East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 07, 1901, Image 2

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Of Winter Goods
( llothing
Tilde rwear
Working Shirts
Lined G lores
Hats. Caps and Shoes
(ur I'ricei are the Lowest a d the Smm t All
Out Prit Clofhi.tr, Fitrnufliert and ffotten. PnuUtton
AflfRIAY, !'l PKMB1 N
Cuban reiweo autalWea have prepar
eil th- draft t a hill to carr out
rr views for remedial tnrlfr IgfjfcttW1
tton for th' Inland.
The lonliiK f Oie Clinton itirna-i-on
Ike south side toila. wac OM of
th. Btora Mir effects of the great
fr iul I nggggatlng in Pituburv.
At QoMnbwn N v.. the dlairlel
BttOOTM) ha ordered the 1 1 -. iff to
am-t ('hanipton John I. BttlHsai
If h. attempt to s!v I sparrlnc exhi
bition. Sheriff Bradahai t r d An
dalusia Ala. with 2:' negroes who ar.
II bant and
fstui wo
fron'. WuHhiuxtou .ay Kear-AdBtfral
chivy QM aa toimd at fault on 14
counts by the court of Inquiry. Thl
tlon to learn the opinion of the thro-
admiral on the different k
Mom of the proatpt
s-'iiato: Penrose tatrodScod in Um
senate a hill for IM regulation of Im
ni.w a'mti which look toward a re
vUion of the laws upon this question
Th- MNBI provides for a iluty t
per head on all pMMM omlnn
into tlie T'nlted State 'mm foreign
At Uutti .Mont . a M basebui'
league wi organized la i.. a ,wn as
the Northwestern j. Six town
are raptwaaBtad a (BOusM! Hutte
J. R. Wharton nn' I alcCtoakWjr:
II..-na W E Phiiiips: Orea' Kali
I. . S Atheny a! .ak . J. C
a Ogden. W .! Slieulev Pocu
fell,. W T Trapp
A tfMtfa i om In nation if beliu
formed at Rawlins by the ggjospSjei
of what I known is the Sweetwater
country for the purpose of exrludln;
flock masters from T'tah and local
cattlemen from QfnarolM. upoc.
what is known at- the k-, ii.-,.
win'er ranges In Sweetwater country
it i- t rm on.-d tn lease and bnv from
HM T'nlor. Puclflc every alternate s
tlor. owneil by h. enmpanv and there
by control apnroximptelv i.SAA.nun
acr. s of the finest
irmiind in th watt.
The treasurv department has order
ed the two minor sons of a OUmm
merchan' of Walla Wnlla named En
N'i' V: lehMldlMk wan fined 3o an1
costs In Justice roiirt of Walla Walli
on a charge of violating the Bundav
closing law He pleaded jrulltjr
TB4 Northern Pacific carried about
- xcurslonlsts of whom about so
stooped off In Snokane hound for the
Pulouse ami Rig Rend countries on
A lewiston Idaho Fred Emery of
Smal! A- Fmerv savs he has R ftAo one,
fee' of loirs on the bank of the Hear
water and egwetg to have so nno.oeo
feet ready for thf drive next June
It Is practically settled that the
price of lead to be paid the Coenr
d'Alene mine owners after the first
of the new year will be SM- cents a
pound The present prb : I ents
John Blackburn went on the witness
stand In the nitartor court at Bp
kane and related how he "salt.'d" the
Dora mine in Republic camp. He
needed rm iirvlntr to tell hla ston and
nalvelv admi'ted that he not onlv
did the waltlnr hut that he had the
salted tire assayed and started a boom
for the stock
The Qottfcl manufacturing companv
of OshkoH.li Wl has Just consum
mated one of the largest lumber deal.
ever made on the Paelfli coast It
has purchased the 'entire output of the
Ashenfelter mill at Newport Idaho
and several small mills It Is rumored
the price paid Is $12 DOT LOOT fee
which in one of the highest prtCM
ever paid In that ter-iiorv The deal
aoiounts to nearly 1500.000
Some Matters ot Interest Not Essen
tially News as Seen or Heard by
New York lei T Ahead) tlreat
N Torg Clt hn put on hot aotldO!
