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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1901)
JUST THE SAME AS One Dollar for STRONfi ATTRACTION LklMI low '" "llfht ,K,l,mry "r l,UMy clearing- month h ill miiieul to lllllllitll'lt'H of foretl .. ,,Hy- hii ItlipOTtanl pun in our cloak department. discount of 25 per cent One ccry Ol in our stuck. Forging Right Ahead nm ntufi our tessful prog-reaa. We ure on the rl tit truck by only tlx ve r best hum hkwI stylish cloak at priceh thai put all lion in me '"' Alexander Department Store GENERA OFFICER or R R FMLDMlS,: vvjjl i iv i ana lain lationaj Poiilfv Food makes them, boat Meal tic mi flavor. Clainsliulit. make tii"in -nlnt Mil. i K'il 'tills 'lifi?si(. Tr niinfTt, C. F. COLESWORTHY, Hay, Grain and t eed. East All;: Stteet. - Pendleton, OffSfOBi The Celebrated aiestir Rfln(res " o HIP l( l iwil l,,..i.l,r S. I..1 J. CLARKE & CO. Oners Block. PENNYROYAL PILLS omissions, increase tiff . or auj Danish "paim- "Menstruation." They are "LIFE SAVJ5B8" to irU at "ouiauhood, aiding development of organs and body. No ""wn remedy for Women equal them. Cannot do harm life Wmum a pleasure. 1.(H) PJEH HOX BY MAIL. Sold " ar,lCKUU. Dtt. MUTT'S CllLMK AL CO., Cleveland, Ohio r T In,... v . 7 , - . ik I If i ' . . . . - c . I, V 111. K: I. IX. I r. ,11.1 BUS'NESS OF HEAD MANAGERS WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. A. D. St:ilman. Chairman. Makes a Showing of the Status of that Or der's Affairs. A representative of the Haul tire goiiian cnllcil upon A D Stlllmsn at his ofTlce y.-wtcrday for an Interview concerning hi recent absence in reply (n qooattoaa, Mr Ptllltvpn nH thnt he left rVltrilotOn oh the 3d of Novembar to att. iii a ntlag of the board of haad rut my n, Woodmen oi the World, to In in. ill oi) Nov in Dearer, Colorado The board or head managers hnc , dusi vc control of ail Button rotatloi to finance, am receipts, expenditures and itivcal moots ate uador the control of the hoard and no funds an- expended n invented except an authorized hy the board lie continued: Question of Quarters. "One quoBttOl that occupied a TOBI cIhf.I of attention wan ipiniti ih for head offices At present the offices of the head counsul, head auditor, hend clerk and hoard of head matiH Rem i'M on the second floor nt 171 r. California Htreet. Denver, hut the or der's loan" on these pre BlsVM splfM the (list oi next May. ami since tic Quarters now BOOBBted arc entirely Inadequate to the growing of the institution, in vi quarters had to he seemed The board spent sev onil days In HeiirchiiiK Den ver for sun able quarters that might he renti '. hut wan anohli to Bnd any. and final ly dotomiood to erect ttudr own DUlldtnC, and with this end in view purchased the nccesHarv uroiiud In a Kood location close to the state capl tol batMtllS, and tin honrd has now nndor ooooldorotloti plan tor tn hullditiK The plan adopted will proh ahly he three Ktorles. A ha-1, hnsi tin nl lll he used for stcranc piu poHcs and the heating plant Tin top Boot Will he occupied h the head auditor, his worktafl force nnd the head man aueis The neeond floor will he or CO plod hv the head consul, head clerK and their clerks. Details have inn vet bOOB COnplOtOd When coniplet ed the hulldlUK will he useil exclusive. Iv by the hend canip; It not being the IntOOtkN to nut tOJ part of thi balld Inn" Investments of the Order. Coooornlai IbtoMsmsUi Mr sun iliac Haul t this tneetini; ol th boanl. approNliuately KITSM was In vested for the eipinllxatlon fund, ami about lLM.roi surplus In the heneftt fund now invested In first-class seem itb-s nppioMitiateh :t:t:t iiun alNiui Hi ash bolag on haml hi that (wild in the hands oi the head hanker or the first of December. " The ttiiancial affairs of the OfdOf are In excellem shape Theri are no iiitstamlini: liabilities ami tlx1 babul' es the llrst of D l einber slu.v. d tha' there was on hit tut in tin bOBoM Kind after the iBVOBtOMBtl WBBtlOBOd above, nearly lt,000.On the tirat ot , DocoBlbot tBOW WBl on haml in the