East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 06, 1901, Image 5

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    ad to Close at
. V-ll.
nock in shape. First day of ssle very successful.
$25,000 STOCK
M not iMl long nt the rate it is going now. Cleaver
Hroth-r- irr going of business and the- Stock must
be sold ai onco
d r--, n a r
1 1 i i . r v4.' v i v ia . ww
L - i iii . i iui I
A Howard harm iou.
lay IIIIWUII1. III!" Ilin u i ,,'.. .
- ,.!.. i ..ii nl Mi m
i " '
tiW Md prlOM at Hader'a
m monv
..... h..ila ..i ii. Til'
at Wltln'p'H
chin'f on tin $ro promluci at
Kirnlturr store.
...i I I . . Ilmiut hi
Li . - . it
l th- l'Ht plaee to Iniy fur
At Hader'-. of courae.
. . ., ! .
uae Try It Demott'i-.
bUttrf alld rlVl!t llM elder.
. . ,i... .ii.,...!,,,.)
(met Hi' Standard when you
belt in the aroeery lint'.
. II A
n .us in it'll I'M iii'
r ifl nl-J
am ehoeolgts I amly, Dutton'n
.i .... .. .. ii . .... ....i
an imii injure hiim-c on- f 1 1
out at t'h-uver llros. Drv
'o.'i atore. Cleaver Hroa. wll1
stm k nuai l- gold,
cauilh'.- an miarai teed ;( n-.)t
t h'iiii ri'iuimI yi ii g-. yotir
M ti Kotppwi drag -tore,
bale. 190 acrea of Una wheat
nth of Adami. Terma. lt(H
llano- in ,nt purehaeer. Jam
t!i. i .u . i. i-arii ai i- not
ly Deltln-: an the pun- and
pe npaftor hranda of Callfor
m. ktMdlaa, llquora at Kline
ILlquor Sion- Court atreet.
komlii'Mt muu in I'ondlfton a.s
tho hands. iin.-Ht. anil otlu-lh
Ht-d to call un any druKtflal
(tree a trial hottle of Kemp'a
for the throat and lunw. a
that is guaranteed to eun
Rave all .-hrnntr anrl bpiiIh
Mtliuin. bronchitis nod ion
It I": L'5i- unit Mi. .
Tallman A Co. golf asenta
llili till' 'olninub of the nruh'
f 'itn n wlaleta the nuiakal
f Wis. iuii" has hi-, n
VOUld Man that thla latent
wllim Clarke's !a the ureal-
" ' is luilllant author
''! Miss Marie I amour
ferine Murphy, who aie .
PJM in UM play have rlaeu
"fasion and made a htt quite
"...1 !. eUnwr romedy
rtM line of toilet Hoap Juat In nt
Honai at reuaouahle rates at Setn
lile'H ham. oppoalte city HH.
Wnnien'H Htyllnli Iouk eoata .Juat In
h expreHH at the Peopled Warehouse.
It Martin for tpilrk delivery an I
Rood piiods. l.owst priees Iti h
elty Hatisfaetinu In pvlce.i, aoodb and
dalWery. If you huy votir i- oeerlis
of Martin.
Stuolveix' toUCfet 1-a Mia. for
hull nU at 1! for a quarter. Pat
ton elKar store.
Haw ley llros. ere rIvIiik nwin
dlahes with cash iiunhases. Call and
find out iihout It
Twent percent ill 'fount 01 Wedg
wood ware from now until Dee. CI.
Koeppen's phariuaey.
.lust one order to trv my dellveiy
system. If yon are n.it satiafted 1
will pay the dumiiRe. It. Ma. tin.
Cleaver llros. are crnintr out of husi
ness HuiKalns lor everyhody at the
Cleaver llros. Dry (ioods store.
Picture framing a -ipecialtv. New
UM of plolUN tnouUPnKi Hrass
Miorents for franu s at C. iiharp'a.
Live and dressed Keeae. dueka.
chickens, and turkeys can he hud at
the Standard, at the lowest prices
Mrs. Hoae Camphell will close out
her entire w inter stock of millinery in
the next twenty days. If you want n
liarRiiin. see her.
Women's nevs tailor-made suits Just
rOMlved per (.pvess at the Peoples
Wai.hoiiHi Prlies from $lu.08 t'J
I1S.B0, all slxea.
Lost. bOtWOOB Pendleton and No
lill a Winchester rifle li-70. Model
si; with M. I. Ilashrouck ennraved on
the lneach Siiltalile reward will he
puid for return of same to this office
WuithiK lor you yea. waltliiK DM
iron to llud QUI that '.here ure MJ ca,i
dies on the market pilte as od M
"The Palms" Ipaelll pi if e oontu
a pMUM at Kocppi'ii s ivk store oni '
The Peoples WuifllOUSc Will alvt' U
ymn' sfholarshlp In the Ht. Joaoph
Academy to some ,,lrl in V natt'ii.
