SEE OUR LINES Of Winter Goods Clothing Overcoats I) nderwear Working Shirts Lined (i loves Hats, Cap and Shoes Our Prl cs arc the Lowest And the 5am to All BAJER $ DALEY Ont Ptioe Olothisrs, Futnuhm and ffntttr.-i, PsndUton, I KIDAY, DKt'KMBEH , Ml. GENERAL NEWS Kruger has not fi daoldad whothei Ba will visit America. Charles Copptnaer. a wealthy Tc a cattle danlar, i 1 t Colorado City. Th BrtUeh era oalei gadded tint correepoadenta at tin trout nauai wear uniforms. Th.' strike ot railroad awltchnei oil tin' Denvei A.- Bio tlrande ami S.n tu Pc roads wax 1 1 d oft li is 1 1 n - gomtooo to be an uncond I tl oonJ rat IBBdai of llM strikers Tom Bhnrkey noated fortaB of IS.M0 with a challenge to JeaTrlee lo tight for the chejapiooeblp. Ha nlao posted jMoo on behall of Duve Bui iivan t brinj about a nntob with Tooni Corbett. Tins hanni'i V':" in Iron ami t I production btda Mr tragi all Indtea tloii today to be succeeded hy v.'ii a nrantai on urn withstanding tnat this y.-ai elnnaa on the blgaeel point 1 ot tli' months Th. ti.'oin. w. Qtbha Coatpaui and Mill. r. SI oss a.- Si ott. 01 San Pramls- in win be nailed anrl) la tti- ynnr. I a nun corporation is to ha Fomiad with a capital Monti of $1".' 90,90 .' tln n iiN inakliiK H the largest nierean tii' oaoara on the Pacific aoMt Th", corporation will ileal In Iron at ! ami . untie ra I hardware -li. .ii. Bdgar Weehe, of. Michigan, who arrived (ram .Manila on tiic trnaeeort Haaoooh i i "Thi- m w BMtaod t edaeatlni the natives us adopted b) thin iuiaia mciit is wrong. IteMm-ii h. idnnMe young ladies fuun Vassal- ami otln i colleges wont ii .vii tu hi IMilllii lilni i t ' 'Im al these natives. Tin . have hail to put up with all kinds oi ' prhratloaa ami to . at natlvr looi I an. I III sunn plui 'S thi'lf lives have lie.", In danger. I thinl. this is entire." naaeceeaery. in plana of the raaan tallies ilUrhai'Keil Kolillels of eillli'H tton. w ho have liei onie ai I'liiuuii "I nhoulil lie appolnieii ami the younK lailn iii.mlil he sent home PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS aaator Simon said I regard th. whole mcssiiKe as a masterful effort on the part of the president. The Order of the Cold Belt ' is the latest out in Portland u branch hav ing been oiKailled there hist HlindgJTi Senulor Mitchell approves the mes suki .-.specially that portion of It tha' (gvara tii Nicaragua canal Ohlaoaa excliiMioii ami the suppiession uf an archy. The iiatKe c. h Whaatar, arhteli broka adrift froat tin- tuu Qoovga H. Voshiirg. while heiuj; towed from Nehulem. went ashore Thursday morning in the breakers at a point two miles south ot Yaquiuu Bar. I'ort land's city council lius parsed an ordinance empowering the com mute up health and police to selee; a site for a rock idle in enclose u with a fea e ami to provide ways and means for making prisoners work It has ) ii hailed as a good thing Mr Moody said It is an able iMid unique document I am especially pleased with the importance he givs to topics of vital interest to the Pa cldc coast, auch as the Nicaragua canal. Chinese exclusion and the re clamation ot arid lauds. There will 1m- no canvassing in out side communities for the l.ewi- and Clark fair until the supplementary artii l-s shall be filed Increasing the Mthorlaed capital from M00.0O0 to $.ri" When this stage of pro ceilings shall have been reaxbed It la expected that the new capital will be filled as promptly as the $:iiin.iiu.i was subscribed. The Salem Push Club has a propo sition relative to the building of an electric iin' of railroad from Salem to Bllvertou. which was made hy Col. W H Hurgliaril who exhibited let ters from eastern capitalists showing that there will be no trouble in Allan orlgi the enterprise If the require aata a''e complied with. They de mand a bonus of 1)10,000. MUST SERVE MUCH LONGER LOST CREDIT OF 2? MONTHS BY ESCAPING FROM PRISON Charles Webber TaKen Through Pe dleton to Return to Walla Wall.. Penitentiary. WBrdeii Catron 01 the Washington state pealteatlary at Walla Walla paei throiiKh lure yesterday with Charles Wehher. an eseaped parole or., u