ I'ower At thi titin Si-'ii'lar (iu. nj !.- .- a I'll".!; Lank ami not i-vihi tin iiHiially alt-rt ntwHaii'r nn-n at tin rantlj notiri- the radical sjaj . of tin pfopossj. It ih radi ul... in nt tin r..oit .-xtii'iin tyj. and if audi radii allHIll Wi le to ronie tn notice iron. OBS of tin opposite, party It VOUld CSOBS a howl ul aeorii hj IQpSjll llsans trom OM end of the rinmtry to the othet Nut aVOB a" hnnkerri will favor it A ana Si HMW reniarkeu to the Earn 'H. Uillil.ll W illie dix' llRSIIIK th" IlleUh lire it would lie well for the lug fellow.- Inil would he for the small In BtituUoOS virtually to mi r render the lontrul of their huaineariea to the liauking macuates." Neverthelc-hh Seerotar (iage i plan will STSntmll) prevail. It Ix ah aii'e of accomplishment an the nun la tun tii shine, or the trust movent MM go on with accelleration it i apparent to thoughtful men that nothing an stop the nSSjtmUlg ten rMMCton and that the ouly exia'dlunt left hj to sJhMN the control rather than prevention M the trusts indiih ti ia. ami nnaii' ial. In the ht'St manniir posHihli This appears lo he th MB tlon hotli oi ladiralb ami couserva- Uffjg in joiitnulisin and in poll! a ROOSEVELT VS. GEEH Uoverooi Ueer takes ground up (g the trust Question that is diametrical I) npp.iaed to that u. . up . .. hy the president It' the laser's iBSSBglj tj the cougieau. he aiv i 1 i . Iejml control of trusts, while (Jo ir C.ei r in his lettei to (iovernor Van Sam cf ft - Iilim nta advoi ati'd the stale regtl hit loo of Gomhtnei This is. in eCsol in Btenning of the two nttornncea rotated to .tin Question ol 'he rnllwit? morfsr. The rontesoHl tin extreme npoo this issue ami IllUStmtS how litCtlotta o cicat pnftlSS hold to (Hffeicn vii'ws upon mooted questions. President Roosevelt, in so u as in ipeotftod, is exactly 'Ike W. J. Ilrya'i in the mattST ot federal control of tin ti.ists Colonel Bryan etstsd ins po sltlon iii different nianner. using ill) fernt languagi Hi expressed groate: fern from tin aomblnos athils Mr Roi - veil .'iii" to hiixe no font thut in trosu w;in obtntn hnrtfoJ itowor In Its MSI analysis, the Boossvsl Ian ptan is tin Brynn plan in tnoi, tin utterancea oi Colons I Brynn ar un' ami more being duplicated in i iii'lnan staii'smen. nowudy fioveinoi Oeei s iilan lor Luntlnu aiic of stati control is morob to ksnvi iii.' issue as p hna Mien dnrini nasi years, ami these years hne r :..'.--"ii its injection into national life as tin hlugi s; ami most protOtttMUl mnttsi that claims the attention oi in people. THE PRESIDENT S Nt ESS AGE. Comment on tn. mogaagi from i rli coast papers lollows Portlaad Oregoakui Tim though' ml reudcr u, President Kistsevelt's iitst BMOaggl will risi from Its pern sal with tin conviction that it eofaes from tin gotind heart ol a man win. is sitn eiclv doalroOS of knowing wha' is right am! hest. and then carrying cut his decision wltk entln faarisos less It is tin prodttOl ot honest ami common sense Kobodj Bead be .a doabt us to wkal Be prealdeni nuans Porttaad Teleg Roosevelt's itrst .r tbroagboBt. long In wkatovoi am l'i .-ii. lent Bwesage thougn is dmappointinglj rsope ti in buu bs n refonner, it wti not i mdglng ftMB his effusion iii tin direction oi OlldeliSl l! Ilii usages J'o. t,, helu'li- of the readers who haven't time ot disposition to wad. through th.. nn -Mga some of Its main features ar hereinafter summarised pokam S uuau iteview Ci. dent ltoi.se..' .