East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 06, 1901, Image 4

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    ft l
10 Per cent reduction on
Musical Instruments
Kodaks and Cameras
ft .
r p aic batgattM yon should nol o ret look, We
invid tho inapaotlou of our holiday Km Including
TeMot -its. IVriumc ' tomlzers. I ndl'V Pock-t
Bank! cut Okm Bxtracl Bottle, ouid ion
Ho'iieM I'nlmer'.i Pin- Perfumes and Ragee &
Uallels Imputrd l:tract'.
Kirui.'c have bOOfl COaggttad nhov
iiik thai the ilepgtlgioul preolded sw
ii John lleothman n ghtal "i tk
Paadletoi) pollro, Hum ien effleionti
datfatatered during Um term of or-
1m Ii' haw Mld A few years ;ikh tlw
pollif department allowed an annual
iadclt, wtieieoi now it exklblti g
aralaa Thin ih ctadltaate to Me
ItMthnun vn'w'ii from Um Saanclal
eogafdarattoai "i tin mutter.
A in ntlifi phaKi'h hi the mnraliol'
adnilnatratloii Mr, Deathman Bga
liiidted a disposition to carry out the
wishes of tin bMlMM i om ni tin 1 1 y
ami has kept paee with gdVBBOjag
MUttDii iil It Is tun- that some ordl
MllOOg ai gBOBforeed, lint It Is trin
that tin' sent i nie nt ot tin town In
attain st the enforcement of thoNo luwn
ami UM marshal cannot ilo more than
thi' people desire Chlt'is oi iiolli .
M "'II us all MOM ofllicih. MB ham
pnrod bj tin i, of backiag on the pan
Of tin people In UM matter oi 'inn
pellinn recognition oi exletlna lav
atnl Mi Heathman Iiuh proved tha'
In It Willing to do all that Ih desired
hy the people of the town.
Mis appointment '.. tin Incoming
administration woiild In for the q
ot tin town lie has iieen as uood a
marshal as any Pi 3d! ton huf yet
(m feature of the preaidnt'a MM
iiuki dm- not deserve commendation
it lb his aocouragoMoal or the ship
MBOMj idll that is commonlv called 1
the Hannu Kiyi I'aMi' measure, and
that niopKHes to piovide lor the pay
ment h tin federal Kovernnnnt of
annua; suhsidlcx to the merchant ma
f'u sidi in Itoosevelt s arum : .'
may M called, In a party aeuae, cx
parti ami are not demanded in
Harlly by his membership in the re
publican nrxaniatlon. in o far M
holdlM to Its orthodox economic ten
ts i- oineiiii i! Theru Ih no cardl
nal principle of the rcpuhlh ari plat
form demanding' sulmcriptlon to the
doctrine that American bhippiu; can
not in- unbuilt without the pglmnoa
01 the federal Kovernment in the lortn
of bubaldiett
Indeed the suljsidization of shlpn bj
distasteful to many of the roKular
members ot that party, and Is n
counted, not only bad policy, hilt Vic
lout, leKinlatlon.
When tbe preaent gfOWlh of Ann.-ii-can
MhippfnK he taken Into account,
tin- agalgM of Senator Manna and hi
olU-aK gg appear to be abiurJitlea.
Not even the plea that baa been put
lorwari: tor so loup - protection for In
fant industries- can be invoked, logi
cally in support of subsidies for our
hipping It would be to aaalat a
200-pouiid man to thrash a lO-year-onl
boy. The shipping interests are fa.it
hggggghal tin L'nii-pouud man.
liapati gag from Komi' comluK to
the Kast Orexonian on Thursday,
stated that Prince Montenegro, fatli .r
of tbe queen ol Italy, has asked a con
fereiice with the pope This was In
terpretnl a IndtOOtlOJ an approach
imx reconciliation Mtwaag the Vati
can and the quirlual. when tak. -i in
connection with otln-i lads that have
lately come to light it this be t..e
it Is a fact protentous, Indeed. It will
9J if-
ureatly affect the status of the I. urn
iean countfiof,
Ills holiness has foi ni.int fbttt
i i n piitonor in the rattan, aevcr
leavliu the palace or the paluoe
loiinilH. and the church of ROSM li t '
not linen upon diplomatic terms with
'he Italian Kovc rutin ut.
