East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 07, 1901, Image 3

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ne Dollar for
venty f ive Cents
liKllim- U"H in rifli'i ''"'. j 1'ir-arinir inoniiifi
v. ,11 mi. mill to nillltitll'i (f ' )Tvi I t 1 1 ' fl till r -
vi " w- r --
. i.ft-mi ImponMt mrt In vur mmm l-artintnt.
i i ry I loak in our itook,
Forging Right Ahead
imp mr MM MM rtKtM. Wr art mi the rijclit track by
. .. ., . . . Hllll 'MUM M ' Ol.k- Jif !. , w tltut i ..
Alexander Department Store
Nothing so usfful or ornamental for
Clin-' inns 8h a ni' fVwing Machine
Discount for Cash until January (902.
Carpets , Rugs,
Lace and Silk Curtains
Diacounl OH everything in the store
fur the next thirty days.
Quarters That Would Be Creditable to
a Town of Ten Time the Popula
tion Plan of Organization That
Could Be Commended to Other
I .a Urando ha the best (M house
In OrefOB, Washington or California.
If the population Of the town be taken
Into account. Tli.' plan that was fob
lowed by the bigness men of that
place could well be copied by other
cities, with eirelb-nt results. ' A rep
resentative ot th. But Oregonian was
a guest there upon a reeeift date and
from tli. secretary. Mr. Palmer, and
mem I.. M of th tub. learned of the
mannei In which the organization was
abb io COVStrtsUt so elegant an edifice
and are enabled to maintain It.
I. a Dram,, is a town that was
shew, by the late census to havo a
population of .ess than MM, It la l.i
Hn agviniltural region, with stipplc
tnental iniliistries of fruit raising luni
bertag ami stock. In La t'.ramle ar I
tin mm "i great wealth. Several arc
wcllto.lo but none are affluent.
Decided to Do It Well.
About a year ago the business MB
Of La iJitiude determined that they
would i net a club house that should
he not lens excellent In Its appoint
ments than mat of any town In Or
gon outside of Portland' and this they
pio. ceded to do They formed a clu'.
..imposed 0) the epresentatlve men
Of the town, and organized It upon ra
tional I. ncs- paraaaat my and thor
oughness They selected a secretary.
Mr. Palmer, who was to devote all ot
his time to the affair of the new or
ganization The selection proved to
tie wise. Not only thas he been effi
cient in handling the details of the
club but he himself drew the plan
for the hottae that was built, and In
drawing them planned the most con
venient comfortable one that has ever
been constructed In the atate
Have 154 Members.
The rlub has now 154 paying nicm
ere. The dues are fir, a year, or
I1JI a month The building oat
19,100; the furniture l.'.ixi or 110,000 m
all. Iluslneai men took $4,000 in
slock, that Is to lie tiald liack to them
as the club grows older. There Is
also other Indebtedness, of about an
equal amount. The financial plan up
mi whbh the club la operated Is to
repay the Indebtedness n the rate of
IRO a month, returning R per cent. In
tarsal on all deferred pavmenta. And
this han been done. The Indebtedness
may at any time he still further re
duced, as the club )uin money In th"
trensury that can be applied to that
The House.
The building of which la OrSSfsMt
are Justly proud. Is UHin a lot In the
center of the business portion Of th'
town The (ist of the ground as In
The Senator will Have Herd Row tc
Hoe. Th nks the La Grande Petit
cian He May be the Means of De
feating Governor Gear.
"I find fssaatOf ,loc;.li Simon a
rery active candidate." said J. V.
Scrlher. when asked by the I .a Oread).
ChroOSelc en his return traOl Portland
concerning political slns and move
BtOSta in tlM Oregon metropolis. "He
Is by no means a dead politician, and
those who desire to com oh s his de
tent must be up am', doing. However
I think It will he accomplished. In
the fllt place, the .prOBM court
decision on the Portland primary law
was a crippling blow to the senator
lie will tr to overcome its effect
! building up a machine in the 0000
trv. hut It remains to M see. how
well the people like Simon.
In the second place he has lost most
of his strong and intluential Irien.ls
Ills domineering disposition Is tospor.
sible for this Simon wants to be the
whole thing and this does not appeal
io others who are natural. leader,
and not inllowers He has. I limb"
stau. I lost H. W. Scot . who whether
he himself becomes a candidate or
not will oppose the nresent senator 0
all fait minus. I understand also that
Simon has lost Mr Corbett Hut he
hi not daunted by these things. He
will make a strong fight to control
every section of the state My ally
mil I Imeett with Mr. Oeer he expels
to get In under the shadow of his pop
iitnrltv I'm the alliance will not
strengthen the governor. It will sim
ply reduce his support and may In
trohh Mm In defeat. The chief or
' for Mr. Slncn la. 1 believe.