- I'nsi message to con cress uiay mc be a disappointment tun it will creatl mms surprise, ii: thai it is BBltkm striking In its gen era! character got original in its ic oaunendutioii: I' inuy not meet tin aXpOl tations Of those who looked lo some ol tin luesidentb dlStlnctiv. peraonallty in his handling oi mnn impotrtaat problems now pressing to. solution, inn ii will he favorably celved hj those win. had not BXpOCted a iiocunn ut soasBtially conssrvatlv throughout. BoiaS Statesman In his first me., sage iu congress I'resident Koo. w-r has fully met the expectation of the paklk and splendidly SUglglBOd BU ropMtatlOB He has shown his mile pendBBOS by cutting hnise trom tin tradition which made the messages oi former presidents so largely masse, of dry statistics These h- ha- left i.. the reports of the departments, con fining himself to discussion ot nut ters demanding attention Walla Walia Cnion: As was pre dicted the message is a loug one. bic In Its scope it covers a multitude o' th. most important matters confront lug the government. It Is forceful clear .and concise straight to the point and hetween every line can Bt read the iearless and resolut- okai acter of its gutkoi Seattle Times When (irover Cleveland was president he raised the general average ot presidential messages up lo ahout IX.ono words and every auti-Clevelandlte puhlisl. lag a new spaper in America how h- I himself hoarse against 'Cleveland's VefbOSlty." After the Spanish war occurred however President UoKlli ley raised one of his messages to II MO wordb just heating Clevelatid's re ord by 10.000 W'hii. Preslden RoMtvtl hiiH no arsr to tMoonae, hav lug iMceeodstl lo tin' prosldenf throagti tin- death of hiM predecesso It naturally follow thai he should Mini a Inrpe BOd extraordinary Held in which now subjects Iiiim become es ctotUagty proline At team i.on words arc devoted to an encomium of the late president ami the tllntwsl Mm oi anarchists tBd since pn dentin i nuaoBgri in tin past have .it-nit llbmll) wiiii thi lubjtci i t runts it Ik evident 'hut President Roosevelt feeli thai tin eholi ma lei hontd he exploited, and him: ' finds nothoi matter Involving a (troai itiany words In Its irrnnei elneMntlor t'hus it happens baton tin nee i . denl Rata flirt) under sraj with -worn subjects, in- Rods hlmaell in ihm mim1oh of nearly 1,000 aorda, n aboii' in' length of tin' average praaldehtla mtiaaair nerlj tweut) five or thlrt .ears aito Boise Capita! News Preslden Roosevelt's message printed in roll in today's Capital News is good or a bod pnhiic . doonment arcoidlng i the political Indict oi the erltli niie is n democrat in srlll find won ndemn than to pmlse, hoi that there am not good suggestions mad' in the mosongs from any polltl i tnndpoint, lutt hecausc several ot tin main topics are latnelj treated oi argued from a premise that to a ll in oe rat is not consistent with a enpebh admlnlatrntlon t pubtli affairs On tin other hand a rspubllcnn wMI timi tin message a fnirly aide ami well srrltten srgumenl in fnvoi of the pol icles advocated b) thai pOft) 'In document being man in tin nature of an argumentative address than ha been ruatomar) with occupants ol th presidential chali Walls W .lent Roosevi appointment totci ami ftr Ua Btateaman Pn It's llli'ssage was il ills it lacks the otanrnsgs muousness that i n n uali eknracterlsed the utterances ni in "Hough um. 