The pfMCnl pope has of late Mine
ed a disposition tn conciliate all in
tereate, and has effected many
chafigei in the Hiatus of the world s
Were he
Ify with
radical I)
ami Kovet nmeutiil attain
to MM into relations ot am
the klnK of Holy, It would
alter the strength .11 the
church In Kuiope Igfirpgalgg It. and
ftlVtOg U a voice In the IIM MHIlllll
oi affairs in Rem nil that has u 11 i 11
possible so lollK Hit he and the I'lvclh
HMOt were upon hostile tootin :
A . to truth 01 ialnlt of th
tin public will watch turtle
opments with deep latWMt
I epol I
Thomas l.awson MOUgM tin sto
I'll n who "hammered" Anialuanrr
ed securities Ulltll UM) depreclati li
Blllllona upon millions In valm 1
COadUCi compared with which tin a'"
ot the 1 rmUOOg thief are tin ggOM ol
purity Me probably stntet: the tint.
but in thus charging the hggglgnnigt
I'll people With lllsllOllexty I'e doe-,
not plan theni in a list that will maU
tin- accused lonesome The AmObjl
mated Incident was but one of mam
ooourring on a vary stock axehang
Than It is a proposition of t iieeul.i
tor uxalnst speculator, ami the o
:rlne-"the eml bjgtHag the means
niles for most of the operations.
Hallway wrecking and the OapfM
tbJg of stocks and bonds, as to their
.ail.it valuations. Is somethliiK tha'
the rarbjgi tyro in such naallaia
i11(nVB wn (.ol,K, B of
eongang oe
1 urreiu e
Mr. Iawsoii got on the uniortuiian
ml of the deal, and he himself will
have to show an especially clean bill
of stock excha. iga moral health to ex
gaol any sympathy irom the majorPy
POOfig throuKhout the country.
Pat Monati has again leen adver
Using the west this time in tin- ',
Clnnottl Knquircr.
The total assessed valuation Oi
New York flty 1. a! estate and pn
sotial property under the census of
ItM the latest available authoril..
for comparative purposes was $:.
lOMS4,gOB; and oi Hoston was $;.
1(9,918' an aggregate for both of $:t
0H7.75t.HIii. According to tin sam
census reports tin vearly value or tin
farm products of the country largely
of the west was 460,107. 164, aim
tin- annual mineral yield amounted
to li7S.on,7.U Add :T,ii.im,o nnn ;,
rgfll for the timber and lumber, and
1100,000.0041 loi tin nam.- tur mis.
ami other items and you have tin
gigantic sum of $::.488,u.lHk as one
year's production of the tgrou mine,
forests and streams of the Union
almost wholly of what you style
the west. So. tr New York and Hos
ton were swept from tin bjgg 01 tin
continent, ami the verv ground on
which they stand burled in the depth
of the sea. a single western crop one
season's yield of western fields and
pastures, mine woodlands and wa
ters would make good all the loa.i.
and furnish a surplus or 1400,191,170,
or enough to pay foi Chicago at It
sworn valuation of last y ar, and still
leave $55,000.00(1 over.
"The valuation of the entire stat
of New York, in 1 100, was $3.7H.r. ,'.n I
111, and of Massachusetts, 19.114, Ui
626; or a total for both common
wealths. Including their metropolises
of $5.940.044. a:iy. 80. two years pro
duce of western ranches, farms, for-
ests and mineral beds amounting 1
$6,976. 216, 1176 would pay for both
sttates outright and leave a banam
of $1.0:16.169.437; or enough to buy
three or four such states as Maine and
Connecticut with total assessed val'i
IS35.000.000 to 9I1
"Within the memor) ol men, scan ,
ly yet past middle ae one small sub
division Qf the PgClflc Coast West, tin
single slate of California, has added
to the wealth of the world nearly $1.
500,000, in gold glone, ami full)
us must In other products, making 1
grand aggregate of something like t-'.
000, .nnn, or about 011c twentieth o!
(he total Foreign commerce ol ib
United States during Hie II.' jmgn
1799 to 1901,
"I hall from the Pg itlc so: !
