East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 06, 1901, Image 6

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Christmas Gifts
Frazier Book Man.
Successor to
Elegant Souvenirs
llnlL Dolk of every
HUIla . to t
eNtra of all kiml
description from
Dolll heads and
lapanese Goods Mn,iSSS
' ..... i Il....l,l..r ..,.1 .rl.ivi-
collar, run. niimmrnui ' ...... r,
boxes, waste paper bosket. n.nt ami
all kind of novelties.
i'.mi.u COMBINOLA, the
uuiiif iHrii .jfunie " 1 ""r
bOWd, ami other wlllar gullies.
Leather Goods
Ijulie ami gent I.
men's line POOltOl
ggtm "f the late--
lxik- ami
an I
All the Itttent . npyrislil
iMMikn. Books ol prow, poetry
ami humor Klegant gift Isx.k- in
cloth ami leather. Children lk
(Hal are Mire to please
Sflect lham now and luvt them I
rush ol the
Inyenious. Original and Sentimental
Some New One.
The little girl of the present da.,
max not h sn inventive of the new
nam. in the mall l nor yet o
01 live in idayltiK them toll they are o
a Miiretv more ingenious, origiual and
sentimental For Instance. Statute.
In which "eeny. BaOOB mliiey. mo" Is
used to select tin sculptor, whii then
arningeH her playmates lu l!n an t
names them to portray such as (tie
littlest uirl told the one who was In
to rooted) -sad." "glad." "mean.' "ales
Ing" ''i The child who Is MOl
fWOOOOOfSl in each pose goes to th
head of the line
Anothei new name Is Colors. A
"mother" i selected who assigns to
ea. Ii i rtaln i olov t" repres. nt
Twu Othior IttUa maids are nominated
at "angel and "devil." These choose
th lors until tiny hav sides of
equal strength after which they in
dttlge in u mild form of tun of war.
"mother" act un; as umpire Tin- col
or who win. bt they angelic or the
other kind tlnn shout at thotr van
quished "rotten nti' This Is essen
tial to the name It apiiears. hut most
appears in The Devil
Hv. ho, oOlgOMIHOe.lHOWgi ittmiMi
n. . . lium, uuUus oi olIeuive ir.i.ii4iioii,
aii.i iu4n other ntivo nut. nothing so
c.s.bhg. pantMug, uU relrr.huig ss bth
with ( i Ticea's oe. fnll..t lu tlvrrer
form, gutl uointins Willi I ere i ha,
the great (kiu curml purett of uiolheiiOJ.
flninu Suap u iMfu 1 .. iIjjI.1 u,,1'1'' ' ,,'
Ulfl4IUII'ISil (.,
IBli.nH.lfclW.1."1 " '
fJiT! ZZum m Km Bti..ni.i,U. lm
Nau's Dyspepsia Cure
Mas cured these cases
and It will cure you
J. M. Church, I aid ramie, Ore., says,
"I suffered for J) years, ami believe
bail I not used Nau's liyspepaiM Cure
I would not be alive to write you a
Nathan Kalk. BoiM, Idaho, says: "I
utTred ftw vear; found niany rvliefs
but HO OUW except yours."
For sale hy laHmon & Co., end all
first class f'ruxgUts, or send to I rank
Nau, Portland Motel Hhernwicy, "ort
laud, Oregon. Hrlce $i a bottle or 6
bottles lor $5 express prepaid.
Max Br er.
for Christmas Tide.
KieRBnt Cfmob piste nilr-rir-.iikK
l mirror', ami triple
Just the thlnjr for your dresser.
An MnftSMtll Of forty dif
ferent album" at various
on cannot help being pleaeetl.
Wo laiin the BWeUool
Un. of fancy stationery
ever exalbltetl In the city.
Dirtnrfic Beautiful ptoturee framei
LlllUlvo and un framed, block ami
white ami In colors. Mm! bt seen to
lie appreciated.
Hoys wagons, sleds ami coasters;
f.MitbalU, handball ami n'turn hall;
...... L..i Univ.- razor-, ifolil pens, toon
tain en, bruhe, combs, etc,
I " " " mm--- - . T
away. You will
last moments.
thus avoid the
in the hand Hox. She is seen ur
rounded by her children when a man
uust approach ami request a matti.
to light his Pipe. "Mother replies.
I haven't any." The man ahouis
Your kettle Is boiling." ami having
thus distracted "mother's" attention.
Kidnaps one of the children. ".Moth
er" pursues, but Is Invariably dllUUM
...I The -man. however, leturns
btOOOOlj. and ly a similar trick gets
ai.othei child, and so aga.n and again
utiti: In lias stolen the entire lamlh
It is now mothers turn, aim "
strategy she gradually recovers In
children and discomfits the man
Thus all ends happily
Hut Kings constitute tin gn.n
portion ot tin iittb gtrlo owwoomont.
a ring Is a cbont London lindg.