COUBty, to lie seleeted lV the plltro- I
in thai popular store On the aan.f
terms It will ulso confer upon aonic
iiuv a full year's scholarship In tic
Pendleton A.ademy. the hoy to ho
(rated lor hy the purchasers of Roods
ut that cstahliHlimant. The off i la s
lil.eral one and the hoy mid Klrl who
le.e'W thaUl Will he IIIOS. lor'Ulial-'
Wedding on Thursday Evening
Mrt Stanley's Residence.
At the residence of Mrs Stanley, on
Thnndnj ovonini ooonrrod the mar-
liaK. "i Mi Frank Myera. of Sump
ter. to Miss Nettle .Peterson, of Pen
dleton The wt-ddfni? was attend. I
hy a numlter of friends of the ouple.
and was performed hy the Kev K U
KIiik pastor of the Firet Haptist
SpuhomS deck Man Oisappoa.ed an I
No Clew Is Known.
I Word comes from Walls. Walla that
Ocorpe K. Allen, who passed a (OffCd
chi rl; In thnt city Tuesday, hud Bsldc
I hl escape and that the oflcers MdJ
I no clow to his whereahnutr.
Tuesdny Allen, a tMMtW a,ipe?.r
ed on the streets there :it,; offiied
check for fS to a numh -i ol husiness
tuon for rashliiR. hut h was turned
town until in the evening VMM he
, went Into A. Schwartz's salnoii nn I
onshed It for Its full face tftttlO. Thr
check was drawn on the Pondlet.in
bavitiKS Hank, supposedly to conic
from Oill lJt-os.. stockmen of thia
ounty. Aft. i Allen was Ron
Schwartz hecame suspicious (A the
genuineness of the paper, and the no
un Witt Mtltat, hut he hud disap- J Smith
Total of $1,450.45 for the
The bills of the council at
meetlnR were:
Salaries and Rents Paid.
.1. K Heam. recorder $
I M Heathman. marshal....
.1 W. Seheer. isillceman
William Coffman. policeman.
P. H Fee. street commissioner
H Carter, olty attorney...
H, .; stlllman Are chief
W. R Withee. fire enalnoor. . .
Pmdtotan SavinRs Hank, rent
, Mrs. Carnlne. rent
. Q outgo Darvoau. rent
I Total
Bills Paid.
' H Foster ... .
I R. nix
Mattron Co
ObOHO LinehaiiRh ....
I R Heatn
I L 0. Frarder
.1 Frank Hay
, i 'hnrles Sharp
P E I . ft P. Co
Month of
the last
T i o.i
an oo
10 0
iii o
I Itll
: no
4 N
4 0o
2!6 Itf
It pays to trade at th Peoples Warehouse.
"Not a niHwtknia'.,!,. quality here."
A Complete Showing of
I o
PeareO. The .heck Hirlved at the
hank here yesterday and was pro
nounced a forgo n Bnd returned to
the man who ceshed It. who Is out
his cash, hut Is now a much wiser
man Tin- same fellow is said to have
passed several spurious checks In th.it
Dttj two years aao utul made his
Btonpe. Not hi nn has been heard ol
him hy the oflioors here
Ppbiuking co no
ft Co M9
J lose oomnany ....
Sam OobOfM
Mro-k ft McComas
QUOOI Chop Mouse
39 no
Mrs. Mary E. Giilett Furniahea Uni.-
aual Record of Marrying and Separ
Married to the same man thiee
times ami th. same number of times
to BOY! applied for a divorce In five
ronrii Is the stratiRf and ronmtitl.
hlston ol Mrs. Mary R fllllett. who
Mate application yesterday for dl
von-e from her husband. McMra II
Olllotl It Is not often that a woman
CM boast oi such a record as thla
Mrs nillett's maiden name was
Mary Stransherry and she married
Ml (illlett SomethlllR like eighteen
ears ago at the home of her parcnls
near Pilot Rock They lived together
off and on for a while, hut Ikoir hap
piness began to fade. One dav sne
WOnl bono to her moihei. savin t thut
she would never live v.IMi h"i h is
hand ugnlu. Soon she tired Of single'
life and went ha. k to th. MM of her1
erstwhile husband. They were both
i a Jealous temperament, and soon
diss. -in Ion again arose and again sh
wept home They kept rhll up tor
thirteen years, when Mr Olllet; ap
plied for and secured MV Mini logaJ
sepuration I Mini her ltii"l n r.it . They
lived separate for eighteen months,
and again concluded th'ti lu v were
inude for eaeh OtJsOf and WON remar
ried. However, as before, their con
nublal bliss did not last and the sec
onil divorce was applied for. but this1
time It was the husband who ivui the
aggrieved one ami the courts granted
his petition for separatio-i Thai wns
about two ears ago and n vear ago
thev were married the third I'tue.
This time they stood marital life;
scarcely thirteen months. It la Mrs.