t. who bad been captured nl The Dal lea. Wohbet was paroled last laturdei niornlai ami Jap Si ott of Wal'a Walla oonaty, beaanaa his nrs' friend Bcott s ured a umn in the Walla Walla hospital lor him ti in re lie had a Kood room, board UP i lodgta! and lis a month aatary. He had only DtOBtfe more to serve, and now In- will lose the nun rill oft In sent, lire lot 00d ll'llUVIOI. WhtCtt wBa twenty tWO nionlhs. and fills he win have in aerve in adlllon to ti one month rental nlni ffoat the oiiai uai period. Hi was aaateacetl froui KliiK eoiinty ror six years (,. to lMry. WEBBER 1 1 CAPTUHED. Warden Catron Took Him from The Dalles to Walla Walla. Walla Will hi. Wash Dec i. Si peiintendeni Catron ot the penlten tlai is at Tin Dalles, Ore., today, re celvlng Charles Webber, the tat Qei man convlcf who broke bis parol, laat Sunday, and made his escape from this city Webber Is but I leel six inches high and weighs J.'n pounds, hence u description of htm toon brought capture lie was nuBi ing lor Portland, ami Sheriff Kelly hi eatad him at tin Dalles Tonight Mi Catron will return and tomorrow vV'ebbei will i.eiiiii a a.'i-month term at Ills old home When paroled. Wehbei had hut Inge mouths to s.'He He will now he required to wear a red tripped "nit as a mark of UMUtllgl bllltjr. ami lose all I In g tlnu gain ed in Ills live years' incarceration Improving Water Service. vValla Walla Dei The i lt oi Walla Walla is negotlatiliu with J. C Thomas lor two acns oi his land l illg Several miles above tile Clt). II,' Mill creel. The lami is araataa "im the large springs which are located oa It. and the city wants to secure then: for an additional water service. .Mr Thomas wants fM0 for the land, ami the city council are figuring gg mal IBS the purchase. Whitman Gets New Clock. Walla Walla. Dec. 6. Whitman col lege has beep presented With It fl.Oi.e clock lo be placed iii the tower of tin m v, Memorial building In the near fu ture The donor's name caiinot he had at preaOBt The clerk will ggve lour (.lies, and the time of day can readlh be sc. -n ai a distance of am ral blocks At night electric light will ba used to illuminate the (aooe The clink wll be in memory of lira S B. I.innaiil. of Philadcdphla. Ueatnati linnat oe euro i by locsl siilli'SliiiUk, M limy csuuu: leafh "ic n -. r. i ..n:..i. ui tuc r I (.-( u unly utn. w t. cure 'lusliiev- sml ttisi u by ooalltu llonst rvunsllsM. onniiici. u rAuttM b) su in ttsineil voudlliuu oi lim inueuui liniug ul Iht KustAoblsu labs. Wbu Ibis lube gu iu tikuniil you have nuabliag louuil or n u--feci oesrlas, su.t wbeu it n euiirei lu. 1 .iesfuwJi l Hie reull, sud uuleM lbs imliu.u. tlou can b taken out smt IhU lulu nuturoit lo IU uoriosl oouitlllou. bosiiUK will bo .lsstrojruo leaeeei ; aia aaaai out of iu sre .i-- m uslsrrb. wbicb i uoiuius but su luilsuied coiiilttloii of tbii uiUiiouM aurfsciM- We will give one huailrod dollsrs for suy ese ol dssfnssi (vsu(t by cUrrh) Hist eituuol be cured bj llsll's I'stsrrli l ure Sena for i lrcuisri. free F. J. CHKNKV .V CO., Toledo. O Sold by sll drusitiU. 7 c Hsll'n fuilly I'lllt re lh bMt. A Wise Woman." The brilliant musical comedy farce bjr Wilfred Clarke the talented auth or of "Oh' Susauah'" will ahoitly be seen at tin- Kraer Opera House with a remarkably strong cast, headed by Marie Lamour. for the past two seu sons a prominent member of Augns tln Daly's company ami Frederick Murphy, lor the past six aeaeone a prominent DM Other of the Jul' i Mm lowe coniiutny ItlK lot of fine mountain cabbage for making kraut, at Dematt'a. WHiiRF. IS PRED WILLIAMS MRS. M. B. WILLIAMS WANTS HER SON. FRANK. Thought to Have Come to Pendletor . Durlnfl Fast Fca Month. Tin' fhf bOBUi "I Prank William- is unknown to his mother, Mrs. m B, Wllllatna, o( whom the Wllbt i Wnah., Ragtater ntakea toe tollouitj Mention! "A named Mra M. B, wiiiinm in h . .I in town from Montana i rei riayt ih'iv in ii; bed htnltli ami i rather atialghtened elreuaiBtgncci nanclally, She OUta In the hope H Hading htr m, who workfA In har vest somewhere RMT Willm,'. Sli failed to locate htm. though rary for tuaately, though quite tump t . i : she found nn old rriciiii In the pi f i of Mrs Kiii'v. with ahoat ahe la stun plug. Her boh Prank came froui Athena, Or., and wag In 1111s vlclnlt? during barveet. Anyone knowing o( his whereabouts ran confer n great favor on Mrs WIMaHM by iBfOimtll I RBT. or Ifttlni: him know thai the la ban Other pa para ara reqnoated lo maKc mantlon of lha foregoing p quant." POI I M) WILT 'Sn'TIMi PHONE LINE WORK BEGUN ON BUTTER CREEK Ranehera soon win b Taming Ovn the Wires. Work commenced yeeterday on the new private telephone line from out of Reno to the Blonn Broa.' ranch on Butter rreeh. 