East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 07, 1901, Image 1

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    :ning edition
Eastern Oregon Weather
i .rrler
t5c A WEEK.
i1 am t . at I
Oi lilOl
I g .. IS
Imenciiri. Acquitted rv
Whn Held That Crit-
fnounced Judicial Decis
t Legal I" nmination
kot En'o'ced.
7. Ti mtonM ni
pant Ijr, Imposed
My Kditn' l.awi cm e wini
g,., ,.l Mr American
n( eotirt h) Judge Hull
lilnc ii , -Kin (it Haii-
, U;n a still n per..
this moi i " fudge
urt ii' r illuaM POWH
I IHllllU' held
gl aim i i iii'Mit of n
n tOUn i IOMQ a case.
mii i 'ii writer bobm
lei -me t n
P em 'H ii ' ritichrai by
Mbii" doolaloB hi
i 1 I- I
rase, in w men am uei i
an gnmim mr "ringing
in id rlart the V"
Invullil baofiBfil
ton ol tin ' .ihsoiioariori
kriran Lnl itetl tin d"
bmiiti'i l! Ulterfcw rri'i
He Charged a Big Price for the Use o
Hi House by President McKinlex
and Party.
WuHhmgtnn Dm;, M Ul ixnn . r '
htbbullder Bcotl ud wiU ai Bai
Francisco. Is bfl, hut nr.' raealvtef
n eool reception rran nil offlctabi M i
fnshlonahlc society. The fTid I
mill Mrs. McKlnley were entertained
at BOaWt home lam spring, and after
ih"" departure a hill of .:. whs
suhmlttcd to the Han Francisco M
tertalimient committee hy Senti
which wan paid. Thin is said ti ba
UM reason for the reception given
them while horc
Thought to Have Moved Some Hoboes to Obtain Satisfaction
From Railroad Company One Fatality.
Gilhland Place Sold.
Prod Qalasar today 41a ii ea rapid
money 011 a purchase for $t;.iinti to T
P. GlUllanii's IuihI in ('nnins pratrh
The aali' was made through F.il U'ml
Mr fJllllluiid s laiul eonaMM 01 a rOr
iM stock raiirh ni-ai Cklah. Improv
ril. mill it Is rUBItltd as OH ol tin
Wasco County Sheriff Has Nine Men Arrested Under Suspicion of Havine
Wrecked the Train Through Desire to Get Even" for Being Thrown
From a Freight Four Can Le't the Tiack at a Point Ten Miles East
of The Dalles on Friday Afternoon Detective Mixed Up in the Affair
Cavanaugh Leaves Family He Was Popular and Respectrd.
Iii'st iii thr valley
To Obeserve Bjorneon's Birthday.
Christiana Iec 7 Arrangement
have Man mode throughout Norway
t m labia ta toMorrow um Itth birth
dny of IIJortiBti'nii' lllornson the Nor
wcgiati pOS)t, dramatist anil BOtrallal
korv of Kossuth.
T h honor 01 Um
Mlti Kossuth tin- Hun
m v York ainl
kmniK' il foi ni'Mi'stlut
P heM i tlif l.i'X
I'Vi'iniiu The px-
nnii 11 tiHii'ti'
f K'i--ii'l 11 visit to
protean will cOBBlal
on ol rat until' ulro
m 11 rot oluttoa
BM in tin 1'iinlilin"!
lUtllls Hi tlllH I'l'V
Hiinxarlaii nmslnil
Wfr will tlsi In iiililri'ss
onlin-n' In M'liillr tiff
rftron 01 KomqUi'i
this i lium 1
Dwn Lignt Plant.
n Dti t propoa
rly u hal million 1I0I
Ml Inproi i mnnta win
m ' ii lctloaa bs
I Win? 1 tndM Tli"
MM Idas I'n Um inr
lit;tu: i y.is itinnt
to thr ele trlr atrnpt
ntt' in la' ... um
Ibat comiianv to rstuh
t of its own It ix rU
MtalillMli a municipal
M, tuhiirliaii tiro halla.