All AnMad Mulberry Hush. RlBI
Around tn. Uooy oil are rings. Of
llM newer rings. Johnny Sailor llo
ami Walter WOltOI Wild Flower are
the boot liked. The latter is pertiap
typical, and this Is how it Is played
The girls lot in a ting hand in banc
on. girl In the center, and sing:
Walter. Walt. i. wild Mower,
('rowing up so high.
W. are all MMUM ladies
And we all must die
Kvepting Susan Hrown:
She is the finest flower.
Klower. flower, lair flower. o lot
Turn your hack ami tell your beau
BMU Hrown tin the OOOtOT) ON
t -ses thai she loves Jimmy Jones
i let us say i. and the chant resumes
I until v Ion. .- is a ojee young man.
lb i omes to the door with his hat in
his hand,
out walks she. all dressed in silk
A rose in her bosom white as mill.
She pulls off bOT glov. and shows him
a ring
tomorrow the wedding will begin
Hut the course of true love nevet
iM run smooth for her, the rowM
lad.. Is smitten with a mortal lllm U
ami the King ends
I in. tor doctor, can you tell
WhOl I ill make poor Susan WOilf
She Is sick ami sure to die
Ami that will make BOM Jimmy cry.
The Trouble Ended Thursday Night,
and Darkness Also.
roodlOtOH has aaaiu put on BMtni
noliiaii airs Alter being in darl.uess
tor Ho mot part of 4s hours tin
UkWB bus the OlOfltfiC iignt- ami joy
r IgBI lliprOMe wltii the business men
as well as the housewife, who had
been compelled to resort to the make
hilt oi candles lamps and lantern
to light their ways about the business
houses and holm s
At 7 0 rooterdOjJ evening tin- iiih
biMfS1 at the I'elllllefoll Klectlli
Light ami I'ower house had been re
nailed and the darkness which had
prevailed ami made it so rtllPgreeQhlr
loi iui'I)IjiiiI). Vanished lielore tin
incandescent and an- lights as tin
darkness vanishes (Mas the power of
'in rising sun Pendleton is assured
hy the light company that unless
. .unething unlotseen liapns every
one can dopotad upon having lights In
the future.
An Evangelist's Story.
"I suffered for years with a bron
hial trouble and did not obtain relic
until I commenced One Minute Cougl'
Cure," writes Rev. James Klrkman
vaiiKellst of Helle Klver, III Out
Minute Cough Cure affords relief (or
all throat aad lung troubles For
croup It Is unequaled Tallman A Co.
m un mill BARGAIN DAY1J1
Various Comments Taken From Ore
gon Newspapers.
Apropos of the rhnrRcs thai ore 0
persistently and aeelduouoly mode by
BHUIJ citizen usnlnst the state lOBtl
board, or what is known us tin Balem
lumi rtni, ami me iBjoalottj replj 01
Governor T. T, Qoor to these chargei
a ease that recently happened In Ha
! k.-r county is cited. This Individual
instance Is where flic usual atlhlavlts
were BOd that the laml In question
was mineral land It was taken BWa)
from the settler and the purCBMfl
priiv that In paid the state was re
runded to him As a matter of lac;
the land was BOl mineral land at a I
and It was afterwards sold hy tin
state al Umbel land when another
and different set of affidavit WOtf
BlOde tO tie effect that tile land II
timber land. It was y inrnimu me
medium "I ftdOi swearing thai th
land WW taken nwny Ironi the llrs:
settler and purchaser The man Who
was robbed of this land I J. I Kon
aod WBO ll now a resident of Hake
City. The land Is situated In section
II township i". rosso '' MO! Aftei
It was taken, or stolen, as the ease
nun bo, f'om Mr. Kennedy. It was
sold to V II Meade. ;is tlmher land
February Id, 1900.
Someone made sonic money through
this crooked transact Ion who was
It? Correspondence in Maker Cltv
Considerable interest and quite ,i
little feeling has been amused in this
part of the state In const quem e o
the decision of the DoltOd States gel,
oral land ofl'. c in regard to the char
getor of some of the state anh d land
sections. It seem- that any person
i an lie a contest .un! require tin com
missioner of the font ral land nflicc to
decide whether it particular section il
land Is mineral land and If It ! 'I'"1
It la withdrawn from entry ami th"
state laud board can at unci sob I I an
other section of timber or agricultural
laud in Ib ii ol tin nine rail.- d Ktton
ami the llOO land Is for sale to tin
llrst comer who applies for it at ISM
n- r acre Any vacant gOVOnunenl
laud that is opoo for . ntr may !