1 W WaHnnbj Bnd Clarence hikks have the contract for aetUai the ami atratchlag the wire, and yesterday mornliiK tlu- put a fOfae of men at work dlitKitiK tin- holea for the recaption or the polea W C Minns has the i on trait lor ftirnhtMai the poles and a carload Is v ted t" reucti Rcho from Meach nin tomorrow Tin prOBsOtera do no' axpecl to let the work drag until the Ihte la Bnlahed an-t the farman mn' to kman have 'phones in their homos' and are able to converse with the ntl side world Those to have the baw 'I' of the phones are lu'din'it over tin prop. i lltlOB. Food Changed to Poison. Putrefying food in the Int.Rtlti'H prodll cey effeelt; like those ol ars. ulc hilt Dr. Klaga New I lie Pills expel the nOiaOUa froii Clogging the bowels ently. aaalhi bat lurely, eurlag con tlpatlon. hililonsness. !( !. hnndache fevers, nil liver. I.ldnev and bowel iraublea. Only ..'c a' Tallawn & c.'a. t North Yakima Wnah there aaa but nin ticket in the Held for muiliel mil ocWoee. which was leoted by a Htnall vote, as follows Mayor. O. A. Kei liter, clerk. H. B Doust attorney, Vestal Snyder: treasui.i C Don ovau. health officer. Dr. P Prank . councilman llrst wan' Ion:: I evui. Harry Morgan: OOOBCjInUM Baeond ward, long term. K. T Wyniaii conn aUnan ttiird aravdi long bmn. i C Liggett roaacllanan at large w i: Ay res. t Grand Holidnj Diaplaj ol ( lames. I tolls. Si i i i.' 4) Santa Claus Ntm itiar cr If Drums, He up; huudreda ot Uu aud wiaal toys ft, It) anil l.i eaota; magic lanterns. 4.Si- to 8.ttS: sieiun engines, tWr)c lo aa.Uo; sleds ami ellpOen, .! io, . .-in -ip. ,. iron Vgaaae, Imuks, iraius bliM'ks, etc. Huinlreils of game-, Inelotllai many new oner, 6e U Dolls ami doll iieuils immense Inn to select front. S 0 Uasful and I sncy Uifta Mfantoura wta ui oaliuioid ami ebony wood, work boxes and liaskct. af buaaa, jeweii eaaea, collar ami out) boxes, leather,, uuaie rolls, line mirrors, et. Ipaatal at NatTa Ladtaa' and (rents' Hue purser .. itVir toll.M. ' " 1 Kasliiiaii s Trljile Perfumes, IP.-, Ufto . to l hVi. ' Tree ornaments, Ic up, Juvenile Iiis.k,, in one syllable, easy to read si lowest puce-. bine Vu .J.illn.n Itte to $:."." for lUOMOaa line of gM meilalliolis new subjects, new fran,, I'liristnias uainlien, UUU and tree candles at lowest price rederick No The Boston S ABSOLUTELY CLOSING OUT AIID entire aJUII Lull I IIBaVi AP1its; will 4' Snle for ininw SALE BEGINS MONDAY, DEC, TL U" . . . t a i X are making Pendleton Famous, They can be had of all First Class Dealers. ASK FOR THEM. TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. DTTrVTTM TTT'v KT T7aVaaT TTrVT Mil a-MiavaVAwi x vsiQti t d U; (& & 9)Vj)aj)0C)a)e) $ii)e)Se) a W. J-K 1 a m h . me TRUC K I N(i, T Cm R A (w KT The 1 U IX A t j CROWNEK & SON. TKI.KHHiiNK MAIN 4 For Health, Strength rieasure Drink Polydore Voens, Proprietor. QTnnif nc nnv a J I Wl U Iff! I la be n Rnna d a 'in aV.. . rA li' li m ffl M lil IW 111 (SI ffil (SI Ai O A The Products of Thttiu are iuh pMndletoii Indian Kobfj, tin "D it Plaid Bhawli, tli wonderful PendktiM Blaukete and the Indian Bfamwli. They are nil made Irom Eastern Oragai Pleece V7uol, and thu dttntud for them! to t he ir'stint Hiiiily. As a holiday present, these goodl meet am heart's desire. VX a Wa u PENDLETON, OREGON. la I U I v ak I V I a-sr mCAV1 largeit atock in the city. It you '-trj h We will ivc vou estimates "p A viammotn siock ui a mm . a a n at rin in UAIfK. mW JaV aT II Ul-llaaaill mm a.. Hr t PoAtoft and i I . .set