Mr. Wallace McMamtuaut who la a
very active p.-illtlclan "
Da.iki.uff. Which is a Germ Diaease
Kill the Germ.
I'alling hair Is caused by dandruff
which la a germ disease. The germ
in burrowing Into the root ot the hair,
where It destroys the vitality ot the
hair, causing the hair to fall out. digs
up the cntlcule In little scales, called
dandruff or scurf. You (ant stop th"
tailing hair without curing ihe dan
druff, and you can't i BfS the dandruff
without klling the dandruff germ
"Destroy the cause, you remove the
ffect." Newhro's Hcrpicide is the
only hair preparation that kills th"
dandruff germ. Herpiclde a aU a
delightful hair dressing
Notice to Contractors.
Sated proposals will of received ai
the office of T. F. Howard, li 'hltecf
up to 12 o'clock noon of Frldav De
nth. I Ml, for the hull In g of an a I
dtlion to the Field si 'iKMiIhoiise, n
West Pendleton, according to pluil.i
ptepared lor the same by T. F. Ho
nrd. architect. The right la reserved
to reject sny snd sll bids for th
Dot tabor I, INI.
r, .-f ;. -h
Itkn :. j:.d'i Poultry l)od makes them.
BoeJ Moal ies IUcim flavor,
t rttnsliells make ti.cm -)lid
M :a nil aid digestion.
Try a sample,
Hay, Grain and Teed.
East Alta Street. Pendleton, Ortgon.
Hie Celebrated
fajestic Ranges
fine of Cooking and Heating Stoves
Opera house Block.
before purchasing come and
look over nyr large and coro
pltto line of healing atOVM
wind we arc selling at a ver
lo figure
a niiiii.-d fi'.r.nu
It ix Inl' bv 4ti feet dimension.
io story, wooden At- one enters, he
passes Into a spacious rocoptlOO hall
whence h-sd doors to a bowline alley
on the right, and to a gvmnasium en
the ktft The latter I of I . ;ulnt in-,
height, and is praOOrtj fitted At ti e
further end Is an Oloyajod OtOJI with
s pleni'e I. aib In tb i-i-iiti-' ! l ,
hi. -.rnl dressing r.oms for the '.
cnl athlefs around the sides, lpoo
occasion, this plunge bath may h
closed oti an. I tin stnge use.i for en
ti HalDasOlH. n curtain being in plac I
and all the accessories for the giving
of musical or literary or dramatic af-
Itk the J alOMlllOl piop'T as
tie audlsneo room.
A Handsome Suite.
I ... -i ' one of tin handsomest
lltei of lari" rooms suitable tot so
cial functions that rer was planned.
Tfcej run from front ba rear and are
elegantly furirahed. Poitiers divide
theni. and when dselrad. a" '"' ,H
used tor th. two-week social areata
flreti bj tin- elott. alternating ith
danelDV and nordi On the opynltt
sld. oi the building from this -uiite
are the library ladies' parlor? cfoli
kitchen, lavatories and th. apart
gaeata of iio- nrratiir wl1" M '"
the aooae and attends onstantlv Ui
the conduct of the club- to manv as
:;v people have been entertained Up
on the appor Moor, with ample room
for the eas moving about of the
Exhibit it With Pride.
Huslness men .f I Orandi h.o
their club house with oicojQOH p i ',
aud It is certainly worthy the -nthu
aiasm It arouses when visitors from
other places are taken there Whe:
ever plans are being laid for the
building ot club houses, or the Im
provement of those now standing, in
formation regarding l a flrande's club
home should be obtained It Is unimi
among all such enterprises on the
north coast In only one regard need
improvement be affected in the club's
jurnishment and that Is In the mat
ter of the library At present it is
not extensive not especially well ie
lected But it is said that this de
tect will soon he remedied, and when
this is done I .a Grande will have a
club borne furnished with everything
that the moat unreasonable could ask
Of Benefit to You.
D. 8 Mitchell. Fulford. Md 1 'Dur
ing a ion. Illness I was troubled with
bed tores tried DeWltt'f Witch Hasel
Salve and was cured " Cures piles
sores aud burns Heware of counter
felts Tallman Co.