general finnl only a small balatui aniounting to about llfitai. ovei ami above all outHtnmling uarrauls. The balance Is small owing to tie large ex peiiditiircs matte tor the tTMMOBdOBl development of the organ Ion worK during (he last summer " Stopped at Cenyon City. Mr. BMIIWBB lofl Deiiterou tin ifth Of Noveiuher on his a houn I it: t was obliged ti. Ie:ie ih. train a' Ita kor City in order to attcml a UsnB ot the circuit court in Orant county that OOBVeiietl on tin 1Mb Hi- s.i v s the business trBwMOtOd tol 'In torBI was rothor ItCbt The OBI) criminal touml In 'he eonntv being a man who w is convicted of stealing hoists, for which he was sent to tin- penitentiary lot one poor. Koine other trials WOT hod but it WBl found that tin- BkM bj ! bwM wrongly BOOBBOi Some exciteiiiei I axlBtOd irOWiBJI out of tin- BOtlVt waifare thi l lias ex isted in that POOBty bet ell eattle aml hIu-i p men nml which i uliuinaten in a light neai the In ad ol Hear Val ley. In which a great uuiubei ot shots were exchanged Kor tin Hist lltne in a long while a ma m I JurJ was en, panelled in Hun county tint the RrBBd Jllr) was unable to loOOt any i l imn. ills Mr wtllhMB Ml lllstll HUH 1,1 ttH boanl ol BOBd uiaiiagers. and Its BOX) meeting will be held in Denvci smm lime in February. Ion. Jr., Percy Kipper, l.ora Harrison ami Kusrene Jones gave recitations. Mr. Stanshury gave a Kiiitar solo, and tin glee club sann several selec tions. After the entertainment the audience was served with a splendid fipper In the lower Odd Fellows" hall Much progress Is being; made on , the Masons' new hall. The two stor ies are up and the roof will be in place In a few days. Mrs William Hahh left for the east i 'hi. ago. j-'t. Louis and OtBOT places. hi c .1 Smith, of IVmlb ton was In towr Tuesday John Silvan ami wife BBfl family have gone to California lor the win tot They nian somewhat on return ing BOBl summer. PridB evening. Dec. , in the Odd Fellows hall. John K. ('leghorn anil Bert B ti"dl t will give a dance foi their manv friends. Tuesday morning WUoj VTBttOB berger ain Clarence Itlggs. who have the contract for putting up the local telephone line, dug the first osl holes The work Will be rushed along to completion as soon as BOBBl 'dc tin line to be finished by Jan. 10. Mrs Davis McCarty. of Hutter creek who came so near being fa tally injured In a runaway recently i-- '.-ported as getting along nicely, ami If nothing ffnfWTBOOB happens, is ura of recovery. hiivid McCarty. Jr.. Just discharged from the Walla Wolla hospital, is visiting his folks on Dultcr creel, II WBi POtlwMd to the hospital f ir neat ly wto moBtba with typhoid foror Bora, to Mi mid Mrs Dan Howmau. iOBOOy the IQtfa of Noveiuher. n son. Frunl Whltvorth returned to Kcho TOOBOB) from BOOUiOTB Oregon He i- I 1 IBJ fine, ami snvs he never felt bottt III Ills life. Mr I. it Wells ami two children who have been VlsltltlR hot folks in N'-w York. i"iiined home last week Mr Jos. Cunha has added to his in' in near F.eho. a ic w barn Just re (WBtl) completed. BROUGHT FROM P00THIU8 CATTLE IN FOR THEIR WINTER FEEDING Mi'ton Report Saya Stock It in Good Condition. Milton Doc ''. Moot ot the stoil -men who range their cattle in tin Illue Mountains tributary to Milton ami Walla Walla, have brought them !n to their winter feeding grounds only a few now remaining In the loot hills. It Is estimated that over S.nnn In ad are now Installed at tin li places to remain until spring Walla Walla county feeders own a part of thla BUabor an. I will fatten them on tboif furms foi tin- BBftafl markets Neat ly all ot the catth came from the ihul'c this tall in good shape Severn' Inches of snow has ulrcadv I alien on the blghot portions of the Itbu- MoOB tstaB. Of Benefit to You. D K. Mitchell. Fulfortl. Md "Dur lug a lout, illness I was troubled with bed lores, tried DoWttfl Witch Hazel Salve and was cured " Cures piles ; sores ami burns BjOWSM of counter felts Tall man k Co. Notice to Contractors. Sab d proposals will be received at the offlc of T F Howard, n hltct up