Which includes tin throe slates o
Oregon, WMOlngton ami Idaho The
have today 99,190,994 MfM 01 mo
ernmani laadi open to free boon
tggd entry, or enough to make tin.
entire PenuylraniM ami two Dela
aarot, to be had for the mere taklnf
and erer) acre of It is rich In ggrl
cultural, pagtoral, mineral or tlmbei
reaourcee ami poMlbllltlee,
"Idaho in addition to millions in
gold, sliver. inppiM. lumber, groin
and trull, produces Dne-fouttil 01 all
tin lead in the United Btatea
urogon ami w aanington tins yeai
have produced 80,000,000 bushels n
IT hMt, enough to make 195,000 car
loads oi 6,250 train loads of lit t cars
each. Counting lOOjOOO to the cargo,
It would heavily freight 900 ships or
enough to form a line from Plillaihd
I ill hi to Liverpool, less than sl miles
apart One county of Oregon. I'uia
tlllu prodUCOS one per cent of the el:
me wheal yield or tiie United states
with but about onehund redan i
eightieth nan m the population. Ore
goo producei onetwentleth ol the
yearly wheat crop of the country, gnd
one-eighth ol the total wln at export
oi the Union gw ihlpped from th
doi ha oi Portlgnd Ehutern Oregon
ami Washington are the only regions
on earth where four or litre crops o'
wheal may be barrMtod frog) one
sowing, and whore from 90 to 90
bushels to tin acre i not an extraor
dinar) yield
"Oregon and WMhlttgtOU have the
irandeet foroata ol nerehan table tlm
nei left itaadlng on the globe, Ore
gon haTing S4,7o9, acres, mil
Washington 90.599,000 acres that will
yield, irom 16, to 160,000 feat "
lumbal to the acre, ami some ol It
irom 900, to 100,000 feel while
irom 4,000 to $.000 tent is a big aver
age eastern yield , single Hi tic
recently cut down was Ht." feel higti,
190 reel to tin Oral limb, ami scaled
99J948 feel m gboolutelj Bawleea lum
ber, or a much Irom tMO as the
total yield ot :'n acres ol good eMtern
timber laud Portland ships timber
and lumber to even region of the
blobe from Siberia China am! Japan
o Si ib a and Norway, and your own
ramp shipyards
"One little neighborhood m bnn
died peopK near tin mouth ol II I
fi -v Oregon took II irlzes at the
Worlds fair in Chicago The Igrg
si apple, pear, ami largest cherries
exhibited at the gjeggteaJ ol all expo
sitions were from Oregon ami the
largest tlmbei from Washington Tin
II rat grand iirlze rot grains ami gra.v
hi the Paris exposition oi IHOo
ana awarded to the Oregon Railroad
ami tin sm piie mi aples to f
and Navigation company of Portland
llab. ool . of Walla Walla Wash ovel
tin- competition rt all the world.
"While our mining Is in Its lUfaBCJ
the gold mtMS ol the Maker City ami
Sumpter dtatrlcta of gggtarg Oregon
bare produced an agrogate ol not fai
from I60O00, and are aoM lurn
lug out their yearly millions infold
bricks nuggets ami dust, ' vu, Mo
mma mine, near Hugaptar. which wi
lUllily offered a comparatively shot'
time ago for $25o, is yielding from
; to 9190 a mouth to the Stan. I
aid Oil company.
"We have scenery uiiHUt gggggej on
earth, the Columbia river itaoll bo
iiik one ot the gooaig ihowploooi ot
e Wgt lOB. Mount Hood 90 miles east
of I'ortlaud. Is the only tnountain. so
far as I know, on the kIoIo where on.-
an ride a bicycle or a carriage to goi
potual snow ami averlaotlag gbulot
"Such a realon. it seeuin to nil I
certainly worthy of something gum
than the contemptuous otislderat
yen of those superior eastern helm
Alio are the born possessors by di
vine riicht. of all the gwoataggg and
Ugh! of the American bemlspben
What do you think ahout It?"
Kill tha Germ that it Dutroying
the Hair KooL
tor Sal by Dru&UU. Prk Ji 00
utioiiH o( from
000,000 gplece.