'i i hi evident that the original draft ol tin' doer ment had i n materially modified t of msmbera tin president's pgbl. net Bnkoi cit Demoernl Pi - Hoosevelt's message Is an Interesting docomeni ami hi shows n sund sense oi political Mgaclt) ill tils in terntti . s His ex ted bittern toward trusts does not DMteiilal I and on ail the grnvt mbjecti befo the American peoph be exp hlmaell with a smothness thai i' .ii- tlni t! that ot a politician 1'iesi lent Roosevelt is evldentl) not losing sight oi tin- next national convention Bakei Oltj Repttbllcan TI Rooaavatt baa demonstrated that he knOWS Ills people is in tWICtl with 'heir Bocds ami Is one of tttew HI itrst state document tings with that 'me rieknam marklni ever) event ol 'lis nr. agent Herald President Ri volt is vorboai His neseagi ol near i twenty thousand words Is mu n Bbove tin ordinary still cms! lei ai h part tin Introductory is dovnt- . to his prsdecegaor ami tin lament aid. clrenmstanc b) which in- lost his iin One cannot bat be struck b) 'in thought th.it tin prealdeni rrn w th. incident out too i n. allslng that his vie vet ton to tin high mi., i in- result oi accident aad '.; y tin tupport by BBfMaltng to the iiinu'lins ot the people .lames J. Hill pre ' . . i Northern sa . I ha tentkM of resigning the pi ot the (ompaiiv Kurtlieinio mu going to give up my bom It i . in St Paul " M Ohicego the laihllahlna bu Karl A- Humont I,.. ; i, ,, tin hands of a receiver Dumoi filed a petition iu bankruptcy, . to us relieved oi an Indebted! I - The ass. is amount ti i inn i it K H.KAV-IM, AM UK. V lU i it i Kim CATARRH CATARRH Ely s reani Balm M"! mnl plosMul lo US 1 .iiiUiik iiu un juriiMi ilnig It li'iuioklyslwurU'il. Uiv rvhel st 0Oi I it 11- Sllll ',,;,... IM N4rtl eMas.' Alls) lu lUuimaliiin COLD". HEAD IK'I u.l urulveli tbe M lljr S,-iiM-a of Twie an. I I. in. rail.- KiMurea Lam v, i Prussian, or by oiall: Trial Siaa ki.v Buonixas, m w,,,. ' I'- In mall. Bvo of k gi 12.600 for a Hpioription tor largeai turn over pa.nl i,..- a ShBBgSd uauUa iu San PlgggMM pniertpUsa u a, aoi. iuirauair tuvulvaU iu .alii ml iiu. uij if ., ... . mMll 0.UJaml waa pant by a uaru - "i"mt i nrigaca oiaoaav iih 0latjia tntlKTti III. iirabiv dlMaaei Tuay cuuuiencl Ibe ariou. lateUigM M ol IU. (ihkidc Noy. I.,, no) Tim, ,nl.fV,HWW, HgmSM Iheoured au.t Med it aal . IU by pull lug ovar Ur ,iolcr, aajaj iu ,u, iraatiuaat sod BBlSBlBg Mem I lie aiw oi piiyiicuui to asm cbruna, incurable I. . . , (. . . . . ... uu auuiiioaieraii it won IjM phy.i. ii iiitlaMa II..., ..Id L. . for r ""a 4.., isill) ' aavoi .1 Ibr iwt cue weft. ,.mi,,r vl aiug favorably per oant p'ogren. TSar. baiug but Ihlri,,, p, . ,.., ib parllsa ware aatiafld aim 0, ctiou. Tba procaclinga ol ,h lnvaMIMtl, loniaiitaa aad tba cllnu.i ,Mfl, l)( i-.ar, publi.b! tad mil tn Mllad on appluaitai. Addra Jons J p, , , r..T. .j . nonui.iiiivry s San Kran 10 .. . a. Daily only 14 Eaat cevte Oregonlan S weai. by terete, 1 1 I 1 h; pound inal Lyilia ". Pinkham's 111 1 I. .. .... t M ill I I"' iiiiiw.sa ms at , irotilili-s, Iiitiatuiimtinn and 11 hilling and UUpWnieni U00Q Beer . muI poiwqtwjnl Hpliuil ipaknegg, umt is pnoulinrljr w" adapted t the Chnnire of Iilrei li i : ni. iir ciscsnt' Bu'kni'li' and Leuoornicen than anv ,,, m, world lui cvor known. It la nlmont tnfnlUbsB tn gnon , diss i) . .'