to 11' o'clock noon of Frldav. Doi nth INI, for the hull lit g of an a I dltlon to the Field schoolhousc. m West I'eiidleton. according to plan., preparetl for the same by T. F How ard, architect The right Is reserved to reject any and all bids for rk work. December 3. lift. Health and Beauty. I'oor complexion is uaually the re sult of Irregularity of the bowels De Witt's l.lttle Karly Hlsers stimulate the liver regulate the bowels Tall uiati A Co. For the Holidays AT KLINE'S Family Liquor Store SUCCESS CfOWMfJ um i flbrli mi the first tlay nl' "ir Great Clothing Sale Yctterdijy we 1 i 1 liulo ehM lhti II men's and lo)'8 suits arl oVwTCOStl at a DISCOUNT OF 10 PER CENT. If you wish u Hill or OVShrOil tin- mt- fect Ruing kind si thin ditoouiit, btl" ter ooni6 tomorrow morninsi Ssli oontinufMi until Bftturdt uighl but don M wait until e.,Htls are pitkt.l 0Vtf P Where Whole Families can Trade 1 HE ies can Trade Wf 'ojw FAIR Frazop Opera House. (tee I. BaOBT, baHBi aod MBasjfBWi Jul. 1 Wrli ii.l uial Vbiinin, Monday. December 9th. 1901. 1 BsaW aa Bali v rrmtlai Boos store B YON Tlic tine Joviitis l-atiKliitin I avonte 1 1 N I'M NEAR and BETTER than I M R YONSON... PRKIKMTKD iiN M ah HhSHSCOMPAMV OonplotB Soon In stnvtiWMBMtJi Ih w lltletliig Mii'liaiiical I lie Is New Stii);s New Spstialtics Ncu Nt cities Prlc : 50c, 75c and $1.00. BUY Mil Best Babbitt Metal IN 10 POUND BARS. I or lin. whaftlng and all bearing mac hint rv of the ml I or factory it cannot i:r passed : : : Made from Type Metal East Oregonian Office, rtaititn. or. MANY ITEMS OF PERSONAL MENTION FROM ECHO. P"N Val I e"pect poopie to know wha T VJU you have to sell If you don't Can never h m aOaai a m w w i t f " .rtver..s;; MUVtM I IOC r A Correspondent Sends a Newsy Let ter from that Town. Kcho. Dee I. Mrs L C Kogers has returned from a trOTf BBjoyaol. Mis Kogers fathei lias Ih-cii u-n i.oorly In health, though she left hln. Improving Miss Hoggs ami Oarfleld Stans bury, of Portland, t uiisius ot M..- S I Lisle are visiting Mrs Lisle at her home m-ar Kcho Mis Aim- Malcolm is visit be sister, Mrs F. W. Hendley at F.iidle ton , Mr and Mrs M C Trihhle and Mr ami Mrs. M T Alien went to H. utile ton on Tuesday. School OpOBOd again Mouda BMNTB UM, alter the usual Thanksgiving vacation The diphtheria stare seems to Ue over, there not being a cam- Bf it "car the vicinity. Thanksgiving e veiling, under the auspices of the Kpworth I j-Ague of tin M K church war giu a very njoyaole entertalnineut Arthur Oil You will f ind The Best The Cheapest The Purest The I argevt Stock Of Wines, Whiskies, Brand ies and Gins of All Kinds, Both .... Ill Kir and lit k Foreign and Domestic No, n-j. Court Street. REAL ESTATE BROKEN. Court St. near Firot Nat. Rank Has.Real Estate foi Sale 8ee Here 1 300 acres of choice wheat land, about ton miles northeast of Pendle ton. Thia ia one of the fineet improv ed farina in the county and has good school advantages. Will sail for caah or trade for equal value in unimproved land. Eight fine Iota in Pendleton at 1101 each, on easy terms. 160 acres of wheat land south of Pendleton, tlOO. J5 acres choice fruit and garden land near Milton One-half of tract in bearing fruit tree , 7 acrea alfal fa. Ail under irrigation. Finely im proved. 120 acres on McKay Creek 20 acre a1 botton land under Irrigation, balance good wheat land, wall Im proved. 500 acrea good wheat land, In a body, four milaa from Pendleton; terma half caah balance on time to ault purchaaar at l2 par cant In-tereet Oaily East Oregon.... by Carrier. only 16 cents a week. A poeliiva are. You should try t. 'as cured i aae ahem the beet physicians failed. fof eale by Badley & Zuhner 71 Main ht , IVuilleton, trgiin Wo4ri(eTej liairon, gj Walla Wail, are gi ueral agenU foi tin- nn.ll. i,r Pendleton Ukiah Stage Line a us to Cavoay, Proo'a. . lassve Pendleton every day at 7 o'clock en. pi huiuiay, or Pilot Kock, Nye, Ridg, Alba and Ukiah. Oood m. ' nOBIBlorlalltOJia Keasonable freigiit and paetuignr ratos. tylty ofjlre at lallinau A Co's drug Hi I !