chosen b the applicant lor lieu lam.
and under the law tin stat. Ian I
board must sell the Hon land to tho
tlrst man who applies and pvtl un tin
necessary .ash to hind the bargain
School sections that are mineral in
charm ler are hard to Bad, and It Is
charged that In some cases of fOOOOl
origin the contestants hnve not con
lined themselves to the exact truth in
th. matter of evidence Introdt I a.
the hearing to determine tin . hare
toi of tho land. It Is also claimed tho'
in one or two instances contests have
I n tiled to hOT land declared nn
nccupi d and farmed tor several years
as agricultural Hum roe ream, nai
BOM that the occupants of school at i
tlons In this part of the state hnv
been considerably exercised over the
matter, and then is trouble brew'ng
fOf tin- people who have filed sotnc
of tin- eontooto. Bokor city oorrw
poodottee to Pofthwd Oroojoalaa
Minnesotns contest lot Un poOOt
ioii of a large quant it of school land
lu that state, reminds residents :
tin district ot the two OSCtlOOi O
ichooi land in each township In"
about Some of this laud has DOOOne
exi dingiv valuable In eaooi ol l
pfOOOBOt "i mineral, and Ib-n telei
Uoai win be made, inn in throwiafl
the aoetloai open tor ooqalBltloB i
the pabUe, what ordOl Of priority Is
to maintain" Kor Instance tin lOhool
laml in the oil Bold, whlcb oi ID
reptltloual bought bj porooao hurry
lug to Salem Who Will get (In III 11
surrendered hy the state fat BO I
mineral lands in oilier section ThOO(
are questions ol iirgcir un 1 1 -nt I
this time, when great v.ihh.i i a. b.
OOlirad withnut much effort Orogoi
Ropublleaa, llakct City
Saved His Life.
"I owe my life to Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure," writes H ('. Cheiterson Ha
Held, bflaa. "TOT three years I had
dyspepsia so bad that I could hold
nothing on my stomach. Doctors said
I could not live. I r'ad your adver
MOff I on Kodo! Dyspepsia Crin
ami comemnced Its use. Nos I am
u red and recommend It to all." Tal!
man & Co.
The Date Will be December 28th. 1901.
for the One Day Only.
The Kust Oregonian proposes to in
augurate a Inu-galn day. This day will
b December -8th. 1901 On this day
subscriptions lo the Kail Orcgonia:!
dully, weekly ot seuilwe kly , will I
taken al half price. Thon will he :
cut Of 10 per cent, in the Boat Ort
gOBllUt'O subscription price tor thia
one day only. On this da. you can ob
tain the daily Kast OreKonian In mail
for one year tor . semi-weekly for
a year for only $1. and the weekly for
a year for 75 cents. This offer is
made to old or new subscribers who
pay subscriptions In advance from De
c ember '.'8th. 1901 . for one year M
more Don't tall to fain advantai.
of the offer Tell your neighbor ftbou
the offer. Bend in your BMM for a
sample copy Remit by bank check,
postal note, money order or in one
and two cent stamps Addr. -s Kast
( iregoaian, Pendleton Oropjoa.
Subscriptions to the
or ScmiWeekly
On Saturday,
A Cut of 50 per cent, j
For this one day only
At this rate, the Daily East Oregonian,
if you subscribe on this day, will be sent
bv mail to you for one year for $3.00; the
SemhWeekly for $1.00;
I his offer is made to old
ers who pay subscriptions in advance from m
December 28th. f,r one year or more.
Don't fail to take
advantage of it
Tell your Neighbor
about this
for a
Remember this offer
sjttnr.btv iiivpmhpr 7Kth. Havey
mm m.m . vs j y mr WW VOJ BjVPajao
Remit by bank check, postal note, money
order, express order
cent stamps. Address
alogue of them. A full supply
the weekly for 75c.
or new sudsci id
in your name
Sample Copy
is good for the
or in one and two
m:M)l .ETON, OREGON- j R.
Write the East Ore
Ionian for a free cat
always kept in stock.
4 mriinlu
mm t
Over icm
racts and Fi
fecial Pcatan
Istastsj. OsjoMiaZ
Trw.. ls,Mlbl.
f 'lineal
i Bifabllam
.t mm
-"J leiln TWI
TkU i
H"r hmtfl
'.onrap.1 QKUa ,M
MaalKtarw. rtoMKr.
T VOttD Mfnrl
I. L. Kay ft
Da- at it.
Sttok. Hooi
and Grain
lor cun or oo MVS !
New York Merit t
ChUer BosrtctTr
un itrMl.
Stock iJJ
,.n. Lux-en..-
Ni 0