Wood Workers and Piano and Organ
Union Reached an Agreement Ai
bltration Will Hereafter End All
Dispnt-s Between Those Organiza
tions. Si ranlon. Dad 7- At thin Man Bj
si'shion o! Um ooovnUoa "t tin Am
Unu IManUlOB Bl LBfeor( it tvuH an
sjaaaoad that tin loaf BtBAdltti faad
hi'twi-t-n tin AtnalKatnatril Assoiia
tion oi Wood Wofkan umi tin Plaao
ami orKau Makofa' I'nlon has baan
sutlsfai-torlly s ntt tod Tim aKn-cnu'tit
MwaMai that in orih 1 to pratwal fn
turr eMBBsa bat ww um itnloaa 1
lioard ol arlm ration will bt tmpOWa))
d to attlt all disputes
Tills BfMVBOBB'l s'ssnui wa daval
d to baartei ra porta of fraternal r p
raaaatatlvpa from Orj-nt llrltiln ami
t'r.uada on tin- ooadttkHI of tin- angrl
nirn In Umw lountrli'S
TIip Lhillrs Or.. Doc. 7. Mauri'
OatBsaaBh, aaglBaari in fltad. PraaV
Clark, hifiuan. Is in.ltind. and Um '
R. at N. 1 (impair. Imvr miffi i'i! ron
iBarabto iohk froan whal now appaat
to have baaa a dastardly BtteMBt ti
wiaeb Um pMBasgav truin aaatbouad
at a Milnt MB nilh s cast ot Tba Dallaa
on Pi iilny nftrrniHin.
Ilasiil 1 1 1 ii tlm suspicion in 1
and certain cvidencm Implicating
than. UM sheriff now has nine men in
(OMtodv and is holding them to await
'Xaminntion Tiny are suspected to
have thrown the train from the track
by ptBCtai on otu or the rails a nut
w ban such as ara used la faataa Hu
t.metllei the plates,.
Four Cars Went Off.
The wreck occiirtpd nt the Dcschui
Ma river, and It Is learned Inn thut
tour cars Pullman. Iniffet. mail and
express wara thrown from the rnl's
Bxaol particulars are not yet obtain
ahle here, mid the track has not yet
heen 1 loared entirely for traffic 1
will he perhaps several hours liefon
trains will he runnltiK regularly analn
Suspects Taken.
The sheriff hut. gOBl tin;, wit!. .1
special train and will tak all id 1I1
men who are impacted of conn K'tMMl
with t1 a affair Into 1 ustodv It Is
understood that they w ill he mi.en in
Portland eventually, to he placed li
the sweat hox 'or the purpiiav ol coin
lulling then in tell the truth
One a Detect. vc.
line ot them gave his name a A
dl Ii Kidd. and he asserted Q the
sheriff that he Is a detect iv. . and that
ba baajfd two or the men who at" hold
say that thej would get exc, .,th t a - -'onipnny
in revenge for heinn 'hmwn
off troM a freight train 011 Prldfll
morning.. He will swear th's avi
deiice apaaj the two men.
MoM of Them Hobos.
The othei nu n are bobol and art
tin rely susiu cts MatlBJOBJ as:::!. '
them helng not very conclusive as fat,
hut pointing towards their oOBBaotlon
with what was an awtul crlBM. atnl
might ha. I.e. n the cause of deat'i
Um di mm or poopn Careful lavaM
gallon Is now in progress
Cavanaugh Popular.
Mauri. . CavHiiaugh. who was kill
ed was ery popular and highly ra
IpacMd In I'ortland and in TIM Mallcs
He leaves a wife two daughters it'l l
a son Klre man Chase was not aeve
Ijr hurt' He was da;-.cd by tko '. .
ami In his mental CMMtd wall e.l lu
wutiu the nver arter th. atsrUli 1.1 as
'' to lump into the wiit 1
Reported by I. L. Ray A Co.. Pandle
ton. Chicago Board of Trade and
New York Stock Exchange Brokors
New York Ike 7 The wheat mar
ket was hoomlng today Chicago elos
ed t over last night l.herpoil
closed n high. 1 1, ajj n, fora
opaaad at v and closed n:, , hut
as Naa fork rloaaa Saturday on.'
hour 1 at Her than Chicago the closing
would bare baaa s 's. i u the Hes
lOfl had continued Chlcaiio nnafted
II ' and closed IS4 ,
Th. .xpoit blpBMata ioi the waal
wet 1 IBf), lorn was I 4 hlKlu r
and not k 25c n. r haml sit v-
vx line w tieai and ,0111 hnvi
good advance this Week, thr
I.. Inn up le ami the lattei
think pncoa an- not high nBarlallt
on wheat everything POMldared, and
look far higher prices Sdx ks lower
lllotn x I 1 . per rent
Close v. sterday
Open tislay x.".