dres and though the great depart
OMtil stores, ot which there are sn
many are guiest in their Vuletnle it
'oration the oflb e building und pi1
rata reoiaaocea hnppih suggest th-
approach of Christaiaa i thi wyoathi
Of green cedar tied with I ibbom
which an- I. 1:11111111- to appear In tic
There are ninny very artistic novei
lb- displayed for the benefit of thus
who would make presents, not th-1-ast
attraetlvc of which nr tin Ml
Klnley eatoadan These beat a ver.
liketief OI tile late laiHi'lltc '
.McKlnlev with uppioprtut
scroll work and tin first words of his
favorite hvmns printed hem-nth tin
picture Pari
a, who ha-
t Lou to
i! Colonal .Michael c Murphj ai
i UnilHllllUMai of N'ew Tori
s a man oi id" husineo eHi
u well uf iHdltica! lb i a:
t tty
lam e
ptaaanl state puldh works sii"lii
riil-ut and was recommended fo1-
til niSlt.')tl li .Ml l.o Whet: the II"
pomtmcut was glvea him in 1999 it
OovonuM (Man. it i asooctad Umii
Oolo 1 PartrMsa'i first net in hla
new position whn-1; in asj'inii Jai
nary 1 will he the pulling out Of Dap
uty ''ommissioner Davar) and the a;
pointmetit of his sincessor. which '.
aradleUOM count for anything will tx
Mi Kranl. Moss an aMM) 9t Mr Dai
- in polities ami a aOJsBOtOtMNU
ilgure u the recent raids which awok
N-'W Vnrket.- to UM jsTtml slttiatio:
affaiih Colonel I'a-tridi. m
toniestii in his habits. leWM Ms
ionic his Imoks and his hoises Hi.-
ravoritc study il history and his fa
onto raeroUoB li iMisotook rldtsi
at both or which h spend man',
propoi- things political I' may be
mentioned that the MKCOM of tin
voting machine used hi Broohlyv hi
the re epl e.. rllOn lllls fUt'lllshd the
advocate of the ma'-ii'M" with an ar
gument for their adoption which will
iie made ths niost of with tin hoar.! of
lections. At general headquarter.
r!.. POMU of the election In which th
muchlne was used, was known, and
untie nf the voters experienced any
diftl Hit) ill using the machine A
u matter ,,; ,., niioniv the instrumen's
are a great success A certain saving
aroaM tta on tin- Imllot clerks, of
whom there are two to each poll
Tliese are paid lit: for tin dav -
atei aaklM IH.1U for i.r.:2 mi
in the city Then tlie cost of printing
ballot is saved. The machines coat
IfOO .-ai l: and the claim is made that
tthfj will pay lor themselves in five
It is dotihtlul It any event of the
year sees the birth of as many fada as
does the horse show. The longea.
lived reminder of the fashionable e
dilution this scar is the hore show
"handshake. This new mannerism
comes as a successor to th chin-high
tug and push hand-shake and though
somswhal similar In general motion
is manipulated iun ipall troui the
elbow, which Is held on a line with
the belt and kept very rigid.
Soon the charity balls for which
(iotham Is notable will beglu and
those who do not get a glimpse of
society at the earlier functions, will
have the pleasure of seeing the socl
Stj leaders of which so much Is writ
ten and comparatively so little known
In spite of the great estravagance of
which New York society women ar -accused,
they conduct many worthy
charities In such an unosteutatioua
wav that the outalde world hears ver
little of them in the role of Good 8a
maritans In all of the prominent
families there are charitably Inclined
men as well as women, so that the
subscription Hats of the entertain
moots which are given for the poor
aggregate quite a snug fortune by the
time they are counted
Master Fish Warden of Astoria.
Ends a Trip to the Rivers of the In
land Empire.