Health and Beauty.
Poof complexion ia uaually the re
suit ol Irregularity of the bowels De
Witt s Utile Karly Itlaers silruulste
the MOOT, regulate the bowels. Tall
aaaa av f'o.
Profit Takers Stopped Bulge.
('Imago ti.. 6. Heavy profit tan
i.i l. outs il is stopped the icns i
tlOBOl bulg. in May wheat, corn and
Wheat dropped from 1V to
19, eon from to 7P4 and a.t.,
frees 4.f.s, to
Food Changed to Poison.
Patrefvlng food In the Intestines
1110d11. es effei ts like those of arsenic.
but Dr, King's New Life Pills expel
the po suns fl'illl 1 -.it' I g the taiwi Is
gaatly, easily hut surely, curing con
ti put ion. billiousness. sick headache
tereffO) all liter, kidney and liowel
troubles. Onlv tic at Tallman Co 'a
For the Holidays
CfOWOfrd our ffbrtf .'ii
Um (Int la i t tmr
Great Clothing Sale
Ywteitifty wu lil little elttj titan tw)l
men's and !'" -uits artl ovtroottl at a
if yOU wish I suit of I en nat--lh. DfMT
foci littipyr kind at tliis dittOUOt, DfH
ter 0 ntie lotnotTow rnontiogi Bslv
ootitinuei until Bsturdtj night but don't
wdit nntil goodi are all pickod nr.
PT Where Whole Families can Trade W
V razor Opera House.
il... I I'niri . I .ae mill Msiiug. 1 Jai M rli I , I ... .1 M,ui, r.
Monday. Oecember 9th. 1901.
a i. m w i '
ftmtlvt' BfMI I "
rbt 000 loyous l.augliiiig l;.ivotite
PRMKltTKf) B1 I mmctii fMSOOMPAin
Ooaipjete Boonle Burlwmaiotioi
liev il.b nog Mecliaiilcal I II . in
Ne Stilly New Special! ics New No cities
f'ric gOCi 75c and ll.OO.
Best Babbitt Metal
I or line haVftlllg and nil
bfMU In - 'i machiiui
) Um mill or factory it
CoUinot i urptUMd i 1
Made from Type Metal.
East Oregonian Office, Pendleton, or.
Family Liquor Store
You u ill Find
I he Best
I he Cheapest
The Purest
I he I arget Stock
Of Wines, Whiskies, Brand
ies and Gins of All Kinds,
Both -
Foreign and - -.
- Domestic
No. 217, Court Street
James A. Howard
Court St. near First Nat. Bank
Has Real Etstate for Sale
See Here 1
460 acres of choice wheat land,
about ten miles northeast of Pendle
ton. This is oris of the finest Improv
ed farms in the county end has good
school advantages. Will sail for cash
or trade for equal value In unionpuw. I
Eight fine Iota In Pendleton at 100
each, on easy terms.
160 acrss of wheat land south of
Pendleton, 100.
36 acrss choice fruit snd garden
land near Milton. One naif of tract
in bearing fruit tree , acres aifal
fa. Ail under irrigation. Finely lm
120 acrss on McKay Crash, 20
acrss ai cotton land under irrigation,
balance good wheat land, wall Im
proved. MO seres good wheat land, In a
body, four miles from Pendleton;
terme half cash balance on time ts
suit purchaser at 61 , per cent In
ter set.
J. J. Oliver
Kif i
Hi (ft
A Mjeitite lire.
I "a cur. ! . a -
You si oiiid tri
rbnr.. the ',.-1
pofaieieM faliii. Pea e-it. aj
Badley 5r Zahner
-'l Mam t., l'tillti,u, reK. i.
UxclrullA Itairoji, of Wall VYalia,
are yeueal a4eiiUfoi tin. ine.ll. inr
Pendleton Ukiah Stage Line
rtaeco. a Car amy , Hrvp's
lxave I'siidltiUiii evwrv Uy at 7 b'clucO
e.e,l -uielsy, f..r 11 L.I H-nk, Nye
Kldgt Alba soil Haul. 6ood ac
ciuiiuulatioua. Keaeonable Ireigbt an4
uw i;yi i rates
Dally Cast Oregonian by Carrier, Oltf ofSe. at Ixi uiai A Co'a irnm
nly 16 canta a wmIl aiorr
Tho Leadt g Hardware Men.