Itniu:. today .". ii KH
CI. if.- today v
Sugar. 190
Ste. l. 41
St. I'aul Btl
1 iiiou Pacific
Wheat !n
sun Praat 1'
had 11
le. We
If Not Paased They Will Leave KM
Reichstag and Leave Empeior W n
helm to Be Assisted Only by Soc 1
sts and Progressives as to Nation -I
BerMa, Ltac, 7 in the rati bated 1
day. the president of Hie Agrarh .1
I'nlon fiat fared that If the g.oernme. 11
does not ndopt th. agrarians high fn
iff II RacTTaUrea win laava tbt
" ehatBl I'lle effe.-t ol such action
on the pan of Hi. BOBMrVBUtaa ba
Mid, would he thnt Hie kaiser wouM
bare to make the QarMfia polio) wtn
tin aid or the box lallsts and rog.es
l7 - ''. I OR'
I- ranclaco.
7 'a Vh.
Mlltqiatr Debate.
linaii.i. weir coni
1 Mjact tin team to
maralt) n HlehlgBB
M dabate with the
Bjylvanli Tba de-
ll III I'd l.nlelphia In
ijifct cboaan for td
wl Tha' le syatetn
Mil Moi d 1.. adopt
I Stales
I" M
1 ap in, , 1 tll j
M Corbel managers
n'-rts 11 no 1 Hi-
ii try ft-r
n to id a
1 'io in the
Haiina and Others to Spsak.
Huston Mass.. Dec. 7. The Beer:--till)
of lUe Huston Men hunts' HMHoc!n
UOB BBBOBBOOd today the completion
of arrangements for the annual hau
BBl of the BMMOciutlou to In held Ilex;
Tuesday night Among th. prom,
OBI BMB who have accepted Invilu
Uona 10 resiiond to toasts an Hint'
Wnt 1 sou of Louisville Seiintoi Hat.
na of OMb and Poaiinastei fteaarel
chuii. s ajsMry smith
Catstrophe Averted.
Krankfort on Main I'ec i A rail
way cataatroBBa aaa narrowly um i
..I her.- this moruins An express
train jumped the track and idling. '
Its way through tin depot wall and
into the middle ot the amtttM MOBl
Nobody wus hurt The Mtatlon is on.
oi tin- largest in the world.
He W Not m Favor of the Appe;'
to the Philippine Court.
WaalMagtea i'ec 7. lofSrajaUon
has reaclo'd th. win deiwrtmenl tin.'
giillialuo had no eoUaMOtlOB with tie
idutl to s. i III I his release by appeal
to the courts ol the Philippines, 'n
fact, he was emphatically BfiBM
such a moye
Cold m New England.
Concord. N. H.. DOC 7 Th. il
inrti.e'tci a U - I ' 'i -it Antrim c.s
Ohio Bank Robbed.
Helta DOC, 7 The hank id i.
Ihald was rohlied of ahoul $-'" in
cash enrlv this mornint!
nut. I .1
Molineaus Trial Next Year.
New York. Hue 7 Tin district a'
tor nay hns daeldod that ttoland Moi
bobux will not he brouajbl ,r'ul ""
til January 01 Fthruaiy.
pstmas Presents
Him is8irtmen1 of Wardmwood,
nil. I. Hid if r flfli , i s I i ,. . 11
oilet ( ,M lol0 Caai-fi, ! . ail
JIM Mil- I Qt a kin MiJn am
ai CI 1 1 1 1 1 1 ( .
"it 20 to 40 Per Cent.
'"II 111 kin aniil I X i)LJ.
I" uiiiii Kcrciuuri win,,
'u": thai 'late you will nut jet the
Ufoit , 'Hi 1 .
' ' 1 nig i8 an 1 1 1 1 1 u -1 1 1 in
W etrlv 1 lirintiuas biiyinj.'
Suspected of Taking a Purse Fiorr! ,1
Coat Pocket at BfiBtlUl'l Brewery.