. gntl cvi'U i itmon from t in1 I terns in an carlj' stng of devi loptn 'ttt, nnd ohc tks any tondent'y to eanoemug Inituors. Irregular, SttjipresKcd or Pkintnl Monstruntlon, Wogkiytn of tlie Btonuok, Indiffvatinii, Khmting, Flooding, Nervoog nTwtrntion, Hcad oche, tc iical IkjbllitJ qtliokly vidiN in it. VVoinli trtutliloH, t'tuwiuK imiii. licvcd and pprtnunently rtirw 1 1- a its in liaviiiiii with i lie thut harnilcM mi wttet, 1 Reuringr-dovrii Faelliur, extreme lassi. tude, "uonH care" ami " want-tlie.eftaloiM3" feeling, exoltability, lrritubllitv,nen i -i iHaglncimi Pnlntnenn itloeplennneog, flat ulency, melancholy or the " blues," and backache. These ure nitre indications o Female Weakiieag,! KWtn tie range nmni of thi I'lortis, which this medicine pjn aj i curea. KldtMf tSnntplalnta ami Itackachc of gddfksnr v the Vciretable Ornmnotind always cures, No other ti Mciie medicine in tbe world bsjg received anck wldesreatl and iiuquMllMetl nndoraeiiionti No otlo-r Medicine li; such ; record ol cures ol tcuiale troiililea. Tbr.M women nrlm refuse to uccept atiytliini; vinv ure r litindred tbouaand times, tor tbej geH what thej want UCUII lUlId ! liie.". l' cry where. Kct Use all silltstit lltes. 5e He is wcli picased with Ins linen anil you will he if you take your laundry to The Domestic Laundry. They Know their Business LUMBER ami other bttlMlttg material llMlodll Line. Cement, Plustcr, Brick, nd Sand. nave a large itm k of WOOD ii II n BKi lor bams ami dwslliagBi Oregon LuoiDer Yard Alu St., oiip. Court Hunsc SEAL S! Notary and Corporation $3.50 to $5 Delivered Order ot ua and aave ruouwy neni for Huhber Wia.,.,'. alao aollcltoa EA8TOREGONIAN FUB.CX) 0 d 0NI,lt CAB W,U PU, on ihelya. walla, or m i?m w,PPlu P'l'Poaaa Newspapers bundraTTiTa'; 1 tna haw an, iwefoil fiI il ham's VeiretaWe Com- LOW justifies Signature. Vegetable Compound. I..... I f.ilin.l.kii.l.. ..11 wi - igm, and itucKnoue, limuntly n- its) use. i micr nil cirrtiiugtnncen it u ivorn the female system, ami is aa The Place to Buy a Is where von BOB get gen iuick ami BBOBp pt" Bern I ine of Lanber, Lath, Hhinglen, Bu IH Lug paper, Tai apfr,Liiii( and oeinaBt, IMcketo Plaator, Brick. Band. Ifoulding Boraan I kyori ol VN'indowa, Bash v o.rs. TmTI i ottu Pipa, Pttdktoi naslBf .Mill and LuihIkt lard. R, FORSTER, - Propri,'toi THE French Kestaurant COSY ROOH5 I'll l.iglileit mnl Hteain Heated. Best 25 cent Meals In the City. LXfRAS Kro Lege, hasteru ami yster. Olympfo OPEN DAY and NIGHT UVH. I. A FONTA1N, Pnii You ijet What you buy it um un. iu . Stock 01 WOOD, COAL, SAND & BRICK. ...M do... Trucking Sc Transferring Laatz Bros. Tha East Oragonian la Kaetem Ore gon'e rapraaentatlve papsr. It leads, snd th people appreciate It and enow it by their liberal patronage. It la tlx advertising medium of this section. Ijxnintl Justifies Her OrUr wnrk can h ZTWtiulM rltht. ",' i-CJl Vou get Whe: n vnu IrM 1 Pill BEEl! cause hetuMkl fiizzirrwii Ask for it. Schultz Brewj TWO BEST WHISKEYS, on run Old Jas. E. Old lienrv Have len the 171 Especially aoim! ily ami medictoti Even boltltjtui Tin I ED BESTM 705 Main St yPUsrasi A Lunch in Importa! Mi Lmitxnvf'C importeo Siout taw Atlab bt THE MAZEPPAl The ffMOLSTOf Farmers pes.; 1 BBSS .n MSSi