H. G Van Onsen oi Astoria mast-i
fish warden, was In Pendleton (taring
Friday otroalai so route home Ha
had come from Hlnghani Springs oi: a
freight, and had boal looking at the
t reams tharaabotita, with visa, it
xaniuluc tin in learn the coodl
tlon existing He tins hecn also on
the BMlnj mill Wallows rivers, ami
hns obtained Information that will b
of nse to lilm In the proaacttthM of
rfii'iui flatlas
Mr. Vaa Duasjn stated to the Baal
Oregonlan that he thinks then
many Orogoa itfaawi Hum ma
ImprOTOd In the Interest of the Bill
industry, nnd that although in !toal
insianccx It will Involve much 01 II
SOT, It will In the end pay for tl
pense and work He learned Ipti
thn' salmon are running up (o
above the fish rin k that has been 'din'
cd a mile below PWodlOtOB in the
I'matllla but pres of official Inisln- s
at Astoria prevented him from Baking
loot investigation He left tor linnv
"ii tin night train
sic i dhk
U it
KM Til J C
1Oi.S0n t
skes oti t:' ie i t
Drssencv llil ll ilsj n 1
I .... . I
MalCi rsiarr'- Can l taken in
Saw dir. etll e tie Mend SSsI 1:111
0 Un meiii s-ml lot tsnilmnnl
' F. I CIIKVKV .V '".. Te
Hni,i bv dmegista -
Halt' rastltj Mlb sn the 1
Broken Trucfc Derails Cars or No--ern
Pacific Near Cheney. Wash.
A paesenget trail, on the main lint
01 the Northern Pacitb was wrai i- d
near Chaao) Wash os edoesdat
nioruiiig. uud was delayed six hour
iy the fire that wa cavoed thereb;
A broken truch threw the 'iirs from
tin track Bad BBMMg thosi derailed
wa on lontalnniL' mutches Also
among the cars thrown front the iul'
was OBC Containing whisky, uud H'-v
era! containing hong Tin uatche
wore ignited and in 1 moment the en
tire train wa gflre The craiBggTg
Og COhUBUn looted to tin CBfg COB"
talnlui! tlM UeWBtOCk and the spirit
OBMBtag great loee. The train arrived
in Spokane six hours late
Sto 'hs ough sag Wirks Dg ins Icld.
1 ' . Iiniiuo 'i'iinln lbl," m- !
In ne ,l t . Nurii'v ci ice .'A rest
far sgla so rgcaaf
ilOBca piop'HIea. choi
'aruas and Btnrkey p
.1:. l! ' s'lli-' ' CI he.
tg. 5 re1'
Mies. Whan
R T W 1 I
Santa Claus MeaJquar ers
Hrums Me up, bundredn of tin aod
wotsl toys ft, I" ami IS uaola niofrlc
iMiitenis, Vh- to It.BB; sieaiu eiigluas,
iuu to IsVM; aladaaad ellpuau up
vejloolpadca Iron wagon-, banks raibs
iiliH'ka. etc
Hui ilrel- of gniiie. Ineluding innni
new oue, 4e to Dulls ami doll
haarta -toumense In., toasjke from.
Useful and I sncy (lift
Muuii-un-sets ii. ealiuioid aim ebony
wood, work boxe ami i,ket, af.
bums, jewell iiw- i-ollai and cull
tsjxaa, letttlier gisxls music rolls, line
mirrors, ate.
paciii t volt'
l.uiiie ami genii, linr pures iSc
; to tl
Kaatuiaii's Trijile I'. nun,.-- i . i
(l, to l
i'rw ggggUBgala, 1 up: juvenile
liooks, in one syllable eaiy to read at
lowest pricen
bine Medallions
lie to IS.06 for hniueusa line of tine
IttgrI all tons uew subjecis, new fraui.-
ClirUtnias cainlies nutn and tree
am lie at lowest price
Grand riolidaj Digpiay ol Toygt
1 igmBg. 1 i)ils. Sleils.
:recierlck io!f
... 1
. jht "igBW
hry nnnns not
The women
The Products of
are making Pendleton Famous.
T n R A Cl ThB
Kl feilllNK WAIN I
For Health, Strength and
Pleasure Drink :::::::
Polydore Woens, Proprietor.
esssw -saaw an "mmm
are wanted here.
nilMl man .
I')-- .1 tUe Pendleton Indian Kul, the
8c oil I'lui'l havl, tlie wonderful IViullfton
Blanketi and Ihe Indian HaSivisV
They are all made from Eastern Ortgron
i W... ! an 1 tlie demand for thein ii eijal tv
i In preaenl loppl.
A- .1 holiday present, tiiev- . . ..i. meet am
heart'l desire.
They can be had of all First Class Dealers.
- -
. in thai citV. If VOU W0t 3J
largest atock io tbe .) -
11 eUtlrtUKi3
line, we win kivc J
a Mammoth stock of f
aje ,l,u.r to WU,,
an 11