1 '
and OLD
. '.Wf
It Circnlation is the cause of most of the ills that conic with old nc. With
lvi, i decline of etrength and vigor the maahutenr of the
boi i ivcs v..th I tpced ami accutacy. Hccuuac oi Uic weak and irregular
icti'iii ol the In ni i blood morel more slowly, becomes impure and loses much
of ii tainin properties, and muscles, tissues Md nerrro litaialh' aggno ggr
l , of n ' 111 A il"-''tUh '"ul lw111"' '1 circulation w followed by a long
trii 0f i , dil ailmcnte. Cold feet, chilly sensations up and down the spine, poor
.. , lomiess of the muacles, rheumntic palna, barn and fuaand
jj,, chroni tunning ulcers on the loWCI 'limbs and other parts of the
other rUseaew peculiar to old people are due to a lack of
: iperfect circulation, Restoration (,, health must come through
tin-1 ,ui)' up Hini purification of the blood, thur adding strength and tone to
Um vit il orgiM and quick, healthy action to the circulation.
i ible blood remedy and the best tonic, mokes it
the most vn'luable and effii iclouo of all medicine ior old people. It is free from all
,,,,,, , mid mild ami pleasant in its action. It cures blood diseases
,,, let c. n those inherit, d or contracted in earlv lite. As Uie system
en of S. S. S. there is u mark) d impiovement in the general
geall bi I .mil purer blood begin! to circulate through the body the
.... in. r it rol .. ami there is ii softness and elasticity nlx.nt the skin that you
begin heal, pains In muscles and joints grad
BsJlj and rou Bnd that itia possible to be happy and healthy even in oh I age.
, , partment is in charge of physicianawho make a study of blood
aml skn ,! ii if M il would like to have their opinion and advice in your
ldst. ma il out it mil on shall receive such information and advice as
I 11 coat v. U nothing. Others have lound our medical depart
o,rtl. ol benefit to thetn ibcir cure belmr niudi more rapid ns the remit of
mmt! ial dire thni received from OUT physicians.
- voi: .li ii vmi can net medical advice free. Book on
Hood aod flhil Tiirnnr- f ' t all who desire it.
Bofon purchasing conic ami
look OVOI v:r large and com
plete line of hctting stoves
whicl wr arc golling at a ver
low ligurc
The Leading Hardware Men.
Ha 1 1 well plea gad with big linen
gnd you will lu; il you take your
inundry to
1 hey Know their Business
and other huildllix
mahgrW haglodlai
and Sand.
Wo hu a large stock of
wtMiii aDTTIM
for barns and dwellings.
Oregon Lumber Yard
Alta St., opp. Court House
Notary and
S.50 to $fi Delivered
Order uf uii and ve mou
Ordem for Hubber HUmi
also solicited
Old TO. 1,01 OA
?M W,UP'US purpose.
vi um; uuuuraMi
The Place to Buy : : : :
i- whore yon can got 'ioil
ipiick ami cheap prices.
Bent 1 1 ue of
Lumber, Lsth,
Hbinglea, Build
iu psptli Tar
psper,Iiime und
Munont, PiokoU
Plaster, Briok,
Band, Moulding
Boreen I iors A
Windowi, SuhIi
iV Doom, 'IVrra
loita Hpa.
Pentllt - ton Planing Mill anil
Lute Vard.
R. rORSTER, - Proprietor.
tali Restaurant
Well Lighted and Mgggg iieaied.
Best 25 cent Meals
In the City.
KroK Lagjs, i'Jkaterii ami Olyuipia
You get
What you buy
from us.
BIU Stock ol
...Y do...
Trucking & Transferring
Laatz BiNMie
The Eaat Oregonian la Eaatern Ore
gen'a repreeentatlve paper. It lead,
and the people appreoiate It and enow
it by their liberal patronage. It ia the
advertlalng medium of thle ssctlen.
III k ,..
rk Tim ml.. ,V Hi
i.n l-T""'l
MgBt, "ti
You get
Good Beer..
ati a A
U vl
a ni i in
uarantHKl nt
MA...- 1 111
it Mi lu1,nn
- .wvuf
1 .1,
n m II.
C.X..L. n i
ovum ii uicg
on earth
Old Jas. E
Old Hnrj
II 1 C. .
mm m mm
m w
Especially adipoi
ily and medicinai
I verv in II r (Uim
705 Main Si.
Tim OnlyPlMyJ',1J
A Lunch in V
ImpotteJ Sa
ImpofieJ doll
Stout Portei, id!
AtUs B'
Farfflers &
,ll I