)'oui 1MB Were Hllesled yi-s'.i ln
suspected "of taking a '. .1 nf
tha poeio't ot a . ..ut In Haar) Btt M -brewary
tin nlgbl bafota. Th ui
rootBlBOd only some hai l -y I cf !UI
and a lew other paners wi ; h a'UUltl
In ot ho value t i ai y olle -x- ep Ine
. n. i uiut them nn ii bad hoe, in
th. brawar) di inkinj baat 1 fea aih
llles lfori It Was nil,..- I Tin n
names were Doo NefT T. W DohU ()
Johnaoll atnl (i.olge Kogeis Kogel
was dlaMlaaad as II was pravaa thai
In- was not In tin brawar) and tin-
other three ai. I g held iw:iit!i..-
det riopBMBll
Funeral at Weaton Snow Fell There
to S.x Inches Depth.
Westou. Dec 1. Praaaaa Um Ib
Mai daiightei of Mr and Mis Char -
V Meuatlan died on th. r, Mat
acute iiiriamination Ul sioma 1,
The tlllielal b he'd ' 1 '"" 1 Sl ' '
odist church today
Mi Waliei Duna oi Ma o Or.
Mrs Sutherland. ol N'amoa Idaho,
broth or and sister ol Mra.CBM Ua
alien, reached hen- unlay to attend
Tin juvenile population ol xxrsMt.
enjoyed the first snow ol tin season
w sterday HI Inches fell
A Man of Traffic Opines Therr Hav-
Been Concession.
I my ton Wash Her. 7 - Two huud
ud Japs ate now at work laying He
track ot tin o h a N rBUraad ai
tension out ot this city to tap tin
OoTOllO wheat OOUatry which is one ol
the rtf haal wheat gmwing BoeUoaa la
lie northwest This line Is to l I.'
miles In letiKth and the track i now
laid for luui miles. It is oapoeti
that It will he tlhish.il within tw
llnei w.. -I . The grading was ! .,
for this line in Iffil to head off Um
pioposed Um which was hlBfi agnat
i d hy a stiM'k company DOMPOaad ol
the fanners ol the Cuvello country
who wanted better t rausMirtat ion la
rllHIaa, hut it was thought at the tint,
to only In- a Muff frCBB the compuuy
and the active work lu laying tin
trai l which in gun this aaaai waa u
surprise to every hody
Many an- now VOBOtaftfifi what ll"
W a C R rallioad company will do
'o eolllll. met this extension ol tin
0 K 4 N company They hgv a
tight ol way leaving th.-'i man r
Riverside, ami runniug up the Tout
at to the mouth or the Whetstom bol
laa tapping tin Praanabl wheat ball
ami running puialli'l with the O H .
N assinu threi miles north ol Waits
ban ami eaaatea late OovoUa at tea
name place of the other road They
have had this right ot way sin. . I'
then a s'ttvey was run through with
au exp. i,, lit. ii. ol several thousand
dollars Ahoul tin new move of tin
10 k a n a ptvaalBOBi railroad man
inday said
What He Said.
"Wbih tin Covello . xteusuui was a
U'lirise to us here I have not the
Last douht that it was all understood
in New York a month ago There U
little don lit that he Nortlieiu Pfieiie
1 as secured concessions in some othei
.piarter which trill roaBlorMllaiH i
those of the O H a N eouipauy her.'
Ii that is true as I haw no douht II
then the pcpl. oi Walla Walla
alley mm uevei know when ll,.
iraaB BOM which halatnes the bOOKB
In regard to the Covello luutn k
Aatate the Northern !' iln may hiitld
east from Hiverslde where II owns a
right ot way It Is all in the future
and no railroad man lu this section ol
the country knows what Is coming
New York does not give out Its plans
hefore they are rle "
AN A' A3AMA T0'v
Whites Are Killing he Co'ored People
Bodies Are Foun.' Tverv Fev
Hours Nine Known to be Lead t
Thi Time The Tro.ble Still Con
Andalusia Ala. Oat Tin alau.
lug Mlliintion OBBBad 'n lb in . inn.
is now mnr. laxoraM The town
went under tuaitlal law las' tnglo
Tin praaaaoa ot iraona pnvant .
what might have baaa a wind, sal
lynching ot BBfiTOafi TBa BBll sin.
negroes III thr county at. those win
ai. m jail The whiles have bfOBOfl
into a numher ol hand and me run
iniig down ami killing tha aacroaa
s. Mai are known to he daad, and
hodles ate hetlg fOBBd ev . . I few
Societies Not Yet Have Come to a t
U'ashiiotton Dai The loin.