(illlett on the hoards again iskln
that the courts break the bonds ex
Istliu; between herself and M H OP
lett The case is the most unique lu
the history of I'mutlHa vounty
Mr and Mi- li He t nr. In nil! on
their farm six and a half tulle aouti1-
egst Ol Pendleton
.IiuIros and clerks f!0.d.)
Wiit.-r commissioner 100.00
W. F. Matlock 75.00
P.. 8. Waffle 14.o.i
Fred Walters Ilin mi
Total bill $1,032.41-.
Grand total 11,460.46
Remarkable Record Out in the Stage
Gulch Region.
Rleven in one family to have tl,
smallpox during the past six weeks,
and no fatalities Is the record of the
Powers ramily In the Stage Oulrh
country, ti-n or twelve miles from this
city, .lames Powers, the head of the
family. Is the last one to have the dis
ease and he Is Just recovering but ha
booi a very sick man The rest have
nil recovered.
For Fall and Winter J902
Special rfl'tn tt. YY put them forth to ploiwp you
this Hc;inii in h.its at prin - m xer ltifore MUtJlod
Look glggjwhoft, Tlir mort' you got ot other storo's
Htyles antl prires. (hi bttttf you like this store.
( Some in gnd see the
Shown only at
Teachers' Meeting Postponed.
The regular monthly nun-ting ol th-'
Pendleton distill t teachers' assis-ia
t Ion that was to have been held to
morrow. Saturday bus been poHtpor
sd one week.
New Furniture
1 have just receive.! g (aiload of the latest ami most
up to .late styles in furniture ever shown in Pontile
ton. II you want something; new in the luriiitute
line call in ami loipQl t nj new (OOdl gad the price
are always right
Mam Street. PoodUtOg
f tsts i ii tf n trs z tiir mrrmrv rm I n b u t u I o b is VTWVITVTI
We ha n t suid much of (oliterlliIlL, OUT lr8H 2
C lioodh ami we ha' hui jzooil rca-ou for it. ive uruply 9
m i i i :.t. a. i i i. i 1 1 .. m
eouiu not K'ep up wnn iiif i-tu;ini , ou ni-ap-n iim-
eountt rs so ipiicklv every time we advertised. Itut w- !
havo eauuht up :iaiu and Ut oix e BOft ready for all
U rnlll'l.
Robbed in his Own Office.
.1 l.itwtoii. a well-known painter and
ib-i-orafor wns nearly murdered in
this olty laat evening says a Ihtllcs
telegram Mr I aw ton win- out col
looting accounts and had acciimulat
Od eonsbli-raiile money A man came
into his ofnfflie neat Third and Wash
ington streets and began talking to
him and In the midst of the con
versation blew out the light ami grab
bed I.awton A confederate running
Into the room assisted and I.awton
was overpowered and gagged and
robbed of about f0 I.aw ton s gfgM
wore tied behind him with a win- and
were fastened to hi.- ankles and i
big gag was placed over his mouth
which also covered his nose and al
most smothered him lie was found
gOgrt unconscious bv Mas Vogt. ly
ing in his office and almost breath
lug his last when rescued
Here's for Friday and Saturday
A line of black and colored Dress Goods, prices range
from 25c to $2.50, will be cut in two.
Alnoa Linvol All Wol Ctihigv and BtrgM, black M
and colored, n-jrular price :rc, Mile price
22 cents
Ow WOOl IftittiDM and French Klunnels ait-also sold
al a laii reduction.
The Columbia
Lodin House
HK'". ALT A A vv I- MIIH'I'M
P. X. SCHEMPP, lrop.
WHY l'nv " '" inteieat
Home ( o-0M'rttive ( ompany
Will build you a home fur
6.50 uar Month...
JU 1 : t ur l, ! I, ,ou III UHiliay U
i , ..a loui in..' is s- si bur a
Ii.. mi. In siiy U m . anil fits
fun in yrrr. ud I uiuallia !
a i. sa a ih ri ..i in o
I- . raoiitii. srliaaal ii.iri In
. . .if lull, oi Uilal iIImW
rloar daoil alll i lu
irl.iMi Inti tlg-ailuu w.uilrt
g. 4. 00HH,
PmmN1mi, Or.
CiiMxl Anuula Wtulnd Kvarfwlurt.
Help or Situation
(. F.CookMiiuplojmeiit Agency
Oornr Main aud Alia Hires.
WU stuck ol noods. specially lalgfltgd to satis!) 'gVgf)
IMbla want is now ready (or examination, and we
I tate positively and with a pardonable degree of
r t I . . . . - .1 I!
pi '"ai excels all previous etlorts along mis nn
P well io remind you that wc give a guarantee with all
0ur Kood, and everything purchased at this store will
Mfl be found exactly as i has been represented to you
U!l iuods laid aside tor responsible parties.
JzriTil lit,
. w m
a am a a . h. n.