Maattsi or the boards i traataaa ol
the Canton and W isIhh (on M. Kinl -v
Memorial BOOrtoUOB was held hero
this ftornooa with a . ,,t au
agteenietit wherehv tin CantOtl luuil
simii bare Um tight or araj So oon
elusion was reached and BBetb i
me. tlng w III ba held
Collision at Herkimer Between a
Freight and Work Train.
Utile rails N V Ine 7 Plva
BMB were killed this fiMfBlBl as a re
sult oi a i olllsion on Hie New York
Coatrfll III Mel k I - Constrm linn
and freight t rains met head on Tho
..inductor ol the fratejkl lialii and foil.
BMB on iln . onsti in Hon iialn wi-re
laateatly killed
Pretoria Sentiment.
iirarttta ik r 7 a Pratai la dia
patch says The faallai is general In
PraterlB thai iii view oi the prolong
lion ol hostilities tin coim aal ration
iimps should in- abaafioaad for s
oil,, i method ol disposing oi tin In
Bod, Was Wedged Unoer a Log He
Had Been Drunk
Tom Jails son an Inn'au ami "
I now n i harai tel lion, tin tdpMri
was lound dead in Alcohol ffol n. i.
iln Will, ins ran. Ii. two and a hal
noli i asi oi lata II) iboul 'i o't lot
yesterday afternoon Is. ks..n had
baaB IB town during In day an I
stait). i boavi 1,,.1-ehaei Hi, boras
raturaad to his lapssr. altt Um saddi,
on and some of tin s;uaws thoug'ii
soiueihing OBJ wrong atnl started on,
to look for bjM Win n toiinil Hj
body was suhnurged In the wat
where it had lieen seve'al Iioiiis an I
pparaatlj he had fallen from his
hoisi and wedged his head ninler a
log iu the creek, and in his 'hunk' i
. oinllllon he could not extricate, hltu
Good Roads Train at Atlanta
ttteate t; Daa 7 Tin South ara
Railway's "Oood Itnadi irate anir
ad in fiUaate lodai Bad win remain
MM lor the ureal, i pail ,.t n. i
'!. darinfi ablrb Haw a atete fioad
muds roBVOBttoa win he held Aalda
troiu Hie discussion or good roads.
the main foate I Hu anting will
he the I. Milling or one mil. ot Modal
roadwaj as a drnonatratlon ol what
an he done hv Improved method
and at a iniMleral. ...si Tha attend
an., at tin ..invention pfOMM I to io
In Aid of the Boers
Chicago Dot 7 Tin- in. nist i mass
in. .ting to he held at Hi. Auditorium
iom. n i. .a aadai lh uaplrai or the
t'hn.'igo ll reach ol th. Tiansvaal
l -avue at with h llom ke C... I.iau will
he tin- apeak ci . moils, s I., assume
national proportions ami in have
lat i a. hiug i. suits It. solutions will
Bl prepared MhlBfi PraaMoBl Hoiks.
vi Ii to do nil in din BOWat to amelU'-
ratt tin- luffvrlafit In tin Traaavaal
without dopartlna fron Ms itltuda
of Htriei utrallty
Justor Dtpue Honored.
N. wark N I l'i i, Chn-i J ua
ti. . Duaua as lodM tin- gucs: or iha
Ksnrx County liar Assim latloii given
in his honor and lu rasHaBBltMB ol Ins
MrvlfvtM on the aBBtaBM baaoh Mr.
Inipiii I.-. .mi. roafajaad tin . hni haa
in.. hip aftei a roatlauoai aareloa f
l.'i years
fitoairirtir Banishes Uncle.
I'.agdad lie. 7 King Alexander
has hanished Hole Hervia Ms uncle
who is . onsldered the l,,li pi. sum i
Uv to He throne lie was hBSlaanVl
loi insulting Queen Hrsga
at 2
A Shoot Tomorrow.
t- Pendleton Sportsmen Asso.
wifl have BBOthar ahooi Sunday
p m at the rauges south fron.
Seven Villages Burned.
Calcutta. iJae. 7. -Seven Magsud
villages were hiirned hy the Hritlsh
llritlsh losses were In (tilled and I '
In every re
ceipt that calls for bak
ing powder use 46 Royal."
It will make the food
of finer flavor, more Hiw
gestible and wholesome.